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snowpack on mt san jacinto

At the Peak on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 1010 the air temperature was 11.1F (-11C), with a windchill temperature of -16.2F (-26C), 47% relative humidity, and a bitter NNE wind sustained at 20 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 6 inches, Long Valley (8600 ft): 2-3 inches [special thanks to Kyle Eubanks for this measurement], Saddle Junction/approx. A significant warming trend is expected for later this week and next weekend at all elevations, with significant melting likely, before cooling slightly Monday 6th February but remaining slightly above seasonal. With two further minor snowfalls possible in January, and strong winds in the high country expected on some days causing substantial spindrift, tracks broken through the snow may not last long. The State Park boundary is not marked but is near the site of the old Florians Cache, below Flat Rock. Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. At mid elevations (e.g., Idyllwild) temperatures are forecast to warm for the next ten days, and to be above seasonal averages well into the second half of November. Snowshoes will remain valuable anywhere off trail above about 8000 ft for the foreseeable future. However the precipitation amounts and probabilities for both storm systems have varied greatly in recent forecasts, and the models seem to be especially uncertain about details of the second storm (approx. Spikes will likely become increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and/or icy patches (depending upon time of day). At least two further minor storm systems are forecast, overnight into Tuesday 3rd January, and then again all day on Thursday 5th January, as described in more detail in the Weather section below. Spikes are recommended at least for descending upper Deer Springs Trail. For our first foray into snowshoeing, we chose a really easy option taking the Palm Springs Aerial Tram up to Mount San Jacinto State Park. At the Peak on Friday 2nd December 2022 at 1620 the air temperature was 26.2F (-3C), with a windchill temperature of 11.8F (-11C), 55% relative humidity, and a fresh WSW wind sustained at 8 mph gusting to 15.4 mph. However the route is now well-traveled and compacted. Note that tracks discussed here may become obscured by heavy drifting of snow from strong winds combined with extensive ice fall from trees overhead. There is a well-traveled track on light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Latest details are given in the introduction above. Spikes are not required. Given cold temperatures for the foreseeable future, melting is expected to slow (or largely stop in the high country). With such mild storms this winter, it is interesting to speculate how much snow would currently be around the high peaks if air temperatures had been just a couple of degrees cooler. Recently I have mentioned the challenges of hard, icy snow underfoot and the value of using spikes (and/or crampons) especially for descending and traversing. On Friday 20th I broke South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. The storm brought down four new treefall hazards down on upper Spitler Peak Trail, awkward but all passable with care. This storm is expected to have two periods of precipitation, one each on 11th and 12th. Every year seems to have its challenges and it is clear already that 2023 will be no exception. If there are Road Closed signs further down as was often the case last winter especially at weekends and holiday periods then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. Spikes will likely become more increasingly useful over the next few days as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 10 inches (was 12 inches on 9th), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 7-8 inches (photo above), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 3 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Round Valley (9100 ft): was 4 inches on 9th, Annies Junction/approx. Although the flakes are small, it has been steadily accumulating at an inch per hour, with about six inches fresh powder so far today, for a Peak area total of about 30 inches. On the morning of Friday 6th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. Some hikers may continue to find spikes useful for some of the minor icy patches but they are no longer required. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Average snow cover is 40%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. Below is an excellent videograb of an avalanche in the Snow Creek drainage on the north face of San Jacinto Peak that was witnessed by friend of the Trail Report Catherine Peterson yesterday morning at about 0840. My 2022 survey counted 97 trees down on this 2.1 miles of trail. Mountain Sunrise Hike and Meditation in Palm Springs. UPDATE Thursday 5th January 2023: We are just catching the southern edge of the highly-publicized storm currently passing through central California. You will encounter 35 to 45 degree snow slopes, with the angle increasing as you get near the top. All trails above about 5500 ft are currently snow-covered. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and far below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. potentially dangerous) windchill temperatures. A short video summary of what we found is available here. Immediately north of Saddle Junction, snow cover is initially somewhat patchy on the sun exposed slope (Angels Glide) but thereafter icy snow cover is continuous through the Wellman and Peak trails to San Jacinto Peak. The East Ridge Trail (from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak) has a handful of tracks through the continuous snow, though none (including mine) accurately follow the trail route. Back-to-back Pacific storm systems already the tenth and eleventh storms of this winter are forecast for Saturday 14th and then from late Sunday 15th January to the early hours of Tuesday 17th January. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): storm total 12 inches (total depth 17-20 inches), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 8 inches (total 9 inches), Annies Junction/approx. Potentially stormy weather forecast for four periods in the past ten days all failed to significantly impact the San Jacinto mountains. Spikes are especially valuable for descending even when they are no necessarily needed for ascending. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. Two significant further atmospheric river storm systems are forecast, on Tuesday 10th, and then again on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th. Immediately north of Saddle Junction, snow cover is starting to become somewhat patchy on the sun exposed slope (Angels Glide) but icy snow cover is continuous through the Wellman and Peak trails to San Jacinto Peak. For those that are unclear, the Skyline Trail is the first segment of the C2C (Cactus to clouds) from Palm Springs up to Grubbs Notch (Long Valley). I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. You'll need to leave pups at home dogs aren't allowed on this trail. Snowshoes will remain valuable anywhere off trail above about 8000 ft for the foreseeable future. Although not required, many hikers will find spikes useful especially for descending. If there are Road Closed signs further down as was often the case last winter especially at weekends and holiday periods after fresh snowfall then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak [checked 9th January] has no steps to follow through the steeply angled icy snow. Steady melting of snow, especially on sun-exposed slopes, and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a well-traveled and level track to follow through the slowly melting inch of patchy icy snow (photo below from 30th). Snowshoes will remain valuable anywhere off trail above about 8000 ft for the foreseeable future. Freeze levels will be well below 3000 ft at times, and for example Garner Valley (4300-4800 ft) could receive as much as 6-12 inches of snow this week. A less intense but slow moving multi-storm system is forecast for Friday 16th-Wednesday 21st. Both storms produced more snow than was generally forecast. However the remaining snow patches are icy in the morning. $30.00. Precipitation turned to occasional light snow in Long Valley at about 1330, with an accumulation by 1550 of just 0.5 inch. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it undergoes freeze/thaw cycles and compaction over the next week or two. Precipitation on Sunday 4th into the early hours of Monday 5th is significantly less likely in the latest models. The second system may be more substantial, with precipitation expected most of the day and night of Saturday 31st December into Sunday 1st January. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and generally far freezing when considering wind chill effects. Long Valley (8600 ft) has added about two inches, where it continues to snow gently this morning. Long Valley (8600 ft) has received about 1.0 inch fresh snow this morning. However a couple more inches of snow are expected this afternoon, and also on 2nd and 5th January. Report flooding to the . San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 2-4 inches (was 12 inches on 9th November), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 2-4 inches (was approx. I have typically postholed barebooting to 8900-9200 ft before putting on crampons. Excessive precipitation of 1.3" (33mm) is anticipated. Forecast precipitation is currently only a dusting of 1-2 inches of snow at upper elevations, but combined with strong winds this will be sufficient to complicate route-finding. Cautious navigation remains required for those who do not have significant experience of hiking this trail. Spikes not required to that elevation. I recorded a short video at San Jacinto Peak early on the morning of Monday 12th December (available here) which gives a feel for conditions as the storm was nearing its end. Vehicles not parked in these spaces may be ticketed and/or towed. There is a compacted, well-traveled track on continuous light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Spikes are not generally required for ascending, but most hikers will find them useful for descending. Although not essential in the moderate depth powder, spikes are strongly recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. [UPDATE 1st December 2022: the double storm system that looks likely to bring significant precipitation to northern and central California appears to be missing the San Jacinto mountains, despite optimistic forecasts over the previous week. At the Peak on Monday 13th February 2023 at 1010 the air temperature was 16.8F (-10C), with a windchill temperature of -1.3F (-19C), 95% relative humidity, and a wintry NNW wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 13.2 mph. Melting of snow on sun-exposed slopes and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. On 23rd January I saw posthole tracks from Saddle Junction that head down the start of the Caramba Trail, the start of Willow Creek Trail, and following the PCT southbound toward Chinquapin Flat, but I have no further details at this time. The holiday weekend had temperatures far above seasonal until Tuesday 27th. It is possible they may deteriorate even further with some warming from direct sunlight. Following the twelfth storm system of this winter on 29th-30th January, temperatures have largely swung to well above seasonal, with melting underway at all elevations, but especially below 8000 ft. Lightly cloudy conditions made for a delightful hike on the evening of Monday 21st ascending San Jacinto Peak via Marion Mountain and Deer Spring trails, descending the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, and Peak trails). Snowshoes are no longer required on the established trail system, which is now too compacted for snowshoes. MT. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there is extensive drifting, often accumulating in the trails. Cloud cover started to envelop the mountains early this morning. Sadly at first light the precipitation turned to drizzle at all elevations on the western slope between (at least) Idyllwild and 8100 ft at Saddle Junction, and consequently the snow quality was deteriorating fast at mid elevations this morning. Currently crampons, always with an ice axe, and thorough knowledge of how to use this equipment, are essential. Deep snow at 10,500 feet Currently few major trail routes have been traveled and even those may become partially obscured by drifted snow and fresh icefall. It made for one of the easiest trips to . Yesterday afternoon we checked Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park, and measured an average snow depth of 26 inches. South Ridge Road itself is now functionally clear of ice and snow. While the snow was not especially deep, it still took about double the time of a completely dry ascent. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Use this relief map to navigate to mountain peaks in the area of Mount San Jacinto Peak. The freeze level will again start very high, but is forecast to fall lower, with the possibility of a light dusting of snow down to about 5500 ft. Another inch of rain is forecast for mid elevations, but a heavier snowfall is expected in the high country, with predictions ranging from 8-20 inches above 10,000 ft. Further precipitation is tentatively forecast for 3rd-6th January, but amounts, timing, and freeze levels remain uncertain this far ahead. With two further snowfalls expected in the next ten days, and moderate to strong winds in the high country expected for most of those days causing some daily drifting of snow, much of the trail system may remain completely or somewhat obscured by moderate snow at least into the third week of January. Average snow cover is 60%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. There are no significant changes to snow/ice conditions, and advice below basically spikes recommended throughout the high country remains valid. They are strongly recommended on certain moderate and higher angle slopes, at a minimum on the Peak Trail above Wellman Divide, the Wellman Trail, Deer Springs Trail above Little Round Valley, and uppermost South Ridge Trail, and on both flanks but critically on the north face of Tahquitz Peak. A few minor patches exist close to the top. Spitler Peak Trail had 10 new treefall hazards, almost all in the upper switchbacks. Snow depths are expected to change multiple times over the next ten days due to mixed precipitation, including even possibly loss of snow at mid elevations due to rainfall. The Trail Report has adopted Seven Pines Trail as a priority for maintenance work as the trail has had a disproportionate number of lost hiker rescues in the past decade. Starting in late morning the ice and icy snow is getting very slick due to a thin layer of meltwater on the surface, especially in sun-exposed areas. Spikes will likely become increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Hikers should expect to encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain currently in the trees and the high winds associated with the storm. Strong winds expected on 11th-12th February, and again on 14th, will likely obscure many tracks with spindrift. She was driving on Interstate 10 (and had to concentrate on the road!) The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. There is considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for Southern California. In the week since the last storm we have surveyed trails around Tahquitz Peak twice, plus South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Marion Mountain trails, among others. There are five new major treefall hazards, plus many other limbs and branches, across the trail between the Suicide Rock junction and the Marion Mountain Trail junction. There are plenty of places in local mountains with snow, but you also need to check on driving requirements (are chains required?) Big Bear Mountain Resort. Devils Slide Trail is functionally clear of snow below 7600 ft, about two miles up, and then snow cover is about 60% up to Saddle Junction but becoming almost continuous within 0.2 mile of the junction. The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses where known by the maximum depth so far this winter immediately following the latest storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. For both storms snow estimates for the highest elevations range from 10-15 inches, with perhaps only an inch of snow in Idyllwild following some rainfall. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. Be prepared for trails above about 7500 ft (lower in places) obscured by moderate to deep snow, and even fresh tracks being erased by spindrift snow in places. On cold mornings the trail will be icy and some hikers will find spikes are useful, however on warmer days and afternoons spikes are not required. At the Peak on Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 0910 the air temperature was 39.9F (4C), with a windchill temperature of 30.4F (-1C), 13% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 9 mph gusting to 13.8 mph. Box 518 Idyllwild, CA 92549 1-909-382-2921 Mount San Jacinto State Park 25905 Highway 243 Idyllwild, CA 92549 In the days since the storm, we have also surveyed trails around Tahquitz Peak, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Deer Springs, among others. Currently, and as conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 7000 ft. Holden said he could not recall the last time there had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto. The East Ridge Trail (from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak) has a handful of tracks through the continuous snow, though none (including mine) accurately follow the trail route. Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. There is the possibility that this will end abruptly with a minor storm on Monday 28th November, with 1-3 inches of snow possible above 10,000 ft. In general most hikers will likely prefer to use spikes at least for descending down to about 10,000 ft (or lower). As of this morning, I saw no other broken tracks on the high country trail system. In combination with the four inches of rain since Saturday, not to mention the many inches of rain earlier this winter, the mid elevations, including the mountain communities, are now best described as a very soggy and slushy mess. Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 45 inches, heavily drifted, Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 40 inches (45 inches), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 44 inches (45-48 inches), Tahquitz Peak (8836 ft): 25 inches, heavily drifted to 40 inches in places (measured 20th January), Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (8700 ft): 36 inches, Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183 (8100 ft): 15 inches, Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 19 inches (21 inches), Suicide Rock Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (6950 ft): 1-3 inches, Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 2-4 inches (5-6 inches), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-2 inches (3 inches). Most significantly in terms of snow conditions daytime temperatures at all elevations will be well above freezing for about a week starting 20th. As mentioned above, the focus is on heavy snowfall expected over the next 5-6 days (and potentially again on 28th February-1st March). The Peak Trail has about 90% cover of icy snow to 9900 ft elevation, and then >95% cover to San Jacinto Peak. Snow depths are currently suitable for snowshoeing everywhere above about 8000 ft, possibly lower in places. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 15th] has a mix of snowshoe and posthole tracks all the way up to its junction with Deer Springs Trail. Conditions are forecast to remain very unsettled for the first week of January. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, mixed with slushy and icy patches. A fourth and final minor system is expected on 28th February-1st March. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. This started as low as Devils Slide Trail and continued all morning. At the Peak on Thursday 29th December 2022 at 0910 the air temperature was 25.8F (-3C), with a windchill temperature of 7.2F (-14C), 81% relative humidity, and a harsh WNW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 25.4 mph. Snow cover remains virtually continuous, but a few small patches are clearing below 7000 ft. Spikes are strongly recommended, at least for descending. Rain started overnight in Idyllwild, and by late this afternoon (at 1550) totals 1.22 inch. On the north side, a location just south-east of Banning in San Gorgonio Pass recorded a gust of 92 mph. As they neared the Highway 111 cutoff near 9 a.m. her friend saw the snow coming off the peak as the avalanche gave way. Temperatures on the morning of 15th were the lowest of this winter, and among the lowest of the past decade. Thank you so much for your support. Winter Hiking: Dangerous conditions exist when snow and ice conditions are present. It is especially obscure 0.1-0.3 mile east of the Willow Creek crossing, becoming more obvious near Caramba. Devils Slide Trail is functionally clear of icy snow to Saddle Junction. Remarkably Tropical Storm Kay did not add any new treefall hazards to this trail. Areas of fog. It warmed last night to just above freezing below 6000 ft, with a mixture of rain and sleet falling on top of the prior snow, turning it increasingly to wet slush at mid elevations (we measured about 0.25 inch rain in Idyllwild). Currently the USFS gate at Humber Park is closed. Florian Boyd kindly reported this morning that snow has dusted down to 4500 ft on the lower (open) section of Skyline Trail. Skyline Trail closed on 26th January due to dangerous weather conditions above the State Park boundary (5800 ft elevation). The initial freeze level was at about 9000 ft but has already dropped. The eighteenth storm, due this evening, is an unusual atmospheric river combined with very cold air again, expected to produce heavy snowfall for 24th-25th February. The PCT from Snow Creek south to at least Saddle Junction (roughly Miles 207-179) has a clear track to follow. Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. Cutoff near 9 a.m. her friend saw the snow was not especially deep, it still took double... I broke south Ridge trail to Tahquitz Peak snow was not especially,. Of Banning in San Gorgonio pass recorded a gust of 92 mph,. Will encounter 35 to 45 degree snow slopes, with an ice axe, and again on 14th will! On 26th January due to Dangerous weather conditions above the State Park boundary ( 5800 ft elevation.... A challenging ascent fresh snowfall expected are recommended at least for descending 9 a.m. friend! Equipment for the foreseeable future the initial freeze level was at about 1330 snowpack on mt san jacinto! 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snowpack on mt san jacinto

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

snowpack on mt san jacinto

Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

snowpack on mt san jacinto

snowpack on mt san jacinto

snowpack on mt san jacinto

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

snowpack on mt san jacinto