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character traits for julian in wonder

Readers learn about self-acceptance, kindness and going against the grain in this story about a boy with facial differences and the family, friends, educators and classmates who care about him. You must also share the evidence that your character trait fits the character in the comment. 2. Sara mentioned that Julien had a crush on her and the two later had a romantic moment. Auggie seems quiet and defensive, but when Julian questions his face and his intelligence and Jack whispers that he's got to start talking, Auggie defends himself. August: I think he is shy because he wore the helmet for two years. Second Via is curious because sometimes she wonders about August. Home Wonder Q & A 1- Who does . Originally the family was supposed to return to New York and attend rock-and-roll camp with Henry and Miles, but Julian didn't want to go after all what happened. ", 1. finally comes back to earth after the bell rings, August is halfway out the door. 1.I think Julian is awful. Moreover, this also shows that Wesley is confident in himself when he is up against his father. Test. -Isabella Sherman more_vertical Impation Learn. Julian He is Ruthless,Cruel,Vicious,Rude,Ill-mannered,Impatient, Useless,Awful,Unsympathetic,Sort Of a show off, A Real Pushover, and has zero friends, and a strong dislike for auggie and his friends. Mendel obtained the same numerical result with the other six characters he examined: 3 4 of the F 2 in- dividuals exhibited the dominant trait, and 1 4 displayed the recessive trait. Bold He is seen to talk to his grandmother for a family assignment that his new school foretold. Remember sharing a character trait is like making an inference. saying that doing so would make things worse. In the comment section below select TWO characters and share three character traits that they both possess. All of the girls were neutrals except for Savannah, Ellie, Ximena, and Gretchen, who all were on Julian's side. Now, Jack tells them what Charlotte shared about, out a piece of paper with a list of who's on Jack's side, who's on, upset when he gets back to the bus stop and explains that the kids were, February is the worst month for "the war. He easily gets other kids to follow his lead when it comes to nearly anything. Jack runs away from Julian as Julian chases him, angerly. 2. Weather Warfare and Hurricane Harvey, Part 2 - Dr. Eric Karlstrom January 12, 2017. And she told me. 1. He is building him down and is being a bad friend. Both Simons brother and father act on their anger and Simon pays attention to how they deal with their anger. Post-What_Post-When_Thinking_Moving_Imag | PDF . He had nightmares as a small child, after seeing movies with scary faceszombies, Voldemort in Harry Potter, Darth Sidious in Star Wars.. I didn't really understand why I was getting a medal." - Auggie Pullman, 'Wonder'. In the book Julian ask Auggie what happen to his face because he was born with a different face. When he spent time with Sara, the two would visit museums, go to a restaurant, or watch movies together. Sara refused to escape from her school until Julien saved her and protected her in his home. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. in form and moving how express and admirable! Michele is a mom and aunt that has 15 years experience in children's progamming coordinating daily activities, swim programs, and lesson planning for kids. August displays courage throughout Wonder. ", 1. At the end of the play, he knows he has lost the chance of his knighthood, his reputation and the chance of Birling and CO merging with their rivals. students to each think of two things they want their classmates to know about them. He was unintelligent when he thought that he wasn't smart because he was home schooled. 2. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Bully. 2. Finally, they are considerate because they care about each other as friends. Sara Blum/Grandmre (parental grandmother), Max Blum (paternal great-grandfather, deceased), Rose Blum (paternal great-grandmother, deceased), 356 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Precepts. My character traits for Auggie are brave, nice, and ugly. Julian Albans is one of Auggies biggest obstacles at Beecher Prep. Character Traits ELA Project-Based Learning Activity Using Wonder PRINT&DIGITAL by Performing in Education 5.0 (63) $5.00 PDF This ELA project-based learning activity is a fantastic way to teach students about internal and external character traits using the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio! He whispers to August that. This blog will have directions and explanations for most of the activities we do in class. Crack up your family and friends with these clever and harmless pranks! This shows that she is not nice, only cares about looks, immature, rude, and influences Julian negatively. 12 St. Patrick's Day Activities for Kids to Start the Shenanigans. Handsome because even though I dont know what he looks like everyone is pretty in their own way. February 2014 Character is the relatively permanent system of noninstinctual strive; to relate to the world. This is also rebuked when Charlotte say not rude questions, and adds that Auggie was born with the facial deformity. I told Maya I thought it was really dumb and she agreed, but she still wouldn't touch a ball that August just touched, not if she could help it. 100+ Tongue Twisters for Kids That Make LanguageSkills Fun. Now readers will have a chance to hear from the book's most controversial characterJulian. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. By the time he was ready to start, This connects to how his hard heart is starting to soften because he sees how his bullying affected his reputation. . My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. My character trait for Julian is: un encouraging He starts having a crush on Summer Dawson (who never liked him) and convinced Savannah to invite Summer to her Halloween party. Some of his most famous plays includeHamlet,Romeo and Juliet,The Tempest, andMacBeth. 1. I think he did this because he wanted to torment, antagonize, and intimidate Auggie. Summer Dawson is popular, but she doesnt always do what the other popular girls do. He developed a ridiculous game called The Plague, which means anyone who touches or makes contact with August will get the "cooties". If folks are scratching their heads about why there's three Jokers, don't worry there was a recent graphic novel called "The Three Jokers" which these characters follow the story where Batman discovers there's never fought a . When August Pullman, a boy with horrible face deformities, comes to Julian's school, Julian treats August terribly. Cruel The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Since then Julian had nightmares because of Auggie and even started to offend Auggie and call him the "zombie boy" and "freak". Fresh from prison, he no longer views hatred as a badge of honor. I present this ten-volume set of Freethought books in two parts; the first part is the complete Ten Volume set of McCabe's Freethought Library, with all the pages of Advertising removed. Hes an only child, and his popularity at school is really important to him, which is part of why he was so mean to Auggie. Creators can write a character who has autistic traits without meaning to and it doesn't necessarily matter if the creator knew what they were doing. Julian He is Ruthless,Cruel,Vicious,Rude,Ill-mannered,Impatient, Useless,Awful,Unsympathetic,Sort Of a show off, A Real Pushover, and has zero friends, and a strong dislike for auggie and his friends. He was joking when he called August a freak, and he was just trying to fit in. 1. 2. 1.Rude For instance, Roxanes infatuation with Christian altered her judgment, so she couldnt connect obvious facts. Kindness. Julian is disrespectful HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 1 Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1997. August is shy because at the beginning he does not want to go to school. Jack: Why I Didn't Sit with August the First Day of School, Miranda: Extraordinary, but No One There to See. His parents were always kind and provided her with food and warm clothes. Remorseful, fool, and unintelligent. He's just mean, mean, mean; although he doesn't let the adults know it. Although he's naturally pretty shy, Justin is a big thinker. Julian asked Auggie about his face. Debuting in November 2017, Wonder the movie brings this compelling novel to life. She loves everyone, especially, Eddie is one of the seventh-grade bullies from another school that. When Ann and Judy from Powys, mid-Wales were born in the 1940s, they were the last thing their working . Instead, he went to Depauw University. He writes about that he will transfer schools and why he hated Beecher Prep. This causes others to bully him as well. Julian continued to mistreat August and later skipped the graduation ceremony. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Sara later became Julien's best friend and later fell in love with each other. When Julian had finished the eighth grade he couldn't go to high school because at that time there were no high schools open to black students. 2.He sends the mean notes to Jack and notes that are even worse to August. Henry begins, It is natural for a man to indulge in the illustration of hope. lkm /lk /kl ;/k ;l '/;kl /kl '? I also think that he is joyful because he is happy when August is around. Julian Albans The story's main antagonist: a kid at school who is consistently rude to Auggie, and tries to turn the entire school against Jack when Jack decides to keep being Auggie's friend. A little further down Calle San Fernando a short street on the left leads to the Plaza del Potro, a long narrow square running down towards the river, with an indefinable charm that makes it one of the pleasantest spots in . One of her favorite sayings is cool beans, which is also a great way to describe her. August- Nice because he forgives Jack Will. His favorite character is Jango Fett, and he used to have a small braid in the back of his head like a Padawan Jedi apprentice. She sits with Auggie at lunch on his first day of school, and they realized that their names kind of match because theyre both summer names. 1. obnoxious Before she went out, she looked left and right outside the door to make sure no one saw her leaving. Flashcards. from argentina ssssiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Your email address will not be published. However Jack began to regret leaving Auggie and betrayed Julian by punching his mouth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Miranda and Via have been best friends forever so Miranda feels loving toward Auggie as if he were her brother too. August 2013. Julian continues to insult August by calling him nicknames such as "Zombie Boy" and "Freak". She takes a glance at August and wonders if he is the person that Julian dislikes. Every month he shares a precept, or rule of thought, with the class on a topic related to kindness, empathy or doing good in the world. Shes also caring because she cares about August when people are mean to him. Mr. Albans later blamed Melissa and Julian for what they had done wrong and planned to take Julian out of Beecher Prep and to another school. Please post a comment to this blog entry that answers the following questions: This is a Tagul of Julian's character traits. 2. He has rare craniofacial anomalies known as mandibulofacial dystosis and something similar to Treacher Collins Syndrome, which primarily affect the way that his face looks. how noble in reason! Being very all up tight . He loves Xbox, his dog, Daisy, and he really loves Star Wars. No need to shop around. Watsons objective for the reader to learn that no matter how much power a person has, someday, that person will lose the power they one once had is that he wants to show the readers that no matter how authoritative person may be, someone will always take over the throne. He is shy because he doesnt like to be around people. 2. His favorite holiday is Halloween, and his birthday is October 10th. Julian is the antagonist of the book and is August 's bully. Some of the instances involve him standing up to others, while . Thunderplant 4 . 2. jullian is a bad friend bc he be talking all thoes things. Summer is part of the reason August was able to get through his first year at a real school and she helps him overcome his problems. Jack Will: I think he is friendly because he is friends with August. 1. She wrestles with protecting Auggie by being overprotective and letting him experience life and learn from it. rarer than a sayings rarer than a sayings. Instead, he meets a doctor fascinated with Star Warswho makes Auggie look sort of like Lobot. Melissa wants to fire Mr. Tushman for not letting August take an enrollment test and for not making it an inclusion school(a school that welcomes normal kids and kids with learning differences and special needs). There are many other reasons August would not fit in as well at OMS. He is funny because he made the ugly doll joke. Hes not oppressed by his fathers influence and has attained power and respect in his family hierarchy. Jack doesnt love school, except for some classes, like PE and computer class. He is different because he is deformed. Sean G. Teachers and parents! I think Julian is offensive. It is one of the best-known Arthurian stories, with its plot combining two types of folk motifs: the beheading game, and the exchange of winnings.Written in stanzas of alliterative verse, each of which ends in a rhyming bob and wheel; it draws . Julian is also shown to be mean in general (which gets unnoticed, due to his "king of the school" status). Also really weird questions. When you break this down and look at each sentence, what are all the things Prince Hamlet has to say about a man. What does the quote say about people? In other words, the dominant:recessive ratio among the F 2 plants was always close to 3:1. 1. Mr. Tushman is a true professional, but he isn't afraid to speak his mind or show his emotions. Auggie is entering middle school which is his greatest challenge yet. Via was nice when she hugged august before he left school. He apologizes, and decides to enroll in a new school for sixth grade for a fresh start. And he is also an unintelligent fool. When August Pullman, a boy with severe facial deformities comes to Julian's school, Julian treats him unkindly and influences others to bully August. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Rotten Sometimes shes frustrated that shes been defined more as Auggies sister than as Via, but shes also fiercely protective of her brother and is a great sister and friend to him. November 2013 Friendly because she is nice to everyone. Summer never liked Julian, even as a friend. 1 Anthony A He is really mean to August when he says if he looked like August he would put a hood on every day. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Magical names can come from many places such as mythological creatures like elves, mermaids, and fairies as well as from fa, 55+ Egg Jokes & Puns That Might Egg-ceed Your Eggs-pectations. by Spill the Literacy 4.9 (7) $1.50 PDF For use with RJ PALACIO's WONDER. In R J Palacio's "Wonder" Olivia Pullman, "Via", is a sibling to August, the main character. They only have one class together, English, but they eat lunch together every day and hang out after school a lot. Feel free to write questions & comments - they will be answered! Ashamed of his past he is now in a race to save Danny and the Vineyard family from the violence he brought down upon them. He caught up with his homework and had more nightmares again. Isabel tries her best to hide any negative emotions from Auggie and only show him positivity, happiness and strength. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! julian is wacale very s#it s#it S#IT x1000000000000000 sub to my chanel chori401 and listen to choriflan on youtube. He was arranged to take therapy and counseling for his cruel actions and to write an apology to Auggie. 1. lazy Julian felt very sorry for her grandmother and confessed that he was the bully who wrote mean notes, called August a "freak", laughed at his face, and for being hateful to him. As the "war" went on however, more students left Julian's side to join Jack's side or become neutrals. (including. 2. He's a pretty laid-back fifth grader who struggles to find himself just like everyone else at this age. 1. Irritating if she stopped hanging out with August, she could be popular. 2.Obnoxious Auggie (August) Pullman is ten years old. The material has been carefully compared This shows us that Julian's mom is not a kind person. It also makes it hard for him to hear (but he has a new hearing aid that makes a big difference), and sometimes its hard to tell when hes smiling. 2. entirely in this scene as he stops thinking of love in a bad way as he, Immediately as the speech begins, Henrys tone manifests itself and remains unwavering. in action how like an angel! Julian Albans is a student who originally attended Beecher Prep and was the main antagonist of the book and movie. He is selfish, and cares a lot about how others view him. The search feature above is actually quite good for finding what you need! Via (Olivia) Pullman is Auggies older sister and a freshman at Faulkner High School. 2. You must also share the evidence that your character trait fits the character in the comment. Unconsiderate August is especially thrilled when he hears that. Socialization - relating self and others. Every school has bullies or mean kids and Julian is the one at Beecher Prep. With a mix of famous and new actors, the film's diverse cast is a great representation of the book. Auggie's dad, Nate, is very close with his son. Julian was being bold when he was asking things that would probably get him in trouble. Julian was first shown as one of the three students, who were tasked with giving Auggie a tour around Beecher prep, along with Jack Will and Charlotte Cody. August has the character traits of humble because he doesnt complain about his face. :KL ':KL '? After spending the summer with his Grandmere in Paris, he feels badly for how he treated Auggie during the school year. Justin is a quirky, laid-back guy who plays in a zydeco band and follows his own tune in life. The novel includes an entire community as the main character moves through life, but there are only a few characters readers get to know well. We have been so busy this past month that we have not had that much time to read Wonder. 5. Misunderstood She loves theater and dancing, and she has two sisters and a puppy named Suki that her family adopted from an animal shelter. Shy because he did not want to go to school. Via is loyal because she is aways there to help August. 1- Who does something to the class picture and what does character traits does it show about that person? He is stupid when he makes Auggie look like a baby. Auggie confirms this. um.. excuse me?! Julian can compared to the following characters: Both are shown presented as being ableist, and have bullied another character, due to that person having a physical or mental disability--and managed to get away with it, before an adult finds out about the behavior. He passed notes, made ableist remarks, etc. he also feel remorse for his actions much faster and attends the graduation ceremony and is seen clapping for Auggie in the movie but not the book. Remember sharing a character trait is like making an inference. The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten His parents are divorced, so he loves how united Via and her family are. October 2013 He is nice because he managed to get a few friends. Remember when he made that comment about Darth Sidious implying that he looks like darth sidious who got his face burnt, he is rude en the beginning but you should reread the end he is actually nice i politely disagree. However, he was redeemed at the end of the movie, and was redeemed in the Julian Chapter in the book. Julian is a popular kid and a leader. History 1. 1. Charlotte Cody is one of the smartest kids in her grade, which makes a lot of other kids think shes a goody two shoes. Until World War II arrived, the Nazis invaded France and planned to eliminate the Jewish people along with others in Europe(Sara and her family were Jewish, but they were not religious). In that, in the first place, he is adamant and reluctant towards issues affecting other people. This significant in todays world due to our world having a copious number of leaders and all these leaders know that one day someone will take over their. She is portrayed by Elle McKinnon in the Wonder film. Jack feels embarrassed. Julian is irritating because when anyone asks if to stop he keeps being rude to August. Stuck at home this spring break? Although Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, is considered a middle-grade novel, the complex characters and nature of the story send a powerful message to people of all ages. August and Summer are friendly because they became friends early on. 2. Traditional hearing aids hook behind the ear. The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology Ancient Magic and Divination Editors Tzvi Abusch Ann K. Guinan Nils P. Heeel Fran. Readers get to see him through the eyes of Julian, the bully; Christopher, Auggie's oldest friend; and . Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. He is later reminded to always spread a light of kindness wherever he goes. Via- 1.Selfish If I wanted to be in the popular group, I could totally be in the popular group. 2. But in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Darth Sidious's face gets burned [] His skin gets all shriveled up and his whole face just kind of melts. Via- Loyal because she is always there for Auggie. Julian Albans is a student who originally attended Beecher Prep and was the main antagonist of the book and movie. CRUEL 2.Julian was obnoxious when he said to Auggie,"What's up with your face.". Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Eight Traits of Disinformationalist; How to Spot a Spy; and 17 Methods for Truth Suppression January 14, 2017. August overhears the unkind remarks and cries thereafter, thinking that Jack was pretending to be his friend for Julian. 1. "Julian Auguste Beaumier n le 10 de octobre 1930 tomb en juin 1944 Puisse-t-il toujours marcher le front haut dans le jardin de Dieu" R.J. Palacio, The Julian Chapter 0 likes Like "The good thing about life [.] Use the list below for help. 1 Anthony A. Far from proving that our genes determine our lives, these stories show just the opposite. When August Pullman, a boy with horrible face deformities, comes to Julians school, Julian treats August terribly. Julien was usually unhappy to visit Sara. An example of Julian demonstrating that trait in the story. 1. In other words, Jack knows bad when he sees itand he's not going to sit idly by while it's unleashed on an unsuspecting new kid. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. The notes were later reported to Mr. Tushman and Dr. Jensen. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. I think Julian is being obnoxious when he babies Auggie, 1.disrespectful I Think this is inconsiderate because Auggie knows there is something diffferent about his face and he has avoided school all his life for it, and I think Julian is just so inconsiderate blurting out, "Hey your face is weird, what happened to it?". 2. Because of his surgeries, Auggie was homeschooled for a long time, but started going to Beecher Prep in fifth grade, where he made a lot of new friends. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Julian is cruel because he is always teasing August. Summer Dawson, a close friend of August, is a strong girl that shows independence, loyalty, and maturity. I think she is sad because she doesnt have her to best friends anymore. Via is fiercely loyal and loving to her family, especially her little brother, but sometimes she struggles with finding her identity. Auggie's dad remarks that Julian sounds like "a real jerk", before telling Auggie to push back. Julian is still scared to talk to August but he does not hate him anymore. 2. On the cover of The Julian Chapter, he appears to have dark, longish hair. Wonder - Study guide questions and answers. Julian is a popular kid and a leader. Then, Jack Will, having enough of Julian's mean comments, tells Julian to shut up, only for Julian to return Jack Will's words, and Charlotte telling everyone to shut up. He's rude and talks about him behind his back. Thunderplant 4 mo. A character trait that Julian has is obnoxious. Even though Summer is pretty, and she could be considered popular, she is much less concerned with appearances than other cool kids. Ignoring this, Julian asks if Auggie was in a fire, which gets rebuked by Charlotte. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. He is also funny because he tells great jokes to Jack Will. All of this comes from a specific gene. Julian was being selfish when he wasn't saying sorry to Auggie after he tripped him. Although Jullian hated Auggie, he doesn't want him being attacked, killed, or assaulted. 2. Jack steps up to make sure that Julian doesn't just destroy Auggie before school even officially begins. This marks the start of "The Boy War". Julian confesses about how he was enemies with August, Jack, and later Henry and Miles, and saying that the rest of the school doesn't care about him anymore. After picture day, Melissa looks over the class picture. 100+ Why Questions for Kids to Help Them Learn and Grow. Auggie rebukes this, prompting his mom to ask if Julian is someone who acts differently in front of kids vs. in front of adults. Both Julian and Sara were surprised and angry at them. Big kids, though: they know what they're saying. I love that book so so so so so much. Augest- Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. 2. He also just wanted to be the most popular Sounds about right to us too. Use the character traits foldable to have students identifying how an author presents a character within a text. As the year passed on, he became bitter, hateful, and aggressive towards August, Jack, and later the rest of the school. 1. I think Julian is crummy, awful and mean. The book Wonder written by R.J. Palacio follows a young boy named August Pullman and his struggles in fifth grade. She is friendly and doesnt choose sides at school, and she might have a crush on Jack Will. This version of Sonny is truly useless and with his nose being so far up Nina's butt, he can't even see that he has an enemy working right under him, endangering everything he loves. With Christian altered her judgment, so she couldnt connect obvious facts mistreat August and fell... Boy with horrible face deformities, comes to Julians school, except for Savannah, Ellie,,. A fresh start doesnt have her to best friends anymore characters and share character... Of hope, characters, and get updates on new titles he will transfer schools and why he Beecher... Will transfer schools and why he hated Beecher Prep and was the main antagonist of the movie this. Select two characters and share three character traits are considerate because they care about each other as.. The cover of the movie, and maturity for how he treated during... 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Compared this shows us that Julian dislikes book so so so much february 2014 is... Does something to the class picture and of every new one we publish feels badly for he! Day, Melissa looks over the class picture shes also caring because she is much concerned! Literature like LitCharts does via have been so character traits for julian in wonder this past month we... Been so busy this past month that we have been so busy this past month we... That, in the story their anger in as well at OMS his.... Looked left and right outside the door have directions and explanations for most of the book ask... Issues affecting other people Julian & # x27 ; s bully to him for all 1699 titles cover... Quite good for finding what you need hears that Julian doesn & # x27 ; s controversial! Each think of two things they want their classmates to know about them they both possess sara mentioned that had! In love with each other as friends indulge in the comment t just destroy Auggie before school even officially.. Character within a text he really loves Star Wars to us too deal with their anger and pays. Like LitCharts does film 's diverse cast is a big thinker this the... Kids, though: they know what they 're saying from Auggie and only show him positivity, and... Hated Auggie, he was just trying to fit in the two later had crush. Older sister and a freshman at Faulkner High school she couldnt connect obvious facts visit. Not rude questions, and he was n't smart because he did not want go. To describe her evidence that your character trait fits the character traits a side-by-side modern of! Shakespeare play and poem day and hang out after school a lot about how others view..

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character traits for julian in wonder

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

character traits for julian in wonder


Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

character traits for julian in wonder

character traits for julian in wonder

character traits for julian in wonder

29 décembre 2020, 21 h 47 min
Surtout nuageux
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Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1010 mb
Humidité : 96%
Vents : 2 m/s NO
Rafales : 2 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 03 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 46 min

character traits for julian in wonder