rare beer cans
This vintage can has the first label design and was part of a prototype. This detailed guide takes a deeper look at some of the costliest vintage beer cans. Currently listed on eBay, the vintage beer can is selling at $179.99. Tom Rutledge has been collecting soda cans since 2002, and is BCCA #33072. The BCCA assigns a number for the condition of a can, with 1 being a can in pristine condition and 5 being a can in terrible shape. in Public History, Megan is fascinated by vintage & antique items. How Long Does Boxed Wine Last, Opened orUnopened? The key is to limit the search to beer cans that have already been sold. AU $15.00 postage. Collections and singles wanted. Produced by the American Can Company in 1935, this beer can is in pristine condition. One of the ways we do this is by acquiring major collections from folks who have been enjoying the hobby for many years, but are ready to part with all or some of their collection. These cans were made in an olive drab colour so that they would not reflect light on the battlefield. If you want to get started connecting with the beer collecting community, try one of these options: If you think your can may be of value, it's a good idea to have it professionally appraised. Original Price USD 19.97 If you'd like to learn about more beer-related collecting, get some tips on German beer stein values. Beer Can Indiana Collectible US Flat Top Beer Cans. Contact - Dan: (218) 682-2739 --OR-- Dave: (574) 532-1383 Or send email to: sales@beercansplus.com Beer Cans Plus, P.O. Valued somewhere in the low thousands, one of these cans recently sold at auction for an impressive $3,100. Rare Beer Cans - Etsy Find something memorable, join a community doing good. The New Yorker Beer Can featuring a flat top was produced in 1940 by the American Can Company and is a particularly valuable can for many beer memorabilia collectors. There were several types of beer cans made before 1960, with each brewery deciding when they wanted to start producing a different type of can. USD 16.71, USD 19.21 If you have a collection of vintage beer cans that may have significant value, it's likely worth the cost of the appraisal. Steel Canvas | Vintage Beer Cans For Sale. Schlitz Brewing Co.. 06/1937 The Continental Can Company produces the first quart cone top beer can. The vintage beer can was sold on eBay on November 17, 2019. USD 17.38, USD 19.97 (Therustybunch.com) In my opinion the most informative site on the web, If you need a answer, post your question and I guarantee you will get a answer. Remember that a seller can ask any price for his/her can. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Rare Cone Top Beer Cans Lot of 5 Pre-Owned $50.00 skau4831 (45) 93.3% Buy It Now +$12.45 shipping Sponsored Rare FITGER'S NORDLAGER IRTP Cone Top Beer Can Fitger Brewing Duluth MN Nice Cap $299.00 tomhuene (5,529) 100% or Best Offer +$5.99 shipping Sponsored RARE SWEET VINTAGE $1.39 MAXIMUS SUPER BEER CAN F X MATT BREWING UTICA NEW YORK Pre-Owned EXCELLENT PRIVATE STOCK 22 GOEBEL FLAT TOP BEER CAN! USD 17.04, USD 19.59 It is marketed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by the Jos. To determine old beer cans value, use the following tips: If you know about the vintage beer can you are interested in, you can try to find others like it. A Krueger's Special Beer prototype can appears in a brewer's trade magazine. Steel Canvassells the finest cans available and also pays the absolute highest prices for better beer can collections and individual rare cans. Rare Collectible Starwars Stormtrooper Beer Cans & Bottle with top, Empty. Dating back to 1938, the Ballantine XXX Ale Beer Can is still in excellent condition. Original Price USD 19.21 1930s Rheingold Pale Double Rock Flat-Top Beer Can With estimated values between $8,000-$20,000, the Rheingold Pale Double Rock flat top beer can from the late-1930s is a good investment piece to hunt down at your local vintage shop if you can find one. A beer can that shows serious signs of wear and tear will have a lower value than a similar can with minimal signs of wear. Today, vintage beer cans are extremely interesting to collectors. If you have a potentially valuable can or one that you're simply curious about, there are three main factors to consider when determining whether it might be something special: condition, rarity, and quality. Learn more. 0 bids. According to the seller, the beer can retains its original, attractive, and bright color with an exception of a slight fade on several sections. or Best Offer. Collectible US Beer Cans for sale | eBay Breweriana, Beer Collectible US Beer Cans Best Selling Soak 12oz Pineapple Grove 755728000794 $20.64 New Specialized 16 Oz Keg Ea Bottle White/Grey Terrain Camo 16 OZ $11.99 New All Auction Buy It Now 47,624 Results Condition Price All Filters 10,000+ ALUMINUM POP TOPS, POP TABS, PULL TABS BEER, SODA $39.00 Beercansplus has also bought some of the largest collections, containing some of the rarest cans known in the hobby. National canned beer for numerous other small brewers, too, from Red Top in Cincinnati to King's Brewing in Brooklyn. Below, we will look at these factors in detail. It only has a couple of slight handling marks on its surface. The beer can is in good condition, with all its graphics still intact. Welcome to Steel Canvas, the authority and experienced resource for beer can collectors. Although the vintage can dates back to the 1940s, it still carries interesting graphics on its label. (13% off), Sale Price USD 16.71 The rarest beer cans sell for as much as $30,000. These cans were made by the American Can Company, who had to give away the machinery to make the can before anyone would consider that beer did not have to be bottled. Old Milwaukee In Collectible Us Flat Top Beer Cans. 0 bids. We know the decision to sell your vintage beer can collection might be difficult. If you do choose to sell, you can work with a specialist or enthusiast club, such as the ones mentioned above. Transform vintage shutters into stunning decor for your home with these easy and creative ideas. Here's how to do it: When you know about your can, you can look for others like it. All rights reserved. My specialty in pricing cans is Opening Instruction cans, and most flat tops. These cans were made in an olive drab color so that they would not reflect light on the battlefield. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Produced from 1936 to 1940 for City Brewing Corporation, this beer can is in good condition and features smooth surfaces and popping colors. With an estimated value of between $500-$800, this vintage cone top Frankenmuth beer can in a fair condition actually sold for $1,250 on eBay, indicating that the rise in interest in fermentation sciences and microbreweries might have bled into the collectibles market. Identifying Old Beer Can Values (That Can Be Worth Thousands), 1938 Kruger Cream Ale cone top beer can with a level 9 grade, 1930s Blatz beer can with a cone top and significant rust, Vintage Miller High Life flat top can with a misprinted bottom-opening and good condition. Recently, one of these 12-ounce gold cans sold at an online auction for an impressive $9,000. Sold in 2019 at a live auction, the can had an estimated final price of $10,000 to $30,000. Falstaff Beer Can Indiana Collectible US Flat Top Beer Cans. Call 1-888-423-3722. Steel Canvas is the trusted name for evaluating and purchasing collections and single cans because we have seen or acquired many of the best beer cans and beer can collections in existence. $6.50 shipping. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. AU $21.00. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. (If you see "Internal Revenue Tax Paid," for example, you know it's from between 1935 and 1950.) There's so much to love about vintage and antique valentines, which can be surprisingly valuable. CAN, SHENANDOAH, PA. Tom loves soda cans with any kind of sports scene on the can. The flat-topped beer can features gold, green, and copper-colored texts on its labels. When on the market for the rarest beer cans, you can talk to experts who have experience with vintage cans. Copyright 2023 Steel Canvas. Ending Today at 13:48 AEDST 7h 32m. We are paying premium prices to acquire advanced collections of high-quality beer cans. It's non-breakable, easy to transport, and there is plenty to go a, Vintage Valentines That Celebrate Old-Fashioned Love. 2023 e Beer Cans. An all around inexpensive product that can, in some cases, bring in 10x it's initial retail value thanks to how rare or unique it is. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Some of the rarest beer cans, the flat-topped beer cans were produced by the American Can Company between 1935 and the mid-1960s. The can still has perfect colors and a smooth, shiny surface. 7oz. However, despite being around for close to 9 decades, the Krueger Cream Ale Beer Can is still in great condition. All rights reserved. Rare El Rey Beer Low Profile IRTP Cone Top Beer Can Empty Can, Rare Dawsons Premium Quality Ale 2 Panel Flat Top Beer Can EMPTY CAN, Vtg Rare John Hauenstein Co Hauenstein Beer Cone Top Beer Can New Ulm, Minnesota, Rare SCHMIDT'S "Battleship Gray" Cone Top Beer Can Schmidt Brewing PA Nice Cap, Pfeiffers, Budweiser, Hamms, Armanettis Holiday Etc. vintage rare beer can collection Schmidt's POLITICAL 1976 EMPTY CANS $117.50 $50.00 shipping SPONSORED Vintage Beer Can Collection Empty MINI Ruppert Knickerbocker,Rheingold Lot444 $14.95 $8.00 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Iron city pull tab beer cans instant collection $70.00 $10.00 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Breweries started considering the idea of beer canning in the early 20th century. It is the result of my many years of breweriana experience. One such example would be Ballantine camouflage cans, which were produced during World War II. On the other hand, common specialty cans like Billy Beer and MASH Beer aren't worth much. Buying, selling, trading top quality vintage beer cans and beer trays. Many collectors also focus on specific brands such as Hamms, Pabst, and Budweiser . Extremely Rare! Appraisals. The first flat top beer cans are known as Opening Instructional (OI) cans and were produced from 1935 to 1941. Ultimately, however, you'll get the best information and the highest quality documentation with a professional appraisal. Beer drinkers are fanatical about their love for the brewed beverage, and the famous Super Bowl ad campaigns for such brands as Budweiser and Coors Light belie how valuable beer cans are and the collectibles' they've become for certain people. Pfeiffer Beer In Collectible Us Flat Top Beer Cans. Were avid collectors of these historic works of art, too! or Best Offer. We're Dan, Dave and Tom, the Good Guys! 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. India Pale Extra Dry Flat Top -VERY RARE-Wehle Ox Head Beer New Man of You Sign; Latest Blogs & Brewery Articles. I am the web master, I also do many of the beer can Appraisals. Schlitz Brewing Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This vintage beer can featuring a lovely deep green background and illustrated fox on the center from the 1950s recently sold on eBay for $1,302.77. West Des Moines, IA 50265. Manufactured in the 1950s for the Jacob Ruppert brand, this beer can is in a near-perfect condition. However, it does show signs of wear and tear from storage and handling. After all, youve spent a great deal of time and enjoyment with your hobby. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. NR $0.01 1 bid $50.00 shipping 6h Lot Of 84 Different Vintage Beer Cans EMPTY flat and cone top $20.00 0 bids $59.80 shipping 1d 3h or Buy It Now 3 Vintage HAUENSTEIN BEER Cans: 1 Cone Top & 2 Tab Tops $8.50 3 bids $8.22 shipping 2d 7h Vintage Cone Top Beer Can Off Grade Rough Kuebler The cans have opening instructions. These are a few examples: The beer can collecting community is very friendly and helpful, so you can find out more about your can's value by talking to other enthusiasts. 15 High-Value Beer Cans 1. There's a 2,500-piece beer can collection that's gone up for auction, and behind it, there's a love story. Flat Top Beer Cans Rare, Rare Krueger Cream Ale 16oz High Profile Cone Top Beer EMPTY CAN EMPTY CAN, Smarty Ginger Beer Pull Top Soda Can ( RARE - ICONIC - STUNNING ), Japan ASAHI OFF 2010 beer can PAIR EMPTY 350/500 RARE! The first beer cans were made in America after Prohibition, but in time, the practice spread to the rest of the world. This is a very important dating key for a beer can collector. Falling in the old beer cans value of under $1000, the Ronz Beer Can was sold on 11th December 2019 via eBay. Lot of 3 Vintage Beer Can Advertising Coin Banks Schlitz Miller High Life New. We have been getting into the habit of taking a black light to our cans, this will ensure that the beer can you get from us has not been air-brushed. Can you read it clearly? One of the ways we do this is by acquiring major collections from collectors who have been enjoying the hobby for many years, but are ready to part with all or some of their collection. Numerous factors are often considered when assessing the old beer cans value. We handle these deals with the utmost respect, its tough to let something go that has brought many years of happiness. Whats more, we have answered the questions often asked by people who are getting started with collecting. Check out our collectible beer can selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our tumblers & water glasses shops. USD 29.41, USD 33.80 Beer Cans Plus, P.O. According to their website, Frankenmuth is Michigan's oldest craft brewery, having been started in 1862, and it continues to serve new and old brews to this day. Today, the beer cans produced between 1930 and 1960 are extremely valuable. The Continental Can Company produces the first cone top beer can. The buyer paid $9,500 for the vintage beer can. Find out the current market value of your old beer cans by submitting your can for a free Beer Can Appraisal. 1958 Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8/2019 Czech Republic Collectible Tall Can Rare, KYRGYZSTAN: RARE 450 ml empty beer can used RED SUN Velvet Abdysh-Ata, National Bohemian Light Beer Flat Top Can Rare ORLANDO Florida, VINTAG SENATE SUPER RARE BEER CAN EARLY HEURICH BREWING 12 OZ VERY GOOD COND, Vtg RARE Grain Belt Beer ASHTRAY Tin TRASH CAN Advertising Bar Cigarette Old, Rare SCHMIDT AXE MEN MOOSE STRAIGHT STEEL PULL TAB BEER CAN outdoor logging #116, RARE 1975 PRIMO EXPORT PULL TAB EMPTY BEER CAN #110-35 HONOLULU, HAWAII, Rare 1950s/60s Town & Country Sunshine Beer Booklet Can Bottle Reading, PA, RARE VINTAGE OLD MILWAUKEE BEER ADVERTISING TIN CAN SNYDER OF BERLIN PRETZELS, 1970 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Can (ERROR) Pull Tab On Bottom RARE Empty, Lot of 6 Vintage Steel Beer Cans Hop'n Gator Tres Equis Zodiac Malt Kappy's Rare, Stallion XII Malt Liquor Wilkes Barre PA Empty can. As you would expect, the rarest beer cans which have a small supply are more valuable than the more common ones. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Want to learn How to Date Beer Cans, grade a beer can and build a beer can collection? Produced in the 1940s, this vintage beer can has been around for over 8 decades. Buying and Selling the Finest Beer Cans KnownSince 1991! We make the acquisition process comfortable, easy, and youll receive payment on the spot. Ending 5 Mar at 20:20 AEDST 6d 14h. When it comes to vintage beer cans, the term supply refers to the availability or the current number of existing beer cans. View all of our collectible cans at Steel Canvas. Old, Rare, Antique Can Collector Your Trusted Source Welcome to Steel Canvas, the authority and experienced resource for beer can collectors. Sports Memorabilia, Fan Shop & Sports Cards, RARE CLEAN BUDWEISER VANITY LID FLAT TOP BEER CAN ST. LOUIS NEWARK LOS ANGELES, Rare Narragansett Banquet Ale IRTP Flat Top Beer Can Empty Can Very Nice, Rare Cooks Goldblume Beer High Profile Cone Top Beer Can Empty Beautiful Can, Rare GENESEE LIGHT ALE Cone Top IRTP Quart Beer Can Genesee Brewing NY Nice Cap, OCOC rare empty beer can from Andorra paper Labeled, Rare WHITE CAP Cone Top Beer Can Two Rivers Brewing Wisconsin Nice Cap, RED DOG BRAND BEER KOOL KAN Brand can coozie CLEAN .RARE.vintage 80s, Japan ASAHI STRONG 7 rare 2010 beer can PAIR EMPTY 350/500 KIRIN SAPPORO YEBISU, Japanese vintage Steel Can KIRIN Lager Beer Super RARE 1960s, vintage rare beer can collection Schmidt's POLITICAL 1976 EMPTY CANS, Rare HOFF-BRAU GOLD STAR Cone Top IRTP Beer Can Hoff-Brau Brewing IND Nice Cap, Rare Vintage empty flat Top Beer can, Gilt Edge Lager Beer, Buffalo Brewing. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. 515-224-5940. ted@steelcanvas.com Free shipping. The Continental Can Company produces the first cone top beer can. EMPTY, RARE! USD 10.89, USD 12.82 Boxed wine. The last cone top beer can is brewed by the Rice Lake Brewing Co. of Wisconsin. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Recently, one of these 12-ounce gold cans sold at an online auction for an impressive $9,000. We also sell the rarest and most desirable cans known. can of beer. (13% off), Sale Price USD 10.89 Some of the best places to find experts include: Although modern beer cans are made of aluminum, the earliest and rarest beer cans were produced using heavy gauged steel. The flat-topped beer can has interesting graphics and designs on its intact label. Old Milwaukee is a beer that's still in production, though collectors are willing to pay substantial prices for vintage memorabilia. What about dents? Sold in 2019 through the Live Auctioneers website, Valuable German Beer Stein Markings and Identification, 15 Most Valuable Depression Glass: Complete Price Guide, 15 Most Valuable Vintage Planters Peanut Jars: Collection Guide, 10 Most Valuable Hummel Figurines: Value and Price Guide, Top 10 Most Valuable Case Knives: Complete Value Guide, Top 10 Most Valuable Beach Stones: Complete Value Guide, 10 Rarest and Most Valuable Lladro Figurines: Value Guide, Vintage Linens (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Luggage: Brands, Identification, and Buying Guide, Vintage Playing Cards (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Japanese Music Box Rare Collectibles, Sports Memorabilia Price and Identification Guide, Vintage Mccoy Cookie Jars Value and Price Guide, Vintage Libbey Glassware: Identification Valuable Patterns, Vintage Lenox Figurine Identification and Value Guide, Vintage Jadeite Dishes: Complete Fire King Jadeite Price Guide, Vintage Ice Cream Scoop Identification and Value Guide, Vintage Fire King: Identification, Patterns, Types, And Value Guide. Costs for antique appraisals vary, but you can expect to spend an hourly rate of $80 to $300, depending on their experience. Featured Beer Cans Denver Beer Pearl Lager Beer Encore Brewmaster's Private Recipe Beer Blatz Bock Beer Burgermeister Draft Beer Sunshine Extra Light Schmidt's Bock Beer Fox Head View Our Photo Gallery Cone Top Cans 10 Items Flat Top Cans 9 Items Odd Size Cans 2 Items Pull Tab Cans 8 Items Home Meet "Beer Can Bill" Sell Your Cans Beer Can Lingo The seller has listed the Queens Brau beer can for $79.99. Whats more, we will answer all the questions related to the beer can collection. Yes we do, we use other sites as a reference for pricing cans, even shopping for cans for are own personal collections. Steel Canvas is the trusted name for evaluating and purchasing collections and single cans . All trademarks used on the site are copyright by their respective owners. eBeercans.com is the first beer can reference site featuring Vintage Beer Can Photos with scarcity ratings and descriptions. 09/1935 2353 Valley Ridge Place Burkina Faso | English (US) | $ (USD), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. Miller High Life Beer Can "10 piece Puzzle" Made in USA. Either way, if you're ready to put your cans on the market, rest assured that your can'll go to someone who'll appreciate these vintage treasures as much as you do. The United States government forced beer producers to make special cans during World War II. To buy or sell old beer cans in today's hobby you need current information and beer can values. With an estimate worth of $10,000-$30,000, finding one of these lesser known cans just might give enough money to pay for a vacation getaway, like how this one that recently sold at an auction for $14,500 certainly could. All trademarks used on the site are copyright by their respective owners. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Produced in the late 1930s by the Continental Can Company, this beer can holds the #1 position when it comes to the most valuable beer cans. (15% off), Sale Price USD 17.04 Another question we can asked quite often is "do you guys check out any other beer can web sites?" Vintage Skol Lager Can 1980s / 1970s Original Open Can Intact Collectors Piece. Help ID Breweriana Needed! Is there a lot of rust? These earthenware bowls were the world's go-to dish choice and came in a fun variet, 6 Vintage Action Figures That Are Valuable Today. The key here is to limit your search to cans that have actually sold. Condition refers to the appearance and state of a beer can. Beercansplus.com has gained a huge following of satisfied customers, consignors and we will continue to put our customers first. Sold in 2019 through the Live Auctioneers website, the beer can features a vanity lid and is in great shape. Produced in 1937 by the American Can Company, this beer can was designed for the Liebmann Breweries Company. So, when you're browsing the glass cases in your local vintage shop, stop to see if any of these eight vintage beer cans are perched somewhere inside: Produced by the prolific Continental Can Company in the late 1930s, the (now known to be problematically named) Apache Export cone top beer can could fetch top dollar at auction when it's in good condition. 2 Vintage Miller Lite & High Life Beer Tabletop Miniature Metal Can Lighter Set. Once you know as much as possible about your can, you can start to assign a specific value. 1954 Copyright 2023 Steel Canvas. All rights reserved. Don't be fooled by fluctuating eBay and dealer retail prices. The American Can Company and G. Krueger Brewing Co. market Krueger's Finest Beer and Cream Ale in flat top cans to a test market in Richmond, Virginia. Vintage Beer Cans 12 oz Can Bundle Pack of 16 VintageUniqueItemsCo (75) $15.00 Mystery Box of Beer Cans - - Medium VintageBeerCo $16.99 Painting of vintage beer cans in oil large sized art LuckyVintagePainter (485) $2,500.00 FREE shipping Vintage Beer Cans - 4 cans BombshellBevsVintage (503) $20.00 1st Beer Can site on internet. I became a BCCA (Beer can collectors of America) member that same year, my BCCA # Is 2048. According to Maxwell's guide, the surest way to roughly date these early tin-lined steel cans is to look at the label. While pull-top cans tend to hold little value because of how common they are, the following styles can indicate a rare and valuable can: When it comes to vintage beer cans, "quality" can be hard to define. Dating back to the 1950s, this Queens Brau beer can is still in near perfect condition. She is dedicated to preserving history and shares her knowledge through LoveToKnow's antiques channel. A 1 Beer Can. Collectors prefer cans opened on the bottom. In this detailed guide, we will take a deeper look at 15 of the most valuable beer cans. Some of the features that made the can valuable include incredible graphics that sit on a black patterned and rich gold metallic background. For instance, this Gunther beer can from 1935 featured the notable label variation and reached competing bids between $7,000-$7,500. Some of our favorite sites include (Beercanhistory.com) This is a great site to get the history of certain cans, one of my favorite sites to visit. 515-224-5940. ted@steelcanvas.com Produced from 1935 featured the notable label variation and reached competing bids between $ 7,000- $ 7,500 paid... Mentioned above ) cans and beer can Indiana Collectible US Flat top beer can features vanity... Collector your Trusted Source welcome to Steel Canvas, the Ballantine XXX beer. 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Source welcome to Steel Canvas, the practice spread to the 1940s, Gunther! Collectors of America ) member that same year, my BCCA # 2048... The most valuable beer cans by submitting your can, you can talk to who... On its intact label buyer paid $ 9,500 for the Jacob Ruppert brand, this Gunther can. $ 3,100 If you do choose to sell, you 'll get the best and!