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which statement describes employee benefits

Shred all mail with personal information before discarding it. d. identifying instances of identity theft, a. checking one's financial records against the bank's, Sara would like to open a bank account. f. Event planner: works with people to plan parties, weddings, fundraisers, or corporate events. Jessica is high risk and will pay her outstanding balances on time. c. local taxes. when they are able. a. a money market account Engineer: design, plan, or manage a system such as machines, computers, or roads. However, when she receives her bank statement, she's surprised to see that she has been charged a $5.00 overdraft fee. There are two options offered to reduce the price: either a 25% discount off the price or a rebate of $300. When people take out a mortgage, they must pay back the money They both invest money to earn a profit. 456,976 An investor makes money by raising capital. Computer support specialist: work with people to service, upgrade, or design computer systems to fit their needs. $968.80 a. Has she compared prices? She owns a car worth $12,000 and has $7,500 in car loans. Payments are generally higher than buying. Fringe benefits are additional compensation provided to employees above and beyond an agreed-upon wage or salary. a. visiting different housing locations. II. A refrigerator is priced at $1,250. d. automatic withdrawal. $664.35 d. Which explains why the lender examines the customer's credit report? Jerome likes to take stuff apart and then rebuild it. a. to decide which bills to pay first d. EFT from a different bank into the account b. c. She must check to see if any automatic payments are scheduled for her account. d. showing her driver's license, making sure she has a positive credit history, Before giving a loan to a customer, a lender examines the customer's credit report. I. 8,100. b. are always less expensive than using a credit card Which step in the decision-making process should Simon now take? Simple interest is paid on the principal, while compound interest is paid on the principal and interest accrued. Check all that apply. a. c. money to start the account $5,436.20, Which factors positively affect lifetime income? $1529.70 $3,739.52, Zoe filed for bankruptcy several years ago and now wants to take out a loan for $15,200. d. $1,700,000, Jared can play three musical instruments; he loves drawing, painting, and other visual arts as well. 3,276,000 c. She should research the average salary of similar positions to see if the offers are fair. c. b. Which career choices might he enjoy? Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. c. The auditor provides audit Reg's financing has an interest rate of 10.27%, compounded monthly, and a duration of three years. Most companies often provide health insurance for their employees in cases of unforseen circumstances such as accident or sickness . Amanda wants to buy a new car. Allison removes one check to pay her electric bill and then locks her checkbook in the car when she goes in to pay it. d. car payments are likely to exceed available income. d. Gathering information. $433.88 There are no guaranteed investments. c. to help people buy homes c. equity in a home increases the homeowner's net worth. can change. getting small amounts of money to use immediately phone number d. maintenance, Which is a kind of federal payroll tax? It will be easier for him to get a loan to buy the house. d. bankruptcy. a. Personal loans offer lump sums of money, while credit cards set a maximum amount a person can borrow. d. an unpaid utility bill that has been given to a collection agency a. training to prepare for a career d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, Which transactions can increase the balance in a checking account? $10.00 She is to pay a federal income tax of 16%. c. Evaluating results. the right to safety and the right to be heard, the right to be heard and the right to redress, Say that a company has treated you unfairly or dishonestly. b. Which of these is an advantage of checking accounts? Lupe is a student who wants to open a bank account. to determine the customer's income Jessica is low risk and will pay her outstanding balances on time. Balance a. c. $5,696.00 c. Which statements describe Emma's financial skills? d. $860, What is one cost of avoiding insurance? c. 6 percent b. who lives on a property. The rebate is better; it saves $75 more. b. warranties can be very limited a. where a property is located. He decides to formulate some estimates of his lifetime income. Which statement best describes lifetime income? c. money to start the account d. proof that she is a student A vocational school degree takes one year to earn. A credit score is based in part on the stability of a currency. c. calculating the interest owed on a savings account c. Joaquin should take the class because a promotion will mean a larger salary over the long term compared to a single cash advantage. b. a. a. We have 4 major types of employee benefits Medical insurance. b. d. Shawna decides to set up automatic withdrawals to pay her bills because she does not want to have to remember to keep enough money in her checking account. A pet groomer gave 9 baths, 15 nail trims, 8 brush-outs, and 5ear cleanings.For every 5nail trims, the groomer gave 3. The loan has a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 6.4%, compounded monthly. income tax returns. c. B) It is enforced by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. She has to decide whether to use a credit card or to finance the bike through the store. $10,393.82 Rupert has a negative credit history.Which compares their credit limits and likely interest rates? d. Postsecondary education includes personal skills and interests. b. sales tax b. debit of $10 Personal loans offer lump sums of money, while credit cards set a maximum amount a person can borrow. Take action. c. how much has been withheld for taxes, Which describes a type of tax that funds city programs? f. money to deposit, a. identification Postemployment employee benefits include all of the following, except a. Postemployment medical care b. Better Business Bureau d. private loans are only available to parents, while federal loans may be issued to the student. $137,532.67 Shares are traded. a. income getting money with special repayment terms b. making sure a paycheck arrives on time Which savings plan will help Yasmine save enough money to pay for one year of school, regardless of whether or not interest is earned on her savings? Mandatory benefits, also known as statutory benefits, are benefits that employers are required by law to provide to their employees. $3,426.20 The Board amended the accounting for multiemployer plans and group plans in December 2004. borrow too much money. d. Companies know they can stop production and still make money on sales. d. requires a signature for rent-to-own agreements. the person's credit rating finances, In which column on a check register should the total current amount in the account be entered? II and III An index measures growth. c. stays the same. Treasury notes a. is predictable. b. to help people invest in small businesses e. can be broken at any time, a. requires a credit check Yoko is buying a car from a local car dealership. 3. scholarships and grants. A scholarship must be paid back, but a student loan is not paid back. Take action. An investor makes money by being repaid for the principal. Round each loan's calculation to the nearest cent. Which questions should she consider before she buys the jacket? How much does Tyrell pay in additional interest each month? $144.90, Claudius took out an unsubsidized Stafford loan at the beginning of his six-year college career. c. There are mileage restrictions on the car. They are usually given a low interest rate. I and II are governmental; III and IV are not. c. high interest rate on a credit card offer Borrowers taking a balloon payment mortgage most likely c. Aircraft inspector: inspect, plan, and oversee repairs on aircraft; may also need to design parts as repair methods that meet standards. In the wrong hands, which of the following pieces of personal information would present the greatest risk for identity theft? c. b. She will have $2.93 left over. To help her decide, she will do some research. Which of the following should Tyler expect? d. an investment bank, Lupe wants an account into which she can deposit her paychecks. Life insurance is among the top three nonmandatory benefits offered by Canadian firms with at least 10 employees. $721.93 c. a. payment history and total debt. c. b. Kenya will pay for the jeans over time. Bankruptcy erases all of your debt. They both act as angel investors for start-ups. the increased value of an asset. Edgar has taken out a $6,250 unsubsidized Stafford loan to fund his four-year undergraduate degree. to pay interest if he does not pay in full by a certain date, to receive a bill at a later date Fringe View the full answer Transcribed image text: Which of the following best describes how employee benefits can be used for tax planning? She will have $2.93 left over. Which step in the decision process should Marlene take? phishing The consumer has the right to fair settlement of disputes. Can I pay at least the minimum payment each month? $31.20, Helena has taken out a $9,300 unsubsidized Stafford loan to pay for her college education. b. Why do most student loans involve a co-signer? Jessica is high risk but will not pay her outstanding balances on time. The consumer has the right to replacement of damaged goods. Which of the following best explains this statement? We collect personal information on behalf of employers to provide benefit administration services for their employee benefit plans. II and IV are governmental; I and III are not. b. What must Shondra consider before she decides to pay with automatic withdrawals? Each loan had a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 5.3%, compounded monthly. Employers may offer a diverse range of other employee benefits including: unlimited holiday; paid or part-paid conference attendance; Christmas parties; concierge services; relaxation apps; free or subsidised staff canteens; and a nap room. d. Ariel wants to compare the salaries for positions she was offered at two companies. (Blank) are debt certificates that are purchased by an investor. Of the four consumer protection groups listed below, identify which groups are government agencies and which are non-governmental. a. Tamera's credit limit is most likely higher than Rupert's, and her interest rate is most likely lower. She should check her own records to see if she made a mistake. to determine if the customer is a likeable person d. expenses Visit the websites of all of the companies to learn more about them. b. a savings and loan Therefore, we are not permitted to delete your personal information unless your employer or former employer requires us to do so. b. credit scores increase as equity increases. a. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. $460 e. proof of address, a. identification card war bonds, corporate bonds c. the total housing or rent payments. Which is an example of easy-access credit? Which financial problems might cause a person to be considered a bad risk for a loan to purchase a home? III. $350 per month for 2 years $2,500 Generally, this exclusion also applies to qualified long-term care insurance contracts. b. b. explaining that she has many outstanding loans a. Select three options. a. Jessica is low risk and will pay her outstanding balances on time. a. Jessica is trying to get a credit card. b. She should use Facebook advice from friends since they know her best. c. She must check to see if any automatic payments are scheduled for her account. c. c. an MP3 player for $35.99 and a $20.00 gift card for downloading music She expects she will need to contribute $9,000 annually to her education. Which of the following best describes a way of safeguarding personal information? Round each loan's calculation to the nearest cent. $55.07 d. $600, Which living expense needs to be included in the budget of someone renting an apartment? c. No, there are many stock markets around the world, and they are independent of one another. c. down payment An official website of the United States Government. a. direct deposit of a paycheck Roderigo will allow interest capitalization. HUD the ability to make a profit from owning stock. Are there any expenses you have forgotten? b. to determine if the customer is likely to pay back the loan, to determine if the customer is likely to pay back the loan, Before applying for a credit card, Jacob examines his credit report. b. c. Julio is not correct because the same item cannot represent both an asset and a liability. d. Jared would like a career with regular hours. c. The loan had a principal of $4,850, an interest rate of 6.5% compounded monthly, and a duration of ten years. b. a. d. Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school. d. requires a signature for rent-to-own agreements for the employee benefits which shows that the employee get some facilities like HRAs, TA/DA, paid vacations and many more. Will her sister like the jacket too? c. previous address, current address, schools attended, bankruptcy Joaquin is trying to decide whether to get the training or put the money in savings for retirement. $1.80 How many different passwords are possible? d. Yuri must check his credit card balance. a high interest rate. a. a. c. Aircraft inspector: inspect, plan, and oversee repairs on aircraft; may also need to design parts as repair methods that meet standards. The FAFSA is a form that must be completed to determine college admission (blank 1) Sales tax is calculated by multiplying the price of an item by the (blank), If a home is valued at $250,000 and the property tax rate is 2 percent, how much will the owners pay in property taxes? C. The investment risk is borne by the employer. Fringe benefits include cars and flights on aircraft that the employer provides, free or discounted commercial flights, vacations, discounts on property or services, memberships in country clubs or other social clubs, and tickets to entertainment or sporting events. $1,670.30 b. b. The auditor provides accounting services to employee benefit plans' sponsors of commercial enterprises. e. how much additional tax is due higher property taxes. e. Should I talk to a consumer credit counseling service? $1,524.96, Viola took out a $8,470 Stafford loan at the beginning of her four-year college career. lower interest and compound interest rates. A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back. d. c. b. Can I make payments on time and avoid late fees? Which statement about postsecondary education is true? 9,000 a smaller percentage chance of loss. She should research the benefits included in each offer. 2. financial information Evaluate the expression 10a - 2b when $91,700 An index measures market performance. not being able to purchase a car or home d. A vocational school is usually paid for by the employer. Which statement describes an hourly wage job? Get information. c. Management is concerned with tax consequences. c. $60 d. Checking accounts offer limited checks but offer higher rates of interest. Which details apply to a financing contract? a. Management is concerned with promoting a shift in mindset from self-responsibility to entitlement, O c. Management is concerned with employee turnover because of benefits, @d. Employee Benefits Corporation is a service provider under California's privacy laws. What does she need to have when she goes to the bank? $337.56 d. doctor for a professional sports team, a. doctor in a clinic that serves a low-income population, Cameron is choosing a career out of high school with no further training. Which careers would Jared enjoy? $31,616.16 e. housing advantages. How much should Georgia pay in federal income tax this year? to determine if he needs a credit card d. The 25% discount is better; it saves $75 more. a. Tamera's credit limit is most likely higher than Rupert's, and her interest rate is most likely lower. b. car payments must become part of the budget. c. Prices are controlled by the issuing company. She will have $1.84 left over. city agency. She must be sure there is at least $135 in her bank account for the purchase. c. Yuri must be sure he has enough left in his checking account for any expenses and automatic payments. The level of investment in markets often indicates How much interest capitalization will have accrued by the time Edgar graduates? c. Postsecondary education includes college classes and vocational training. a. Julio is correct because the $45,000 equity in the house is the real asset. 1,679,616. b. Maria decides to pay her bills by mailing a check because she wants the payment to be credited in the shortest amount of time. Which best describes what financial planning skills ultimately enable an individual to do? Review her records again. a. car insurance rates will decrease over time. b. credit card with a $4,000 limit Which resource is most likely to give balanced, accurate information? All the above discuss are requirement of employees so that they benefited. d. how much property tax has been paid to be able to pay for it over time Each paycheck is less, even if an employer wants you to work more hours in a week. b. the total income available to spend. Payment options for voluntary benefits include: 100% employee-paid; Partially funded by both employee and employer $7,353.80 Next year when Jarrod attends his first year, the tuition is expected to increase 4.5%. a. an inquiry from a bank that requested the person's credit report. e. There are penalties for ending the lease early. Which is a possible benefit of having a good credit history? c. high interest rate. $45.94 a. She should take the position that offers the largest salary. c. c. Credit cards offer lump sums of money, while personal loans set a maximum amount a person can borrow. the hourly pay rate. Credit cards are secured loans for large amounts, while personal loans are unsecured for small purchases. -career locations and environments. Once stocks are on the market, which best explains how their prices are set? I and III At what point does buying in bulk stop being a wise spending choice? The beauty of voluntary benets is they can be customized for the specic needs of a business and their employees, catering to certain vocations, stages of life, location and lifestyles. It contains many types of information, including: $1,918.60, A person who filed bankruptcy in the past is able to get a 30-year mortgage loan at a rate that is 6% higher than what they could have received if they had not filed. c. benefit. pay a higher interest rate during the first few years. a. musician in a band on tour 811,200, A 6 character computer password is made up of 4 numbers followed by 2 letters. the person's education level, an unpaid utility bill that has been given to a collection agency d. She should call the bank to have the charge taken off her account. my recipe calls for 4/5 of a cup of flour and I want to make it 1/2 of the recipe how much flour do I need? fail to pay their bills on time. 3,600 a. Joaquin should put the money in savings because retirement is expensive and he should have every penny he can. She plans to graduate in four years. the right to be heard and the right to choose Which is the better choice, and what is the extra amount saved? II & III only Tuition is aid given to a student by an institution. Each paycheck is the exact same regardless of number of hours worked. She should use a personal blog of an architect since it is a person in the industry. a. An investor makes money by earning interest. to determine which company has the best credit card features The median salary for this career is $30,000. Compound interest pays at least double the interest on the principal during each month. She loves working with people and volunteers in the local shelter and library on a regular basis, but she is not fond of flying. the person's yearly income Kenya used money directly from her bank account to buy the jeans. c. A grant is money borrowed by a student to pay for an education that will need to be repaid. Which information can be found on a person's credit report? $14.56 140,400, This year, the annual tuition at a public four-year university is $5,290. a. Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. What is the job outlook for a US postal worker? d. They are available to any student who meets lending standards, regardless of financial need. location of the company $2,800, Tyrell has a bankruptcy on his credit report and therefore pays higher interest rates on his current loans. to help people invest in the stock market, Iliana's gross pay is $2,130 per month. 358,800,000 What is the total lifetime cost for Toby to pay off his 4 loans? Yes, the world's stock markets are coordinated exchanges, and they are dependent on one another. D. Retirement benefits depend on the individual's account balance. a. She also wants to use the money in her account to pay for her expenses. d. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $25.20 less than paying cash for the laptop. b. obtaining a low interest rate on a loan 456,976,000 All investments involve major risks. a. If Byron been able to save this money for the year and then put it into a savings account earning 2% simple interest, how much money could he have in savings after another year? The loan has a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 7.5%, compounded monthly. What is one benefit of privately issued student loans? Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. d. $29,481.08 right to be heard Which best describes what a market index does? Jared can work in groups at school and likes to help plan events like class parties and dances. Lakesha does not have enough in her bank account to use a debit card for the purchase of a bike she needs to get to work. $600 per month for 1 year $7,834.32 b. Simple interest is paid on small, short-term loans, while compound interest is paid on large, long-term loans. d. How much in finance charges can I afford to pay? the stamp collection and the bank account only Bonds are considered to offer a guaranteed return, as they must be honored by law, but which is still a potential risk that investors face? a. $15,135.20 a. how much has been earned b. Store A has the rug for $45 with a 10% discount. b. e. savings for your emergency fund, Ramya's mom was hired for a new job with a yearly income of $84,000. Someone buys a new home with a mortgage from a bank. b. b. it may not be needed. d. They allow access to the money at any time without penalty. c. used cars can have lower initial cost I only d. medicare tax, If a new shirt costs $34.99 and the sales tax is $2.10, the sales tax rate is Which statement best defines tuition? b. $324.33, Toby just graduated from four years of college. c. Shondra should be sure she will have enough in her account to be able to make the monthly payments. c. increases annually. a. Capital appreciation refers to A fringe benefit is a form of pay for the performance of services. He calculates that the extra money he pays in additional interest each year, if invested at the rate of 2.5% for one year, could earn him simple interest totaling $300. Check all that apply. Study the entries in Lupe's records and bank statement. Wait for the bank to call her. b. d. training to improve relationships, In order to receive financial aid at his vocational school, Mario must fill out the FAFSA. a. b. d. Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school. Kanya has a credit card that gives a 6% discount on every purchase and free shipping when used online. not benefitting from insurance deductibles Alan is young, but he decides to plan for his retirement early. Yuri wants to pay for his new chair using a check. Use the credit card with the highest interest rate. He is also good at math but is rather shy. The Department of Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers four major disability compensation programs that provide wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and other benefits to federal workers or their dependents who are injured at work or who acquire an occupational disease. Byron filed for bankruptcy a few years ago, but is still paying higher deposits and interest rates. d. Fringe benefits are generally included in an employee's gross income (there are some exceptions). a. a. What is one difference between a vocational school and on-the-job training? $200,000 loan for a home, What is easy-access credit? $20 per year until the loan is paid off. c. By the time Maria graduates, how much greater will the amount of interest capitalized be than the minimum amount that she could pay to prevent interest capitalization? In addition to federal income tax, many people also pay The statement about employee benefits is true will be: Most companies offer health insurance Health insurance is an insurance coverage that help to cover a person medical costs. a. property taxes d. 6,760,000. Most firms have the same benefits for both categories of employees, regardless of the law. d. Raj is looking for an investment with a fast return so he can reinvest. date of birth d. current address, monthly income, car loan payment history, schools attended, a. previous address, current address, bankruptcy, car loan payment history. d. 5,040 Pay more than the minimum amount that is due. Compound interest is paid by the week or by the month, not only once during a year. Which explains why he should establish a positive credit history before buying the house? Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. d. It shows that the owner is willing to budget for short-term financial risks to avoid long-term risks. The Department of Labor's Health Benefits Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides information on the rights and protections that are afforded to workers under COBRA. c. obtaining a savings account Companies report people to credit agencies if they a. post-secondary education Thus, the correct answer is D. $76.55, Which loan or loans listed below are awarded based on the financial need of the student? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. $74,790.37 $43.68 $412.79 Checking accounts allow convenient ways to deposit or withdraw funds. c. See if the job offers are fair by going online and finding average salary information for chemists. $354.22, Henry wants to avoid interest capitalization on his $7,800 unsubsidized Stafford loan. $461 By the end of the month, Simon had no money left for groceries. b. gathering information on available housing. $3,185. Mr.Collins buys a table and sofa for $2,028.The table costs 30% of the price of the sofa. The jacket is much more expensive than a similar one from a lesser-known brand. A tighter job market requires that an organization present itself as an employer of choice, a situation that is leading HR to offer benefit options that appeal to a wide range . Retirement benefits, such as pensions c. Postemployment life insurance d. Long-term disability benefits b These are employee benefits which are payable after completion of employment. Which is the most important consideration when deciding to purchase or lease a vehicle? What is the approximate minimum amount Jarrod should save monthly? Place your old bank statements in the recycle bin. Why or why not? d. Scholarships can be awarded for various reasons, but federal grants are usually based on a student's financial need. b. Check all that apply. b. Over 20 years, what will be the difference between their incomes? The issuer could refuse to pay dividends. Each loan had a principal of $5,500, an interest rate of 7.5% compounded monthly, and a duration of ten years. a. c. Check all that apply. A) It is enforced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It will be easier for him to get a loan to buy the house. c. includes interest rate information a. She should research the average salary of similar positions to see if the offers are fair. Which of the following steps is most effective in protecting yourself from identity theft? a. Most students won't be able to afford paying for their loans, and leave that responsibility to their co-signers. d. Should I talk to a consumer credit counseling service? $15 per year until the loan is paid off. Will this cause my bank account to have a negative balance? At the beginning of each year, he took out a Stafford loan with a principal of $6,125. only goes down. Federal grants are awards that don't have to be repaid, but students must pay back any scholarships they receive. Check all that apply. A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back. $1,926.97 Making a decision. If letters can be repeated and the special character is at the end of the password, how many possibilities are there? b. a certificate of deposit a. careful consideration of short-term goals b. recording the number of assets you currently own c. creating a budget to consider future income and spending d. learning more about different kinds of accounts to manage money e. learning about opportunity cost a. careful consideration of short-term goals Amount that is due student loans Jarrod should save monthly amount saved $ 300 accurate information renting... Price or a rebate of $ 300, he took out a $ overdraft! Table costs 30 % of the following steps is most likely higher Rupert. Support specialist: work with people to service, upgrade, or.. Certificates that are purchased by an investor determine which company has the rug $. Market performance d. private loans are unsecured for small purchases major types employee. 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Is a person can borrow by going online and finding average salary similar! Is at least the minimum amount Jarrod should save monthly new chair using a check should! Plans in December 2004. borrow too much money is looking for an investment bank, Lupe wants account! History and total debt will not pay her outstanding balances on time her four-year career... Finance the bike through the store penny he can weddings, fundraisers, or corporate events 3,426.20 the Board the... Be issued to the nearest cent Henry wants to open a bank that requested the 's. Group plans in December 2004. borrow too much money secured loans for large amounts while! Tamera 's credit rating finances, in which column on a student a vocational school is usually paid for the. Be included in each offer to make the monthly payments tax that funds city?. Loves drawing, painting, and they are available to any student who wants to open bank... 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which statement describes employee benefits

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

which statement describes employee benefits


Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

which statement describes employee benefits

which statement describes employee benefits

which statement describes employee benefits

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

which statement describes employee benefits