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sisters of st joseph directory

In prayer and service, we move toward an all-inclusive love of God, of neighbor and of all creation. Religious Organizations Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations Other Services (except Public Administration) Printer Friendly View Address: 480 S Batavia St Orange, CA, 92868-3998 United States See other locations Phone: Website: Employees (this site): Actual Employees (all sites): Actual Revenue: With a distinctive spirit of hospitality and a particular concern for the poor, we witness to the Gospel message by being a unifying and reconciling presence to a world in need. 714-633-8121. Joyce Nandikunnel, Joint Director of Caritas Hospital on 25 Feb. 2023. Since our first sisters gathered in 1650, our members have been called to do all things of which women are capable. The first sisters of our congregation arrived in St. Louis, Missouri in 1836, and we now have additional locations in St. Paul, Albany, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Japan and Peru. All rights reserved. Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. Visit our Upcoming Events page to learn more. Check back soon! Pray with St Mary MacKillop; Father Julian Tenison Woods. Sister Judith Anne Scranton died at Saint Joseph Villa on, Womens History Month 2023 Womens History Month has been observed, Black History Month is an annual celebration to honor the, Roses in December Delegation Pilgrimage to El Salvador and Honduras. Sept. 6, 1939-Feb. 24, 2023 Frederick W. Overkamp of Hurricane, Utah, passed away Feb 24, 2023, at the hospital in St. George, Utah, at the age of 83 due to complications after heart surgery. are ordinary women from all walks of life. In 1920, the rising need for certified nurses led to the founding of St. Marys School of Nursing, which closed in 1987. 2022 Sisters of St. Joseph | 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, New York 11717 | Main Office: 631.273.1187. For more than 169 years the Sisters of Saint Joseph have served the people of Long Island. History. Former religious name: Sister Agatha We come together today to celebrate the full and fruitful life of Sister Elizabeth Ann OBrien, our beloved Betty, formerly Sister Elizabeth, Sister Agnes Theresa Schwintek, CSJ, the former Sister John Winifred, died on November 27, 2022 in the 73rdyear of her religious life. Love of God is at the heart of our charism. We are grateful to all those who join us in our efforts to continue our mission through our varied ministries. Today, we commit to respond boldly to injustice and dare to be prophetic. Sisters and Associates of the Congregation of St. Joseph are formally participating in the Synod on Synodality process through prayer, reflection, conversation, and recommendations. You can find everything you are looking for and more here on our new webpage! We respond to the movement of the Spirit to keep the flame of the charism alive. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambry are part of an international congregation. Website Design by Interactive Palette, Inc. We are so excited for this year's Living the Dream, Alexa Canady, was known as a pioneer, both for wom, This year for Catholic Sisters Week, we will be pa, We Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine. Home parish: St. Agatha, Meadville, PA, Home parish: St. Peter & Paul, Philipsburg, PA, Former religious name: Sister John Patrick The sisters work was integral to the founding and development of the parochial school system in both dioceses. Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Archives Seton Hall 5900 Delhi Rd. Where did you know the Sister? The Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, PA, this year have awarded grants to 14 community gardens in the region to help them reduce food insecurity and provide fresh produce. Villa St. Joseph Construction Begins . We penetrate in great depth the mystery of Christs death and resurrection. The Congregation of St. Joseph has pledged to participate in theLaudato Si Action Platformto achieve sweeping environmental sustainability. Interested in Becoming a Partner in Mission? New events and issues spotlight the need for spiritual direction, adult faith formation, ministry to the unemployed and incarcerated, assistance for refugees and migrants and social justice advocacy. Search by sisterss name, and dont worry if you dont know her last name this is searchable by first name.Did you know that after Vatican II, many sisters returned to using their birth names rather than the religious names they were given when they entered the congregation? Throughout the Albany and Syracuse Dioceses, our sisters minister in a variety of areas including spiritual direction, education, healthcare and hospitality. Julian's Story; Julian's Legacy; Inspiration from Julian; Our Founders; Josephite Charism; Who We Are; Making a Difference. The Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio are engaged in such diverse ministries as education, health care, social services, religious education and more. Journey with a Sister of Saint Joseph. We are guided by the call of our founder Jean Pierre Medaille, SJ to perform all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy of which women are capable and will most benefit the dear neighbor.. They returned to the roots of our congregations charism and spirituality. Sisters of St. Joseph also served in healthcare ministries. Vocation Stories. The Federation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is a dynamic union of all the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the United States who claim a common origin in the foundation at Le Puy, France in 1650. Born Mary Elizabeth to Jay and Ellen Lane, Mary Kenneth told countless stories, With deep gratitude to our gracious and Creator God we come together to celebrate the life and goodness of Sister St. Claude Lenox, a Sister of St. Joseph for 74 faithful and, wed have to add ~ adventurous years. Caritas Convent Extension Blessing. Home parish: Sacred Heart, Erie, PA, Former religious name: Sr. Helen Therese Home parish: St. Peter Cathedral, Erie, PA. Feel free to click the Get In Touch link to send a message a sister. We cannot achieve our goals without the help of our community. Home parish: Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Lewis Run, PA, Former religious name: Sister Anthony Marie Systemic evils deprive people of their intrinsic rights and working to help restore these rights is the work of justice. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of a sister, click here. . We grieve for the five individuals who were killed and the 18 people injured in a space known for profound love of God & neighbor without distinction. Celebrating 150 years of service in the community, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. He was born on March 18, 1937, to Louis P. & Julia Ann (Krenek) Satsky, in Koerth, TX. Today the college continues the rich tradition of serving a diverse population of undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. Presented by The Center for Spiritual Development The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange were established in 1912 by Mother Bernard Gosselin. The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia is a Congregation of more than 550 Catholic Sisters. Home parish: St. Bernard, Bradford, PA, Former religious name: Sister Virginia In the mid-1960s, Vatican II called our sisters to adapt to new needs and a rapidly changing society. Former religious name: Sr. Mary Timothy Tel:(716) 759-6454. 440 S. Batavia Street, Orange CA, 92868 . Sisters Serve the Community by Transforming Their Motherhouse into Affordable Housing. (standing) Sisters Margaret M. Edic, Kay Ryan, Rose Casaleno, (seated) Sisters Diane Zigo, Joan Mary Hartigan Our ministries and the ways we serve Since our congregation was founded in 1650, characteristics such as diversity and risk-taking for the sake of God's people have shaped how we approach each of our ministries. Sign up and be sure to get all the latest SSJ Erie news and updates. We join in praise and gratitude to our loving God for the life and goodness of Sister Grace Andrew Callahan, a Sister of St. Joseph for 73, Sister Nancy Jean Fackner, CSJ died on October 12, 2022 in the 67th year of her religious life. We'll never share your email with anyone else. If that sister is deceased, but you want to make an inquiry, send an email to Because our faith in Jesus dead and risen all comes together in these three days. Home parish: Sacred Heart, Houtzdale, PA, What we are called to do and how God calls us. We see spirituality and justice as one and commit ourselves to live this out in all our relationships. The Sisters of St. Joseph . Registration is up! March 2, 2023 The Sister St. Mark Garden Fund helps community gardens to flourish and fulfills the Sisters' mission of unity with God and neighbor. The U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph decries the homophobic and transphobic mass shooting at Club Q, an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs on November 19. In her book, Alive Through Play: Challenged by Art Mediums, Sister Virginia shares "some of the deep reflection on my own paintings and the layers of newly found realities that have emerged for me." Home parish: Holy Rosary, Erie, PA, Former religious name: Sister Ann Catherine He . The Sisters of Saint Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida are a congregation of Catholic women living the consecrated life as vowed religious serving the needs of the dear neighbor in Florida. To Register: RSVP By: Friday February 17, 2023. 2023 Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, PA. All Rights Reserved. We take three days to celebrate this great foundation of our faith because it is simply too powerful and rich for a one-day celebration. Peter & Paul, Karthaus, PA, Home parish: Sts. FOR IMMEDIATE By: Lisa Cathelyn At the beginning of September, I participated in an intercontinental pilgrimage to Mexico City with Discerning Deacons. All the works of mercy were to be done on behalf of the dear neighbour. Home parish: St. Bartholomew, Pittsburgh, PA, Former religious name: Sister James Miriam Home parish: St. Agatha, Meadville, PA, Home parish: St. John the Baptist, Erie, PA, Home parish: St. Marys, Reynoldsville, PA, Former religious name: Sister Josita Saint John's University. It will be Called Villa St. Joseph. L'Arche Harbor House, Jacksonville, FL. Administrator name Lorem ipsum dolor. The Constitution of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet calls us to visit the sick in their homes or in prison, assist them with alms and prepare broths and remedies which the doctors recommend for them.. We, and those who share our charism and mission, are motivated in all things by our profound love of God and our dear neighbors. Secular Institutes. Our goal is to foster love, unity and reconciliation among all people through our ministries. Joseph Marie Fitzgerald, SSJ Sister View Profile Mary Helen Forney, SSJ Sister View Profile Michaela Fox, SSJ Deceased Sister View Profile Margaret Frank, SSJ Sister View Profile Mary Fromknecht, SSJ Sister View Profile Linda Fusco, SSJ Sister View Profile Bernadine Gehringer, SSJ Sister View Profile Leonella Gingenbach, SSJ Deceased Sister This includes 3740sisters, 2609 associates and 34 agrges of 16 Congregations throughout the United States. Are you looking to connect or re-connect with one of our sisters? (standing) Sisters Margaret M. Edic, Kay Ryan, Rose Casaleno, (seated) Sisters Diane Zigo, Joan Mary Hartigan, Since our congregation was founded in 1650, characteristics such as diversity and risk-taking for the sake of Gods people have shaped how we approach each of our ministries. In all we are and do, we hope to be women and men of unifying love, freeing others to be themselves in Christ. The Learning Connection aims to provide the tools for the empowerment of women who are undereducated, lack a high school diploma, or speak languages other than English. A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world especially from within Examples - Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, Missionaries of the Kingship of Christ, Prado, Notre Dame de Vie, Society of Christian Doctrine. Why are these days so significant? We do this through prayer, direct service and ministry, partnering with others to serve the dear neighbor, standing with and for the poor and vulnerable, and by advocating for systemic change. Beginning with the Lords Supper on Thursday night and continuing to Easter Sunday evening, these three days form the most important days of the Church year. . Posted in . Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston Contact Us Find a Sister. Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from The Federation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. LEARN MORE. (320) 363-7100 104 Chapel Lane St. Joseph, MN 56374 Saint Scholastica Convent 6101 East Lake Road Erie, PA 16511 814-899-0614 2011 Benedictine Sisters of Erie Home > Directory. Fr. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. We embrace an all-inclusive and self-emptying love that nurtures unity among ourselves and the dear neighbor without distinction. Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Jerilyn Anderson in North Little Rock, AR. Lent 2023 March 22nd Wednesday from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Our goal is to foster love, unity and reconciliation among all people. (You can unsubscribe anytime). We are women in love with God. Copyright 2023. Your support will help us continue this mission and programs. EMBRACING THE DEAR NEIGHBOR WITHOUT DISTINCTION. 4975 Strickler Road Our newly expanded membership now not only includes Sisters of St. Joseph but agrges, associates, the St. Joseph Worker community, partners in mission, and other relationships described by member congregations. Lent 2023 March 15th Wednesday from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist. After 1970, the sisters began new ministries in parishes as religious education directors, pastoral associates and parish life directors. Just search by the name you remember. St. Joseph's Home (Provincial Residence) 80 West Northwest Highway Palatine, Illinois 60067-3582 Phone: (847) 358-5700 St. Mary's Home 2325 North Lakewood Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60614-3112 Phone: (773) 935-9600 Sacred Heart Home 3629 West 29th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211-3601 Phone: (303) 433-7221 Villa Guadalupe 1900 Mark Avenue Main Site Number: (716) 891-2400. We come together today filled with loving gratitude for the beautiful life of Sister Mara Ins, a Sister of St. Joseph for 70 faithful and fruitful years, Sister Grace Andrew Callahan, CSJ died on November 3, 2022 in the 73rd year of her religious life. Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Office 4975 Strickler Road Clarence, NY 14031 Tel (716) 759-6454 Doree McGinty, Executive Assistant, x100,, Sister Patrice RyanPresident716-759-6454,, Sister Janet DiPasqualeVice President716-759-6454,, Sister Beth FinsterCouncilor716-759-6454,, Sister Mary Lou SchnitzerCouncilor* Deceased, Make a Donation / Mission Advancement Meghan Burke, Director of Mission Advancement716-759-6454 x220,, Special EventsMarilyn Peterson, Events Coordinator,716-759-6454 x200,, SSJ Sister Klimczak Center for NonviolenceVivian Waltz, Director,, Justice, Peace and Integrity of CreationAudrey Mang, Associate,, ArchivistJessica Rath-Anderson,, Administrator/Director of FinanceMaryellen Kloss716-759-6893 x 176-154,, Director of Resident Services/TransportationSister Jean Marie Zirnheld716-759-6893 x 176-154,, Director of Pastoral CareSister Leandra Kosmoski716-759-6893 x 104,, Director of Health ServicesMartina Grba, RN716-759-6893 x 221,, Assistant Director of Health ServicesRosalie Cook, RN716-759-6893 x 257,, Director of Dining ServicesDenise Miller716-759-6893 x 173,, Director of MaintenanceMichael Giardina716-759-6893 x 270,, Assistant in MaintenanceJohn Huttlermayer716-759-6893 x 271, Medical Records CoordinatorSister Susan Williams716-759-6893 x 232/257, Human ResourceKay Adamczak716-759-6893 x 255, Information about former SSJ students and deceased SistersSister Janet DiPasquale, Executive Secretary,716-759-6454 x230, Our goal is to foster love, unity and reconciliation among all people through our ministries. Liberated by God's Spirit and attentive to the urgent needs of Earth and the global community we commit to be joyful, courageous witnesses to the Gospel imperative of active, inclusive love. Directory name Lorem ipsum dolor. Three days retreat in preparation for the General Synaxis . Lent 2023 March 19th Journey with a Sister of Saint Joseph "One on One" or "Stare of the Heart Shearing Group". (Please note: messages sent to sisters via the website may not be private please do not include personal or confidential information.). Home parish: Holy Family, Erie, PA, Home parish: St. Philip, Crossingville, PA, Home parish: Holy Rosary, Johnsonburg, PA, Former religious name: Sister Frederick Claire [W] * Missouri: St. Louis, MO: 320-363-2011 Home parish: St. Joseph, Oil City, PA, Home parish: Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Lewis Run, PA, Former religious name: Sister Maria Goretti Reflection Jesus lived and taught compassion. (In Person and Zoom available), Sacred Heart Chapel, 480 S Batavia St, Orange, CA 92868, USA. THE WOMEN FROM the Sisters of St. Joseph were far from the only nuns to leave in the late 1960s. Associates are women and men who join the Sisters of St. Joseph in their mission. We are sisters, associates, agrges. Congregation of St. Joseph. The order of the Sisters of St Joseph was founded in 1866, at Penola in South Australia. The Endurance of Love in the Presence of Grief An Evening with Jan Richardson Grief is the least linear thing I know, says Jan Richardson. Home parish: St. John the Baptist, Erie, PA, Home parish: Blessed Sacrament, Margate, NJ, Former religious name: Sister Rosaire Marie, Former religious name: Sister Louis Martin Po Box 452. Join us once a month for Taiz Prayer, a simple form of Christian prayer centered on scripture, silence, and song based on the daily prayer of the religious community in Taiz, France. Get the most accurate information from InfobelPro DataHub. top 100 high school football players in delaware; is mojave turquoise real; eccup reservoir fishing; Thanks for subscribing to our emaillist! 2/13 Our Living the Dream Honoree: Joe Nolans CSJ Boston Ties, 3/5/23 Afternoon of Prayer with Nancy Sheridan, SASV, 3/16/23: Taiz Prayer with the Sisters of St. Joseph, April 6,7,8: Paschal Triduum CSJ Motherhouse. Home parish: St. Francis, Clearfield, PA, Former religious name: Sister Ann Charles Learn about ways you can get involved with our ministries. Home parish: St. Andrew, Erie, PA, Home parish: Our Lady of the Angels, Cuba, NY, Home parish: St. Michael, Forest City, PA, Former religious name: Sister Mary Matthew We invite you to join us as a Partner in Mission. When you support the Sisters of Saint Joseph through your prayers and donations, you are helping us fulfill our fundamental mission. Menu will include fried and baked fish, sides, dessert and beverage; $15 per . Most recently, Sister Staropoli served as novice director for the CSSJ National Federation Novitiate of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Home parish: Holy Rosary, Johnsonburg, PA, Former religious name: Sister Mary Zita Located in the Capital Region of New York, our Albany Province includes sisters, associates and partners in mission. Safeguarding Framework; Our Commitment, Documents & Policies; Resources; News; Support; Redress . When you support the Sisters of Saint Joseph through your prayers and donations, you are helping us fulfill our mission. Sr. Ruby SJC. Spirituality Building, 434 S Batavia St, Orange, CA 92868, USA, Presented by: Sr. Jane DeLisle, CSJ St. Joseph, Minnesota 56374. The spirituality of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is a basic Gospel call to. If you are joining us for Eucharist or Liturgy of the Hours, please check our liturgy page for scheduled liturgy times. Please click for more info about schedule updates and safety requirements. 23rd General Synaxis. In prayer and service, we move toward an all-inclusive love of God, of neighbor and of all creation. Together, we contribute to a world . Main Hospital Number: (716) 862-1000 Admissions: (716) 862-1010 Billing (Revenue Management Center): (716) 601-3600 Blood Testing: (716) 862-1633 / Fax: (716) 862-2006 Cardiac Outpatient Rehabilitation: (716) 862-1921 Care Management (Social Work, Discharge Planning): (716) 862-1140 Family Health Center: (716) 862-1984 Foundation: (716) 862-1990 Gift Shop: (716) 862-1575 Human Resources: (716 . Core Values of the Sisters of St. Joseph Gracious hospitality Love and service of the Dear Neighbor without distinction Peaceful resolution of conflict Care for all God's creation Our Catholic Identity Central to our identity as a Catholic institution is our engagement with the Catholic intellectual tradition. 385 Watervliet-Shaker RoadLatham, NY 12110-4799(518) 783-3500Fax (518) 783-5209. We also support justice and peace initiatives including anti-racism and inclusion efforts, care of Earth, the abolishment of the death penalty, fair and just immigration policies, nonviolence advocacy, and anti-human trafficking efforts. SisterKathleen Anne Loughlin, CSJ died on February 24, 2023 in the 55th year of her religious life. National ID N/A. Paschal Triduum 2022: Paschal Triduum 2022 Our 40-day season of Lent ends on the evening of Holy Thursday as the Church begins its annual celebration of the Sacred Paschal Triduum or the Three Days. Society/Daughters of Our Mother of Peace. We live and work so that all people may be united with God and with one another. Mission; Ministries; Safeguarding & Professional Standards. Understanding the importance of educating others to provide medical care, the Sisters established the School of Nursing in 1895 from which generations of nursing professionals bloomed and flourished. Dr. Prendergasts exceptional academic leadership and deep commitment to SHAs mission makes her the ideal choice to follow the 10 Sisters of St. Joseph who have served in the role since SHAs opening Spring Liturgy and Luncheon - April 23, 2023. Presenters: Chris Koellhoffer, IHM As we accompany Jesus on the Lenten journey, what might we learn about crossing borders and stretching the definition of neighbor? we Sisters of Saint Joseph Center for Spirituality, Sisters of Saint Joseph Center for Spirituality, Saint Joseph by the Sea Retreat House in Sea Isle City, The Endurance of Love in the Presence of Grief Retreat. Sister St. Mark Lesko, who was born on July 1, 1894, entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from St. John Parish in Johnstown, PA. She worked most of her religious life in the laundry of St. Joseph Hospital on Pittsburgh's Southside. +learn more. Claudes love of lighthouses and her. From an accredited hospital. There were 180,000 nuns in the United States in 1965, according to Georgetown University's Center . Knights of Columbus fish fry, 5 to 7:30 p.m., St. Michael's Catholic Church parish hall, 2004 24th St., Central City. Sisters of Charity Hospital; St. Joseph Campus; Home and Community Based Care; For Patients & Visitors. Get your Tickets today! We have four high schools and a learning program for immigrant women. Their dedication to education over the past 175 years has shaped generations of Catholics and formed them deeply in the faith. Working to foster love, unity and reconciliation within the Earth community through: Our search for the living God is not simply a personal quest but a contribution to the whole community of life. 2023 Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. Check out an array of spirituality resources. [Note from the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph: The below statement was written and published by the National Black Sisters Conference on the murder of Tyre Nichols. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are a congregation of Catholic sisters. Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Health Care Food Service Motherhouse Services Farm Housekeeping Maintenance Navigation About Us Directory Doreen Abbott Contact Details Company/Title Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships Phone call(270) 229-2006 Email email[email protected] Martha Alle Contact Details Company/Title Director of Finance Phone St. Joseph Campus Phone Directory Phone Directory. 4975 Strickler Road Additional key information. The school was called St. Francis Technical School and it was located on Geary and Gough Streets in San Francisco. "One on One" or "State of the Heart Sharing Group". This list is an attempt to list all of the sisters of St. Benedict's Monastery who have ever worked, in any capacity, for the College of St. Benedict. $78,490 - $113,045 per annum + Super (commensurate with experience) With a focus on educating the whole person at the heart of Catholic Education, you will inspire and empower our young people to flourish academically, personally, and spiritually, transforming young lives. We, the Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates of Buffalo, freely respond to Gods call to live the reconciling, unifying mission of Jesus. Vocation Directory; Vocation Story Videos; Women Religious App; Fund for Vocations. Directory : The Sisters of St. Joseph Directory Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Office - 4975 Strickler Road Clarence, NY 14031 Tel - (716) 759-6454 Doree McGinty, Executive Assistant, x100, Leadership Team 2019 - 2023 Sister Patrice Ryan President 716-759-6454, x110 Sister Janet DiPasquale You support the Sisters of Saint Joseph have served the people of Long Island of Caritas Hospital on 25 2023... Get all the latest SSJ Erie news and updates 'll never share your email anyone. When you support the Sisters of St. Joseph were far from the only to! The founding of St. Joseph | 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, new 11717. School and it was located on Geary and Gough Streets in San.... And service, we commit to respond boldly to injustice and dare be! Your support will help us continue this mission and programs those who join the Sisters Saint... Were 180,000 nuns in the united States in 1965, according to Georgetown University & x27! 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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
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Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

sisters of st joseph directory