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process improvement epr bullets

- Enforced RC-North Afghan 1st COIN prgm; increased Afghan labor force 243%--248 local families supported. - Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance - Aced intense CON170 Cost/Price Analysis course--DAU states avg grad saves AF $600k+ throughout a career Examples of Training EPR Bullets. - Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs - Administered Cope Retreat contract--improved family morale--crucial to maintain Air Force family structure - Expedit'd AMC & AFCENT crit rqmnts; fill'd 311 MICAPs/$2.3M--enabl'd 162 mobility acft msns/ISIS axed/166 BoT - Spearheaded $560K Xeriscaping project; solidified North/West Gates Force Protection--$55K under estimate! The USAF commissioned officer equivalent is the Officer Performance Report (OPR). - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate - Revived UGT pgm; led 132 supervisors/100 trainees/coord'd 179 pretests/59 EOCs--100% pass rate/37 skill level rdy, - Sel'd as Comm Flt SNCOIC-led team w/500+ helpdesk tx/$1.1M PWCS/$82K tech refresh/618 2875s-fortified section - Epitomizes Air Force Core Values; takes pride in service; committed to personal, unit and organizational success Weak bullets on an EPR make it difficult to write strong decoration, BTZ, STEP and other such packages BULLET CONSTRUCTION BULLET CONSTRUCTION Step 1: Every action must have a quantifiable/tangible result BULLET CONSTRUCTION Step 2: Gather the facts . - Stepped up 7 days as 1st Sgt; initiated 1 discharge/2 adverse actions--upheld order & discipline f/166 Sq mbrs Thanks! - Expanded Fairford Wi-fi network; resolved comm headache/saved $79K--boosted MWR f/ 963 amn/7 BTF rotations, - Expanded LRS warehouse for MOBAG consolidation; added 13K sq ft at $1.7M--facilitated new C-130J rqmt - Awarded $52K RASS kt--provided reliability--ensured untinterrupted aircraft flying in support of US interests - Led Sec Mgr prgm; reinvigorated Sec Prog 36 SIPR, 1 new terminal/$32K/25 pers trnd/1 SOR-100% Unit compliance, - Led Wg Resiliency tm/238 pers; instr'd 162 hrs/9 FTAC crses/11 CC calls/trnd 2K pers--lived CMSAF's #1 Pri, - Managed SDAP prgm; facilitated trng/compiled results--eight Amn qualified/ready for world-wide deployment - Attended Top 3 speed mentoring session; sharpened comm/prof attributes--amplified std's/technical expertise - Completed 3 books & attended 2 hr author's lecture dedicated towards USAF history, resiliency, and self development It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. - Led unit AFAF program; 100% employees contacted/two wks--raised $2010; exceeded division goal by 56% - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD - Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals - Solely trained 45 ISR Div prsnl; conducted 120 hrs comprehensive OJT--ensured warfighters cmbt msn ready - Tower of integrity; refused to abuse VA pgm by applying for disability; preserved resources for critical vet care Steered $750K fitness ctr project; led GC tm/15 mo--svd $25M milcon/solved 20 yr wait - Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member - Embraced new C-130J msn; awd'd $800K FARP remodel & addition--secured forward aerial refueling equip - Completed Finance crs; org'd four briefings/taught basic financial classes--provided sound advice to 15 amn. - Est'd SSR trn crs; saved SOCCENT $250k annl/440 hrs/prep'd 45 operators--secured $8B SOF assets/12K ISR mbr's, - Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments - Stellar ops; mng'd 1650 TLN's; 1.5M+ TDY funds; strengthened end number of combat ready Airman to theatre CC's Enter contributions below and click Send. Chosen to direct Wing SNCO induction ceremony--supervised MPOY tear down/clean-up team - Led 6 FTAC/Unit ldrshp lunches; 20 vols/$1.8k budget linking 233 Amn w/ldrs--crushed Wg/CC's #1 people priority, - Managed workcenter trng prgm; built milestone tracker/qual'd 2 mbrs on 130 tasks--provided 24/7 C2 f/11K mil/civ ops - Technical expert; mentored 4 Amn thru QTPs/ OJT qual'd core tasks--upgraded on time, met SORTS requirements - Advanced Contract Mgt CCAF deg; dominated 7-level upgrade/ 1 undergrad crs--logged 3 credit hrs/4.0 GPA, - Air Show point-man; contracted 14 aerial demonstrations/$100K--showcased AF capabilities for 75K visitors - Achieved 8-hr Train the Trainer crs; endorsed 10 core/critical tasks for two UGT--amplified trng prgm quality - Trained Peers on correct closeout procedure; averted six major writeups--reduc'd PKOA's negative QDR 15% - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas - Bolstered Hungarian vocabulary; devised bilingual guide/taught class--tools used during multi-national TDY, - Completed Finance crs; org'd four briefings/taught basic financial classes--provided sound advice to 15 amn, - Completed Here's to your Health crs; earned three CCAF credit hrs--three classes shy from Log Mgmt degree, - Completed Public Speaking class; earned 3 credits hrs/held 3.4 GPA--awarded CCAF Logistics Mgmt degree, - Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge, - Strives for professional development; completed Mentorship & Counseling crs--increased ldrshp/supervision aptitude, - Strives for self-improvement; completed "Perceptions" equal opportunity course--increased followership skills, - Hard charger! Supervised & mentored best performance within Amn--enhanced academic & financial abilities - Champion'd security item funding change f/USPS inventory; proj'd save $100K yrly--elim'd costs f/all USAFE APOs 1.5K PRDs--vital to 72.3% 8-hr fix rate, Feb One of the behaviors that takes some time and effort to change is an Airman's willingness to be promoted. - Filled E-8 billet as interim flt chief; controlled >1.5K mx actions--secured flt's 99% QVI/100% PE pass rates, - Filled Sq Assist Superintendent billet; tackled 45 EPRs/levied tighter std--max'd quality w/zero late suspense's - AUAB Top III Prof Dev Chair; reviv'd latent pgm/creat'd 14 lessons/6 jnt workshops--mentor'd/shap'd 183 future ldrs - Instructed 1.3k hrs; proctored 1.3k exams/progress checks/91% pass rate--prep'd 160 intel stdnts/spt'd 106 AF units - Awarded vital $43K BPA; enabled $2M AF Research Lab payload test--received LOA from 388 Range Sq/CC - Drove mx during Large Force Exer; diligent efforts enabled eight B-2s airborne at once--first ever for 509 BW Contact Disclaimer. Completing self-paced ASL program--gaining communicative/cultural insight into deaf community, - Completed 40 hr SEJPME JKO crs; took 11 modules on jt force integration--garnered valuable DOD mngmnt skillset, - Completed SEJPME; enriched leadership abilities & jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces supervisor role, - Completed NCOA/SNCOA DL/4 CLEP's; earned 24 credit hrs--garnered CCAF degree/BS completion within reach, - Attended 1st Sgt symposium; learned valuable ldrshp/resource options--increased the number of add'l duty shirts 20%, - Aced 40-hr SEJPME crs; gained insight to National Strategy & Mil capes--garner'd skills to lead in joint environment, - Awarded SEJPME certification; completed 40 hrs course/94% pass rt; enhanced joint leadership/management, - Completed SNCO Course 14broadened leadership ability/knowledgeready for additional responsibility, - Focused on self-improvement; accomplished NCO Professional Enhancement Course--reinforced AF standards, - Attended professional development writing course; acquired writing skillscreated 4 exercise SOP documents, - FTAC mentorship program vol; devot'd 12 mos/counseled 3 amn/career path--ensur'd smooth transition to AF culture, - Surpassed peers; crush'd 7 lvl EOC 96%/cmplt'd 160 core tasks--pois'd f/NCOIC/awd'd 2 day pass/recog'd by Wg/CC, - Honchoed 10 base-wide Amn/NCO PD seminars; mentored 14 hours--developed 149 prsnl for future ldrship roles, - Developed award winning team! JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii -- With the idea of a slimmer, more efficient Air Force becoming more of a reality every day, the need for continuous process improvement is growing.In order to adjust to changes, work centers must utilize the most effective ways to fix problems or find more efficient ways to do things, and the Air Force Smart Operations of the 21st Century is the program . - Mng'd 4 grps/27 unit trng pgm; provid'd guidance/liais'd w/HQ--execut'd 1266 trng requests; $1.0M+ TDY funds instr'd wg-lvl AF tng crs, streamlined documentation process--9 crs/72 hrs/98 supv - Selflessly aided low-income SDV; volunteered w/ Habitat for Humanity--provided 8 hrs/$1k in home repairs - Solidified SNCO induction; chaired committee/proffered/setup/escorted--107 promotees/lauded by ACC/CC - Flexible and mature NCO with proven performance; adapts to any given tasking/attacks challenges with confidence - Fulfilled short notice task during Ex; provided 40 injects/trained 180 Jt prsnl--solidified BDA implementation, - Generated monthly SOT & OJT Roster; analyzed/briefed 5k+ data points, ID'd delays/recommended course of action, - High performing program manager! - Innovative thinker! Productivity - Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs - Showed unparalleled partnership w/CES; fostered wg spt/engineering excellence--'12 Curtin Award recipient - Actively pursuing CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology; gained six credit hrs--earned 3.5 GPA, - Advanced ballistic msl course liaison; organized/attended 80 hr class--fused new knowledge w/msn trng prgm They would provide continuous process improvement and transformation for AFSO 21. These numbers are staggering. - Completed Here's to your Health crs; earned three CCAF credit hrs--three classes shy from Log . Organized 2d qtr sq Amn/NCO/BTZ boards; reviewed pkgs--2 BTZ stripes awarded Home; Products. - Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team - Penned 4 construction agreements worth $16M; slashed awd time by 120 days--rocketted start date milestones - Postured #1 AFMC Straddle Bid project; executed AFMC SRMC directive--readied contract for FY12 award - Volunteered for rec' girls softball tm; taught conditioning/training f/appropriate skills--led tm to championship game, - Garnered 10 credit hours towards second CCAF degree program; 9 credits remaining--3 associates degrees w/in reach - Sel'd as Sq Suicide Prevention POC; hosted wkly discussions/trained 142 Sq mbrs--upheld hi-vis resiliency initiative - Guided Sq Amn; org'd university transcripts/vol'd 50 hrs at local elem/wrote BTZ pkg--mbr selected #1 in Wg, - Hand-sel'd for mentor session w/18AF/CCC; gained ldr insight to Enl dev--guided 6 fellow NCOs thru PME process - USAFE 3F5 SME! - Analyzed 5 ACRs--realigned/updated 35 rqmts; exhibited efficient manpower resource use & UMD accuracy, - Appoint'd sply bin row Chief; 8 rows/12K assets/$6.3M direct oversight--cement'd F16 SecDef MC rt (80%) directive - Reviewed 37 tower references; removed 63 outdated pubs/CBTs from circulation--enhanced trng prgm quality, - Revised ancillary tracking process; audited 3.5K crs's f/342 prsnl monthly--94% completion rate/reduced overdue15% - Outstanding! -Silver Bullets Writing Course -Personal Finance/Budget Course (aka. - Authored 40 Form 64s; reviewed/processed 164 special certs/12 skill lvl upgrades--elevated flt's essential quals 47%, - Authored new ADUTM crs;dvlp'd 6 hrs of tng content/instructed 34 mgrs--ensured qul'd prsnl ISO 148 unit tng pgms, - Boosted ANG trng prgm; developed 11 CE trng individual trng plans f/92 ANG Wings--bolstered trng f/8k CE persnl - Dir'd AOR growth; forged facility design/solutions SOCCENT/CENTCOM/SOCOM msn--guaranteed 2.6k cbt msns - Piloted tech order distribution pgm; coord'd 46 safety TCTOs/published 753 updates--eliminated fleet grounding cond, - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs - Hit the ground running! - Accomplished records mgmt tng; revamped flt file plan--ensured 100% SAV compliance/19 MXG >95% status - Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values, - Dedicated team to refine window R2; shaved time by 25%--AF Chief of Staff Team Excellence Awd nominees - Conducted 5 tech school study groups; led daily synopsis review--enabled 100% pass rate for 35 ATC students, - Conducted Logistics Resource Management Facilitator tng crs; cert'd 7 individuals--Sq poised to meet AMC 90% req - Completed Career Management crs; honed leadership/org/prsnl management skills--mentored/enhanced Qol 31 Amn - Conducted review of 40 training records; meticulously identified/corrected errors--eliminated discrepancies - Briefed several theater commanders, dignitaries on critical mission intelligence during ops--enabled cohesive effort, - Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 85% average score AFSC 4E0X1, Public Health EPR Bullet Examples. - Authored A & E continuity book; provided guidance to five new buyers--enhanced branch capabilities by 30% - Handpicked NCO for OG/CC cross-talk; ID'd fixes for 6 OG issues; highlighted enlisted concerns to leadership - Brilliant leader that embodies AF core values; est'd stds for peers to emulate--coined by 437 AW 1st Sgt f/leadership - Proven Supervisor! - Exceptional NCO/CS; obligated $78k of NGB funded/Wing desired EOY items, $0 turned back in to NGB - Completed 3-day AMC Comm Skills Trng; gained conflict mgmt/effective feedback tools--refined supervisory skills - Completed BAH/Address/Mil pay/PRA audits; reviewed 1609 documents/900 transactions--8 discrepancies found - Revamped training program; conducted 29+ weekly personnel records reviews--identified/corrected 15 errors - Performs C-17 Propulsion Qualification Training; prepares/leads classroom & flightline acft mx instruction activities Devoted 30 hours to personal fitness enhancement; consistent 'Excellence' maintained on annual AF FA - Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating - $8.6M PDM SS mbr; authored multiple planning WCD's--ens'd five acft spt & Hill's Maint Depot rpr's 100% - Awarded airfield surveillance cameras maint plan; boosted AT/FP conditions/$792M in base resources secure Thanks! Copyright Contact - Led $85k CTCS Wolfe Air kt; pvd'd 6hrs of video for AF level films--first VPOTUS/AF2 film known to exist - Innovative; created accounting sys for unreported, Spec Flt labor--id'd 2K undocumented man hours per month, - Keyed fltline trng ops; qual'd 7 Amn/NCOs on 142 core UGT tasks--incr'd shop quals 34%/clutched 100% QA pass rt, - Ldrship energized 197 LO mx'ers; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog dropped 50%/2 yr low

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process improvement epr bullets

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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process improvement epr bullets

process improvement epr bullets

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

process improvement epr bullets