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does fiber optic internet cause cancer

You will want the Radio Shack AM radio model 12-467, 12-464 or older AM radio. Fiber may be the only venue in the future, but Ill definitely be waiting until that point to consent to the technology if counteractive technology is available at that time to eliminate any EMF/EMI. Finally, I phoned up technical support and they said turn the router off and then on again. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, Here are a few: 1.) Thus, living in an area without fiber infrastructure can both reduce the EMI coming into your home and prevent you from having a cellular antenna like these installed directly outside your home. I demonstrate this here: This article was originally published on September 2019 and updated most recently in August 2022. The residents are bathed in radar but dont realize where it is coming from. Electromagnetic fields and cancer. Ive been to Green Bank . Sorry to hear you are going through this. Most people are focused on RF, which is indeed a big issue (5G, WiFi, smart meters, etc). Billions of Bluetooth devices are in use today. Jeromy, can you please give me some advice? Wow! Most neighborhoods wont have those until fiber optics are installed in the community. I have had difficulty getting my head around much of what you have written on this subject thats not a criticism of your writing skills which are good, but of my comprehension ability. You could have a low-SAR phone, but still have non-thermal biological effects. In fact, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says Bluetooth earpieces send out radiofrequency waves at significantly lower levels than even cell phones. This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood. What the paper doesnt tell you is that Green Bank is in an MOA (Military Operations Area). Ive been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods. This system works better for me than even this analog landline phone setup: If you did this, you wouldnt need Verizons fiber connection to your home. Genisco Filters is a company that specializes in this issue. Is there a way to get pdf /printable versions of your blog entries like the one above as well as the Comments section with your incredibly helpful responses to the comments? But if I get even half a microwatt of HF and some crackling or pulse or repeated signals then there is likely something on the line. Its a part of the EMF spectrum that gets very little attention. Im about to pick a new net provider for the next year or so and am choosing between Xfinity coax which I already have, it has a clear impact on the houses DE, or trying AT&T fiber which is true fiber. EMI on all bands of AM Radio: Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers? That was my gut reaction from the get-go, although I could not base my instinct on any cold, hard facts, being virtually ignorant of the technology. We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. So many people on YouTube addressing this issue dont really seem to know nearly as much as you do. I know the modem is in the room below me and I know the side of the room where it is. I am happy to see this info regrading Fiber Optics because I am very ill from the installation of Fiber Optics underground wiring in my neighborhood (and the whole town) about 5 months ago. All rights reserved. WebAlthough Fiber internet can be incredibly fast, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. We inquired at the Observatory about EMF in the area. In a 2015 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi induced oxidative stress in the uteruses of rats. This is a problem for me too when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. As award-winning science journalist Blake Levitt points out in this article, fiber optic systems can be used as a Trojan horse for 5G installations in our communities. When I unplug the internet, I can use it as my word processor much longer. Thanks for your comment Dave. But a flip phone wouldnt allow me to download anything. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. I always thought that fiber optic Internet connections were safer, but now I know that this isnt necessarily the case. I think there must be 8-10 boxes attached. We really have to stay on our toes with all the new technologies and keep sharing what we learn. body can absorb. Having pure fiber run to each home with specifically selected/designed low-EMI ONT devices for the data conversion in the home and no small cells deployed in the community is a low-EMF future for all that also provides fast, secure and reliable internet. The Federal Communications Commission agrees, but suggests consumers may want to take steps to reduce their exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially from cell phones. Thanks for writing/asking. Those results have also been inconclusive. Let me know how it goes with the NBN fiber connection. Wi-Fi is a wireless technology. WebHow can fibre reduce bowel cancer risk? These The mechanisms behind these effects are unclear. The ice that forms around the fiber optic cables often causes the cables to bend, which affects the signals sent through the cables. Many communities have multiple internet service companies to choose from. Have you any idea if there is a filter that can be connected between the source of power and between VOIP connection and phones? Most electrically sensitive people do worse with high data / high bandwidth applications such as HD Netflix, Amazon or streaming YT on your laptop. Although there is direct exposure to the skin, non-ionizing radiation cant damage DNA or cells directly, like ionizing radiation can. Thank you. But first we have to bring to awareness that this is a problem. (2019). Even though I was an expert in botanical medicine and nutrition for 35 years my health was mysteriously deteriorating until I followed your advice and cleared my home of all RF emitters. Here is a demo where I show that there is EMI on the ground wire of a home electrical system: Im trying to figure out what to do and what to request from the apartments. Feel free to reach out to me to discuss so I can walk you through what to do in your home. My desktop computer puts out semi-high levels and makes me wonder if the fiber optic is contributing. I have been saying for some time now that this house has some sort of pulse waves and was thinking of purchasing a reader of electromagnetic fields or what not is there specific types more suitable? Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. Our power system is 240V AC. I encourage you not to stay there if you are too close to the WiFi routers. Some have WiFi built into them and you will have to work with the provider to get this disabled. While recently showing a friend how my RF detector works he removed his wireless hearing aid and placed it on the meter. Fiber-optic lines consist of up to hundreds of small strands of glass or plastic cables, each about 1/10th the size of a single human hair. More research is necessary. The two primary sources of EMI from high-speed internet service are the fiber optic converters at the street and the cable modem within your home. Knowledge is power. Yes, there can be an issue with EMI on the electrical wiring and the data line coming into the home. Therefore, we have no smart meter, and zero WiFi in our home. Thank you so much, Jeromy. So if Fiber Optic is an option I should avoid altogetherthats absolutely fine! How can I know if high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in my neighborhood? IARC classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. I hope you pick this up because most of the comments are from years back! Ill send you my AM radio protocol via email. This should be the position of ALL Stop5G groups as far as I am concerned. 2.) I will check with a friend that cables Telecom, what they are installing here out of the doors and at home for optic fiber. I think they generate from the same modem. Even though I still suffer from EHS, which I got after mobile base stations were built around my house, I can now use my computer without getting sick. As the great article you shared by Ms. Levitt points out, the powerful profiteers and their government lackeys do not care about us. Additionally, one 2018 animal study also found that Wi-Fi reduces the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which combat oxidative stress. I am absolutely not opposed to thatyou should not have to offer all your knowledge and time without proper imbursement. 2) You mentioned that EMI can piggyback on the copper wires and phone lineswhich I presume, makes virtually every wall/room in your house radiate with EMI/EMF. This will tell you if there is something with the fiber optic system that doesnt work for you. 3. A 2016 animal study found that radiation emitted from Wi-Fi causes DNA damage in the testes of rats. Fiber particles on your clothing can later get into food, drinks, and/or be ingested by other means. The main concern regarding this type of EMF is although Fibre helps us to poo more often, increases the size of The scientists pointed to data showing electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones, wi-fi and baby monitors may impact human health. In other words, is it like solar panels, that spread EMI everywhere on the neighborhood grid and everyones electrical wires, except in this case its getting spread on copper wires and internet cables? done that. Effects of melatonin on Wi-Fi-induced oxidative stress in the lens of rats. Not very tech savvy unfortunately. So far, there is no consistent evidence that WiFi routers or WiFi-powered devices increase cancer risk. Thanks, Jeromy. My question is how do I do a fiber optics system that will act as barrier for my condo since I cannot change the internet connection in the apartment complex. Even with unplugging it each night, she became very ill with various maladies both years we vacationed there. Thanks Jeromy. I cant sit at my computer for very long or use my phone without major symptoms. We still have copper wire old line. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. It could force animals to relocate and plants to die. The have kept their phone line DSL or cable internet connections until they know more about the new system. From 30 years of personal experience, I know that radio frequency radiation causes me headaches - no doubt about it. My very first mobile telephone I would be willing to pay for this like a subscription. I recently had fiber optic internet installed. And will it even do me any good to move to a different apartment within this complex if it has fiber optics? The main thing is how you use them. =====, I have a few questions: Cell phones release low levels of a type of non-ionizing radiation called radiofrequency energy. At this time, there are no third party fiber modems that we could cherry pick (like we can do with cable providers like Comcast and regional ISPs). This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. I am not familiar with the low-EMI/EMF modem models/providers in Australia. 2.) I use an older Radio Shack AM radio (model 12-467 or older on Ebay) to see if there is wide spectrum EMI on the wiring. Vibration white finger is caused by vascular damage to the hands and can turn your hands a chalky white color. Excerpted from: Recurrent thalamo-cortical resonance Wikipedia, Gamma-range oscillations are not the only rhythms associated with conscious thought and activity. Its not so much of where the cables are located (they are generally out at the street, either on poles or underground). It requires an internet connection to work. Faulty connection to the patch panel. During this time, I had no EHS problems even when I turned on wi-fi on the router and on my computer for a few minutes to see if I could get internet access that way. Well, sorta. You COULD use fiber to pick up sunlight and carry it. No doubt about that. However, the cross section of a single fiber is very, very I was thinking if I get the line to run to the garage and shield the converter, then run it to my own modem/router, would that result in less DE because I dont have copper running right into the house? The other place where the AM radio was extremely noisy (buzzed loudly) was when I held it up to the shielded ethernet cable (Cat 7) where it inserts into the laptop ethernet port. Because the body is unable to absorb and Also, theres no proof that 5G and EMFs increase your susceptibility to viral infections. Where to check? It will take some awareness and good local laws to get there, but I think that is what we will eventually have. If you advocate for fiber in communities, you need laws/ordinances in place that wont allow it to be used to put small cells that are used for 4G/5G on every street corner. (2017). A nearby cell tower invades our house with frequency radiation. As usual your article is very interesting and clear. I am getting ready to buy a new home. Thus, their power supplies and operation can generate high amounts of wide-spectrum EMI (electromagnetic interference). Heh, heh Like every other bird, insect, plant, and living creature, I was born electromagnetically sensitive. and I came across your article re the dangers of high speed 5g fiber optic systems. Insufficient transmitting power. The other telephone line is copper only, so that it works when electricity is gone, sometimes 12 hours in winter by 0 F. I just ordered the items (the links you give are broken now, but you can find the amplifier on eBay and the phone on Amazon by searching for the product). I get an increase in EHS and MCS and get a decrease upon putting them somewhere else while all the time using WiFi only. (2011). You likely wont know if there is an issue until after they connect everything. All phones are 10 away from sleeping rooms walls. Its used to connect laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices to the Internet. Signal loss due to a bad connector. A disconnected cable. In Europe they dont worry much about the consequences of EMF and I figure that EMI is just known as the nickname of Emily. Or should I move to a completely new complex As soon as possible? Hi, we have just had fiber optic broadband fitted to all telephone poles in street. If you are by chance using wireless for any of this, higher bandwidth applications will typically have greater amounts of RF involved. The scientific community (too often in revolving doors with the same industries that produce and sell cables phones and modems they should honestly analyze) says its just a conspiracy theory and the 5G is absolutely safe. The fiber optic communication and the routers themselves are the actual problem, its the type of switch mode power supplies many of them use. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Do you think this is a problem? According to a 2014 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi radiation reduces the reproductive function of male rats. (2020). But when the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, the myths began to involve coronavirus. It feels like I have some superpower to tell such things! Instead they are pushing VOIP. But he did not know about the RF issues so I told him my story and gave him your website. According to the FCC, only around 33% of Americans have access to fiber internet connections. I had a similar conversation at the EMF Conference with the president of American Teledata where he explained some of the coming/current advances in fiber optic technology. I appreciate this more than you could ever know! Hi, Im in UK. Obajuluwa AO, et al. This month Comcast installed underground fiber optic cable and they turned it on yesterday. Indeed, PLC communications can be quite problematic from an EMI perspective. It provides faster mobile communication by producing higher electromagnetic frequencies. It is a new problem for my knowledge, so, interesting. requires a 110v electrical outlet for power supply and also contains a battery backup of up to 6 hours. lightening) that can reduce speed of transmission. Especially, for those who are not savvy with all of it? Consider this EMI issue when choosing your service. Use it to trace the source, whether in the street or from your own wiring or devices. I am just now learning about EMIs. But there certainly will be some radiation. Thanks for this great article and all the other great info that you provide! That surge has some doctors and researchers concerned that the daily bombardment of a variety of electromagnetic signals may increase our cancer risk. (2014). I bought four 32 x 32 aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. Also, is there a main hub where everything connects in a neighborhood that can be identified (and avoided!)? I found this article because for some time Ive been having this buzzing and zapping and even running my hand across my face is like running my hand along an electrical current. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! I see! Many of my clients who need the information now get the PDF and print/bind at a local print shop (its about 80 pages and costs $20 to do so). I know many people who do this. Optical fiber glass is just silica glass. It is not known to cause cancer. You typically cant get cut but you can get a puncture and a splinter! O Here is an example of Hybrid vs Pure Fiber Optics: is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Keep your phone at distance when not in use. If so, would Fiber Optic actually be a safe option for us to consider? The technique exploited the variations in optical diffusion properties of the 4) I have read that the Fiber Optic cable itself does not emit EMFs. It was great to hear what you had to say at EMFC this year! Will you be writing a follow-up article that discusses the effects of fiber optic cable in connection with cell towers and small cells? Are there any items that must be addressed at the time of installation? Watch this: Disabling a Samsung Smart TV: Or is it because the AT&T box where he installed? In short, I would hold off on the fiber connection based on both of your sensitivities. Thank you so much, Jeromy, for taking the time to respond and so quickly! Thank you for the thoughtful update on the current fiber optic technology / installations. it is low-frequency, electronic devices are all around us, and always on. Is there a possibility for a cure after this (electromagnetic sensitivity) happens to you? It could also be radiating from the infrastructure right outside of your apartment. By the way, the Underwriters Laboratory and FCC have limited scope in measurements for which all electric and electronic devices and systems must pass, very few go for the most stringent standard. Opinions vary on whether cell phones and other devices that produce radiofrequency energy cause cancer. According to the FDA, which relies on epidemiologic studies, public health surveillance data and supportive laboratory studies on cell phone radiation, theres no consistent or credible evidence of health problems caused by exposure to radiofrequency energy emitted by cell phones.. Cant remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but Im pretty sure these networks of cell towers didnt exist then. Im sure many others are facing or will be facing similar situations and could greatly benefit by your answers. I declined, and hopefully they havent done that. Server 1 is going to disconnect my phone in two months and if I cant solve this problem with the power adapter and this problem of the 700-800V/m, then I am in real problems. In your reply, you write that the new article will explain how to set up ones own home fiber optic network between the modem and the computer to create an EMI barrier between Comcast data system and my computer. Signal loss due to a cable span that is too long. Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. The concern around WiFi and routers causing cancer is due to the emission of these EMFs. Thanks for writing. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. I have read that we should be concerned about 5G. You can buy maps of the MOAs in pilot shops at airports. This will allow any EMI on the ISP system to be transmitted into your home. Read this: I expressed concerns to the United Nations panel (Re: Disabilities) that accessibility for electro sensitive people needs consideration with the rollout of technology. World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. Since its release, thereve been rumors about 5G and its health risks. We believed that fibre optic was a safe option. While microwave radiation from wireless technology and magnetic & electric fields from electrical wiring are critically important, EMI is equally problematic for human biology. Jeromy also does this type of work; see his page As I mention in the article above, there are ways to reduce any EMI coming into your home. Question What about the fiber optic junction boxes? Thank you for catching that Renate. This comment also explains why staying with cable (co-axial) internet is often your best option. I had three electricians out and they havent a clue. The quality of fiber internet depends heavily on the construction process that allows it to reach you, which really depends on the provider. Continue internet service with a non-fiber optic provider as long as possible. Could you clarify something for me? Thanks in advance. The cable and outlet where the powerstrip for the computer is plugged in, which is 2 feet from where I sit, measures 50 V/m, but the chair where I sit is at the 15V/m level. But, since HFC connection and using VOIP (non-wireless corded phones), I have measured 700-800 V/m at the phone, yet THE Server 1 phone connected to copper cable measures 7.5 V/m. If you experience increased electrical sensitivity at your computer after high-speed fiber optics are installed in your neighborhood, consider installing your own fiber optic system between your cable modem and computer. Alternatively, there are expensive pieces of equipment than one could buy to do this themselves. I have had to purchase their device and have them turn off WiFi. I just submitted my consent for fiber optics in my neighbourhood, hoping there would be no problems with it being wired., Even then, the results have been inconclusive. Id think I might have to ground it but IDK if the fiber cable pulls any more of the converter from the power lines juice into the house worse or on some different frequency than the copper cable. How would setting up my own fiber optic network create an EMI barrier? Ionizing radiation is high-level radiation, which is has the potential for cellular and DNA damage. Some forms of this type of EMF include ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays. It is not known to cause cancer. Heres the problem: My Mother is SEVERELY sensitive to EMFs and Im a close runner-up. When Apple released its Bluetooth AirPods in 2019, it raised questions about whether Bluetooth technology may raise cancer risk. So, to cut to the chase, have you written about a health friendly infrastructure from signal origination to signal destination that would be safer? The more I can learn the more changes and preventative measures I can put in place to make our little world as safe and healthy as possible. It will be interesting to see if it helps me when Im on the phone! Unless a cable carrying electrical signals is properly shielded and grounded it by its nature will radiate beyond the cable. A spectrum analyzer would, along with an older AM radio, which can pick up wide spectrum common mode EMI from about 500 KHz to 2 MHz. Im not planning on changing this.). Ahh.. another informative blog that I have read today. The best way to know is to contact your local telecom company and ask if/where the fiber system is located in your neighborhood. You can download items, set the phone down, and come back near it when the downloads are complete. Can I measure if problem at phone jack or cable outlet (no longer get cable). Again, most of the existing studies involve animals, and the results are inconclusive. There is likely an EMI issue with their fiber optic converters that is impacting your home. Akdag MZ, et al. 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does fiber optic internet cause cancer

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

does fiber optic internet cause cancer

Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

does fiber optic internet cause cancer

does fiber optic internet cause cancer

does fiber optic internet cause cancer

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
Surtout nuageux
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

does fiber optic internet cause cancer