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sims 2 maternity defaults

Yes, its true. Hi Cindy, I absolutely love watching your Sims 2 streams. I would download the Hack Conflict Detection Utility and see if it finds any conflicts. Later parts of the project will be about mods involving these. making other Sim drink poison is based on others Sim logic, lucky and I tried everything but anything worked. Pleasant Sims is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to My question concerns the Sims2Pack Clean Installer. In the neighborhood screens, I see that you put the cursor on any domestic unit and it appears below the path of your computer where that file is saved. first one is: one day i downloaded some default replacements for some hairs and my game kept crashing all the time, as i saw, it was only one hair the whole problem, but i was scared anyway so i deleted all of them and didnt downloaded any default replacements for hairs anymore, but i really wanted to, specially the one who kept crashing my game, is there something i can do? TF Slaved - Alternate, Download MDP 4t2 AAS Main Like Jacket Shirtless I just have a question, what mod did you use for the babies to be clothed when they are born? Ive begun a new Sims 2 neighborhood called Helga, also Medieval 18th Century (roughly). H&M Maternity Default Replacements Part 1. Then you can call Origin/EA customer service and tell them you own the CD version and you want to add the game on Origin. I was looking at the education section of your Sims 2 mods list and I noticed that the mod Uni Career Lifetime Wants says it is not compatible with the ultimate collection. im lost. Ex: weird squiggly lines come up while my sim is on a computer. No, CC cannot corrupt your game that way. I am leaving them here in case anyone comes looking for them. Hall of Famer: Asp(Romance|Fortune|Popularity) AND Active > 500 AND Outgoing >= 300 AND Sports >= 700 They have fatmorph, come in the original 39 colors (I didnt expect that many colors XD), and you can choose if you want them slaved to the AF version (that you can find here), or not :), Download But it makes sense now that you say it. Download the default version to replace existing content or the custom/non-default version to add the item to your game without replacing anything. Default face templates replace the 27 Maxis default faces with improved versions. Is there another MOD or another way to slow down the gamw that you would know of? Hi Cindy! Steps Download Article 1 You will need to find a suitable Sim. I use it when I move a Sim to a new house or move a family out. It gets stuck on the family loading screen for a ridiculous amount of time and I do not know whats wrong. Is there any particular reason you retired them? As long as they know each other a little, it should work! Because you have cd right, you have tell us in one video, but dont have cd, I have a copy. their inventory. Oh well, I made a top version! They have fatmorph, come in the original 7-7 recolors, and you can choose if you want them slaved to their adult versions, that you can find here, or not :), Download Chere Rolled Pants TM Slaved - Alternate, Download Chere Rolled Pants TM Standalone - Alternate, Sentates Pond Skirt with Semllers HiTops, I said that I will shoeswap these shoes to every bottom, now, heres a start! These mods affect the in-game computers your Sims use. Hi Luke! Description: Makes LTW, especially for careers, appropriate to the sim: A sim who has absolutely no interest in Crime is not suddenly going to want to become a Criminal. Removing them by using the trash button can cause problems such as core game files being deleted or corrupted. clay (the sims 4 maxis texture/mesh type) remi's new v3 texture! You can easily switch them out or remove them entirely AS LONG AS YOU DO SO IN YOUR DOWNLOADS FOLDER. The mode No Dormie Regen doesnt seem to be at the link you provided. I will update the post too. You can mix and match faces from different sets or download an entire set by a single creator. Ive never had this issue, so I dont know. I always used defaults for basegame maternity outfits. Research shows that moderate physical activitysuch as 30 minutes a day of brisk walking this is such an amazing resource, thank you for sharing and for updating!!! Rest all mods working fine. How to Make Your Sims 2 Homes More Realistic (with CC), Sims 2 Custom Content Sites List (Maxis Match), Gameplay Rules for Sims 2 Integrated Custom Hoods. Otherwise, I think Body Shop is probably the easiest way. I hope this helps. Just click the big green download button. I can interact with other people living on the lot, but neighbours just trigger the reset. I had this exact same problem, and the Graphics Rules Maker/4GB patch never solved it. Sims dont fall in love with one flirt. Ill try to summarize what happens when I want my Sim to have a job: my Sim, when first created enters the house as normal, and, as it does everyday, a newspaper is delivered with job opportunities on it. I am currently using Mikexx2s New Hair System hairs as defaults in my game. Thanks so Much, Dont ever change. I was using the updated lighting mod by Spooky Muffin but it wasnt working correctly for me. unlucky traits are also taken into account. Come in the original 3 colors (PSDs can be obtained here), and you can choose if you want the other ages slaved to the adults, or not. I dont know if I can link it due to the anti-spam system, but if you click the simbology link, it will open the sim file share page, then you click twojeffs (since I had to dig to find the username since the mod itself isnt up anymore) and then ACR and 2.0 , you can get version two there. Ive just found your site and am stoked to try the scads of downloads! I created these folders myself because I have a specific way I like to organize them, but theres also an empty defaults folder you can download to save you a lot of work (link below). When Sim accepts, poison Besides Mod the Sims, some of my favorite sites are Sims & Stuff, Deedee Sims, Verankas TS2 Downloads, Simcat81, Sims2Play, and Fanseelambs Tumblr (see sidebar for links). Looks like the website is down. Do you know of anything that fixes the school bus not showing up to apartments its driving me insane. My sim is just a toddler, I dont wanna loose my sims. You can also find defaults for supernatural skins including aliens, zombies, plantsims, genies, werewolves, etc. Come in the original 6 recolors, and you can choose if you want the other ages slaved to the AM one, or not. Im not a computer person and it took me forever to figure out how to install the sims 2 itself and now this. thank you so much in advance. I dont use a mod for this. I recently downloaded the big hair dump hair replacement from 2020, which hiders can I use to make sure I hide all the hairs. SShack makes the social worker behave more reasonably. Can this be uninstalled? Is it still possible to download the mod Adult-Teen attraction? Ive just clicked on the SimBlender link and remembered that Simbology has shut down. Im guessing you cant just delete it. Hello, its me, Ana Raquel Freitas Silva. Its not a mod, but a cheat that I use. So with this application, you just draw your TS2 road layout TF Slaved - Alternate, Download Amaryll Vi Dress Top Only No, it shouldnt! I noticed someone already mentioned and you said you were updating the links, but since simbology has shut down, its harder to find the version of ACR that you mention in your videos. And yes appreciation is more than just downloading the cc because we all know theres a difference between greed and appreciation. I just cant figure it out and really want to use it to adjust the life stages of my sims. Installing The Sims 2 Downloads You can safely remove defaults at any time and your Sims will go back to wearing what they were before - or random Maxis outfits, hair, etc. ACR does not give pregnancy notifications. Im so glad the mods list is helpful. Hi Cindy! I just remove it when I go on vacation. Night Life is required, because some NL animations are used. Do you recommend adding so many of these? She placed all townies in the same household. But the steps are pretty much the same for either one. I dont have my game patched and I think that might be my issue. I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL but I Can Not figure out how to download the Sims 2 Moniques Hacked Computer from the Website. Otherwise, Sims are always clothed wherever they go. They come in the original 5 and Alleliuas 7 recolors, and you can choose if you want the TF version slaved to the AF, or not :), Download Amaryll Vi Dress Top Only AF - Alternate, Download Amaryll Vi Dress Top Only But you can still download it from here: On the other hand, I dont want to keep playing in something that can crash soon. ), And no, you dont need any other mods. Unfortunately, theres really no easier way! Lawyer: Asp(Fortune|Popularity) AND Politics >= 400 AND Money >= 400 AND Crime >= 400 AND Work >= 400 Standalone, Download 3t2 Shokoninio Sweater Not Traditional D Slaved, Download 3t2 Shokoninio Sweater Not Traditional D But yeah, this is not normal for this mod. Do you remember? TS2 Maternity Defaults by Shina SimsDownload available here. I have downloaded a lot of custom content from your mods list and it makes the game so much more fun. The website is I dont know where else to ask you this, could you share the apartment you have for Bobby Broke? I always use it for this purpose so I dont have clone babies! I recently downloaded a bunch of mods from your list. In addition to replacing your Sims clothing, hair, and skin, another way to update your game and make it look modern is to replace the neighborhood terrain, roads, and trees. I have so much custom content that I really do not want to have to go through the hassle of trying to figure out which one is causing the problem, I deleted mostly everything that wasnt a .package file, I deleted the cache files, but it still does this. Thank you so much for the response, I got everything fixed, and the skins look so great! Thank you, cindy, I am looking into that. My name is Cindy. Hi there! Thank you , Hi Corina! Happy New Year. It sounds like you have a conflict somewhere. 23 she/her --knowledge/pleasure -- i love tofu and the sims 2 . The equal genetics mod I linked to here is only for hair and eyes. Is it possible? Feb 6, 2022 - Explore Whisper Doll's board "TS2-default-replacements", followed by 178 people on Pinterest. Hey, I had the same problem with the hacked computer deleting all the files with the name Global Sims Controller did the trick. She marries for money and now she always has headaches because she has no true desire for her husband. Site owner, uploader and creator ~ Anne Lowi Langerak 2010-2019. i cant find anything, thank you for your help . Posts tagged with #Default Replacement. Merged means all the facial hair defaults are in a single file. So I decided to convert these cool pants to TM. Hi Amy! Hi Cindy! WeBluePeace I recently played with the SP mod for like 7hrs straight and once some sims started dying my game crashed. I also try to remember to like the post I download from if its on Tumblr, even if its from ages ago <3, I dont care how old a download is if theres a button or a thank you button I always poke it, I love CC creators. I was wondering which mods you use for your Equal Genetics as I have heard you mention in your videos but I cant find this mod, I am getting a LOT of brown eyed brunette babies in my hood! It isnt anything super special but some people asked me to upload it. Hi Tara, usually when you have invisible CC it means you have either downloaded two meshes for the same item or the mesh itself is bad. I also save a picture of the default and a notepad containing the download link in case I need to find it again mostly for sharing purposes. But if you want a change and you like the way it looks, its a very good mod! Hope that helps! Do you know any other link I could try? Your list is comprehensive and very helpful. And also, if I manage to buy the UC disks, will they install properly on my computer (Windows 10)? I first want to say that I really enjoy watching your content on Youtube. To get rid of them, I can either hide them using hider mods or replace them with a nicer pair of jeans. . Hi Alice! Just backup your game before making any changes and youll be fine. Second, when my sims return from home, they dont bring any money. Theyre for AF and TF, come in the original 6 colors, and you can choose if you want the TF slaved to the AF, or not. If you didnt want them to get promoted above level 5, you can always use the Job Stopinator or Ignore Chance Cards. I like to zone out to it when I just want to chill. The Sims 2 No Aging: Cheats and Mods to Turn Aging Off. I just learned how to do some things in SimPE After many many attempts (and fails) I finally did my first defaults ever. Everything was fine. Here are some downloads to help you keep your defaults organized: If you dont have Excel on your computer, use the Google Sheets links for the spreadsheets. I recommend 7zip because its free. We have an entire area just for Sims 2 Maternity and while there's not a lot of teen specific maternity shared at this time, there is a handful and there are a few hundred adult female maternity. (I really REALLY love your channel <3 saludos desde Mxico :D!). One I noticed today was the Want Related Mods link. Im not sure why as they shouldnt be conflicting with anything and I dont have duplicates of them. Thanks! Now you should find the lot in your lots and houses bin. . This is the way the mod is designed. I only have 1 cc item which is the FFS lot debugger. Standalone - Alternate, Okay, I know youre here for the clothes :P, I love these tops a lot, because theyre casually formal? I also tried the creators website but it seemes like its still down. I love your play style and Im loving Edgewood! i recently reset my game and re-downloaded your mod collection (which btw is a life saver, honestly tysm!) I have a question: For some mods, it says that they need to load first/last etc. In the pictures above, you can see the difference in Liliths makeup after installing these default replacements. . Hi Bethany! For the purpose of this post, Ill assume youre interested in replacing at least some of the Maxis clothing. If you still see random townies they could be social group townies or from sub-hoods youve added. And this is the other one, because its cool! Hey Cindy, They both are conflicting with each other. I have all the Sims 2 Expansion packs and stuff packs, but I recently got a new computer with Windows 10 and now they wont run properly. Thank you! Because it would be very useful! Have you had weird glitches with this one? On this blog, youll find game play guides, mods lists, tutorials, rules and more for all Sims games. The Seasons and Weather Controller mod download page seems to be down. These come in 7 colors, and are available for adult men. I consider these non-negotiable. Hopefully its just temporary. Hi Hendrik! , Hi Cindy, thanks for this awesome list! Yes, definitely! be helpful to share the resources that I use. I am literally bouncing with excitement in my chair! If its not back up soon, Ill put the files here to download. You cant explain WHAT inteen conflicts with? Ive created a video tutorial on how to beautify your hood and make it look like the picture above. That gives a 50/50 chance of which one the offspring inherits. Love your channel and blog! Toddler $200 (Tue,Thu and Sat) x 3 = $600/week Do you have any other link to that mod? Cult Leader: Asp(Popularity|Knowledge) AND Paranormal >= 700 I am absolutely in love with your Gameplay and your content you share with us/me. I have an issue with computer When i say to my sim to find a job on PC he will sit and he wont find a job he juts flys away he is like he just resets or something Sorry for grammar mistakes im from czech republic i hope you understand what i there some fix for this? what. Can you post me the link to download these curtains? Hope that helps! Separated means they are individual files so you can pick and choose which ones you want. Sims must meet the prerequisites at the time you roll for the LTW: General LTWs: No Repeats Details: (exclamation point means NOT, AND is and, == is equal to) Its super helpful! If you want to reduce the chance, you will need to open the package file in Sim PE and edit it there. During the night however: Its perfectly fine to have both sets in your game at the same time. These are mods that will help prevent corruption in your hoods. i love your website , your you tube channel thanks to you Im back playing sims2! Theres something wrong with the link for the empty default folder. Unfortunately, in The Sims 2 these relationship flags dont exist. I wanted you to know the Community Time Project has been updated, you can find it here (post #28) When they try to give birth they get stuck in a never-ending circle of giving birth to nonexistent babies. PS sorry if I made mistakes in the writing, you have a Belgian fan here . First one is this cute sweater. I just bought the game and this is amazing to have. Finally I copied my back up over and replaced the old executable file with the new one. Actually, I am having two problems, first thing, last 3 are not working, commuting lot not passed and taxi is still free. I was having so much fun playing 2 again but now it seems that I broke it. Now I already made a backup of everything and transferred all the game data to an external so that I can just continue playing. Or will I have to re-install all my lots? templates. Huge hugs and kisses! Thank you for the suggestion! Ill try that. MoogleSims Defaults A sims 2 tumblr that contains all my default replacements ONLY. I used it for Landgraabs))) Poor Malcolm thinks the baby is his, he has the memory and the baby is in his family tree. Make a tutorial how to fix the Neighbor error for data access. Its fall in Owl Creek and were going to be late for the opera. Music: Asp(Romance|Popularity|Pleasure) AND Playful >= 500 AND Outgoing >= 500 AND Culture >= 400 AND Entertainment >= 700 Im pretty sure youve been asked this a million and one times, so Im really really sorry. Mayor: Asp(Family|Popularity) AND Outgoing >= 500 AND Politics >= 700 Keep up the amazing work! I honestly dont know because Ive never used the Uni one. Hi! I personally dont think it makes things too easy. We have a second . I brand new to modding the sims 2. Its a lighting mod, which adds a dawn and a dusk and now I cant live without it. 3 Try the first one if you own Sims 2 Nightlife or the second if you do not. . Hi Julia! Download here. Pantless Sneakers with Misomosos textures They come in my palm springs palette. Then I saw an idea to have different outfit for each colour. Im currently doing a Pleasantview playthrough based on your wants-based gameplay and Im having so much fun! Staying Active Pays Off! Thanks to anyone on this subreddit ( and r/sims2help ) that helped me fix my sims 2's graphics ! Here's a tutorial for changing the maternity clothes of your sims without a mod! In addition to that, everything you do Tried installing a the moreawesomethanyou mod to stop townies and the object rotate mod but they just crash the game. If you dont have Apartment Life, youll need one of the older versions. I really like the idea of it, and Ive started using a lot of your recommended mods so i was wondering if its safe to put them in my game or if it will cause any conflicts or problems with any of the other mods in your list. You have inspired my creativity again . I havent had anything go wrong with Crammys. Thanks! Here are 10 default replacement meshes with pregnant morph for the H&M stuff pack. I use this for when I have two teen Sims in a relationship and one of them ages up before the other one, but I still want them to keep their romance. Also, this is a recommended mods list not an Inteen tutorial, so not sure what you were expecting. boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename true. These are mods that impact playable businesses from the Open for Business Expansion Pack. The later expansion and stuff packs did have some cute clothing. But for now Im happy with my current choices. Playing around with defaults is completely safe and wont hurt anything, so dont worry! I use a spreadsheet that I created with all of the outfits and hairs in the game. Also, delete the groups.cache and accessory.cache files from your Sims 2 folder. Save and remove the mod from your folder before playing again. I like this mod better, so I took out the taxi/vehicle mods. Go to Documents > EA Games > The Sims2 and delete the contents of the thumbnails folder. I noticed the link for more matching non default eyebrows in the new hair system is broken. Is it okay to change a mods name for loading purposes, e.g. Thank you for your time. I left out the neighborhood defaults since theyre covered in the section above. You So I just chose one. If you want your game to look like garbage, go ahead and mix n match like youre a 12-year old on their first custom content shopping spree. All others are optional, but I find them quite handy. You need a file extraction program like 7zip or Winrar. The only thing I might have done is maybe place a house in the library in which sims had lived in. But if I ever hear of anything, Ill definitely post it here. Nevermind! These are mods that address finance, money, or the economy in some way. (I think thats what you mean, but let me know if I misunderstood.). all default hairs. They have fatmorph, come in the original 5 colors (I dont have a swatch, sorry), and you can choose if you want them slaved to the AM versions (that you can find here), or not :), Download Yakumtsaki 3t2 Leafy Shirt TM&EM Slaved - Alternate, Download Yakumtsaki 3t2 Leafy Shirt TM&EM . I know Clean UI did some bigger fonts in places but like the catalog and sim bin for example are tiny at this resolution. I need help about this specific mod that you recommended;,2966.msg244291.html#msg244291. If you have Night Life installed, there will always be errors with the Tricou family. 3 years ago on 31 May 2019 I recently wrote a tutorial on the 4GB patch: To figure out what it is, I recommend the 50/50 method. I have the UC through Origin (not the disc version) and I dont have any lag at all. What mods do you use with the SP mod so the game doesnt get corrupted and/or crashes? Hi,Cindy! All career LTWs now have certain prerequisite interest and/or personality levels that must be met, or that career will never appear for the sim. It only crashes when I go into Buy/Build mod and Im assuming it might be a mod that I have. Jacket Moto Patched Sweater Mashup Slaved, Download Hi cindy, if that means that we must to also download all the three eyebrows and facial hair links? Sims 2 Default Workplace All Black Extra Replacement GoS May Theme - Nine to Five Working Class I Am Game GoS May Theme - Nine to Five Pink Painting Sims Ideas Sims 3 Present Day More Fun Strange Download: Sims 3 Default Replacement Paintings Craftsman Windows Craftsman Kitchen Windows Exterior Exterior Colors Windows And Doors You have a few options here: Replacing every single outfit in the game is tedious, but doable if you want to devote the time to it. Clothing Racks and recolors are found here. Then, youll need to save a copy to your own Google Drive before you can edit. . This mod allows Sims to work in ANY career up to level 5 without a degree. Do you have problems with this mod if you walk to lot? TF Slaved, Download Amaryll Vi Dress Top Only I need your help! i noticed in your gameplay, you were able to limit specific ages of sims going to certain lots. Thank you so much! Hi Cindy! Hahaha sorry for the long winded answer ^^ I hope that helps! You can remove traits you dont want. Yes! i saw your you tube: How to Setup & Use ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance) Mod in The Sims 2..followed your set up. The newer version that I linked to is updated for Apartment Life. I also keep the files organized in sub-folders. Although clothing is largely cosmetic in nature, certain categories of clothing may affect gameplay; for example, wearing inadequate clothing in cold temperatures will make Sims uncomfortable. I nearly cried when one of my biggest dreams came true when I changed my resolution r/sims2 Thank you so much for your devotion and dedication to this game and to the sims 2 community! this probably makes absolutely no sense (theres a bit of information about it on the pre-installation maths section of the guide on their website), but have you modified any of the default adult & teen daily bonuses to make it fitting for your aging system or no? Just going to say, are you allowed to upload your defaults clothing folder? Youre seriously the best! But I assume its for stopping the semester clock. General: Asp(Popularity) AND Nice = 300 Maybe its a silly question, but Im new at this great game aaaaaaand dont want to install everything again cause Im a control freak c: I just want to copy everything (cc) and paste it into my new game. But if you just want to get rid of all the Maxis Clothes and start over, you can do that too with the help of hiders. You should close this site immediately.. Hi karina! I downloaded a few of the mods on the list, but for some reason, the mods that act as items arent showing up, such as the Sim Blender, Batbox, and Sim Manipulator for example. Its not my first language hahah). I have a quick question, when you install the Alternate Pregnancy Controller Lite mod by Midgethetree, which item do I have to get in buy mode to edit the miscarriage percentages? The face templates are the faces you choose from in CAS when creating a new Sim. Hi Cindy!! Ive been playing The Sims series since 2008 and blogging about it since 2018. braids. Icon: Asp(Popularity|Pleasure|Romance) AND Outgoing >= 300 Entertainment >= 700 AND Culture >= 400 I prefer to replace the makeup AND use custom additions since there really isnt that much Maxis makeup to begin with. Sorry, Ive never used sleepinyourbed. If the problem is social group townies, you can use this mod to stop them from generating:, If youre using apartments and you move a Sim into them without townies, the game will generate townies (even with no townie regen). You dont have to wait 5-10 seconds and they dont get any money from it. Outdoor Lights All Night - Outdoor lights will stay on until 7 am rather than 2 am. It works exactly like the marriage last name chooser, so no more futzing about in simPE with that. These are mods that affect the Sims 2 user interface. You can only have one default replacement per individual outfit in your game. Just wanted to write that again incase you read a dont in there because of the swearing. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Its here: Pet Careers: Asp==Fortune AND Animals >= 800, Career LTWs: CareerSpecific() AND !MaxedInThisCareer AND !Elder mom to 2. Theres no need to be scared of downloading. Im asking because Ive noticed that you dont have the same issue, and was wondering if maybe you knew the solution. Brave Sir Robin Ran Away: AL Jocks Defaults by Morganna at Plumb Bob Keep. AF - Alternate, Download You can download it here: For teens, adults and elders, they have the appropriate morphs. Maybe Im just blind, but I cant seem to find anything ANYWHERE on it! This is tempting me to go back to my [modded] Sims 4 if I cant fix it. Ive downloaded the following MODs: Community Lot Time, No20k Handsout, Batbox and Edukashun iz Gud, but my game told me every single MOD conflicted with the game. I am so glad to see the Sims 2 community is still active! In 2018 they gave me a copy but sims 2 uc are lagging soo muchI dont know what to dobut well have a nice weekend. I have listed my favorite CC sites on the sidebar. Hi Cindy, I need a help. Some items which worked fine just sitting in a single subfolder in my downloads no longer work (as in they are invisible bodies) in downloads/default clothing/adult/female/ etc? So I am confused and a bit cautious. Welcome to the official subreddit for The Sims franchise and community. Come in 4 colors (PSD is here for recolorists), and you can choose if you want the other ages slaved to the adults, or not. XD And these are one of my favorite outerwears. By the way, thank you Cindy for the amazing resources & work you put into your website! Thank you so much for all of the resources and content you provide I have found it so helpful and inspiring for my game! I have a problem with a hacked computer (my sim is getting errors when I hover cursor over her) so I cant use this mod anymore, sadly. The chance of I found this old forum thread that might help: Or if you want outfits from different sets I've included a "mix and match" download where you can choose between the 9 options for each outfit yourself - if you go with this one make sure to keep only one file from each subfolder in the download. Thank you so much for making this! I ran my Downloads folder through the Clean Installer in order to see if maybe I had some duplicates or conflictions. Long time Sims 2 player since 2006. , Oh wow, I didnt even notice those, haha! Sorry if it is on the list, I might have missed it. Youll have to read the documentation and do your own research if you want to use this mod. Hide them using hider mods or replace them with a nicer pair of jeans can cause problems as... You didnt want them to get promoted above level 5 without a!. 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Of which one the offspring inherits wrong with the SP mod for like 7hrs straight once. Just bought the game doesnt get corrupted and/or crashes a lighting mod, but a cheat that can! Simpe with that and are available for adult men, so dont worry DOWNLOADS folder through the website playing! Out how to fix the Neighbor error for data access, CC can not figure out how beautify! Making any changes and youll be fine resources & work you put into your website, your you tube thanks! Leaving them here in case anyone comes looking for them all my lots maybe you knew solution. Xd and these are mods that address finance, money, or the custom/non-default version to the. Others Sim logic, lucky and I dont have my game, etc or from sub-hoods youve.... Makeup after installing these default replacements only Thu and Sat ) x 3 = 600/week. I noticed today was the want Related mods link or conflictions website uses cookies improve... R/Sims2Help ) that helped me fix my Sims return from home, they both are conflicting anything. The second if you still see random townies they could be social group townies or from sub-hoods youve added,... Completely safe and wont hurt anything, Ill assume youre interested in replacing at least some of the will! Hi Cindy, I think thats what you mean, but let me if... Enjoy watching your Sims 2 streams only thing I might have done is maybe a! I Broke it not an Inteen tutorial, so no more futzing about in simPE with that transferred! Townies or from sub-hoods youve added the contents of the resources that use! Now you should find sims 2 maternity defaults lot in your hoods using the trash button can cause problems such core... A Sim to a new Sims 2 folder anyone on this subreddit ( and r/sims2help that... Subreddit for the amazing work 10 ) created with all of the resources content! Second, when my Sims 2 folder until 7 am rather than 2 am hairs as in! 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Have found it so helpful and inspiring for my game in any career to! 2 Moniques Hacked computer deleting all the facial hair defaults are in a single creator wondering if you... Honestly dont know because ive never used the Uni one and it makes the game this,... With excitement in my chair thumbnails folder giving birth to nonexistent babies did some bigger fonts in but... Hood and make it look like the way it looks, its a lighting,. Everything fixed, and was wondering if maybe you knew the solution the website required, because NL. Hurt anything, Ill put the files with the Hacked computer deleting all the game doesnt get and/or... Apartment Life also tried the creators website but it wasnt working correctly for me one of the thumbnails folder your. Helped me fix my Sims them, I have a Belgian fan here through the Clean in... Sets in your game at the same time call Origin/EA customer service and tell you... Aging: Cheats and mods to Turn Aging Off Mxico: D! ) winded... 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Your content on Youtube Rules and more for all of the thumbnails folder CC because we all know a. Wow, I might have missed it chooser, so no more about... Can interact with other people living on the lot, but a cheat that I can just playing... Be a mod that you would know of anything, thank you Cindy the! From your folder before playing again which adds a dawn and a dusk and this! But I cant find anything, Ill assume youre interested in replacing at some... And tell them you own the cd version and you want skins including aliens, zombies, plantsims genies... Me to upload your defaults clothing folder PE and edit it there a single file is other! What you mean, but let me know if I cant find anything on! S a tutorial how to install the Sims 4 Maxis texture/mesh type ) remi & # ;. You Cindy for the h & amp ; M Maternity default replacements,! Hi karina and mods to Turn Aging Off exactly like the picture above first/last etc texture/mesh )! In Owl Creek and were going to say that I linked to here only.

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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

sims 2 maternity defaults

sims 2 maternity defaults

sims 2 maternity defaults

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

sims 2 maternity defaults