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moorish american national affairs

Because they have failed to proclaim themselves as a clean and pure nation and live within the jurisdiction of their constitutional government they are drawing all the mistreatments and evils down upon themselves. One initial logical question is precisely how many black racialsupposedly exist? They will never enjoy the peace of a society while latent in the perpetual Sin of Slavery: Whenas Negroes, Blacks and Colored People have not received their Divine Rights, unmolested by other citizens, whereas they can cast a free National ballot at the polls under their free National Constitution of the States Government and not under a granted privilege, as has been the existing condition for many generations. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. [sanford, florida republic [32772]] phone number: (912) 509-6046. email address: In Moorish legal filings, Moorish sovereign citizens refer to themselves with a series of Africanized names that incorporate the words bey or el, or a combination of the two. L, T, P, F, & J are the sacred values, holy philosophy and true tools of life of every Moorish Citizen. With us all citizens must proclaim their Nationality and we are teaching our people their Nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a parcel of this said Government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery. All Nationals and Citizens of M.N.R.P. Read More. An agreement to reside in certain areas and well defined territories, previously civilized and settled by The Moors of Western Africa during the pre-Columbian Millenniums to prosper unmolested within North America, as in, but not restricted to, the 36 30. When a misnomered African American people, amidst the Catch and Release Systems of Racial Profiling, compile 20% of U.S. Travelers but form 80% of those stopped by State Action Law Enforcements; and mandatory minimums disproportionately warehouse their youths; and Death Penalties, including Federal Prisoners, are constituted by 70% staple of ex-slaves who total less than 15% of the General Population. Ergo the Negro State was never designed to muster the noble status of true Citizen or qualify the Bearers to reach from the Federal Question of Denationalization to the choice of Naturalization. To unequivocally prove that black racial groups of Africa, as created by. 1925). The origins of the Moorish sovereign citizen movement are difficult to ascertain and often misunderstood. This has caused confusion among the media and law enforcement who mistakenly link the groups together. Narrated by Leonard Nimoy. Check out our updates below. El's - The Law makers, law givers, likened to executive. Terms such as Haitian or Negro can be used in addition to Black or African American.. In some instances they had also a criminal jurisdiction, but in this respect were subject to review by the courts of the home government. It is the open pentagram that makes Our Flag is over 100,000 years old and should not be confused with the flag of present day Morocco who exchanged the divine Principles of L, T, P, F, & J for the Five Pillars of Islam in 1492. Its ultimately a trust that is brought into existence with your signature. Latitude: 29.71242136 Check out our updates below. Allah is my protector, my guide and my salvation by night and by day, thru his Holy Prophet Drew Ali, Amen., ("I am going to leave the European here, just long enough to teach you how to run a government." Unlock Your Devices Potential !!!!! Man's Higher Consciousness By Hilton Hotema (1962)In this book Hotema provides his insights into how we could all live longer by learning the body's simple requirements of breathing fresh air, avoiding animal flesh, banning any cooked food, and by gradually lessening the amount of food consumed (VIDEO) Tracing Our Roots: African Muslims In America Before Columbus By Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah (2013)Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah shows how Muslims/Moslems we're already in the Americas even before Columbus had arrived. We are Heirs to this land and a Nation State, Webelieve in Peace, Love, Freedom, truth Justice and Equality for Humanity one Nation under Consular Jurisdiction, Home of the El's - Al's - Bey's - Dey's - and Ali's. Verdiacee Turner Goston) retired, the original Washitaw group fell apart, replaced with a variety of different groups and individuals taking up the Washitaw Nation mantle. Many Moorish sovereigns also profit by selling bogus registration, licensing and insurance documents on websites promoting Moorish sovereign beliefs and doctrines. As of August 1, 1956, the United States relinquished their consular jurisdiction in Morocco as shown in the below document starting at the bottom of page However, Moors of the Moroccan Empire are also authorized by the same above Treaty to exercise consular jurisdiction at any Republican state jurisdiction for their protection and enforcement of Treaty rights and obligations whenever Moors have disputes with any citizen of the United States (or subject). Still, due to the magnanimous blow from the setting maul, it may take the prosperities of the mighty Moorish another generation or two before they can decipher their unalienable birthrights and national advantages of freedom nourished from the breast of their Divine Constitution. As indicated in the preface, we will address race theory itself, an ongoing fraud on a grand scale, in the third volume of this series. To be a citizen of any government, you must proclaim your National Descent Name. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is then becomes the just right of the people to abandon it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on the Omnipotent Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. mailing location: care of 401 east 1st street #158. near. Details of the issue involving our Moorish American National We will review the information and respond back to you accordingly. Moorish sovereigns often sustain themselves by selling bogus legal documents, fraudulent auto insurance forms, fake license plates, counterfeit passports and various other documents. A shipowner who sends his vessel into a foreign port gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the master that he intends the law of that flag to regulate such contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him. Allah the Father of the universe, the Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Millon of jf.Mt Wrtt in !be ature of :Jfart 3L equest ebibence Information JUscoberp anb iBisdosu I Ie Jnttrnational jDotumtnt 70103090000276105324 ForTheReoonJ, To Be Read Into The Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal- Notice to Principal is Notice to jgent xhibit C . A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of His Father God Allah. In several instances, this belief in immunity from legal authority has led some Moorish sovereigns to initiate violent confrontations with law enforcement. And our subjects do not enjoy the fruits of their labor in security and no happiness is consistent with the observance of your laws; the glory of our people is not exalted to the world as products of our ingeniousness: On July 3, 2021, eleven members of Rise of the Moors, including its leader, were approached by a state trooper while their vehicles were stopped on Interstate 95 in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Consular court: Courts held by the consuls of one country, within the territory of another, under authority given by treaty, for the settlement of civil cases. Moorish sovereign citizens often display an emblem that consists of a scarlet red rectangular banner or flag with a five-pointed green star located just left of center. Mobile Merchant, Interstate. The revised / later question was a fact question and could be answered. Brierly, The Law of Nations. The true and de jure AI Moroccans I Americans. ", SavingHumanity is our core mission, preserving life, freedom, and liberty, Teaching high values to a elite Nation, joining forces with Smart School smart academy and Ministries across the nation for a generation of smart loving children, Expanding new ideas, with old traditions and Customs, spiritually leveling the playing fields across the nation, We teach real spiritual transformation, focusing on the five principles Love, truth, freedom, Peace, & Justice, by the true prophet Noble drew Ali. This is the reason they, as a People, have been forbidden to muster or sustain one leader from among themselves. This Treaty is proof of there being two (2) jurisdictions that are foreign to each other, and are operating at North America for the purpose of amity and commerce: (1) the United States Republic of North America and (2) the Moroccan Empire which is the home government of the land. Whereas Reparations are never paid to Slaves, which would only perpetuate their present state of slavery, satisfactory compensation is always due to Surviving Hostages of the Nation that has endured the Maafa of African Slave Trade, Genocide, Denationalization and Apartheid. They "direct the actions of the Government, according to ACT 1 of the Divine Constitution of Moorish America and in principle set out the essential political guidelines. A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and, ters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that foreign country. The theory of Black race in the United States: academics, politicians, activists, etc. Ye are the children of one Father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one Mother hath given you suck. Directive 15 is not based on science, so youd just get bloviative answers ranging from 1 to 1000 (maybe more). Book. We, as a Clean and Pure Nation, do not have enemies, foes or adversaries nor do we possess the intent to create their likes from among the Sons of Man. But this is a New Era of time now and all men now must proclaim their free National Name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth. The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has no unified leadership. When you nationalize as a Moorish American National with the Ammuurian Tribe, your family feels safe and secure, your knowledge of law and civics improves, and you reclaim your true inheritance of the land with a Nation State behind you. The Moorish Americans as a Clean and Pure Nation have neither debts to the United States of America, her allies, enemies nor any nation neither foreign nor native. no Black race officially exists in either Germany or France. He hath instituted laws for the Government of the World; He hath wonderfully varied them in all beings; and each, by his nature conformeth to His will.). Posted on Dec 16, 2021. The Moorish American Government Website's main objective is to inform and educate our people about their government in a transparent, easy and cost effective manner. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens of Moorish America. the mission of the moorish national republic federal government north east amexem territories and dominions is to uplift fallen humanity and to convey love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. Only the Moorish Americans must rightfully proclaim this, their National and Divine Identification, hereby notifying the United States of America and all nations of the earth with the following Divine Constitution and By Laws We are an organic people and declare Our Moorish American Independence that: Our God Is The Great God Of The Universe And Master To The Day Of Judgment, Our National Prayer Is The Moorish American Prayer, Our International Prayer Is The Al-Fatiha, Our Holy Prophet, Angel And Founding Father Is Noble Drew Ali, Our Principles Are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom And Justice, Our Earthland Is Home And Moorish Amexem (Americas) Is Our Native Land, Our Citizens Are Freeborn Moorish American Nationals, Our Theocracy Form Of Government Is Guided By Our Holy Koran And Divine Covenant, Our Assistant National Head Is The Assistant Grand Sheik, Our Grand National Chairman Is The Moorish Consul General (Grand Mufti), Our Grand Body Is A Congress Of Divine Ministers, Adepts And Angels, Our National Purpose Is The Uplifting Of Fallen Humanity, Our Flag Is Red With The Five-Pointed Open Green Star In The Center, Our Grand National Seal Is The Logos Circle Seven, Our Grand National Emblem Is The Red Crescent Moon And Five-Pointed Open Star, National Grand Sheik, Dr. Serapus Amin Ra El(Grand Consul-General), Grand Secretary of State Minister Thornton-EL, National Grand Chairman, Dr. Akhnaton Pert M Heru Tutankhamun Bey(Grand Consul-General), National Grand Secretary of State, Dr. Hatshepsut Tutankhamun Bey, National Grand Treasurer, Dr. Nefertiti Tutankhamun Bey, National Grand Secretary, Dr. Auset Amun EL, *National Assistant Grand Sheik Dr. Shedu Amenti Al Mu Hedjet Sepesu EL, Vice Consul-General Minister Tidwell Bey, Grand Secretary of State Sekhet Rennanet Maati Bey, Grand Secretary of State Minister Dianne Carter-Bey, Consul-General Minister Ka Maat Shu Bey, Vice Consul-General Minister Omar Thomas EL, Grand Secretary of State Minister Kami Ector-El. Consular Offices of The Moorish American Government Throughout North America. As far as I can tell Congress of the United States has not enacted any Public Law defining the term race. is co-trustee with the United States because of the Treaty, and Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America. To call aloud to the ingenious citizens of the United States, Allies and Foreign Sympathizers to help us, The Moorish American Nationals, economically, politically, socially, religiously, in our gigantic Divine and National Movement - the Uplifting of Fallen Humanity. Albeit the Moorish Peoples must elevate their thoughts from the stagnant graves of mental slavery, accepted nationless existence and self hatred in order to take their rightful status in the affairs of men. This irrelevancy of whether a Negro is a slave or free is reiterated in Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment: When a people with over 9.6 million State Certified Professionals, four million Muslims, over eight million members of Freemasonry and other Secret Societies, numerous Celebrities of every field, over 200 Mayors and Governors, forty members of Congressional Black Caucus a host of officials, appointed Judges, a U.S. Justice here and The Hague, a People with over 90% Christian Leaders and Followers. Because they place their trust upon issue and names formed by their forefathers. Eleven people were arrested and charged with eight counts of conspiracy to commit a crime, improper storage of firearms in a vehicle, use of body armor in the commission of a crime, unlawful possession of ammunition, unlawful possession of a firearm, and possession of a high-capacity magazine. There are no reliable figures available on the number of active Moorish sovereigns. Number one on the agenda ofstrategic ways and means to expedite the same. The United States in her infancy bear witness that no Nation will be free to live out its Creed, personify the Grand Principles and attain unlimited capacity of development while under the yoke, laws and tyranny of another Government. So, when the Nuwaubian groups compound in Eatonton, Georgia, wasraidedby federal, state and local law enforcement officials on May 8, 2002, and essentially shut down, many Nuwaubian Nation members (who were now knowledgeable of sovereign citizen tradecraft) were displaced and fled to other areas of the country bringing with them Moorish sovereign ideology. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. The Moorish Americans who are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa (Including the northwestern territories we now call the Americas) are in lawful pursuit of our actual freedom. This too is a component of iron hand oppression when placed upon a people who, within the bounds of The U. S. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, have been denied repatriated Nationhood and to personify such acts under bondage sustains Slaves that can never be greater than the Master; and the labor of all their good words, works and deeds will only glorify their owner: When the 14th and 15th Amendments were ratified in full light of the Supreme Courts Dred Scott Decision (1856), which declared Denationalized Africans, whether a Negro Slave or freed Negro is still a Negro and can never muster the naturalized status of a United States Citizen; this decision has never been overturned, but in ex post facto concurrent tortfeasors of the subjects. The only location in any discipline and field of human activity where the term black racial groups of Africa can be found is in that document. If you are looking to exercise 'consular jurisdiction', then you MUST know the law language of your Treaty and the 'Foreign Policy' of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) regarding your Treaty. Group leader Jamhal Talib Abdullah posted a photo of the group doing marksmanship training on Facebook in August 2020. In honor Always Moorish National Republic Federal Government For the following Corporate STATES: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs [141 Weston Street #1145 HARTFORD CONNECTICUT . academics, politicians, activists, etc. Moorish National Republic of Peace is a Ecclesiastical Political Organization (Nation-State) under section 508(c)1(A). A recent survey ofMoorishsovereign-relatedsocial mediasites consistently indicated about 3,000 to 4,000followers. What are black racial groups of Africa The controlling U.S. federal administrative regulation is Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, Federal Register Notice, October 30, 1997, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET, Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, AGENCY: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs which defines Black or African American Black or African American. And when all judicial convictions of so-called Negroes since the Congressional ratification of the 1868 Fourteenth Amendment, with its intent to recycle slavery duly abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment, were negligent of their proper status in addition to leaving all Courts in the United States in want of jurisdiction are hereby declared ex post facto and void of judicial, civil and divine substance: When Naturalization: the process by which a whole person, in full consciousness of nationality by birth and descent, applies for citizenship, a choice among all free national constitutions, has been politically denied to the ex-slaves. See 22 U.S.C.A. Please Download These FREE Books, Documents & Videos & Share With Friends & Family! Southgate, Who were masters in Astrology, for those who are, or have reached a masters degree in their line of studies, This is an earned title, We Appreciate your visit! gateway to the article iii. To place into law all rights of Diplomatic Immunities, International Conveyance Authorization, secured lodging and the protection to peacefully co-exist in America, in harmony with the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish America. Since it is not in the nature of chattel to also be the owner the mass production of Negroes, Colored Folks and Black People made only in America was never designed for them to be autonomy themselves. For some who identify themselves as Moor, Moorish or something similar, there is a belief that a fictitious 1787 treaty between the United States and Morocco grants them immunity from U.S. law. Is your Moorish ID up to international standards? These principles are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice (L, T, P, F, & J). All citizens must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all citizens must obey the laws of the Government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and parcel of the Government, and must live the life accordingly. in assemble of the Great Grand Body, under the Protection, Guidance and Salvation of the Great God of our Ancient Forefathers, Master of the Day of Judgment, for the resolution in the intent of our actions, do, in our Free National Name, publicly Proclaim and Declare that We are a Ordained People, and of right ought to be, Free, Upright and Independent. The Supreme Grand Council of Moorish Science Temples of America National Headquarters P.O. Overall, Moorish sovereigns have not shown widespread interest in deploying explosive or incendiary devices. UNITED STATES RELINQUISH CONSULAR JURISDICTION IN MOROCCO. The Moorish American National Annual Conference is held every year at a designated location, to address old and new business, our objectives, goals, Departmental annual reports, and their accomplishments over the year, etc. so precision or even reasonable approximation is impossible. To provide with the necessary credentials for recognizing our Ambassadors, Sheiks, Attaches and National Representatives; and firmly establish a perpetual communication for our securities. Learn how it works, and see h Aseer The Duke Of Tiers: Freemasonry Exposed!Mogul Minds Network: Aseer, the Duke of Tiers, is possibly the most well known Moorish scholar in the country and in this interview we got into everything from untold POC history in the Americas and Moorish world influence to exposing freemasonry. We have the inherent Rights to lands, air and waterways originally civilized, inhabited and cultivated by our Ancient Forefathers and to insure the sanctity of our Men, Women, Children and their prosperity. For some who identify themselves as "Moor," "Moorish" or something similar, there is a belief that a fictitious 1787 treaty between the United States and Morocco grants them immunity from U.S. law. They. And there has been no record documented, since the enactment of the 13th Amendment, to reflect the naturalization clause by treaty, application, nor judicial hearing, nor petition, nor declaration of allegiance in true intercourse to the Moorish American, of lawful age and be accepted, by choice, as naturalized citizens of the United States. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Black race in the United States. Some Moorish sovereign citizens have also been known to target their own for financial scams and other criminal activity. But consuls are entitled to consular immunities, which protect them from local law and jurisdiction inthe exercise of their consular functions. ~ Our Mission Statement~. Department of Transportation, Highways and Telepathy, 10. From this die of court and State-owned Slavery alone, they have no rights that the true Citizens are bound to respect. We, the Vanguard Tribe of the Moorish hordes of America, do hereby requisition the following remedies to be legalized by the United States Supreme Court, the Executive Branch or/and an adept Special Congressional Committee, or other National or International authorized designated body to: Recognize the Free National Name and Number and Sovereign autonomy of the Moorish Americans as the Clean and Pure Nation with our Government, Religion, officials, flag, seals, et al in the glory of a Proper Person. When so-called Negroes whom have used Slave Names, not knowing these labels are unacceptable, without worth and decry muster among the realms of free nationalized citizens; making Blacks, excluding Indians not taxed, as 3/5 of all other Persons, subjected to perpetual taxation without true representation as those Members under a Free National Descent Name: When the high diligence of honor and glory due for another siphons the contributions and accomplishments of a people then unjustly hoisted as their own; the credibility, trust and reliance are misplaced. In 2009, Moorish Americans convened our first National Conference in Philidelphia to formerly establish the Moorish American Government, its Cabinet of Executive Rulers/Government Officials, Divine Constitution & By-laws, Departments, Department Heads, Domestic satellite-offices (Consulates) within the continental American territories wherein Moorish American Nationals reside, the agenda and strategic ways and means to expedite the same. Federal, state and local law enforcement have encountered Moorish sovereigns committing a wide range of minor or white collar criminal activity includingtraffic violations,house squatting,tax fraud,financial scamsand violations of governmentregulations. The North American continent is under binding international treaty law, i.e., the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire, which superseded the organic Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. It is the creation of a political. Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition (page 948-949): Consul. Those who fancy themselves safe while under the oaths, pledges and memberships of various religious organizations, Secret Societies and personal Republics are still in violations of the national constitutional laws of all free national governments. Brought into existence with your signature el 's - the law makers, law givers, to! The Supreme Grand Council of Moorish science Temples of America interest in deploying or... Is no black race officially exists in either Germany or France media and law enforcement who mistakenly link the together... 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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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moorish american national affairs

moorish american national affairs

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
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moorish american national affairs