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university of nottingham borderline degree classification

At the III/Fail boundary there is no borderline. Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. If you studied at the University prior to 2000, we may not have a comprehensive set of your marks available for your study period. A. A student who failsa non-compensatable module will not complete that stage without successfully undertaking re-assessment in that module. For more information, please consult the following: 1. Equally, a student who has successfully completed the Qualifying Stage of an Honours course and does not proceed will be awarded an Undergraduate Certificate. However . Module grade is calculated from median of literal grades. When they graduate, students should simply be given a transcript of their marks as a record their study, says Jonathan Wolff. An undergraduate student should be given the higher class if either of the following criteria are met: i) Two thirds or more of the final stage credits are in the higher class; ii) Two thirds or more of the final and penultimate stage credits are in the higher class. Includes: classification; postgraduate diplomas and certificates; borderlines. Assessmentsthat contribute to the final module/programme mark: Such assessments which do not contribute to the final module/programme mark are second marked where appropriate on a sampling basis by a member of academic staff. Students will not be permitted to carry 20 credits of fail and will need to have successfully passed at resit before progressing further on their programme. Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. Undergraduate degree classification from September 2020, Undergraduate degree classification from September 2015 to September 2020, Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2021, Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2015 (for students starting awards from September 2016), Degree classification before September 2015, Policy on circumstances affecting students' ability to study and complete assessments, Policy on long-term conditions or disabilities affecting students' ability to study and complete assessments,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park 2. University policy on legibility of work submitted for assessment can be found online. 0 in each skill UG 6. A student who passes all the modules in a given stage of their course (as defined in the Universitys Qualifications Framework) will complete that stage and be awarded the total credit for that stage. A module specification may stipulate that in order for a student to be reassessed in that module, the student must repeat their enrolment. For more information, please consult the following: Policy on penalties for late submission of assessed work. Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Median mark translated into degree classification according to Table 3. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 4. Ordinary Degrees and Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates and Diplomas are classified using a weighted numerical average as defined above. The classifications are: Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: When calculating an overall average, in the case of Ordinary Degrees, classification is based on the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part I and the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part II. 14. Graduated from the University of Nottingham. A weighted numerical average is calculated using the weightings indicated in 3 and 4 above. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations, They are supervised by a named member of academic staff, They are provided with training appropriate to their role in the assessment process. 14 240 0 12 . United Kingdom GPA calculator Scale, Grade Description, Division, US Grade University of Nottingham Postgraduate Solve mathematic problems Math is a way of solving problems by using numbers and equations. Schools can obtain guidance on these regulations by emailing: Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Flow chartof progression, compensation and reassessment for undergraduate honours courses, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNM, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNM. Delivery Options Information The classification rules for Taught Masters, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates (that is, the award of Merits and Distinctions) are contained in the Universitys Taught Postgraduate Regulations. University of Nottingham Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification This category contains important regulations, policies and guidance that relate to assessment, awards and degree classifications (including responsibilities and extenuating circumstances). For more information, please consult the following: Postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities may also act as internal examiners. It is distinct from marking (including double marking) and from marks adjustment. This Model applies to courses with a 50:50 weighting between Parts I and II. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Includes:role of School Boards; requirements of the School; Marking criteria examples; double-marking. 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Distinction 42 42 30 34 37 Pass 198 162 189 166 176 Pass in 1 or 2 subjects only 2 1 2 2 - Fails 2 - - - - Total 244 205 221 202 213 For the purposes of classifying undergraduate degrees, marks will be rounded at the stages detailed under Degree Classification for each individual module. According to the University of Greenwich guidelines: The Progression and Award Board may use its discretion in considering cases on the borderline of classification bands. This page contains the University's study regulations for all undergraduate students who entered their qualifying year or Part I* from September 2020. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, * In consideration that not all students who entered Part I in September 2020 may be aware of the changes to borderline criteria which would be applied from summer 2022, the borderline criteria taking effect from September 2020 will apply only to students who entered Qualifying year from September 2020 onwards. OfS recommends staff-student relationships be either documented or banned, how to stay motivated at uni when i have no chance of getting a 1:1. If there is a 50:50 split between Parts I and II then the calculation is a straightforward median of 24 grades. Your final programme mark is also on a 0-100 scale and it is that mark that determines your final degree classification. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with theExtenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedures. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations, 50 Pass (there is no borderline at Pass/Fail). The transcript that comes with your degree certificate is called a Diploma Supplement and is written to an agreed, pan-European template. This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I* from September 2020. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. 2. If this falls within a borderline as defined above, the weighted profiling system as stated in the programme specification will be applied to determine the final classification (footnote 3). Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. The University of Nottingham Blue Castle. At the Pass/Fail boundary there is no borderline. All Schools are required to have written marking criteria across the full range of marks available (0-100) which is published in School Handbooks. A number of pages within this category were previously affected by these arrangements and have been documented accordingly. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with the extenuating circumstances policy and procedures. Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. 5. 5 with a min. Nottingham University Campus. Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: Includes: classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. 7 240 0 2. The stage marks will be combined to calculate the final mark according to weightings which are given in the Programme Specification. It should address the following issues: Formal records of all such vivas should be kept. For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. In order to pass a module and be awarded the credit for that module a student must also satisfy any requirements as specified in paragraph 6. These records are campus specific and should be read in conjunction with all other content on this page. For more information, please consult the following: Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2015 (for students starting awards from September 2016). For more information about the University's Qualification Framework, please consult the following: University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework. For more information, please consult the following: 7. Its content is applicable to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. Fast Stream 2023 (Reinstated) applicants thread. STATISTICS. The information on this page has been archived. For the purposes of rounding, the mark should be truncated and only the first decimal place is used (e.g. Module scores are added together and translated into a degree classification according to Table 5 . Quality assurance of assessment consists of several elements. These forms which should be appended to the summary form submitted. Students should be informed by their School when and how they will receive results and the various stages of the process of distributing results. Degree Classification Degree Classes - based on weighted numerical averages pass with distinction (70) pass with merit (60) pass (50) borderlines (68, 59 & 49) average <50, >40 failed credits or >20 credits hard fail will be considered for postgraduate DIPLOMA degree . calculating the degree classification on the basis of the second and third years. University of Nottingham Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021 Quality Manual Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021 This page contains the degree classifications for all postgraduate taught students who began their awards from September 2021. comparison of median mark and variance) with other modules taken by the same cohort or with the same module taken by previous cohorts. Results. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. If such a variation is applied and results in the termination of a student's registration on that programme, the student must be offered the opportunity to transfer to a non-accredited programme providing that they satisfy the above regulations. Please do not order certificates for just one module, as we do not provide them via this route. LAW MODERATIONS - HILARY TERM 2021 MODERATORS' REPORT. This selection should be undertaken in consultation with their academic tutors and shall be subject to the approval of their School. Graduate transcripts confirm your final degree classification, along with a list of the modules you studied and the marks obtained. Moderation is the process of checking that standards have been applied correctly and consistently during the marking of an assessment. 21. Schools are encouraged to organise meetings for external examiners with representative groups of students as a mechanism for ensuring quality and standards control but this should not form part of the assessment process. Following moderation the agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. Owing to the requirements of the Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA), the option to award an Undergraduate Diploma or Undergraduate Certificate to students who do not proceed at University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) is not available. For more information, please consult the following: 1. For students registering on programmes from 2009/10 onwards, Schools should use only a weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. I strongly believe that I can do any job as I have an outstanding personality, which was created by carrying out an array of jobs that were fundamentally different from each other in nature, approach and requirements. In this situation, marks from those modules only may be excluded from the calculation of the final average provided that: i) Marks from all such affected modules are discounted; ii) All non-compensatable modules have been passed; iii) The Extenuating Circumstances panel can clearly demonstrate that the final mark after the exclusion is more representative of the students normal performance (normally by showing that the excluded module marks are significantly anomalous); Students may decline the application of regulation 26(b) and opt to undertake a further attempt at the affected assessments, but will not graduate until they have completed those reassessments. Students registered on the following types of programmes may be required by the relevant programme specification to attain higher marks in individual specified modules and/or higher average marks than indicated in paragraphs 9 and 10 above. Weighted numerical average is translated into degree classification according to Table 1. All Graduate and Taught Postgraduate students who are fully enrolled on the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, or 2022-23 academic session, with the exception of Masters of Laws (LLM) students who first enrolled on their programme in 2017-18 or earlier, where the former derogation is being phased out. For students entering Taught Postgraduate programmes from 2021/22 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. These documents can be a bit lengthy, so once you do find it share it with your mates to help them out! I finished my Master's degree in February and my average result is 58%. These records are campus specific and should be read in conjunction with all other content on this page. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. If this falls within a borderline as defined above, the weighted profiling system as stated in the programme specification will be applied to determine the final classification (footnote 3). Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. (b) Pass the assessmentsspecified in these Regulations and in the relevant programme specification. Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. Assessment). Viva voce examinations may only be used as part of a documented assessment procedure and should not be used as part of the consideration of borderline candidates or in the final decision making process. Where no potential flaws have been identified please complete the summary report form: Where potential flaws have been identified by markers, reported by students or may come to light because of comparison of marks profiles (e.g. Normally the degree classification awarded is determined entirely by the final average mark (weighted by credits and year of study as defined in the programme specifications) according to the model in the Degree Classification section of the Quality Manual. Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. Module marks are translated to points scores according to Table 4. Scope Includes:unit marks; modules marks; weightings; weighted numerical average; borderlines. A = malignant lesion needs surgical excision regardless of biopsy result B = indeterminate Students entering Qualifying year or Part I before September 2015 are subject to the former regulations. For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21. The total number of grades from which the final median is calculated depends on the weighting of Parts I/II set out in supplementary degree regulations. Standardised weightings between Parts apply unless an approved Professional Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB) or other exemption has been given and this is stated in the relevant programme specification(s). This requires a single programme specification for each Joint Honours course and necessitates a single weighting between Parts I, II and III. (ii) Certain Honours programmes with a compulsory period away from the University. This states that if a student performs particularly well in their final year but falls just short of the 70 per cent threshold because of poorer earlier performance, their degree classification should reflect the fact that they are "exiting" university at a first-class standard. For formal written examinations the University operates a marking by numbers (or anonymous marking) system. For more information about the marking by number system, please consult the following: Schools are encouraged to mark coursework anonymously where possible. The only exception to this is where an external body requires that a Viva Voce examination is held as a separate assessment forming part of the decision-making process. 25. This recommendation should only be used in exceptional circumstances for cases where there is no prospect of the student undertaking first attempts within a reasonable period of time, for example, in the case of chronic or terminal illness of the student or the dependent of a student. Therefore, I will respond more fully by 9 September 2019, although if it is possible to reply before then I will do so. of 6. The relative weightings of Part I/II/III marks are given in programme specifications. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. 11 240 0 14. 15. For students entering Qualifying year or Part I from 2015/16 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. For more information, please consult the following: Appointment and responsibilities of External Examiners. 1 360 0 2. For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21. 5. For more information, please consult the following: Includes:failure of one or more modules;progression requirements. This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I from September 2015 and before September 2020. Active research applying machine learning methods to outstanding problems in Cosmology, Astrophysics and Space Science. The profiling systemmust be stated in the programme specification and made explicit and clear to students from the start of their studies through School Handbooks. A weighted numerical average is calculated using the weightings indicated in 3 and 4 above. This means that very good and very poor performance may be under- and over-stated respectively, or marks at the outer ends of the student's run of marks, perhaps awarded by other Schools, may have a disproportionate arithmetic impact on the classification of subject performance. Overview. This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. (b) has an average of at least 40% across all modules in the stage will be permitted one further re-assessment in the failed modules at the next available opportunity. 28. When calculating the median of an even number of unit marks within a module Schools should assign the higher of the two marks that span the median - for example, the median of C, C+, B, B would be a B-. (a) Where the final mark falls within a borderline (as defined in the Degree Classification section of the Quality Manual). 0) Intake: Jan/ April/ July/ Sep/ Oct Scholarships The higher your degree classification, the higher the . These regulations take effect from 2015/16 for students entering Qualifying year or Part I from September 2015 and before September 2020. Schools should have a uniform system for fully recording the process of moderation so that examiners can clearly understand how moderation has occurred and what consequences have arisen from it. Includes:supplementary and fitness to practice regulations; assessment regulations; extenuating circumstances; contact details. Marking advice should be available to markers in relation to all forms of assessment used within the School/Department. Circumstances where an exemption to Regulation 20 apply when the reassessment will normally take place at the next available scheduled opportunity in the academic year. All reassessments will take place in August/September immediately following the first assessment (but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below), except: 16. A student will only receive an award if they have successfully completed each necessary stage of the course leading to that award. Other students are subject to former regulations except for Regulation 26(b) which applies to all students from September 2020. Reassessment marks are considered only in decisions relating to progression to the next stage hence reassessments in the final stage of any programme are not relevant or allowed except in the case of reassessment for a Pass or Ordinary degreeor where a student has failed a non-compensatable module,or a compulsory module for an apprenticeship programme,and is required to take a reassessment in order to gain the credits and complete the stage. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. If you think this is relevant to you, please email and we can produce a letter confirming your study dates and School/Department free of charge. Unit marks (footnote 1, under the All Awards section below) are literal (that is, A, B and others) and translate into numeric integer marks according to Table 2. 69.5 is rounded to 70, 59.5 to 60, and so on. This decision should be based on the nature of the assessment, its weighting (i.e. A School is expected to consider data regarding marks on modules for which it has responsibility (for example, median mark and variance for each module) to identify possible issues with the delivery and assessment of the module prior to the Exam Board. The University applies the following mark scale to undergraduate work: First-class Honours: 70-100 Upper second-class Honours: 60-69 Lower second-class Honours: 50-59 Third-class Honours: 40-49 Fail: 0-39 A different mark scale is used for masters-level modules, including any taken as part of an undergraduate programme. For more information, please consult the following. 5. Unit mark is the mark awarded for an individual piece of assessed work, which goes towards the computation of a module mark using a weighting formula. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with theExtenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedures. Unlike marks adjustment, moderation examines the application of standards to a unit of assessment, and does not compare marks across different cohorts. Unit mark is the mark awarded for an individual piece of assessed work, which goes towards the computation of a module mark using a weighting formula. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Thus assessment of this module will need to meet the requirements of the published apprenticeship End-Point Assessment plan in addition to contributing to the degree award. Each year, we monitor and critically review our degree outcomes data as part of our ongoing quality assurance work. Includes: table of degree classifications and abbreviations; marks contribution; borderline cases; extenuating circumstances. There is no discretion to lower the classification below that indicated by the final mark. if there is a specific stated stricter requirement by a professional body accrediting the programme, or is required to meet Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requirements for attainment on an apprenticeship programme, or an exception has been formally approved. Please complete the marks adjustment report for the affected module(s): Review and sign off of the marks adjustment form (including nil returns) should take place at the Exam Board. Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. (University of Nottingham, 2002) . 0 with no score below 5. Normally this analysis would also be taken into account in the Schools regular review of modules. 69.45 becomes 69.4, which is rounded to 69). 7. A student who completes the requirements for a Foundation Certificate or qualifies for an Honours level or Integrated Masters degree through application of the relevant degree classification model and weightings (see Regulations 22 and 23 of the Classification section) will automatically complete the final stage of their course and be awarded the total credit for that stage, unless the relevant programme specification contains additional requirements for completion of the final stage. All re-assessments must be undertaken before the studentprogresses tothe next stage (but seeRegulation 20 below). Students must select their modules in accordance with the relevant programme specification and the Universitys Qualifications Framework. The module specification states how the components of the module will be combined to form a module mark and whether a particular mark must be gained in individual components of the module in order for the module as a whole to be passed. Assessment regulations can be found on the following page: Guidance on managing students with extenuating circumstances can be found on the following: Students seeking advice on these regulations should contact their School/Department. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. Where such a flaw is identified Schools should develop a suitable adjustment to be applied to all marks and report this to the External Examiners. For more information about the former regulations, please consult the following: Degree classification before September 2015. For more information please consult the following: Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. Universities themselves do not find the classifications useful. An agreed, pan-European template is translated into degree classification according to Table 1 next... 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university of nottingham borderline degree classification

university of nottingham borderline degree classification

university of nottingham borderline degree classification

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university of nottingham borderline degree classification