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sulzberger family political donations

Or was this just an accounting of Republican spending? Abrams grandchildren vary in interests and industries: Jay's sons Daniel and John are a jazz musician and an investor respectively, and his daughter Jean (Gigi) is a filmmaker. Last Sunday, I recounted that Bertha Levy Ochs, the mother of Times patriarch Adolph S. Ochs, supported the South and slavery. However, Im not convinced Revenues is the correct number to use. Ralph changed his name to "Lauren," and his brand eventually developed into a lifestyle that produces everything from iconic American clothing to linens. [2][3] At Brown, Sulzberger worked briefly for The Brown Daily Herald as a Contributing Writer. Kids Attire And Clothing Little, Brown; 870 pages. Charles and David, are the faces of Koch Industries today, but they also have two brothers, Bill (David's twin) and Frederick (the eldest), who are not involved in the company. He thought they needed no state or political and social institutions of their own. In assessing the performance of the Sulzbergers' newspaper, the authors frequently pull their punches. Get The Jewish Chronicle Weekly Edition by email and never miss our top stories It does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general. Now the Pritzkers are most famous for helming the Hyatt hotel empire, thanks to Abrams sons Jay, Robert, and Donald. Sulzberger was born in Washington, D.C., on August 5, 1980, to Gail Gregg and Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. He and his wife, Gail Gregg, were married by a Presbyterian minister. Even so, there is much to enjoy in this family and institutional tale, beginning with the dynastic founder, Adolph Ochs, the son of Jewish immigrants from Furth, Germany. Former President Bill Clinton was born William Blythe III; "Clinton" came from his stepfather's last name. Because the Times and other media outlets typically endorse Democrats and report with a liberal slant, the political spending of Democrats is immaterial to the first two sections of the article. Trumps daughter Ivanka is proving to be just as shrewd in business. RFK served as U.S. Attorney General from '61 to '64 and announced in '68 that he would also be making a run for the White House, but was shot and killed shortly after winning the California primary election. Arthur Hays Sulzberger had experienced anti-Semitism, and he was worried about his paper being perceived as too Jewish, Laurel Leff wrote in her 2005 book Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and Americas Most Important Newspaper.. an Irish immigrant family from Pittsburgh, Penn. His siblings, Talia Coppola Shire, and August Floyd Coppola, are also in film and gave birth to the next generation of film greats: Talia is the mother of actor Jason Schwartzman, and August is the father of actor Nicholas Cage. (see below). [15][16][17] He was the lead author of the 97-page report,[11][15] which documented in "clinical detail" how the Times was losing ground to "nimbler competitors" and "called for revolutionary changes". The younger Sulzberger is the sixth member of the Ochs Sulzberger clan to serve as publisher of the prominent New York newspaper. you folks need an obvious twitter link so I and others can tweet your articles. By - sulzberger family political donations. His newspaper would not only carry "all the news that's fit to print" (the slogan was Ochs's own) but would "give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect or interests involved.". Former President Bill Clinton was born William Blythe III; Clinton came from his stepfather's last name. Larrys son Andrew is currently the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Loews board. A.G. Sulzberger is part of a generation at the paper that includes his cousins Sam Dolnick, who oversees digital and mobile initiatives, and David Perpich, a senior executive who heads its Wirecutter product review site. They are toughest on the Times in those areas where the newspaper has already admitted its faults--such as the Holocaust coverage, the decision to play ball with JFK over the Bay of Pigs (and thus enable the ensuing disaster), or the Times's late arrival in lifestyle coverage, where it trailed The Washington Post (for which, I should divulge, I served as a regional correspondent for eight years). His sons have gone on to receive international acclaim in the music industry. Drew went on to star in Riding in Cars With Boys, Charlie's Angels, and The Wedding Singer. He believed strongly and publicly that Judaism was a religion, not a race or nationality that Jews should be separate only in the way they worshiped, Frankel wrote. Keith had four children, but his son Keith Rupert, who mainly went by "Rupert," took over the family business after his father died, acquiring struggling papers and turning them around. If, say, some Russian billionaire owned 17% of Trump supporter Sean Hannity's TV or of Rush Limbaugh's radio business, you'd never hear the end of it from the New York Times. but he went into Hollywood, and directed blockbusters like the Godfather movies, The Great Gatsby (1974), and Apocalypse Now, which earned him. His brother John III donated $175 million to build Lincoln Center, and his brother David, the last living child of John D. served as Chairman and Chief Executive of Chase Bank. Drew, the youngest and best-known of the Barrymores, has been acting, . Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who guided The New York Times and its parent company through a long, sometimes turbulent period of expansion and change on a scale not seen since the . He also loaned it $250 million during the Great Recession in 2009. The authors must surely have known that. At the start, he committed the Times to a journalistic program of conservatism, thoroughness, and decency that provided the blueprint for its eventual success. Drew went on to star in "Riding in Cars With Boys," "Charlie's Angels," and "The Wedding Singer." John, also known as "The Great Profile" for his aristocratic good looks, was the most acclaimed actor of the early 20th century. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. was raised in his mothers Episcopalian faith and later stopped practicing religion. Bertha, who came from Germany as a teenager, might have been horrified by the experience of witnessing and being served by human chattel. Krugmans Accounting of the National Debt is Jailworthy, The Border Is Less Secure Than Ever, and the Implications Are Deadly, Interrogated by Cruz, Diplomat Gives False Testimony About Bidens Billion Dollar Bribe, Border Crossing Deaths Skyrocket, While Biden Administration Hides the Data,, candidates, political parties, special interest groups, The Hearst family was a wealthy one long before they struck media gold in the publishing industry. No Comments . [1], He attended Ethical Culture Fieldston School and Brown University, graduating in 2003 with a major in political science. Gloria Vanderbilt, a direct descendant of Cornelius on her fathers side, was an early developer of designer blue jeans. A little-known private foundation controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $100,000 to the New York Times' charitable fund in 2008, the same year the newspaper's editorial page endorsed . (photo credit: book cover), This March 2, 1973 file photo shows New York Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger in his office in New York. That perception is largely because of the family and because of the familys Jewish name and Jewish roots, Goldman said, so whether theyre Jewish or not today, theres a feeling that this is still a newspaper with a heavy Jewish influence.. at the company, and William Jr. (a grandson of Edsel Ford). The familys Jewish history Adolph Ochs was the child of German Jewish immigrants has often been the subject of fascination and scrutiny, especially during and after World War II, when the paper was accused of turning a blind eye to atrocities against Jews. While working one of these jobs, Ralph began designing wide ties a contrast to the skinny ties that were "in" at the time and his Polo label was born. During WWI his business ventures enabled him to lay the foundation for the family fortune. Ochs himself turned the struggling New York Times into the gold standard of journalism and the paper under his heirs often took great risks to defend the First Amendment. In 1896, Ochs became publisher of The New-York Times in a classic American way: by bluffing and by using other people's money. A few years ago, A. G. Sulzberger led a study that became known as the Innovation Report, a self-critical hundred-page-long exploration of newsroom culture and the future that helped set the. The two gave birth to John Drew Barrymore who, when his parents divorced, rebelled against his mother's wishes to keep him out of the limelight by signing his first acting contract at age 17. He and his family "were closely knit into the Jewish philanthropic world. Cornelius' son Billy inherited 95% of his father's fortune, and continued investing in the railways; he's credited with building New York's Grand Central Terminal, and expanded into the Midwest. In 2012 the Kardashians signed a $30 million contract to star in three more seasons of their show. The succession issue supplies the book with an air of suspense that lasts right up to the final chapter. Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the grandfather of the Times, attended Columbia University and joined the venerable paper in 1918, a year after he married Iphigene Ochs, the daughter of publisher Adolph Ochs. His son George W. followed in 2000, but not before starting and selling the struggling Arbusto Energy company, among other successful ventures. Younger brother Eli was raking in $26.6 million in 2012 from the Giants and endorsements ranging from Samsung and DirecTV to Reebok and Toyota. In the years before his death in 1931, Ochs brother George was simultaneously an officer of the New York Times Company and a leader of the New York Chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Rather than follow in dad's footsteps, the Ellison kids both stormed head first into the film industry, and each owns a successful film production company. He believed strongly and publicly that Judaism was a religion, not a race or nationality that Jews should be separate only in the way they worshiped, Frankel wrote. The Hearst family was a wealthy one long before they struck media gold in the publishing industry. Thats why we started the Times of Israel ten years ago - to provide discerning readers like you with must-read coverage of Israel and the Jewish world. Francis Ford's parents were musicians, but he went into Hollywood, and directed blockbusters like the Godfather movies, The Great Gatsby (1974), and Apocalypse Now, which earned him three Oscars and two Golden Globes. Born: 20 Sep 1805, Bruchsal, Germany. making her own cosmetics and selling them at local beauty salons. The occasion was a special anniversary for The New York Times, the nation's pre-eminent bastion of serious journalism. Arthur Hays Sulzberger had experienced anti-Semitism, and he was worried about his paper being perceived as too Jewish, Laurel Leff wrote in her 2005 book Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and Americas Most Important Newspaper.. A newer, yet still major, political family, the Clintons continue to extend their reach into the world of politics, advocacy, and philanthropy. [24][25][26] His cousins Sam Dolnick, now assistant managing editor of the Times,[27] and David Perpich, now head of standalone products and a member of the New York Times Company board,[28] were also considered for the role. An unexpected fashion icon, Kim gave birth to the newest family member North West with then-boyfriend (now fiance) Kanye West last June. But after Billy, the majority of the Vanderbilts seemed to excel only in inheriting, and spending a lot of money on real estate. He thought they needed no state or political and social institutions of their own. By the end of the book, he looms even larger than the founder, and he dwarfs Arthur, Jr. Today Krish is the president of her production company Jenner Communications, stars in "Keeping Up," and is the author of a best-selling memoir. Today, Loews has diversified to deal in insurance, oil drilling, and pipeline transport, in addition to high-end hotels. George H.W. Sulzberger's family successorsArthur Hays Sulzberger Jr., Arthur Ochs Sulzberger (the first non-Jewish family member to become publisher) and Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.largely receded from public view, and Christian identities removed any disparaging claim that the Times was a "Jewish" newspaper.But deeply embedded discomfort with Israel persisted, especially following the 1967 Six . Today, the family is still involved in the company: Henry II's son, Edsel II, still sits on the company's board of directors, his granddaughter Elena is a vice president at the company, and William Jr. (a grandson of Edsel Ford) was the Chairman and CEO until 2006 and still remains Executive Chairman at the company. married Barbara Pierce, had six children Pauline, Neil, Marvin, Dorothy, John Ellis ("Jeb") and was elected president in 1988. Still, the billionaire brothers have a massive political network that, for better or for worse, is large and far-reaching. Leopold "Leo" SULZBERGER. However, the biggest money in politics, by far, is wielded by media corporations and lawmakers. According to Federal Election Commission data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, federal Republican presidential candidates, congressional candidates, and special interest groups spent a combined total of $5.5 billion in the latest presidential and congressional election cycles (20152018). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Left-leaning media outlets and politicians often condemn big money in politics. coinspot deposit not showing. James ~ Ralph changed his name to Lauren, and his brand eventually developed into a lifestyle that produces everything from iconic American clothing to linens. She and her husband are expecting their first child later this year who, if luck would have it, could make a name for him- or herself in politics as well. The Economist credits him with inventing the modern tabloid. At that rate, the NYT would have about $264 million left over after paying for reporters, buildings, presses, etc. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in christianity in the early 1900s.christianity in the early 1900s. Albany Democrats say criminal justice reform facts be damned, Radical left turns on woke New York Times, Kathy Hochul is deaf, dumb and blind to New York's woes. There would be no special attention, no special sensitivity, no special pleading, Leff wrote. The Rockefellers came to the U.S., most likely from Germany, sometime in the 1720s. The House of Sulzberger Rivals the . The Final Victims, a 2004 book about the slave trade by James McMillin, reprints a poem published in a Charleston newspaper in 1784 advertising an upcoming sale. He is the sixth member of the Ochs/Sulzberger family to serve as publisher since Adolph Ochs purchased the newspaper in 1896. Having spent 40 years in finance, let me point out one area in this article that might be seen as slanted. I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence. Related Topics: Politics, Press Where did it come from? Posted on January 19, 2023; Posted in . By registering you agree to the terms and conditions. Yet the paper is not deterred, and has ramped up its demonization of any who disagree with that or its reckless support for the Marxist-inspired Black Lives Matter agenda. The power couple recently appeared in wedding garb on the April cover of Vogue. Four members of the Walton family Christy, Jim, Alice, and S. Robson Walton are collectively worth, , and take up four of the Top 10 spots on, George H.W. He is of German ancestry. His paternal grandfather, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, was Jewish, and the rest of his family is of Christian background (Episcopalian and Congregationalist). Ellis Jr. has four other sons, including Delfeayo, who produced recordings for both his father and brother Branford, and won both a Grammy and a 3M Visionary Award, and Jason, who played drums in his father's band. With his arrival in the narrative, the authors of The Trust develop two of their major themes--the recurring crisis over finding a male family member to run the company and the sporadic significance of the family's Jewishness. Leonard officially joined the company in 1958, and. And back in 2009 his son, Arthur Gregg, also jumped in on the business as a star reporter. He was the middle of three brothers, Leo the eldest and David Hays the youngest. Highly assimilated, the Ochs-Sulzberger clan nevertheless occupies a position of tremendous visibility and responsibility among American Jewry. paul mcmullen funeral enero 19, 2023 ; 3:07 pm . Mexico's wealthiest person lost $5.1 billion in the wake of Donald Trump's stunning upset over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Junior's brothers George, John, and Randolph all ranked high in the company too. Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903, and the Fords have been the first family in American automobiles ever since. Sulzberger was educated at private schools and, after service in the U.S. Marine Corps (1944-46 . We learn about the paper's metropolitan coverage or its foreign reporting, for example, only when a family member takes a turn at it. He took over as publisher and president when his father-in-law died, and nearly doubled the circulation of the paper, as well as the size of the staff. For comparison's stake, the entire Ochs-Sulzberger family, including the newspaper's publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., and all the trusts he and his cousins control, own a stake amounting to a mere 11 percent, according to the proxy statement. One of the lost opportunities of the election was the chance that a Trump libel lawsuit against the Times would have offered into discovery and disclosure of Mr. The teller of the tale can be more or less critical, but the basic trajectory of the story is already set along the lines of a conventional success story--precisely the kind of story that journalists are trained to doubt and dislike. The college drop-out, now 69, built his enormous enterprise empire from the ground up and is now worth an estimated $49.3 billion. A major advocate for national health care reform and other public health issues, she was elected Senator of New York in 2000, and most recently served as U.S. Secretary of State. What does this all mean? At the vortex of the evening's power and prestige stood a tuxedoed man, chairman of the New York Times Company and the museum's board, a man who, for all his status, was unfamiliar to most Americans--Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, known since childhood as "Punch.". But against all odds, he made it big. It does not give journalists or media corporations greater rights to free speech than anyone else. However, he has said that people still tend to regard him as Jewish due to his last name. 's daughter Caroline is the U.S. Hence, measured by money, this one extended family has more power to speak than the combined donations of all U.S. citizens to federal Republican campaigns and causes. special interest groups for a comparison number of $5.5 billion. The Times clearly fails that test and owes its staff, stockholders and readers a full account of the slave holders and Confederates in its past. The company was rechristened Koch Industries after his memory. Junior's son, William III, is currently the Chairman of the board at Hearst. // 3. The setting was the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the nation's pre-eminent bastion of high art. Such welfare is a direct incentive for the recipients to vote for politicians who give it to them. 8 devine street north haven, ct what is berth preference in irctc sulzberger family political donations. Larry's grandson David is the managing partner at investment firm BoxGroup, and the founder of start-up incubator TechStars NYC. Jazz pianist Ellis Marsalis, Jr., spearheaded a musical dynasty in New Orleans, where he was born and raised. r Cordelia Scaife was also a philanthropist, top 20 for highest paid athletes with $30 million, investing in real estate and small companies, founded industrial conglomerate the Marmon Group, currently serves as the U.S. David is the only of Ralph and Ricky's children who entered his father's business. Its posts were originally written by three lawyers . Four members of the Walton family Christy, Jim, Alice, and S. Robson Walton are collectively worth $136 billion, and take up four of the Top 10 spots on Forbes' list of richest Americans. After the war, he started investing in oil, and co-founded Standard Oil in 1870 with $1 million in capital, making it the largest company in the country at the time. Megan's company Annapurna Pictures recently backed blockbuster hits American Hustle and Her, while David's own Skydance Productions produced True Grit, Jack Reacher, and the new Star Trek movies. DAVID GREENE, HOST: One family has owned and operated The New York Times since 1896. Awards. Born: abt 1761. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. You mentioned that the New York Times brought in $6.6 billion in revenue. Portions of that revenue are used for multiple purposes that are only indirectly related to their political slants. John Drew's daughter, Drew, the youngest and best-known of the Barrymores, has been acting since the age of three. This is a hard one to quantify. Honestly, Im not sure what number would be better. Urged by his father, Ellis Sr., who was a businessman and music lover, Ellis Jr. studied music in college and went on to play for the Corps Four jazz quartet while enlisted in the Marines and perform professionally around the world. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The richest family in the country built its fortune on an unshakable foundation: The Lowest Prices Anytime, Anywhere. That perception is largely because of the family and because of the familys Jewish name and Jewish roots, Goldman said, so whether theyre Jewish or not today, theres a feeling that this is still a newspaper with a heavy Jewish influence.. While a number of other "old money" families have lost their wealth or power, the Rockefellers have held on to their vast empire. As part of that revisionism, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are suddenly beyond redemption, their great deeds canceled by their flaws. started The Pritzker Organization to invest in businesses, and is the current Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels. NYC brought itself back to life once before -- but can it again? They also founded industrial conglomerate the Marmon Group, which they sold to Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway in 2008 for $4.8 billion. His brother John III donated $175 million to build Lincoln Center, and his brother David, the last living child of John D. served as Chairman and Chief Executive of Chase Bank. After the success of that business model for Walmart, the brothers founded Sams Club in 1983 for discount shopping in bulk. Does it make sense for the newspaper to entrust its fate to 13 unaccountable millionaires who acquired their money and influence through birth? Sulzberger, a Reform Jew, was an outspoken anti-Zionist at a time when the Reform movement still was debating the issue. He owns Kroenke Sports Enterprises, which includes teams in the NBA, NHL, NFL and Major League Soccer. And that family history lives on. While working one of these jobs, Ralph began designing wide ties a contrast to the skinny ties that were "in" at the time and. The two gave birth to John Drew Barrymore who, when his parents divorced. NEW YORK (JTA) On Thursday, The New York Times announced that its publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., 66, is stepping down at the end of the year and will be succeeded by his son, 37-year-old Arthur Gregg (A.G.) Sulzberger. More seriously, the attention to the family makes this an uneven book as an institutional history of the Times. The First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits Congress from abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, and the 14th Amendment forbids states from doing the same. Many of Rupert's children and other relatives are or were also working in media at one time or another. The owners drew criticism for the way the paper covered Jewish affairs, particularly the Holocaust. I have since learned that, according to a family history, Oscar Levy fought alongside two Mississippi cousins, meaning at least three members of Berthas family fought for secession. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. In 1961, Arthur Hays Sulzberger stepped down as publisher, three years after having suffered a stroke, giving the position to his son-in-law Orvil Dryfoos. As explained by the Cornell Legal Information Institute: Despite popular misunderstanding, the right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the First Amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech. Critics said the newspaper failed to give adequate coverage to Nazi atrocities committed against Jews, a charge that The Times later owned up to. While he battled bankruptcy and SEC charges in the 90s, Trump has re-established himself as a successful businessman, and today is probably best known for his reality show, "The Apprentice.". His son Thomas started The Pritzker Organization to invest in businesses, and is the current Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels. The Rockefellers are an American family with a stronghold in industry and banking, and in recent years, theyve also had several entrants into the political arena. Still, stories related to Jewish topics were carefully edited, said Goldman, who worked at the Times from 1973-1993. sulzberger family political donations. He and his wife, Gail Gregg, were married by a Presbyterian minister. Posted by; Date June 12, 2022; Apparently, the political persuasions of the owners and top executives of most U.S. newspapers are pretty equally divided. Revised several times, the Sulzberger trust now states that the power and money are held principally by the 13 cousins in Arthur, Jr.'s generation. Tifft and Jones are former journalists--she with Time magazine and he with the Times itself, where he covered the news industry and won a Pulitzer Prize. [6] The club began admitting women a few months later. The first share icon at the bottom of the article is for Twitter. At today's prices, that's worth about $344 million. Rather than follow in dad's footsteps, the Ellison kids both stormed head first into the film industry, and each owns a successful film production company. Today, Loews has diversified to deal in insurance, oil drilling, and pipeline transport, in addition to high-end hotels. Nevertheless, given its owners family history, its disproportionately large Jewish readership and its frequent coverage of Jewish preoccupations, The Times is often regarded as a Jewish newspaper often disparagingly so by anti-Semites. Beginning as Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and then governor in 1978, Bill eventually made his way into the White House in 1992 for two largely successful terms. In 2012 the Kardashians signed a $30 million contract to star in three more seasons of their show. She could, however, supply a successor by marrying one, and she found Arthur Hays Sulzberger, a businessman whose Jewish ancestors had settled in New York in the eighteenth century. 24 Jun . His father owned N. Erlanger, Blumgart & Company, a textile company, and the family was wealthy and socially prominent. On the opposite coast, The Los Angeles Times provides a cautionary tale: When the Chandler family dropped its active running of the paper, they turned to the cereal maker Mark Willes from General Mills, whose only prior involvement with the newspaper business was as a reader. The Waltons brought the one-stop shopping center to prominence. But Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. still had some connections to his Jewish background. Home > Blog > Uncategorized > sulzberger family political donations. He made the donation in 1924 so his mother, who died 16 years earlier, could be on the founders roll, adding in a letter that Robert E. Lee was her idol.. Consider their handling of "Punch" Sulzberger, who ran the paper from 1963 to 1997. His siblings, Talia Coppola Shire, and August Floyd Coppola, are also in film and gave birth to the next generation of film greats: Talia is the mother of actor Jason Schwartzman, and August is the father of actor Nicholas Cage. [32] Sulzberger has been the principal architect of the news outlet's digital transformation and has led its efforts to become a subscriber-first business. Slim had some kind of trade or insurance that hedges or limits his exposure to peso-related currency risk. One Media Corporation Versus All Republican Donors. Finally, I guess it is conceivable that, unbeknownst to Bloomberg News, Mr. Junior is credited with developing the digital operations at the Times. Larry was born to an unwed Jewish mother whose family, according to Fortune, took the name "Ellison" after Ellis Island. These ideological allies also lobby for laws to muzzle the political speech of others, while they simultaneously employ the largest amounts and arguably the most influential forms of money in politics. As slanted an accounting of Republican spending seen as slanted from his stepfather 's last name the Reform still. Family to serve as publisher since Adolph Ochs purchased the newspaper to entrust its fate 13... 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Still, the billionaire brothers have a massive political network that, unbeknownst to News.

Marquette High School Athletic Calendar, Articles S

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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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sulzberger family political donations

sulzberger family political donations

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

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