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why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy

over a year ago, I had a complete hysterectomy 10 years ago and today I started bleeding as if I was having a period. I think there's somethig in it that feeds that little piece of endometriosis tissue. I never had any swelling. I had a total hysterectomy in 2003 when I was 49 yrs old. Anyone else had this.? Bleeding after a total hysterectomy is NOT OK, so follow through and don't let the drs tell you it's 'nothing'. But, I havent lifted anything heavy or done anything strenuous. Vaginal atrophy: It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. Can anyone enlighten me? However, today, I have bright Red period, that I believe was a lot. Everytime i jad to pass a stool and push a bit spotting came along i am sure its not hemmorroids It has been 9 years since i had a partial hysterectomy, I am bleeding, if this normal? Read More Infections are common bladder problems after hysterectomy and are known as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Best of luck. The hardness, pain and bloating is gas. I woke up the other day and I had a nasty discharge and then the next day I started spotting. I had a partial hysterectomy +- 3 years ago. I started bleeding over a week aga, like i am having a light period. Hi. I still have ovaries, not sure of functionality, though. Sometimes it is necessary to receive a blood transfusion to restore your red blood cell count (RBC) and prevent complications. I knew it would be a major surgery, but it did not register that it would be life changing. Had a vaginal hysterectomy October 2016. I put gloves on and discovered the packing and removed it myself. Just keep getting sharp pains on the right side (incision area) and then when I go pee, theres bright red/dark pink blood in the stool and on my paper. My doctor explained this is completely normal and that 10% of women who have a total hysterectomy will have spotting with light bleeding. For me, because I didn't have endometriosis, extreme monthly pain, etc. I have stomach and intestinal issues from. 2013;121(3):654-73. doi:10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182841594, Lyngdoh BT, Kriplani A, Garg P, Maheshwari D, Bansal R. Post-hysterectomy menstruation: a rare phenomenon. Ob/Gyn Doctor. Thanks again for the comments. I had one big gush of blood about ten days post op that my dr warned me would happen and since then very light spotting with bowel movements. Obstet Gynecol. Bleeding too much after surgery can lead to anemia. So it's happened twice in a week, not every day. Im worried its been April 2014 when I had my total abdomen hysterectomy had everything removed even cervix. If we combine this information with your protected So i would go either to the hospital or to your Dr. Clinical utility of postoperative hemoglobin level testing following total laparoscopic hysterectomy. I am worried sick. I did stand to wash dishes and I cant help coughing or sneezing my next doc visit in Jan 5 2017 hope I dont have a setback this is new to me I have no idea what to do with myself. Find out more. She told me that I had a Urethral Polyp and I needed to see the nurologist/gynegologist. A month ago I started having minimal red vaginal bleeding a few times ONLY after bowel movements. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health Vaginal bleeding and discharge is normal after a hysterectomy and can last for a few weeks. Get answers from Gynecologists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. I had my total hysterectomy done since 04/2011, I am still bleeding light blood, but when I have intercourse it would be bright red blood, I was having pain in my lower back too, I went back to Dr. since 2011 till 2015. Its 4 days later after doctors appointment. Today just saw a bright red spotting, but no pain. Right after surgery, you will need to wait for the anesthesia, which can cause constipation, to wear off. I freaked out, crying every day. Feel bloated and FUPA is so loose and just hangs over incision. My pain after surgery was nothing compared to the pain before. Boy was I wrong! You should also call your healthcare provider if you have any signs of a neurogenic bladder. Im really worried. Heavy bleeding can be a sign of a complication and can cause you to become anemic in some cases. My mother has had a total abdominal hysterectomy surgery on 12/6/2017 Thanks guys for sharing, heres to a smoother recovery and wisdom to stop before we do this to ourselves again. But i hope ill get better soon. Endometriosis is only properly diagnosed through a surgical procedure called laparoscopy, and since symptoms vary a lot, it can take up to 10 years to diagnose in some women. As with all major operations, there's a small risk of heavy bleeding (haemorrhage) after having a hysterectomy. I havent really noticed much of a mini period this years, with the exception of a few. Thank you so much, I just had a partial hysterectomy a week and a half ago Im 30 years old my Dr says I shouldnt be in pain but I am experiencing extrim amount of pain and light bleeding that only happens when I pee I dont know if this is normal. My hysterectomy was in 2002. I'm 45 and I've just started bleeding (bright red) in the last month (over a year since my vaginal hysterectomy..uterus and cervix). Hey ladies, had the same procedure as Rhonda, and I feel your pain. Hopefully the confusion will clear-up with more specialists involved. It's normal to have irregular vaginal bleeding in the years leading up to menopause. Dont wait like I did. I was out of town (it was a Friday) so I went to my ob/gyn the following Monday. The ureter (the tube that urine is passed through) may be damaged during surgery. Bleeding after six weeks or after the recovery can indicate that there is some internal tissue damage. Freaking out here. I have no ovaries either. What every woman should know about endometriosis, 10 Factors That Place You At A Greater Risk Of Developing Endometriosis. Doc said I had so much scar tissue and ahesions that it looked like someone dumped a bucket of cement in my belly, said he had never seen so much scaring. Had full hysterectomy Nov. 2nd. Have gained weight, was hoping I lost some. Active IBS! 3 Cervical Polyps I would call him now just to be safe! I believe this is so unhealthy worrying everyday, I just wish I was informed a little better as to what to expect. is it is normal or not ? I tested for 4 days and the bleeding stopped and that was 2 weeks ago and i have not had any bleeding or problems after the 4 days. WBC esterace was 1+ and occult blood was 3+. So, if you find discharge immediately after surgery, your body is behaving the way it should. I had a pap done last week now waiting on results. I had a partial hysterectomy 11 years ago. This is when the doctor checks if the wound has healed and its safe to have intercourse. If bleeding after hysterectomy is as heavy as a menstrual period or lasts longer than six weeks then it needs evaluation. Is it a cure? Read more. RSG, I am experiencing the same symptoms of pain when finishing urination, I am also bleeding every time I wipe seem like its getting heavier I also notice Im going to the bathroom more frequently I have one ovary left post hysterectomy 1998 , seeing my GYN on the 23rd October, praying for good news. If you notice any spotting or bright red discharge after six weeks of your surgery, report it to your doctor. My husband rushed me to the hospital and I had to have surgery all over again and had to receive 3 pint of blood. I probably needed a blood transfusion but since my vitals stayed ok my dr opted out even though I lost so much blood. over a year ago, denise Bleeding in a patient after hysterectomy is even rarer with varied causes like atrophic vaginitis, cervical stump cancer, infiltrating ovarian tumors, estrogen secreting tumors in other parts of the body. Bladder infection. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Surgery gas is like I pain Ive never felt before and I am like a Viking in most cases lol. These risks include: major blood loss damage to surrounding tissues, including the bladder, urethra, blood vessels, and nerves blood clots infection anesthesia side effects bowel blockage These. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. It was bright red blood. I even asked her about natural progesterone and she ran into a corner of the room and put her hands over her ears (I kid you not)! I had a complete hysterectomy in 1990. What do I do? Bleeding after hysterectomy: What can I expect? Its possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. Let us begin toseparate normal from abnormal bleeding after hysterectomy. I started bleeding again about a year a go. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. My doctor is out of town and nurse adviced me if will bleed more today i need to run to emergency. Its NOT from sex. I had to be recauterized at the hospital and it was not too pleasant. What is the most common reason for bleeding after menopause? I had very significant endometriosis and was prolapsed. Blood continues to be bright red. Is there a need for concern. I would have told my younger self to follow that gut instinct and search out the WHY before going through with it. One more thing i want to know that for how many time she have to take medicines Not quite as heavy but more then I feel What should I do? You no longer menstruate after a hysterectomy. The monthly cycle causes bleeding from the endometrial tissue that remains in your cervix. Thanks for sharing your experience. When I go to empty my bladder or to have a bm, I feel pain. I had an partial hysterectomy 2 years ago. That was followed by pressure on my digestive system, some mid to lower abdominal pain, and a weird hunger pang feeling. At first, the nurse made an attempt to remove but the nurse could not see any packing. Help please. I know how you feel. Hysterectomy. Some of the links in this post areaffiliate links. I havent had sex in over a year and I take 1mg of estrogen everyday to keep my vagina to stay moist because before I didnt use estrogen it was dry and cracked and burning from dryness real bad. I go back to my dr on Friday. After menopause the hormones that nourish the vaginal mucosa lessen and the vaginal mucosa becomes very thin and surface bleeding can occur and be a nuisance. endometriosis and back pain after hysterectomy, spotting 8 years after complete hysterectomy, Bleeding 4 years after a complete hysterectomy, monthly menstrual cycle after hysterectomy, Feelings After Having a Complete Hysterectomy, Bleeding And Spotting 6 Months After Hysterectomy. I have no cervix. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Dr. Tamika C. Auguste. You can unsubscribe at any time. So, the doctors that you can see will be more helpful than me. It's usually clear as can be. Still, freaks me out. Anemia may be treated with iron supplements. But pain often returns within a year or two. However, endometriosis can recur following a hysterectomy. I have no ovaries either. You know your body, if something doesnt feel right, theres probably something wrong. More like a period. Abdominal swelling and bloating are important symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. What You Need to Know About Bleeding Between Periods. I also had a sub total hystetectomy just ovaries left. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization and proceeds from Web advertising help support our mission. I am worried about the bleeding. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other commonly abused medications. spotting/cramping 1.5 years after removal of uterus, Bleeding 2 years after total hysterectomy and oophorectomy, MONTHLY ABDOMINAL PAIN AFTER TOTAL HYSTERECTOMY. What is this comming from? This content does not have an English version. You may consider this normal if the blood is not a bright red color. If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. privacy practices. (OB/GYN)Date reviewed: 19/3/2019, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER AND GET INSTANT ACCESS TO A FREE PRINTABLE HEALTH AND FITNESS PLANNER. If you have a partial or subtotal hysterectomy, there is a 10 15% chance you will have mini periods. It is day 4 of doing nothing but laying down, except for the occasional short walks and going pee, My spotting has increased, but according to what Ive been reading via Mayo clinic site (and others), its normal because its not bright red and not as much as a period. What could be the problem: Please help. I am calling the doc on Monday to advise because I simply dont like the fact that I am spotting. Im 2 years post op and dealing with the same issue. Had a transvaginal ultrasound done to check every thing out. Why am I bleeding during sex 25 years after a partial hysterectomy. Heavy bleeding during recovery should be reported to your surgeon immediately. Once it pops loose the bleeding is terrible, way worse than any heavy period. I have no pain at all, just the bleeding. Unfortunately, I wasn't told that BEFORE the hysto. Was told to walk. I had a partial hysterectomy 7/20/2017. Even after 11 years?! I am 9 weeks post op and now started bleeding doctor doesnt know if its a period or a cervical polyp (I have both ovaries and my cervix) having some tests done this week. I feel useless. Ive definitely not taken it easy enough. Please check immediately with your doctor. Is ok. Im having the same problem but I dont no nothing. I had a total hysterectomy in 2000. last night after intetcourse I started bleeding not heavy but bright red. I feel scared and discouraged. Or anywhere I can get proper treatment please let me know. Dear Els. By trial and error, I found out that meat makes me bleed more, especially chicken. Instead of going to the ER I went to work, proceeded to go through 5 tampons in 2 hours..finally gave in went to ER. Anemia occurs when the amount of red blood cells in your blood drops below normal. Are you on any blood-thinning medication? If you are passing large clots, this indicates that a large amount of blood has accumulated, often while you are sleeping. I have. Post-menopausal bleeding is a common problem with varied etiology in the age group between 50 and 60 years. If you note any bleeding after resuming intercourse, be sure to report it to your provider. Mother had serious bleeding that she thought was vaginal . They did nothing! My bladder had to be tied up after surgery because I had nothing to hold it in place. Is this able to be repaired? Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Guest It's possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is major surgery, and the recovery process will take several weeks or even months. Any ideas about what is wrong or what to do next is greatly appreciated! Yesterday I had bloody discharge like a period. Hysterectomy side effects may include pain, constipation, bleeding, and hormonal fluctuations. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. What were your results? I had a hysterectomy in 1996 and kept my ovaries 30 years experience Bleeding: Vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy, especially 20 years post-op should be evaluated by a gyn. Learn how your comment data is processed. If anyone knows anything to treat wound inside there please contact me. Each time I went to the ER and I was packed with vaginal packing to help it stop. Sometimes a badly tied blood vessel can lead to post-hysterectomy vaginal bleeding. After reading, maybe I over did it??? Im scared. Hi !!! I do not like to sit still and Im ready to move around and I think Im makingyou kids crazy. It was only 18 days after my hysterectomy. Are Painful Breasts After Hysterectomy A Cause For Concern? Interesting Facts About Prolapse after Hysterectomy. Almost two weaks from today . Is this normal? over a year ago, dovelady52448 I had a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer. Also, today Ive been bleeding. Hi! You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified healthcare professional. I do not have my ovaries, tubes, uterus, or cervix. 20 yrs ago I had a complete hysterectomy. I would stil call my Dr and have him check me. Bleeding in a patient after hysterectomy is even rarer with varied causes like atrophic vaginitis, cervical stump cancer, infiltrating ovarian tumors, estrogen . It could be as simple as a cyst that pops up and then bursts, causing the bleeding, but then it heals and nothing is there to see. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. Hello Ladies. Get plenty of rest. I have pelvic congestion as well. I'm doing the same thing had total hysterectomy in 96. I told my doctor about it but didn't get a favorable response. Do you know that the Dr. has caused major complications she cut my nerve, hurt my vagina cult that was why they were giving me tons of pain medications? However, if the bleeding doesn't get lighter over time, that is not normal. Had intercourse two days ago and now have discharge and blood when I wipe, the blood is lite pink but Im still worried. I woke up and went to the bathroom and the toilet was full of blood. The vaginal walls become drier, thinner, and less elastic, which can lead to inflammation. CA 125 test: A screening test for ovarian cancer? Hi! I believe our body gives us warning signs for a reason. We are worth relaxing and taking it easy to get recovered string and well. Bright red. If it smells your doctor can take a culture and then prescribe an appropriate antibiotic to clear it up. I started to have occasional spotting after intercourse but in August, 2016, I fell on my back and left side after missing two steps going out of my house and then I started to notice bright red blood after I urinate on the tissue paper. The aim of assessment and investigation of postmenopausal bleeding is to identify a cause and exclude cancer. Hi. I thought initially it was coming from my bladder but had ct scan and camera in the bladder. Call your doctor to. Its been three weeks since I had my hysterectomy and my scar is burning and stinging but not red or opened. I had the hysterectomy 27 years ago because I had cervical cancer. Louise nsw. Iv found Im also on a lot of pain today but hoping it is also normal. Hi i guess we have the same issue. Plz give me suggestions i am little worried. I am having the same situation with Dawn right now, it is very frustrating with the bleeding. include protected health information. Accessed May 2, 2019. The analysis found that most post-menopausal bleeding is caused by a noncancerous condition, such as vaginal atrophy, uterine fibroids, or polyps. Everything is good now. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer . Yesterday another gush of red blood now still spotting a little more today. Coconut oil (cold pressed I believe, google it) is the BEST lubricant at any age but especially once we get older and experience dryness. I dont want a set back. Thanks! I'm appealing to God for healing! The only thing that helped was walking around the house as much as possible and drinking hot tea. If you do not have a cervix, then vaginal bleeding is probably related to "thinning" and fragility of the vagina that comes with menopause. If you know please let me know. Im very worried because I didnt have any complications after the surgery and have not had any issues until now. over a year ago. Five to ten years after menopause or a radical prostatectomy Women tend to develop vaginal atrophy from the lack of hormones. The commonest cause for vaginal bleeding in the post-menopausal age group is atrophic vaginitis. A lot of bright red-colored blood may be a sign you are bleeding, the wound may have re-opened, so do notignore this. Take plenty of rest after surgery, avoid bending, dont lift heavy things, and do not insert anything into your vagina. It is possible that you have an rectocele or urethrocele (intestines or pee-tube falling into the vagina). Hello!Here is a similar situation, have a look! (If you are extremely fatigued after a few days following surgery, with or without bleeding, you should also give your doctor a call.). Hi, I had a partial hysterectomy done Oct,31,2016 but they took out my uterus my tubes and cervix. Any info would be appreciated. Started spoting first then heavy bleeding don't have anything left up there what's causing this very worried it's clots and bright red blood and very bad lower stomach pains. Bleeding after gynecological surgery remains an infrequent life-threatening complication, demanding appropriate medical and surgical management. But if you have bleeding more than a year after your last menstrual period, it's time to see your healthcare provider. 2023 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bleeding years after hysterectomy. Have an apt for the third time w gyn. Also, call your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any other associated symptoms, such as pain, nausea, severe headache, or extreme tiredness along with post-hysterectomy bleeding. Maybe its the exercise. If the bleeding starts after intercourse, it is probably from vaginal atrophy . Can you still get your period after a hysterectomy? Help please. But I felt so good after surgery I went back to work the second week.I knownaughtyI worked 3 days and had relatively no spotting until the third day soThursday, called dr office, got scolded for doing too much, and now Ive been laying down resting. Doctors may recommend a hysterectomy to help treat severe endometriosis symptoms that have not responded to conservative treatment. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with These should improve during recovery. Need to lose some fast, any suggestions? 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Has anyone ever heard of this type of thing? Hi, I had a total hysterectomy Nov 7, 2016. Doesnt hurt if they tell you everything is ok. I do have tow girls home for he holidays and they are on the cycle now and could just be us getting in sync..IDK. Hi Rebecca, I had a complete hysterectomy due to fibroids, cysts and endometriosis over 10 years ago as well. I have been very inactive, just following Dr.s orders, and have had sex one time at 7 weeks. I am also a Kindergarten teacher by day. I would not worry too much. Usually, women have to wait until their 6 weeks check up. I bled for two days after surgery then nothing for the following 10 days until a gush of red blood like a period. Has anyone experienced a painful pulling sensation along with light bright red bleeding during urination? The most common causes include wound infection and vaginal injury. What is the number one cause of postmenopausal bleeding? This morning a small blood clot and still slight pink discharge. I'm not good at peeing on command, but I noticed that my underpants had blood on them and my hand did as well from holding it trying to catch a sample for them. The urologist you are going to see may suggest doing a cystourethroscopy to examine the urethra and bladder and at the same time remove the polyp. Its been 18 yrs since my full hysterectomy due to endometriosis. I found out recently that microscopic endo cells could still be present even after a hysto. However I notice spotting every other month. It was blood. In either case, you must schedule a visit with an. Recurrence of endometriosis after hysterectomy. She took a biopsy and it was benign and the bleeding stopped. It is FREE! Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Taking out the ovaries (oophorectomy) and the uterus (hysterectomy) usually relieves pain. I start bleeding a few hours after intercourse. I will be calling back tomorrow. All rights reserved. Not strenuous moving of course but just walking around the inside of your house. I had Laparoscopic Total Hysterectomy 3 weeks ago. Could it be the hormones given chickens? 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). I had a hysterectomy on Feb 10th. They don't know how to react when you tell them something that isn't in those pages. I noticed a bloody discharge when I wiped, but nothing after that. Stitched up and sealed to be able to have kids again? "Heavy" Implantation Bleeding and Other Signs of Pregnancy, Pain During Sex And Endometriosis: 10 Things You Can Do Besides Avoiding Intercourse. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The key with normal bleeding is that it should slowly become less as the new tissues heal together and the stitches dissolve. You can put it on the member or make small suppositories in the freezer. I just had a hysterectomy 2 and a half weeks ago. This means that common menopause symptoms, like abdominal bloating, can occur suddenly and severely. It can also be due to growths in the vagina like polyps or cancer. Nosipho: Iv had abdominal partial hysterectomy 9 weeks ago never had no bleeding until now bright red. This is not necessarily the case. What Brand Of Peanut Butter Is Best For Keto? Why People Lose Weight After A Hysterectomy? Should I be worried. Hope youre recovery is as easy as can be. Yes Marit. What could cause this? I have pain, right side starting to hurt, left as well. Recovering completely from a hysterectomy usually takes at least six to eight weeks. I walk like I am supposed to everyday as I did when I was in the hospital. Go directly to your ob-gyn. If anyone knows anything to treat wound inside there please contact me this years with... Ago because I had a complete hysterectomy due to fibroids, or polyps weeks then needs... In 2003 when I was n't told that before the hysto bleeding years... Something wrong UTIs ) recovery can indicate that there is a 10 15 % chance you will have spotting light! The monthly cycle causes bleeding from the endometrial tissue that remains in blood! Only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to wear off a,. 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why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy

why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy

why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy

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why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy