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what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device

If youre handy with alarm installation, chances are youll be able to install it yourself. Where is the 2019 Honda Civic OBD port location? Depending on the type of vehicle you own, there are several anti-theft devices on the market. Its out of control, said Pittsburgh Police Detective Don Pasquarelli, whos been tracking and investigating catalytic converter thefts in Pittsburgh. What is a catalytic converterand why is catalytic converter theft so common? Investigators said they suspect that stolen catalytic converts re sold to chop shops or on the black market for approximately $200 each. WebThree ways to protect against catalytic converter theft 1) Etch your license plate number onto your catalytic converter. Depending on your vehicles engine configuration, it may have more than one catalytic converter, such as a V8 engine with a dual-pipe exhaust system. And it's easy to install. Why would someone steal a catalytic converter? But it could take a thief to double the time to steal your cars catalytic converter, which is a good thing. In a recent video, they tested a few different catalytic converter anti-theft devices to see if they actually work. The Cat Strap was also easy to install, and its stealthy. Members save $872/year. 362 North Westwood AvenueToledo, OH 43607, Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PMEastern Standard Time, Products Patent number 7,971,676, other patents pending only, The Best Security System Available for Theft Prevention of Catalytic Converters & Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF). Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. Do mechanics steal catalytic converters? It has not been previewed, commissioned or otherwise endorsed by any of our network partners. This type of blade is constructed with very small teeth, designed to cut thin pieces of metal and effectively dispose of them. Download the FREE WPXI News app for breaking news alerts. In smaller cars, excess material can cause a problem as it has to be safely stored somewhere out of the way of moving parts the cables cant be trimmed to suit. Andrea specializes in content creation for small businesses in the health and wellness industry. After all, thieves want the least amount of attention possible when stealing a catalytic. Thieves can remove a catalytic converter in minutes armed with nothing else but a wrench or a saw. According to CarFax, the top targeted vehicle by thieves is the Ford F Series pick up trucks. The user-friendly LCD remote allows you to easily set up your alerts and keep tabs on your vehicle at all times. The best anti-theft protection for cars, trucks, Toyota Prius, Honda, vans, commercial vehicles. It is a security device with a series of cables that prevent your catalytic converter from being removed. It activates a 130dB computer-generated multi-pitch siren and then automatically deactivates when they leave. Youll hear an, that sounds more like an airplane than a passenger vehicle.. So, how can you protect your catalytic converter? Price isnt everything, however. For Prius owners, an additional motion sensor might be overkill. For Prius owners and other heavily-targeted vehicle owners, always check to make sure that your insurance policy covers catalytic converter theft. How to Protect Your Catalytic Converter from Theft, Watching a Catalytic Converter in Action Is Absolutely Mesmerizing, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. There are several security devices to prevent catalytic converter theft with varying effectiveness. No wiring work required that can impact your vehicle's electric system. It took the thieves less than 2 minutes to steal it! Cat Security is one of the more popular brands of catalytic-converter covers because they're made of lighter aluminum and, therefore, add less weight to the vehicle. 5 Ways to Prevent Thieves From Stealing Your Catalytic Converter. Once installed, the car owner can activate the alarm with the remote. Unfortunately, many vehicle undercarriages won't currently accommodate such a device. Installation of the CatClamp may qualify your auto insurance policy for a discount, check with your auto insurance company for details. By combining these two devices, you give yourself ultimate protection against theft. More than 270 converters were ripped off of car owners and their cars. | Watch WPXI NOW. How does the catalytic converter alarm work? Products like the Cat Security catalytic shield place a metal plate over the converter to protect it. When installed according to instructions, the thief must successfully cut through the strap not once, but twice, with 4 layers of dissimilar metals. Catalytic converters on the underside of vehicles help reduce emissions. This means despite the hotdog vans classic exterior, its exhaust system is equipped with a catalytic converter, as North Carolina 5. The base package includes Vipers Stinger DoubleGuard Shock Donut Media put some of these devices to the test! And if you dont have access to a secured parking facility, your next best option is to, install a camera or other security device to help deter thieves, . In the case of catalytic converter theft, youll always know when someone tampers with your car. CAT-SCR-CRV-3 . There are a few commercially available options for the 2nd Gen 2007-2021 Toyota Tundra 2008-2021 Sequoia, and the new 3rd Gen 2022-2023 Tundra. After our exclusive report on thieves targeting a valet lot for catalytic converters, Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle is digging deeper into this crime. Better bring multiple blades, because one won't last! The catalytic converter on most vehicles is generally located between the exhaust manifold (where exhaust gases initially exit the engine during combustion) and the muffler (the device located at the tailpipe which reduces excessive and unwanted engine noise). View Details . Since the catalytic converter is located beneath your car, the sensor can be programmed to sound the full alarm when someone is beneath your car. He's also a smog technician and was working that day on a Prius when he noticed the problems other anti-theft devices we're creating. best catalytic converter anti-theft device, Top 5 Best Keyless RV Door Locks in 2023 (Reviews & Guide), Top 5 Best Car Alarms With GPS Tracking (2023 Reviews), Top 5 Best Catalytic Converter Shield Reviews (2023 Guide). The CatClamp is by far the best engineered and most versatile converter lock on the market offering multiple layers of security and features that the competition simply cannot offer. The idea is that the strap will provide an extra layer of protection against a thiefs reciprocating saw since the loose cable inside the strap to cut. The strip steel is as hard as band saw blade material, causing the blade to overheat and dull. A cars catalytic converter contains precious metalsplatinum, palladium, and rhodiumthat are highly valuable. This process occurs through a chemical reaction with metals such as platinum, which in turn converts harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into less harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, as well as water and nitrogen. Here are the top 10 cars most likely to have their catalytic converters stolen in the U.S.:. Thankfully, in recent years, automakers have caught on to this trend and made converter theft more difficult. Platinum, palladium, and rhodium are commonly used within catalytic converters. He said the strictly follow state law and only buy from commercial entities. Use of CatClamp products is recommended by United States Department of Justice, registered Secured by Design/Sold Secure Gold standard product in the UK. Aside from comprehensive insurance coverage and setting your alarm to its most sensitive setting, is there anything we vehicle owners can do to make sure we're not stuck with expensive repairs? Lets look at what a catalytic converter is, why theyre prone to theft, which cars are popular targets, and how you can prevent yours from being stolen. Who would have thought that an anti-pollution device underneath your car would be worth stealing? In reality, the Donut Media guys were able to cut through the strap and only added around a minute and 15 seconds to the base time. It's your call, but if we had a Prius, we'd definitely give a shield a shot. Webcurrent heating oil prices fairbanks alaska; ultimate mortal kombat trilogy sega genesis rom; amy acker reality sexy pictures; patented mining claims for sale in montana Another thing to take into consideration is that certain states (often California) require specific catalytic converters in order for a vehicle to be emissions-compliant, in case you notice a price discrepancy between similar parts. WebIntroducing CatSecur - the ultimate anti-theft device that protects your catalytic converter and your car. As we said above, unless you're a Prius owner most cat shields won't work for your vehicle. Plus, it also comes with remote start functionality and a lengthy 1-mile range. As a result, this allows unsilenced, raw exhaust gases to escape from the engine. If you're a Toyota Prius driver, you're in luck. Next, this complete kit delivers just about everything you could ask for from an alarm system. Photo by Chris Welch / Let's start with a product that's inexpensive and universal. CatClamp Catalytic Converter Lock. But you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. The beauty of this product is the seriously loud 113 dB alarm. While nobody wants to think that the catalytic converter can be stolen off their vehicle, the unfortunate reality of the matter is that it can happen to just about anybody (except electric vehicle drivers, theyre off the hook on this one). Now, the key here is to temper your expectations because using one of these will require additional time. 2023 Cox Media Group. As weve mentioned, a catalytic converter uses metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium to neutralize toxic gases, and those metals are rare and valuable. I own a tacoma and mi friend does as well. Theres no way that anyone in the vicinity wouldnt hear this alarm once its been triggered. For Prius owners, this sensor will surely detect a jack. While not perfect, they are a significant contributor to better air quality in urban areas. Lastly, this Prestige system does come backed by a limited lifetime warranty for added peace of mind. At around $300, it was expensive. He knows too well the lengths criminals will go to for scrap metal and states, "There is nothing worse than a thief.". Once dulled, the blade becomes useless, requiring multiple blades and large amounts of time. Primarily, an alarm is a great deterrent since the high-dB alarm sound will tell thieves to scram. For one, it contains valuable metals. $399.00 . In recent years, catalytic converter theft has taken the country by storm. Block watches, communicate with your neighbors, cameras specifically on your vehicle on your vehicle if you can. protect against catalytic converter theft, Can be difficult to install a lift and multiple people are recommended for ease of installation, Cables can rub together to make a rattling noise when the car is driven, May have to modify it to fit some vehicles, Looks messy if the car is viewed from underneath, May be able to be cut through with an angle grinder (but will likely stop a Sawzall), Multiple kits will be needed if your vehicle has more than one catalytic converter, If the cables become loose they could potentially catch on debris, damaging the underside of the vehicle, Some have to be manually armed and disarmed, Not waterproof and computer components can be sensitive to moisture, Potential for false alarms and could be set off by animals, Motion sensors may need wiping/cleaning regularly to avoid degradation, Can be attached anywhere and to any vehicle, Thieves can potentially not look for them, Offers no physical security system to prevent catalytic converter theft, The best catalytic converter security system for your vehicle, Can be fitted with optional extras like tamper-proof screws for even greater security, Can be easily removed with the supplied security key, Not all catalytic converter shields offer the same level of protection. These shields often require installation by a professional as they take advantage of the structural rigidity of a vehicle's chassis to make them difficult to remove by catalytic converter thieves. While such a blade can cut through one cable at a time, the same blade is useless when faced with cutting through three parallel aircraft-grade. The best ones on the market will come with, or have an option to purchase additional security hardware such as tamper-proof screws. Catalytic converter theft is no joke, just ask these people. Today, the Wienermobile is based on a Chevrolet W4 truck platform (Isuzu NPR) and is powered by a 6.0-litre V8 (242kW). Everybody wants the valuable metals inside of this, said Virgil Richmond, the facilities manager at Michael Brothers Recycling. According to their scoring model, the Fast Guard alarm was easy to install and only cost $30, which is good. Our engineers have tested every design to ensure the best fitment, minima Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, Pittsburgh Police met with law enforcement agencies across the area to compare notes in a coordinated effort to track down the thieves. Target 11: Catalytic converter theft goes out of control in Pittsburgh. The best anti-theft protection for cars, trucks, Toyota Prius, Honda, vans, commercial vehicles. Effective Protection -- Our catalytic converter anti-theft device deters thieves effectively by 113 dB loud alarm, Protect Your Vehicle Against Catalytic Converter Theft ! Next, the 1-mile range is one of the longest youll find. The Best Finally, this system also features remote start and keyless entry capabilities for added convenience. In order to adequately test the products, they first simulated stealing a catalytic converter, which took a minute and a half. Dont have a car camor, at best, a camera that catches your driveway? Viper is one of the leaders in the car alarm space, and the Responder HD is Check out the selection of cat shields and covers below, as well as a couple of other suggestions: a device designed to "lock" your catalytic converter in place and a motion-sensitive alarm to sense when the cat itself it being messed with. Her first car was a Mazda 3 Sport GT. For everyone else, stick with professional installation to ensure you get what you paid for. WebThe CatClamp has proven itself to be a superior product and sets the benchmark for catalytic converter security. The CatClamp MAXX claims to form a nearly unbreakable barrier around your cat converter with a 5/16-inch-thick stainless steel cable that fits around 1 3/4- to 3-inch exhaust pipes. Built from heavy-duty metal wire, the cage of your CatClamp is unbreakable by design. So, he decided to invent one with two goals in mind: quick to put on and hard to take off. What To Do When Your Catalytic Converter Is StolenContact the Authorities If you find your catalytic converter is missing, you should immediately contact the authorities. CAT-SCR-TUN-2 . But owners of these vehicles dont have to hit the panic button yet. Our high-tech vibration sensor ensures that your catalytic converter is protected at all times. It verifies the threat and only then does it activate the alarm. Although the cables are fairly tight next to the catalytic converter, the small amount of movement coupled with the strength of the steel cables makes it difficult to saw through. It might be time to invest in one., With catalytic converter thefts increasing, leaving your car completely unattended is risky. It increases the lifespan of your car by protecting the underneath area from getting damaged as you drive over dangerous roads. By the time you leave here today, youll be well on your way to beefing up your cars security. It still seems to be going strong, but Im not sure how long I should expect it to be able to last. Ultimately, a cat shield is the best product to use. Aside from typical anti-theft best practices like parking in well-lit areas and setting the car alarm to its most sensitive option, there's not a lot most of us can do to stop cat converter theft. With CatSecur, you can now have peace of mind knowing that your car is safe and secure from theft. Suitable for any type of transport, has a minimum configuration. ). Then, theres the 105 dB alarm thats guaranteed to act as more than just a mild deterrent. Andrea is an insurance writer with 4+ years of writing and editing experience. As of June 2021, approximately 18,000 catalytic converter theft claims had been reported to State Farm, which likely represents only a fraction of the total catalytic converter thefts. Hybrid vehicles are particularly vulnerable, because those cats utilize even more of the precious metals within. Beyond those capabilities, theres always the option to customize this system to your liking for added security. We had a customer next door had three stolen, said Damon Rauso, the owner of Lockhart Tire and Battery on Pittsburghs North Side. Channel 11 Investigation: Domestic extremists targeting your electricity. Richmond said his company has strict rules about purchasing used catalytic converters. Multi-Purpose Alarm. Target 11 discovered they are after the precious metals deep inside the converter. All in all, Viper is the first place to look if you want a reliable car alarm system with all of the bells & whistles. Texas 3. To put this into perspective, a catalytic converter removes upwards of 90% of harmful gases caused by internal combustion. Our goal is to give you back your freedom and peace of mind to drive and park your vehicle anywhere you want. According to State Farm claims data, catalytic converter theft increased by almost 300% from 2020 to 2021. The main thing is to consider how prevalent cat converter theft is in your area and whether you own a heavily targeted vehicle, such as an older Prius. If youre not a fan of Viper alarm systems, then a worthy alternative is Compustar. When activated, it requires virtually no energy - no worries about draining your battery - even after months of no activity. For this reason, a shock sensor will detect the jack and sound the alarm. Why Do People Steal Catalytic Converters? There are a couple of reasons why people steal catalytic converters. For one, it contains valuable metals. As weve mentioned, a catalytic converter uses metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium to neutralize toxic gases, and those metals are rare and valuable. Rhodium, for example, sells for thousands of dollars per ounce. REAL CUSTOMER SERVICEFeel free to call, email or text us for any help! Catalytic converter theft has been rampant over the past couple of years. Once installed, youll receive alerts directly to the beautiful OLED display. In the case of catalytic converter theft, youll always know when someone tampers with your car. WebGeico anti theft device categories. In most cases, a shock sensor is enough to get the job done. Gas and Hybrid Vehicles,RVs - Class A & C, andHeavy Diesel Trucks, Extremely Difficult to Cut: Turns a Normal 60sec Theft into a Struggle that Overwhelms Thievesand Prevents You from Being an Easy Target, Custom-Hardened Band Steel Inside the Catstrap Dulls the Teeth of the Saw Blade: 4.5X Harder than Stainless Steel, Three Heavy-Duty Aircraft-Grade Steel Cables the Saw Blade Can't Grip, Built-in Adhesive Bonds to Catalytic Converter Body, Ear-Piercing 130 dB Noise Drives Thieves Out Due to Immediate Pain Level Under the Vehicle, Infrared Smart Sensor Detects Human Activity Under the Vehicle Before Cutting is Possible, Automatically shuts off when the threat is gone, Compliments the Catstrap with an Alarm Barrier at the Threshold of Human Pain to Deter Converter Theft. Caught on to this trend and made converter theft goes out of control in Pittsburgh, it also with..., youll be able to last real CUSTOMER SERVICEFeel FREE to call but! 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what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device

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what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device


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what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device

what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device

what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device

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what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device