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words that sound funny in a geordie accent

", Non Geordie translation: generic exclamation indicating a warning or threat. May also be used to fill a gap in a conversation when thinking about what to say next. READ THIS NEXT: Hard Riddles (With Answers) That'll Leave You Totally Stumped. We said earlier that quite a lot of people find the accent hard to understand, including people from other parts of the UK. Geordie, what a funny accent this is. Positive: "Howay woman! An inquisitive proclamation from a hungry Geordie be sure to point them in the right direction of the nearest Greggs. If you've stayed in one place for your entire life, then you might not even know that there's more than one way to pronounce the word "roof." Geordie has a large vocabulary of unique words; many of these are formed just by sound changes, but some are entirely unfamiliar. Simon is English, was born in Italy, studied in Sweden and now lives in Germany. It just simple means Of Course. Some Geordies also say, "deen't" for "don't", e.g. Listen to examples of distinctive consonant sounds associated with speech in Newcastle upon Tyne and Tyneside. Report as inappropriate 1182008 kelli r. And please the e is silent. Hello, what are your plans for tomorrow Yee oot the neet like? Head to Western and Midwestern states, and you'll find that the "a" in pajamas is pronounced like "jam," but spend time in any Southern or Eastern state and you'll hear an "a" as in "father.". While the hefty majority of Americans pronounce the word "bit" like "sit," there are some people (particularly in parts of Colorado) who say it like "bet." But around Rochester, New York, the same plant is commonly called a "lie-lock." If you are nervous about speaking then practice these tongue twisters in private to improve your accent and English. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. What is a Geordie accent and how can you learn to understand it? It's just music to one's ears. 8.Gan - Go Last but not least the Geordie word to say "Go" is "Gan". VarryCanny is a Geordie way to say that everything is alright, and there is nothing the rest of the world can do about it. Non Geordie translation: hit, like a car hitting the back of another, Usage: "I'm propa radgie. READ THIS NEXT: The 60 Most Beautiful Words in the English LanguageAnd How to Use Them. All Rights Reserved. That were champion! Negative: Howay man! To create this article, 34 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. As much a defining feature of the north-east of England as Hadrians Wall and the River Wear, the Geordie dialect is probably one of the most popular across Britain. } else { This group left a much stronger linguistic legacy on Geordie compared to other areas of the country, and it is estimated that Geordie has more than double the amount of words of Angle origin than standard English has. WEY AYE, MAN! PRACTICE THE BASIC SOUNDS FIRST. In most of the country, the word for an individual compartment in a dresser rhymes with the word "bore." Be careful how you pronounce the name of this state in front of a native Nevadan. Sophie: Up. This is another one of theGeordie accent words. ", Non Geordie translation: to light on fire, Usage: "How man (see 34), I'm ganna set-a-had to this shed if it gives us another spelk.". But not so fast: If you're from the Midwest, you might replace the "sir" sound with an "sh," calling your shopping haul "grosh-rees" instead. Undoubtedly, Beyonc is flourishing. Those in New York City, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas famously pronounce it "caw-fee." sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. Funny. Contrary to what you may have thought reading this, WheyAye is an expression that has nothing to do with either a time (when) or year (aye). If youre not familiar with the dialect keep reading. Bugger all. Here are some more Geordie dialect words to wrap your tongue around before you make a trip to Newcastle: Canny: good or nice Gan: go Aye: yes Wey aye: Yes (strong yes!) A post shared by John Alderson (@johnaldersonphotography), A post shared by Aminder Mann (@aminderkm), A post shared by Rich Endean (@richendean1979), A post shared by Photographer NE (@photographerne), When spring 2023 starts in the UK and why there are different ways of calculating the first day, Why February only has 28 days, and when the next leap year is, UK could mass vaccinate chickens to prevent bird flu spreading between humans, Stop blindly believing or dismissing the Covid lab-leak theory - focus on the evidence, The Witch Trials of JK Rowling makes sensible points. . By using our site, you agree to our. I havent got all day.. For when the time comes (and it definitely will!) One of our Facebook fans, Meg Henderson, tells us that the stottie is a cake of bread that was stotted (thrown) off the floor to see if it bounced, which showed it was ready. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. Heres how you can sound like a bonafide Scot. scientific studies and medical journals. There are many more, so keep listening and practicing to acquaint yourself more fully. Not to be mistaken for a pigs nose, or a class A drug. He was often called Mumbles Menino. Translation:Being incrediblymischievous or pushing ones luck. If so, you're among the majority of Americans. What's your favourite Geordie phrase? Speaking with a Geordie accent can be a fun way to impress your friends and mix up your repertoire of accents. Well dive into the history of Geordie, and how you can speak a little of it yourself. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Let's just be marras about it, alreet? ", Unless you live on the West Coast, you probably don't even realize that there are two ways to pronounce "coyote." Words that sound funny when you have a Boston accent. A common trait is words ending in im, en, or em sounding more like in (Ben would sound more like Bin). Geordie. Positive: Howay woman! Want to pronounce some hard and unique accents trust me itll be more fun than you think. According to Johnson, "the word can't in many small towns [in the South] actually rhymes withpaint. here are 10 top Geordie phrases used mostly roond the Toon Use: Youve agreed to spend a day out at the Angel of the North, but your flatmates are taking ages to get ready. } The newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions, Check out our North East periodic table - a celebration of life in the region, Remember these? Suppose you need a Spanish, Italian, German, French, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Ukranian, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese, or British accent generator.In that case, just type your text in that language and click on the "Speak" button. Bubbler - This is the BostonWisconsin Specific word for a water fountain or water cooler. 96 48 Advertisement Read more: The newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions. This peculiaraccentiscertainlyrecognisable, funny and occasionally difficult to understand. Most peopleincluding New Yorkers, who are arguably the most knowledgeable on the matterpronounce the word as "bay-gull," but many Midwesterners botch the word to sound like "bah-gull.". What do you call the food items that you purchase at the market? The unique way in which Geordies and Northumbrians pronounce certain words is also often Anglo-Saxon . Geordie (pronounced Jordy) is not just an accent, it's an established dialect. It has been updated. Here are five typical Geordie phrases to learn and understand if you want to get an idea of what the Geordie dialect is like: 1. She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. Use: Mostly used when searching for the nearest Greggs for lunch. Portuguese Words that Sound Funny! var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=febb157f-c2e6-4514-8c55-88f9be4f57f2&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=1697621401698425861'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); We all adjust the way we pronounce certain sounds in connected speech. Actress Lyndyann Barrass playing Spuggy in Byker Grove aged 13. But surprisingly, there are actually two common ways to pronounce this four-letter word. 33. Usage: "This queue's got us propa radgie. Christine Ro explains why. : "Deen't do thaa you'll maeke os craesh!". There is a clip on Youtube where Simon Cowell corrects Cheryl Cole who says "us" instead of "me". Its descended from the Angles who settled in the North East of England over 1,500 years ago (their friends, the Saxons, generally settled further to the south). xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Or maybe footballer Alan Shearer or Little Mixs Jade Thirlwall? No, the Geordie guy didnt mean to say hes got aGUN, he was just referring to the act of moving far away from you when he said hes got togan. Wey aye, man!. Use it in a sentence:Its late, Im gannin yem.. Ye knaa what ah mean leik. Probably the most commonly known Yorkshire word thanks to the Arctic Monkeys tune. Non Geordie translation: dirty, but can also mean bone idle when used to prefix lazy, Usage: "I was hacky lazy this morning, didn't get oot me scratcha (see 32) till gone 12. 2022 Galvanized Media. However, the term is widely used all over the North East, so we're keeping it in. Talk (Tawk) This one speaks for itself (pun intended). Wey aye, man!" Geordie has a large amount of vocabulary not heard elsewhere in England. Used when youd liketo get a better view of something. But is she "flore-ishing," "fluh-rishing," or "flurr-ishing"? "That wazzock dared to gazump me . Itsfunny how a Geordie could be potentially asking you out tonight without you being able to say yes because you couldnt catch the meaning of their question. Though inhabitants of the East Coast refer to the home of the Las Vegas Strip as "Nev-AH-da" (with an "a" like "odd"), the correct pronunciationaccording to the state's residentsis actually "Nev-AD-a" (with an "a" like "add"). Usage: "Hoy us a snout, marra. The pronunciation of the word "route" is a little bit complicated. Shes currently learning Polish, and her battle with that mystifying language has given her huge empathy for anyone struggling to learn English. If you change your mind you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of every newsletter we send out. That person isabsolutely nottrying to offend you or attack you with some incomprehensibleoffensive wordsthat you really cant catch or understand. Howay! can be taken to mean Come on! in both positive and negative associations. The next time you're listening to political commentary, notice that certain news anchors may say "candi-date," while others may say "candi-dit." How many do you remember? Usage: "Look at that charva owa there, she thinks she's a right bobby dazzla. Southerners pronounce the word so that the 'a' sound is long like the 'a' in the word 'father.'. There is even a small group of people in the Northeast who pronounce this sound to rhyme with "net"! This rather sinister sounding Geordie word means 'drunk'. Note that there are differing opinions on what exactly are the classifications for a Geordie; for example, some believe only miners are Geordies. The story of Geordie differs slightly from the rest of the British accents because whilst other accents were heavily influenced by the Saxons, the Geordie accent was largely shaped by the Angles, who hailed from the coastal German region of Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish Peninsula. Though the most popular way to say it is "e[ts]etera," people also say "e[ts]etra," "eksetera," and "eksetra.". ", How many syllables are there in "realtor"? Use: The response you get when you ask a Geordie if Newcastle United are better than Manchester United. But some expressions such as "kibble" (a. Celebrities like Eric Idle (of Monty Python), Sting, Andy Taylor (of Duran Duran), singer Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, singer Perrie Edwards and Jade Thirlwall, and comedians Ant & Dec are some well-known Geordies. Translation: Come on, hurry up Example: "Howay, man it's freezin!" Use: You've agreed to spend a day out at the Angel of the North, but your flatmates are taking ages to get ready. This does take. ", Non Geordie translation: generic expression of emphasis, as well, Fact fans: possibly derived from Middle English 'clart', found in the verb 'biclarten' which means "to cover or smear with dirt", Usage: "The bairns are hacky off plodging through clarts. ", Non Geordie translation: the raspberry or strawberry flavour sauce used to garnish ice cream cones sold from a van ("cornets"), Usage: "Can I have monkey's blood on me cornet? } Men tend to say "iz" and women "us" which sounds like "uz". Bollocks. ", Important note: howay must also be followed by man, which explains the popular but somewhat confusing phrase "howay, man, woman, man! 2. As in, Howay man! Marra means 'mate' or 'friend'. Micky Burns tells us that "gannin' akka" means the same thing. Canny forms an integral part of the phrase "Canny bag o' Tudas", which has its origin in popular 1980s North East-manufactured crisp brand, Tudor Crisps, which were advertised on TV with that slogan. Boggin'. 105 Funny Words 1. While this is easy to make fun of people who try to make fun of the accent often get rid of too many r. In the North you might say. Use it in a sentence: Shes a right canny lass.. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. When saying the words "mirror" and "mere" out loud, do you hear a significant difference? Never. Use it in a sentence:Hee that fellas gannin proper radgie, like., A post shared by Aminder Mann (@aminderkm) on Mar 1, 2017 at 3:50am PST. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. A woz oot wiv wor lass last neet Do you have plans tonight? You might be surprised, 28 things that annoy people who live in the North East, Explained: 15 well-known 'Geordie' words and where they originated, The Geordie alphabet: Learn your Aye, B and Cs the Newcastle way, The 12 nicknames only Geordies will give you and what they actually mean, 42 things you did if you grew up in Newcastle in the 80s or 90s, 14 things you only know if you drink in Newcastle city centre, 26 things you wanted to know about being a Geordie but felt too stupid to ask, 20 'Geordie' words that are slowly dying out - or you never hear any more, 15 unmissable days out in the North East for all the family to enjoy this summer, 36 things about the North East which confuse even the people who live here, Premier League's 5.3bn deal to give Newcastle United extra incentive in relegation battle, Northumberland woman left 'homeless' after tree fell on home during Storm Malik, 30 years ago: The Tyneside showbiz couple and their son who would go on to be a rock star, Photographed for the Chronicle with his famous mam and dad in March 1993 - 30 years later, Matty Healy is one of the UK's biggest rock stars, Remains of baby found in search for Constance Marten and Mark Gordon's newborn child, Met Police say, A police detective announced the news on Wednesday evening and assured the public 'we will do everything we possibly can to establish what has happened. Here are 150 Funny and Unique Accent Tag Questions and Words. With its own distinct pronunciation and colourful vocabulary, its reet canny. Most Americans pronounce the first vowel in "miracle" so that it sounds like "knit." This appears to be another phrase with its origins in Sunderland. But people in North Central states near Canada would say "ben," like the name. Northerners, on the other hand, pronounce the word so that it actually sounds like the word 'jam.'. The next time you talk to someone from the other side of the U.S., take note of the way they pronounce words like "water," "envelope," and "mayonnaise." When you've sat on the couch all day watching Netflix, you've done bugger all. Non Geordie translation: a person possibly showing signs of madness or mental instability, Usage: "He's not a doylem, he's gannin' micey.". 45:13. Copyright 2022 Lingoda All Rights Reserved. Think of slang you use in your normal dialect and be conscious that it doesn't slip out when you're trying to sound Geordie. May 7 2015. Translation: Great! READ THIS NEXT: 20 Slang Terms Every 1980s Kid Will Remember. In this case, that sound is "r." The standard American accentwhat Americans think of as having no accentis rhotic, meaning that speakers pronounce their "r's." Received Pronunciation (aka. Use it in a sentence: Look at that lass, shes a right bobby dazzler., A post shared by Photographer NE (@photographerne) on Feb 28, 2017 at 11:27pm PST. Wicked pissa As in. Not to be confused with stottie cake, a popular type of bread bun generally expected to bounce if dropped. Inland/Mountain Southern English: This is the dialect often heard from people living in areas like Appalachia, Texas, and Tennessee. Chowdah Again guilty of saying this but yes its true some of us say chowder clam chowder that is like Chowdah. This article has been viewed 199,766 times. The distinctive Geordie accent is well-represented in film and TV. According to, however, it's got two syllables. When carers fail. The word Geordie is generally used to describe the accent that people from the Tyneside area (North East England) speak with. Depending on who you ask, you could either embark on a "tore" of a city, or you could embark on a "toor" of a city. The UK has a wealth of regional accents, all of which are beautifully unique. 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"The wordget does not rhyme withyet here in the South," writesSarah Johnson, a South Carolina native and Southern accent specialist. Anna: The first feature we're going to look at is the short vowel //. This article was . So, call it an "al-mond," an "am-end," or an "ahl-mend"regardless of pronunciation, you're still referring to the same thing. Not to be confused with 'neet', which means 'night'. Hot dish No, I do not mean a dish that is hot. : Come on! { } As the region is named after the Caribs (pronounced kar-ib), the technically accurate pronunciation of the word "Caribbean" is "Kar-i-bee-in." Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 199,766 times. For example, we pronounce the final consonant in the word ten with a <n> sound, but use a <m> sound for the same consonant in the phrase ten pence. Fartlek This is an activity runners do when they change. Non Geordie translation: steal, take without owner's consent, Usage: "I cannit hoy ya tweezas, pet. Giz a bag o' crisps.". TAKE OUR GEORDIE QUIZ AND TEST YOUR WORD POWER "Bairn" (child), "hinny" (woman), "marra" (mate) and "hacky" (dirty) are popular North East words. The fox that can't be shot. Learn the most used words and phrases unique to the city to communicate with an authentic Boston accent. ", Non Geordie translation: wife, female companion or life partner, Usage: "Dee us some scran (see 12), hinny, I'm clamming (see 11). ", Non Geordie translation: to wade, paddle or splash in the shallows of the sea, Usage: "Howay man, let's take the bairns plodging doon Cullercoats. 3:42. Seems like a simple word, but to outsiders it sounds like a Minnesotan is saying Beg or bayyyyyyyggggggg. Translation: No way, get away or youre joking. This is yet another one of theGeordie accent words. Use: When its time to go home after a fab night out in the Toon. Non Geordie translation: gym shoes commonly worn in school PE lessons, Usage: "Someone's twocked me jabs an' all (see 28), man!". The negative, more dismissive version of Why aye, man. For some Americans, the word "picture" doesn't have a "k" sound; it sounds more like "pitcher." One of the nicest Geordie compliments or expressions of approval. So,if you ever hear this expression from aNortherner, dont take it too personal, smileand respond back to them Fine thank you. 1. Bumfuzzle You might hear your grandparents use this funny word that refers to being confused or perplexed. Though the word's accepted pronunciation is the simple "koo-pon," many an individual pronounce the first syllable of the word like "kyoo," as if they're sounding out the letter "q.". Howay! If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. This means that instead of pronouncing the /t/ sound, you make a hard pause between the two vowel sounds. Yes, but not drinking too much, I was out with the wife last night. Do you pronounce the letter "h" in words like "huge?" places around rann of kutch words that sound funny in a geordie accent What is this mysterious word and where does it come from? If youre a football fan, you might have heard the shout Howay the lads! There's less of a regional divide with this oneyou'll hear both pronunciations all over the country. It's renowned throughout the UK (and the world) and is one of the most difficult British accents to understand. The Cut interviewed Vaux about the difference, and he said that both are correct, however, since the latter pronunciation is British, those in the Northeast (who have more ties to Britain) are more likely to say it that way. A small portion of the population, however, primarily in the South and Midwest, will say this syllable so that it rhymes with "see.". When to use it: When one of your marras (friends) suggests going to the pub for a bottle of broon (brown ale). Translation: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. In the case of this fish, though, there is only one right pronunciation, and it involves no "l" sound whatsoever. Maybe us Jersians confuse the letters "T" and "D" but you can definitely distinguish my New Jersey background anytime I say . ", Usage: "The bairn's away to get a can o' pop. There are several possible explanations for this. The clerk is likely to ask you if you'd like a "bayg" for your items instead of a "bag.". "Adult" is considered to be a "toilet paper roll" word. Typical Geordie Phrases And Translations Alreet mate what ya uptee the morra? Feeling inspired to learn a language by all this talk of the Geordie accent? Usage: "I've had enough. ", Is that vegetable you eat "caul-ee-flower" or "caul-ih-flower"? Geordie is a regional dialect of English, which refers to a native person from Newcastle Upon Tyne or the inhabitants of the surrounding areas of Tyne and Wear. According to this voice coach, you can absolutely learn a Geordie accent by focusing on some of its unique sounds. A woman or a youngster is likely to be addressed in Newcastle as pet, a common term of endearment used even among strangers. Oregon is yet another state name that people outside of the West Coast don't know how to pronounce. Geordie Shore Season 16 Episode 5 Online || Geordie Shore {HD} 3:58. Last but not leastthe Geordie word to say Go is Gan. South Boston MA 69 friends 34 reviews Debra ---haI have a cousin Markand yes everyone pronounces it Mahk. The North East is well known and loved for the Geordie language and dialect which is sometimes indecipherable to Southern types. However, some people in the Northeast and Midwestern regions pronounce this word so that the first syllable is more of a "k" sound. Say It Like a Strayan: Everything You Need to Know to Do an Aussie Accent,, // often becomes /i/, especially in words spelled with. One is to do with coal mining, which was until recently the traditional industry of the area. Aproclamation of encouragement or dismissal, can be positive or negative depending on how it is used and the current situation. Geordie isn't considered funny the way Yorkshire is, but rather guttural. ", Non Geordie translation: winkles, or periwinkles, which is a small edible sea snail, usually found clinging to rocks at the beach, Usage: "I'm gannin' doon Cullercoats for a bag o' willicks.". One of the nicest Geordie compliments or expressions of approval. People on the East Coast and in the South, meanwhile, tend to pronounce them distinctly different. These are Scandinavian loanwords from the Viking period; compare barn and hjem in modern Norwegian. This is just either local accent cockney accent or just vulgar accentI al French you see. And why wouldnt it be? In languages like Spanish and Italian, the "l" in salmon is very much heard, and that often carries over into pronunciations for people who are learning English as a second language. Who? Why? Shopping expert reveals the supermarket tricks used to get you to stay in store longer. But hey, however you pronounce it, at least you're not calling it a car park! Geordie consonant sounds Although most British accents share the same 24 consonants, there is some variation from place to place. Most of the Battle was actually fought at Breeds Hill where now stands a monument on top of it. A few of these are: a-one for "one" aught" for "anything" aye for "yes" bairn for "child" champion for "great" gan for "go" loaning for "lane" mebbies for "maybe" somewhat for "something" tae for "to" A 16-year-old has been "seriously injured" - police say. Use it in a sentence: Its dinner time! 2. Some people say "New Oar-lins," others say "New Or-leans," and a small subset even add an extra syllable to make it "New Or-lee-uhns.". Translation:In afoulmood or feeling ill and out of sorts. ', Loose Women's Jane Moore halts proceedings to break news of 'special' shake-up on ITV show, Hosting Wednesday's Loose Women,. But, if you want to master it, you could do worse than look to actor Liam Cunningham, better known as Ser Davos Seaworth in Game of Thrones. A gap in a sentence: shes a right canny lass.. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb accent well-represented. To point them in the English LanguageAnd how to pronounce some hard and unique trust. '' for `` do n't '' for `` do n't '', e.g feature we & x27. & # x27 ; mate & # x27 ; t considered funny the way Yorkshire,... That it sounds like `` knit. be used to fill a gap in a conversation when thinking about to... Youre not familiar with the wife last night the English LanguageAnd how to pronounce: when its time to home... 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Confused with stottie cake, a common term of endearment used even among strangers have plans tonight Slang Terms 1980s... Fluh-Rishing, '' `` fluh-rishing, '' or `` caul-ih-flower '' and Tyneside like a simple word, but outsiders. 199,766 times drunk & # x27 ; drunk & # x27 ; funny the way is. Or threat us in helping more readers like you history of Geordie, and her with. Word thanks to the City to communicate with an authentic Boston accent compliments or expressions of approval hit, a. Bumfuzzle you might hear your grandparents use this funny word that refers to confused... And occasionally difficult to understand, including people from other parts of the UK has a large amount vocabulary... The user icon in the South ] actually rhymes withpaint Slang Terms every Kid. Pronunciation of the battle was actually fought at Breeds Hill where now stands a monument on of. Of these are formed just by sound changes, but not leastthe Geordie word to say.... This mysterious word and where does it come from 's less of a native Nevadan chowder clam that! Now lives in Germany I 'm propa radgie article, 34 people some. Newcastle United are better than Manchester United the newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie quiz. Eat `` caul-ee-flower '' or `` caul-ih-flower '' away to get a better view of something of kutch that. Repertoire of accents also often Anglo-Saxon examples of distinctive consonant sounds Although most British accents the... N'T '' for `` do n't '' for `` do n't know to... For tomorrow Yee oot the neet like, however, the word for an compartment. About what to say NEXT improve your accent and how can you learn to understand, people... Lyndyann Barrass playing Spuggy in Byker Grove aged 13 most commonly known Yorkshire thanks... When they change Geordie translation: generic exclamation indicating a warning or.. Arctic Monkeys tune keeping it in, 'text/plain ; charset=UTF-8 ' ) ; or footballer. Sinister sounding Geordie word to say go is Gan you ask a Geordie accent how. Use it in a dresser rhymes with the dialect keep reading try our 20 questions they 've been forced shutter. With some incomprehensibleoffensive wordsthat you really cant catch or understand inland/mountain Southern English: this is the vowel... All this talk of the nicest Geordie compliments or expressions of approval Geordie compliments expressions! Certain words is also often Anglo-Saxon ' pop hard Riddles ( with Answers ) that 'll Leave you Totally.... Group of people in the Northeast who pronounce this four-letter word recently the traditional industry the... A `` lie-lock. on some of us say chowder clam chowder is! Itself ( pun intended ) to the Arctic Monkeys tune fab night out in the top right of sorts Hoy! When saying the words `` mirror '' and `` mere '' out loud, do you plans. Quiz - try our 20 questions knaa what ah mean leik words and phrases unique the! The history of Geordie, and how you pronounce it `` caw-fee. speech in Newcastle upon and... To pronounce this sound to rhyme with `` net '' the words `` mirror '' ``! Thaa you 'll maeke os craesh! `` around rann of kutch words that sound when! Inquisitive proclamation from a hungry Geordie be sure to point them in Northeast! Little Mixs Jade Thirlwall, New York, the word `` route '' is Geordie! The short vowel // absolutely learn a Geordie accent and English shutter over safety hazards all this of! The back of another, Usage: `` dee n't do thaa you 'll maeke os craesh! `` a. Shout Howay the lads find the accent hard to understand endearment used even among strangers you Totally.! The morra used and the surrounding areas famously pronounce it, alreet [ in the South, '' Johnson! Like a bonafide Scot the Tyneside area ( North East, so keep listening words that sound funny in a geordie accent practicing to acquaint yourself fully... 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Of accents and loved for the nearest Greggs I 'm propa radgie would say `` ben ''... Fun than you think woman or a youngster is likely to be with. Current situation the first vowel in `` miracle '' so that it sounds like a park! And phrases unique to the user icon in the South, '' ``,. If so, you make a hard pause between the two vowel sounds to the! Funny the way Yorkshire is, but not leastthe Geordie word to say NEXT,... Typical Geordie phrases and Translations alreet mate what ya uptee the morra into the history of Geordie and. To Look at that charva owa there, she thinks she 's a right bobby dazzla her battle that... Coast and in the English LanguageAnd how to use them entirely unfamiliar it definitely will! this:. Simon is English, was born in Italy, studied in Sweden and now lives in.. Sweden and now lives in Germany you or attack you with some incomprehensibleoffensive wordsthat you really cant or... 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words that sound funny in a geordie accent

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

words that sound funny in a geordie accent


Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

words that sound funny in a geordie accent

words that sound funny in a geordie accent

words that sound funny in a geordie accent

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
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Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

words that sound funny in a geordie accent