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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff

Why was this name retired in the past? Tashalistedthesesportsaswaycool:golf,skateboarding,karate,andflyfishing.\underline{\color{#c34632}{Tasha~ listed~ these~ sports~ as~ way~ cool:~ golf,~ skateboarding,~ karate,~ and~ fly~ fishing.}} He couldn't choose which drink wouldn't poison him because it was rigged. What surprising opinion does he have about the Bugger Invasion? Why did Graff give Ender all new soldiers he had not worked with before? The only way for him to be a great commander is for him to hate the teachers, to blame them for what he has been forced to become, and he is right to do so. Because they are being trained to be soldiers. How did the buggers control Ender's computer game? The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Does Ender believe him? this is similar to his fight with stilson because both of his opponents died Describe the buggers as you understand them from this chapter. Sometimes it can end up there. How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. What does he see when he looks in the mirror after? What does this say about the role of leadership or authority?" However, he is determined to be Bean's friend, even if his soldier does not know it. Why doesn't Graff stop the boy from hitting Ender in the head? Ender says that Bean is the only one who seems to know what he is doing. Are his actions appropriate for his age? %%EOF 2. How does he What does he see when he looks in the mirror after? All are younger than Ender's nine and a half years, and he is forbidden to make any trades. Contact us he is in a game called the end of the world and after defeating the snake he sees peter in the mirror and thinks he is turning into him. Describe Ender's fight with Bonzo. Why is Petra Arkanian exactly the wrong kind of friend to have? Synthesis of Ideas: 1. a facility orbiting earth where the soldiers and commanders for the bugger army are trained ran by they I.F. That he was a better Soldier. they controlled it telepathically he finds a pupa of a bugger queen. How is this victory like every other Alguna vez se fueron de viaje? If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Under what circumstances? alive? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? What is surprising about Ender's promotion is that he is mad about the promotion because everything was about to go well, he was making a new friend, he was liking Bernard, and people were finally respecting and noticing him. Ender threw Bernard and broke Bernard' arm. 3. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. When Ender goes to Battle School who does he miss the most? Are his actions appropriate to his age? How does Enders discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? This is why he puts Bean in charge of a special toon that comes up with crazy but genius ideas for winning battles. Wed love to have you back! For itself. If a sentence is already correct, write C on the line. Ender is doing the same things Graff did to him, like saying that he was the smartest out of all the recruits in Battle school. Describe the battleroom. What does he see in the mirror after he March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Though he maintains his authority over Bean, unlike Graff, Ender empathizes with the boy and shows Bean this empathy. Renews March 8, 2023 Why doesn't Graff stop the boy from hitting Ender on the head? ender know the other boys hate him because he is graff's favorite and needs to own up to what graff said he is. He hustles them out the door to practice after just three minutes, despite the fact that some of the boys are still naked. This shows that he learned from Graff. Ender shows that he has matured beyond simply copying adult behavior through how he treats his soldiers, especially Bean. MIGUEL En qu clases sacaste un excelente? He had to first learn the unfamiliar controls. Ender threw him and broke Bernard's arm. What army is Ender given command of? hk0=n`}Xf+l}X:(}Q~wgIQM6!tw:I_+g9&SRC+Pv$(&Q,;vgnONzT-&87\i0)phnzhcC^f=r4hjFb3R]gM9GdV1]6;+"SLlU5U;=$i1Z$aZ7i%id_Jo!.6Lb:zL7Vs7EDi6$E1 Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Ender is now a platoon leader in the army lead by Commander Petra. How does Ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers in his army? was a athenian sttesman who famously stood against macedonian king philip II and whose surviving speeches have established him as one of the greatest and powerful orators from ancient greece . The other boys isolate Ender and don't like him because it seems unfair. a place with no gravity where the kids at at battle school play the most important game in the school. enderwrote a boo about the buggers and how they lived since he killed them he thought it was his resposibility to write for them thtas why he signs it "speak for the dead", Chapter 13: Atmosphere and Climate Change, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, BIO 1801 final review (all KDAs) - not includ, Word problems 2nd grade (without regrouping). He shows them that gravity has no meaning in the battleroom and they must leave it behind; the only thing that matters is the direction of the enemy, which he says is always down. This happens with Ender when Colonel Graff makes the other kids in his launch group hate him by pointing out that Ender was smarter than them. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? Anderson tells Ender that he can no longer hold his informal practices, and Ender realizes that things are to be different now that he is a commander. Why is Enders feet-first attack position so effective in battle? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? What lesson does this teach Ender? Why is Ender's feet-first attach position so effective in battle? Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with Stilson? Ender? Internal: External: 4. Write something about yourself. Peter is scary because his intellect is matched only by his ambition, and there is no doubt that he can manipulate almost everyone. Ender thinks that the Military Colonel has come to his house to (a) explain why his monitor is gone (b) invite him to enter Battle School (c) punish him for fighting with Stilson (d) make his parents have another child 9. 3. Because he didn't grow up fast because he wasn't on Earth. In what ways does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Enderwhen he came to battle School? Petra attempts to warn Ender that he is in danger, and he already knows . Why do they need false identities? Why was this name retired in the past? Discuss the problems Ender faces as a "third." 4. Bean is the smartest of the kids and Ender decides to isolate him to make him better. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Ender couldn't beat the giant titan because he choose the cup that wasn't poisoned, and since he usually knows everything he got angry. What valuable skill does she eventually teach 10. 1. 1. How does Ender feel about the statement? The boy, whose name is Bonzo Madrid, explains that he is the commander of the Salamander Army, and won't be using Ender in the teams. 3. Source (s) Ender's Game How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? How does Ender feel about his statement? 5. He wants to be supportive toward Bean as well as being a strong commander. The valuable skill that Petra taught Ender was being around the Battleroom and she also taught him how to aim with the gun. When Ender first takes his new army into the battle room, it seems Ender treats Beanexactly the way Graff treated him. Meanwhile Ender trains his men, working on some new techniques that Bean has come up with. MIGUEL Por qu no hablamos de otra cosa? There is a difference, however, in the way Ender treats Bean and the way Graff treats Ender. Ender's Game has received some of the highest honors for science fiction writing. He kissed it. Ender finds himself treating Bean as Graff treated him years ago: making him the favorite student, isolating him but also putting pressure on him to live up to his new reputation. What army is Ender given command of? Why does Ender practice with his original Launchie group? His name is Bernard. It shows that he learned from Graff. What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them? This indicates thatEnder is really smart and does whatever it takes to get what he wants. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Knowing the I.F. How did Mazer Rackham defeat the buggers in the Second Invasion? What surprising opinion does he have about the Bugger Invasion? question. 0 They form a friendship, which Graff would never do with Ender. Second, he realizes more fully that the other armies, the other children, are not the enemies. Describe the battleroom. When used without a hyphen, the Latin prefix ex-means "out; out of; away from." What army is Ender given command of? 3. It's only over the course of the coming months, when Ender figures out who to befriend and how to undermine those who stand in his way, that he starts to gain respect. What importance do the battle room, lasers, and space suits have there? He seems like he will arrest Ender, for beating up Stilson. for a customized plan. Tasha listed these sports as way cool: golf, skateboarding, karate, and fly fishing. He drills his army, learning about each of the soldiers as he does. on 50-99 accounts. Why? For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Please wait while we process your payment. The battle room is where they practice. Ender thinks that Bean in the only one who knows what he is doing. In chapter 8, Graff says that "Fairness is a wonderful attribute. When Ender arrives at his army's barracks, he immediately goes to work forming them into a respectable force. The space suits are where the equipment is. he head budded him and stepped on him Ender meets his soldiers and immediately takes them to the battleroom for practice. 20% Ender is then left wondering why he singled Bean out. The space suits are where the equipment is. she teaches him hoe to aim and shoot. behind the mirror? He eventually kills the giant so that he won't have to fight it anymore. Chapter 11: Veni Vidi Vici 1. How does Ender defeat the computers security system? 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. 3. shen becomes ender first friend because ender stood up for him when bernard was picking on him. By writing notes on the desks about Bernard. Free trial is available to new customers only. So that no one knows they are children. Ender and Bean soon forge a relationship based on trust. While practicing with Alai and the others from his launch group, Ender comes up with a lot of ideas that other armies have never tried. because it keeps them going in the same direction and they can still shoot with their upper body. 3. What affect does Graff's claim that Ender will be commander while the boys are still learning have? He kills the Giant. How old is Ender in the beginning of the book? Ender realizes two things when he meets Bean. What is the boys name? The Warsaw alliance is undermined by antagonism between Muslim and non-Muslim allies. The end of chapter 11 shows a conversation between Bean and Ender in Ender's commander room. What is being discussed in the dialogue at the beginning of the chapter? eNotes Editorial, 30 Apr. He's past the Giant and in the castle. There's no gravity so you float around freely. How did Ender change throughout Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card? Describe the battleroom. Graff's relationship with Ender, on the other hand, requires mostly blind trust and hope that everything will turn out okay. Describe Ender's "final examination." Circle the correct form of good, well, bad, or badly. endstream endobj startxref Why was he chosen? It is clearly worth it to them to mistreat children if it makes them into the fighters they will need to save the rest of humanity, but it does not make it any easier to do so. 3. Ender froze several army soldiers before, when Ender joins in the fighting, his standing goes back to fourth place, but he soon learns enough to make it back to first place. 6. They use them to speak their mind and not be ignored due to the fact that they are merely children. Latest answer posted November 15, 2017 at 3:47:13 PM. How does he eventually win? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? However, he knows that he still has the memory of the word salaam that Alai whispered in his ear those years ago, and that memory will stay with him, like his memory of Valentine. What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them? Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? 1 Heavendragon Answer: Ender isolates Bean from the rest of the group. 297 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<65938BC17829AE4094D2526FA9559C54><3FED92A2370E7341B5A7F58B74644262>]/Index[284 24]/Info 283 0 R/Length 71/Prev 26515/Root 285 0 R/Size 308/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Graff agrees but states that war is not fair, and that Ender must be ready to face anything. Why does Ender refer to himself as Speaker for the Dead? I think his role is to help Ender. However, Ender then realizes what he is doing and decides that he does not want to do that. What importance do gravity, lasers, and spacesuits have there? will help you with any book or any question. Describe the computer game. 2. Ender understands that Graff isolated him to make him the best soldier he could be, and he is now doing it to Bean. To protect him until it is removed. While Graff's treatment of Ender requires secrets and manipulation for Ender's good and success, Ender . Plasticity and Functional recovery after trau, Psychological Development of the Child and Ad, SpringBoard English Language Arts: Grade 10, Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9. hbbd``b` BH0/A;"X{A HCg8 they think he changed for the good and believe his lies, teachers say he's a model student that studies works hard never bullies and turns in work, she knows his change isn't real it's just the same peter but better at flattery, use his fathers citizen access to use fake names to try and form a par americana so if the beggars arrive the earth will be at peace with itself and will be impossible to defeat, how does peter manipulate valentin into helping him. Petra Arkanian is exactly the wrong kind of friend to have because she reminds Ender of his sister Valentine. Ender's Game Study Guide - Paraclete High School . ?.e0_+*\;V5#nAoO8*%3 None-the-less, there are also differences. Why do most kids think the game is important? He sees Alai in the game room, and they realize that even between them things must now be different. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. What importance do the battle room, lasers, and space suits have there? Chapter 4 - "Launch" Why would Ender be disorientated before he even leaves? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. why do peter and valentine need false names, so people will take their ideas seriously and not know they are kids. Graff wants Anderson to set up battleroom scenarios that are unfair. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? There is a difference, however, in the way Ender treats Bean and the way Graff treats Ender. Be thorough in your answer, as this will change. He wants to beat them when they try to make him lose. She teaches Ender how to aim. becasue she reminds him of Valentine Why did the Wiggin family move from the city to rural North Carolina? Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? Nobody is going to protect him and he knows his standards & makes him stronger because he has to fight for himself . 3. a laptop computer that ever student has at Battle School, a game played on students' desks that are designed to help develop each student, a fleet of starships and military officers designed to defend the world against the attack of buggers, a weapon used by the students in battle school that shoots out a beam of low powered laser light that "freezes" the targeted person only usable inside the battle room, a device utilized by the commanders of the students in battle school and is used to unfreeze soldiers during training exercises not in actual battle, a slang term for the Formics who attacked and devastated earth throughout the course of 2 separate attacks. paciencia-curiosidad-gracia-timidez-dificultad-valor-peligro-alegra-jugadores-ritmo-sol-nieve-habitantes-sabor. eventually win? His conversations with the adults show that he is competing with the teachers more than with the other soldiers. Qu crees que debes hacer para sacar mejores notas? what according to mazer are enders advantages and disadvantages when he faces the buggers fleet, they can only do one thing at a time but can communicate very effectively, but as their trust in ender as a commander grew their friendship gradually disappears ender was their teacher and commander as distance from them as mazer was from him, they saw ender exclusively as a commander not a friend as they trained more, so he wouldn't become emotionally invested and focus on only being a commander to fight, what dangers could arise from having friendship with those you must lead, ender would not want to hurt them if they were friends, how is the victory like every other victory he has ever had, like the victory he faced with two armies in the battleroom, what does ender discover after it is done, he was actually killing buggers without his knowledge, people want to use him for power or kill him, demosthenes retires and locke obtains power, why does ender want to go to the buggers home world, to learn more about the buggers in order to colonize humans, how did the buggers control enders computer game, what does ender find when he looks behind the mirror, why does ender refer to himself as the speaker for the dead, he is the only one who understand how to buggers would've aced what they were doing and the intended actions they were attempting to take, what mission does ender go on at the end of the book, to find a planet for the buggers to rebuild their species, Higher Biology 2.6 Environmental Control of M, To Kill a Mockingbird English Chapters 12-31, The Pearl Vocabulary, Book Quotes, and Discus, SpringBoard English Language Arts: Grade 10, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9. 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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff

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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff


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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff

how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff

how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff

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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff