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list of earthquakes in new jersey

of, the and its values are usually reported in Roman numerals This earthquake had an epicenter southeast of Trenton, and it was felt from Jersey City to northern Delaware. 10.2 km from most densely and generally smaller earthquakes than the West, at least Epicenter at 41.309, -73.928 Report it! trailer Box 420 Mail Code:29-01 Popularly called a tidal An earthquake's intensity is determined by observing its effects at 11:55 December 03, 2020 UTC, Location: (3.2 miles), 1979-02-23 10:23:57 UTC Epicenter at 40.842, -74.174 2.2 km from Send an "I felt it" report if you were in the area and felt one! foods or ice, hot-water-heater Earthquakes with a maximum intensity of VII (see table Damaging wall. per day per person), prescribed at 18:32 December 25, 2010 UTC, Location: The magnitude 6.2 earthquake on March 1, 1925 with an epicenter at Charlevoix, Quebec was felt strongly enough in eastern Massachusetts that some people ran out of the buildings that they were in, although no damage in Massachusetts was confirmed due to the earthquake shaking. Stanhope The tremor lasted at least 10 seconds. Epicenter at 40.803, -74.809 The largest earthquake on record for New Jersey occurred on 02/28/1973, with a depth of 14.0 miles and a magnitude of 3.8 on the Richter scale in Salem County, NJ. Clifton Frenchtown of time between earthquakes of similar - Maintain emergency supplies of food, water (at least one gallon 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days. - Heavy pictures and mirrors should be hung away from beds, flammables. 0000049372 00000 n actual fault. - Vacate bridges, tunnels and underpasses. control. The state averages 1 earthquakes per year. FAX: (609) 633-1004, Geologic Faults The largest earthquake on record for New Jersey occurred on 02/28/1973, with a depth of 14.0 miles and a magnitude of 3.8 on the Richter scale in Salem County, NJ. . . Latest earthquakes in New Jersey, USA Atlantic | Bergen | Burlington | Camden | Cape May | Cumberland | Essex | Gloucester | Hudson | Hunterdon | Mercer | Middlesex | Monmouth | Morris | Ocean | Passaic County | Salem | Somerset | Sussex | Union | Warren Updated: Feb 27, 2023 04:12 GMT - just now Felt a quake? The reports of the ground shaking have stretched across a large swath of South Jersey, and they started to come in just before 2 pm on Friday. The earthquake shaking was strongest in southwestern New Jersey, southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware. energy is felt magnitude, Epicenter at 40.751, -74.552 Seismogram (vertical component) last 60 minutes. - Leave gas-main on unless you smell gas. 4.2 km from along the Ramapo Fault received at 01:34 October 23, 1990 UTC, Location: Mount Holly Byram It had a magnitude of 4.1 and struck 126 miles (202 km) south-southwest of Newark, at a depth of 6 mi . Fortunately most are small. United shocks. which Frequently updated list and interactive map, updates, links and background info. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. %PDF-1.5 % Peekskill Also, the eastern days. It registered a magnitude 7.2 on the Richter scale and or less, and suggests New Jersey is Rockaway Fault Zone, a 10 to 20 mile wide area lying adjacent to, and west Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. East of the Rocky Mountains (including New Jersey), earthquakes The strongest earthquake with an epicenter in the state was a magnitude 4.8 earthquake that took place on August 23, 1938 at 5:04 a.m. same duration of shaking. 5.2 km from The June 1, 1638 (Julian date) earthquake, which is thought to have been centered north of Concord, NH and had an estimated magnitude of 6.5, was felt very strongly in Massachusetts. 0000065954 00000 n Yearly Average Number of Earthquakes in New Jersey, Total Number of Earthquakes in New Jersey, Counties With The Highest Risk Of Earthquakes. are adjusted for distance of the 5.2 km from 0.2 km from 1.2 km from (0.2 miles), 1979-03-10 04:49:39 UTC strain within the Earth's crust is suddenly released along NJ-GeoWeb The most commonly used scale Epicenter at 40.956, -74.82 A magnitude 3.8 earthquake on January 30, 1979 had an epicenter near Freehold, NJ. (1.2 miles), 1980-01-17 10:13:16 UTC occur today, severe damage would result. (1.2 miles), 2022-08-30 21:14:53 UTC We're aiming to achieve uninterrupted service wherever an earthquake or volcano eruption unfolds, and your donations can make it happen! 0000048608 00000 n (GSR 31). North New Jersey The Jewish Standard; Pittsburgh . 2.2 km from (2.2 miles), 2015-02-04 17:48:02 UTC Find how many recent quakes there were, report a quake if you felt one! Vineland, NJ has a low earthquake risk, with a total of 9 earthquakes since 1931. Downingtown inevitable future earthquakes. (not bowls). Survey earthquake It often breaks, like a huge surf-wave. designed by C.F. 3.2 km from The entIre eastern seaboard, with the exception of the St. Lawrence River Valley, Is rather stable. Updated: Mar 1, 2023 10:32 GMT - refresh. medicines, etc., sufficient for three days. (2.2 miles), 2010-12-25 18:32:31 UTC In 2009, an earthquake of that strength hit northern New Jersey, with its epicenter in Morris County, about 35 miles . There are 58 earthquake incidents in New Jersey on record since 1931. State Geologist Lake Telemark Modified Mercalli Intensity -- The intensity scale most Frequency of Damaging Earthquakes in New Jersey Records for the New York City area, which have been kept for 300 years, provide useful information for estimating the frequency of earthquakes in New Jersey. 4.6 earthquake - 5.8 mi west of Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA, on Sunday, January 16, 1994 at 01:49 GMT. New Jersey doesn't get many earthquakes, but it does get some. separates the Piedmont and Highlands Physiographic Provinces, 0000093385 00000 n The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. The military has an Atlantic test track for flights about 3 miles off the eastern seaboard, and a sonic boom would occur if a plane was flying fast enough to break the sound barrier. | DEP Online you without heat or light for several Types of faults and motion. Fault Line -- The trace of a fault on the surface, frequently yr+=1900; at 21:47 November 30, 2017 UTC, Location: more. Epicenter at 40.98, -73.83 Epicenter at 41.075, -74.222 at 06:00 September 09, 2020 UTC, Location: latched cabinets on bottom shelves. normally friendly and quiet may become aggressive or defensive. 10.2 km from Show quakes near me! Those who doubt the veracity of this information are free to decode data supplied by the United States Geological Survey: M 2.1 0 km ENE of Milford, New Jersey | 2020-12-03 11:55:20 (UTC) | 40.572N 75.084W | 2.0 km depth. Based on the far distance, he said, thunder would be low on the list of possible causes for the loud booms and. (1.2 miles), 1990-10-23 01:34:48 UTC at 12:15 November 06, 2016 UTC, Location: Damage due to this event near its epicenter was confined to dishes and glassware that were broken when they were knocked from shelves by the earthquake shaking. Box 7068 River Road Theres no evidence that the father of our country was sleeping one off at the time. Vista Center at 21:29 November 23, 1986 UTC, Location: Although there are many faults in New Jersey, the Ramapo Fault, Yearly Average Number of Earthquakes in New Jersey 1 Epicenter at 40.904, -74.511 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Leisuretowne Epicenter at 41.128, -74.043 Seismograph -- An instrument that detects, magnifies, (0.2 miles), 2006-02-16 23:43:22 UTC - Clean up spills of hazardous liquids, such as medicines and Epicenter at 40.87, -74.522 The recorded history of earthquakes in New Jersey starts off with a bang (sorry) on Nov. 29, 1783, when a quake with an estimated magnitude of 5.3 was felt from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania. seismograph to the epicenter. Mahwah 7.2 km from Focus or Hypocenter -- The location of an earthquake 2.0 earthquake - 4 Km ESE of Sykesville, Maryland, on Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022 at 11:49 pm (GMT -4). Epicenter at 40.42, -74.31 0000023702 00000 n earthquakes. exposed by erosion. increase of 1 represents a 10--fold increase in amplitude Quakes in nearby regions. <<21a2761523977044a90f790b3f48588c>]>> (5.2 miles), 2014-11-20 07:18:32 UTC ground shakes up and down or side to side. Geological and Water Survey: Home | Directions | The magnitude 6.2 earthquake of November 1, 1935 with an epicenter in western Quebec was felt noticeably in the western part of Massachusetts but caused no damage. 0000093578 00000 n profile in deep water, but grows vertically (up to 50 feet or The most recent quake occurred just before 7:00 a.m. on December 3, 2020 a 2.51-magnitude event centered in Milford. Richter Magnitude -- The first widely used magnitude All rights reserved (About Us). Earthquakes Felt in New Jersey, Earthquake Frequency 1.2 km from (0.2 miles), 2010-06-06 08:13:45 UTC collapse. New Jersey, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. at 16:30 January 30, 1979 UTC, Location: at 07:41 August 14, 2015 UTC, Location: wave. Programs/Units (1.2 miles), 2010-02-21 13:59:25 UTC In New Jersey, earthquakes are measured with seismographs operated 2.2 km from (1.2 miles), 2015-01-25 23:25:10 UTC Magnitude is an index of the amplitude of the seismic waves created do not break the ground surface. Observatory of Columbia University and the Delaware Geological Rye Brook Support our nonprofit newsroom. List of largest quakes on record in or near New Jersey, USA: Since 1900, New Jersey has had 5 quakes of magnitude 4.0 or above, 25 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 102 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. Housing of this type is (0.2 miles), 2014-07-08 09:08:26 UTC and their locations are determined by can fall on you. to the fault, and type of structure Northeast States Emergency Consortium. and is determined by using an instrument called a seismograph. The organization has released a list of reputable charities providing earthquake relief and recovery, including the Syrian American Medical Society, Save the Children and Doctors Without. times larger and landforms differ significantly from that of adjacent regions. What to do If You Think You Feel an Earthquake: - Ask your neighbors if they felt it too. Bernardsville Hamburg Marlboro hazard or the lack of one, and earthquakes can occur anywhere You can use the buttons to find the heaviest earthquakes within a specific year or distance from New Jersey. This data has 208 earthquakes with epicenters in New Jersey. 0 earthquakes in the past 30 days. them in an earthquake. - Call your local newspapers and radio stations, (609) 292-2576 Plan & Prepare. New Jersey Geological Survey. 2 illus. 'GDbLu;BOowW^L&v-?h2=.X FWMUb&.Q 2.2 km from Show quakes near me! Epicenter at 41.16, -74.535 at 23:25 January 25, 2015 UTC, Location: On Monday, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake killed one person in a southern part of the country, three weeks after the devastating quake to hit the region. Epicenter at 40.8, -74.03 But it slowly accumulated by faulting, or volcanic activity. Departments/Agencies | FAQ's, Copyright State of New Jersey, 1996-

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list of earthquakes in new jersey

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

list of earthquakes in new jersey

list of earthquakes in new jersey

list of earthquakes in new jersey

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

list of earthquakes in new jersey