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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

Leonard McCarthy, Vietnam 69/70 It was common for U.S. forces to operate in the immediate vicinity of areas that were sprayed with defoliant. Get the recommended health screenings, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and don't smoke. I was not told about any benefits resulting from exposure to Agent Orange upon discharge. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) I am a womens health nurse at a VA Medical Center. He filed a claim in 2009 but died in 2010. Has the VA conducted any tests or surveys for the incidence of kidney stones? I was stationed at Ft McClellan (Ft McToxic) TWICE!!! He has taken radiation treatments. U.S. Veterans Association. This article provides a brief history of Agent Orange's role in the Vietnam War and discusses the long-term effects of exposure to the toxic dioxins in this herbicide. It contains dioxin, a toxic chemical that can cause a, Service connection may be presumed for residuals of exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who, during active military, naval, or air force, served in the Republic of Vietnam (The Vietnam, Agent Orange was an herbicide that the United States military used during the Vietnam War. I believe they need to look deeper into medical issues with children of all vets who served during that time. Agent Orange herbicides used tested on Vieques Island , off the coast of Puerto Rico. Im all ready a 100% but I didnt know that I had that stuff yes I have Kids on my first marrige my wife had cncer on the matriz ,1 kid had de matitis atopic , 2 kid has Diabetis tope 1 , on my second marrige my 3 kid has asma bleding nose 4 kid has hipoglucemia , and I have sacorms rash and same time bleding pennus. All you have to do is research about the children still being born in Vietnam even today. APPROACH EVERY AVENUE OF COMMUNICATION WITH THEM.BUY DO IT NOW AND CONTINUE FORWARDYOUR ARE AN AMERICAN VET. Fifty years after the spraying started, the VA is doing a lot to help us veterans but my guess- a number of veterans passed away before they got help. We had a minor child at the time who also received $ benefits, insurance ad then monthly support while he attended college. You have received an unjustly low disability rating. No significant relationship was seen between exposure to pesticides and Alzheimer's disease." Colon Cancer kills just as effectively as any other Cancer. Why wont the US Government cover her? Now me and my siblings, got to live the rest of our lifes with this disability. The VA also offers survivors' benefits to spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents of veterans who died of a presumptive condition linked to Agent Orange exposure. WebPeople exposed to a small amount of cyanide by breathing it, absorbing it through their skin, or eating foods that contain it may have some or all of the following signs and symptoms within minutes: Dizziness Headache Nausea and vomiting Rapid breathing Rapid heart rate Restlessness Weakness My life has been forever changed because of Agent Orange. drooling or excessive phlegm. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Now I, along with many others, are paying the price! Introduction Agent Orange is a herbicide used by the US government in the 1960s, 1970s, and during the Vietnam War. We were out there from march 69 to October 69. Agent Orange effects range in severity. Please call for an appointment before visiting: Mail Processing Center: P.O. Our sons both have chronic coughs and asthma. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS blue water navy here on board the Robert k hunington dd781 we cooked washed with agent orange water I have chest pain dibeties type 2 when will the v help us. He was a navigator on a KC135. the worst part is how I get judged years after its all over. I cant even go out to work or have R&R more than Feds hours a day for fear Id come home to find him dead in his sleep. Read below for the list of diseases associated with Agent Orange! Tomorrow is not a promise, only a gift. From 19621971, the U.S. Air Force sprayed at least 11 million gallons of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Now 2015 he needs to get surgery again. The affected child must have been conceived after the Veteran entered Vietnam or the Korean demilitarized zone during the qualifying service period. There is no obligation to do so. He passed Oct, first check received was Feb less than three months after his death. I am sooo angry that my father served during Vietnam onboard USS KITTY HAWK in 1968 as an Aviation Ordnance. Getting infections frequently. Moreover, TCDD in natural environments can last for many years. Dioxin is a compound made from burning chlorine with carbon and hydrogen. Health Care Exposure to dioxins can cause numerous health problems and diseases, such as cancer. I know too many adult chilren of Vietnam Veterans that suffer from similar diseases passed on by their Dads bad genes. EFFECTS after was, emergency transportation to nearest hospital the following day for LUNG COLLASPE, admitted a few days , few months later , pnuemonia kicked him hard, three weeks in outside hospital near our residence, since that in February 2014, till today, he has oxygen machine and portable tanks, even Scooter for outside mobility because his VA pulmonary doctor ADMITTED to making his first mistake on a patient after over 700 procedures hes done. Filed in June 06. Ive been trying to get VA medical for years and keep getting turned down. It has only been 6 Months. While we still have our home base in Florida, In Iraq & Afghanistan, the military had low ranking troops handle the burn pits (whats new) including burning plastic bottles (illegal in the US to burn) and now many troops are showing up with lung problems. A lock ( There was a $700 million settlement with Monsanto and the City of Anniston because of the contamination. Ingesting it while eating or drinking food or beverages that the herbicide touched. They just sent me a letter stating that they needed more information. I had a radioactive isotope to kill the thyroid and have taken synthyroid for over 40 yes. Did I get it from Agent Orange exposure, or because of my diabetes I dont know. Some symptoms of an Agent Orange-related illness are: Fatigue Rashes or darkening of the skin Headaches Muscle or joint pain Respiratory issues Gastrointestinal concerns Heart disease Sleep issues Cancers Agent Orange presumptive conditions Doctors have linked Agent Orange exposure to many illnesses. The benefits given to someone with a presumptive condition are called "presumptive disability benefits.". Even though Agent Orange isnt actively in use or production, the effects of the toxic herbicide still affect millions of people and pose several risks to their health. What are the health effects of Agent Orange exposure? The chemicals in the herbicide caused Agent Orange effects. Any guidance as to why this is would be appreciated. Get help from state VA offices. Service aboard a U.S. military vessel that entered the inland waterways of Vietnam. my husband served in the Arkansas Army National Guard at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas from around 1970 to 2004. What Are Some of the Long-Term Side Effects of Agent Orange Exposure? Some of the long-term effects of exposure to Agent Orange include cancer, liver damage, heart and lung disorders, skin ailments and nervous system diseases, according to Truthout. The effects of exposure have been shown to also reach the following generations of those exposed. Too much information, too late. Veterans and Agent Orange: health effects of herbicides used in Vietnam. Dioxins are stored in fatty (adipose) tissue and can take decades to leave the body. These symptoms are usually caused by conditions other than a sarcoma. Public health assessment of dioxin-contaminated fish at former U.S. airbase, Bien Hoa, Vietnam. Thank you. If you do have an Agent Orange-related disability or health condition, you may receive free health care for those conditions through the Veterans Administration. Just this week she was diagnosed with multiple herniations in her lower back. My GRIPE is, not matter how much money the VA gives him, he will never be happy again because of health condition but at least compensation for addition ailments will give us more time to enjoy whats left of his life!! The veteran filing that claim was represented by an attorney who appears to be located on the other side of the country. My Husband Paul G. his Veteran Disabled For young ages, he was only 34yrs old. Visit VAs Health Benefits Explorer to check your eligibility and learn how to apply. The exact number of people exposed to Agent Orange from 1962 to 1971 is unknown. I met him a year after he came home from serving aboard a destroyer during the war. facilities Washington, D.C., East Orange, NJ, and Palo Alto, CA. Treatment could include: Your healthcare provider will diagnose and treat the effects of Agent Orange if you had exposure to the herbicide. Passed away within 6 months of diagnosis. These three centers assist veterans with deployment health concerns and difficult diagnoses. was also used) Our daughter had severe jaundice when she was born and has crohns now. Developing fetuses are sensitive to dioxin exposure, and Agent Orange exposure is linked to. Search the VA Office of the General Counsels list. An official website of the United States government. In December 2022, the United States announced a $29 million contract to clean up dioxin-contaminated soil and water at the Bien Hoa Air Base in southern Vietnam. The chemicals in the herbicide affect everyone who had exposure differently. Absorbing it through your eyes, mouth or breaks in your skin while the chemicals were in the air. Chlamydia can harm your sperm, negatively impacting your ability to conceive. What are the symptoms of Agent Orange effects? Was in RVN form 7/65- 7/66, mostly at Danang at Monkey Mountain in 603d AC&W Sqdn. However, I dont know what the long-term effects will be. Payments for children of women Vietnam veterans born with certain birth defects. The IOM looks for the highest quality studies. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia vs. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. My husbands claim took less than 6 months from the time he initially filed. Ask for a C & P exam and point blank ask the dr if your condition as likely as not is a result of exposure to agent orange. He has been DENIED on his VA claim because VA says he cannot prove it. Richmond, VA: 7400 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA, 23225 I was fixing and repairing tanks from viet-nam and there was this powdered stuff which was Agent Orange our Lt fresh out of school said it wouldn t hurt us so we were ankle high in this stuffdid not have any problems health wise.till 2010 I went in the hospital for diff to was there the hospital stay of 6 days said I had I went to a va hospital who said they didn t know what it was.after 5 heart failures on cpaP ,OXYGEN, thyroid ,and neorapathy of my arm and fingers the conclusion was agent orange so I submitted a claimand got denied so far twice.I feel like a vegetable I can t do anything getting up in the morning is a chore.I feel all our brother and sisters missing arms and legs I pray that in my lifetime somebody would get it right.the duty stations are Lejeune and Camp Pendleton Ca.I didn t run to Canada like my friends. The IOM then issues its reports, including its conclusions and recommendations to VA, Congress, and the public. Wishing they would recognize children with other health issues. How about talking about Ft. McClellan the moat contaminated site in the United States.Nobody ever brings it up,but 60 minutes DoD a report on Ft. McClellan you cant even get now.Monsanto,and our crooked government knew about this,and never informed the military.Yet the city of Anniston,Alabama won a 700 million dollar settlement in which our department of Veterans was approached,but declined stating We take care of our ownDeny,Deny Deny!!!! After the first Gulf War, veterans with big health problems, heard the denials. veterans who qualify and participate in this program receive a free medical exam, lab tests, and free referrals to medical specialists if appropriate. Contact a VA Environmental Health Coordinatorfor details. The exam is free to eligible Veterans and enrollment in VA health care is not necessary. If you are aVietnamveterandiagnosed with a qualifying condition, and you meet the service criteria outlined above, you may be eligible for VA treatment of your Agent Orange-related condition. The Veterans DD 214 or WD AGO or DD Form 2-1 should accompany this note also. WebThe following Agent Orange side effects are considered presumptive by VA: AL Amyloidosis Bladder Cancer Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin's disease Hypertension Hypothyroidism Ischemic Heart Disease Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Box 449, Deland, FL 32721, Orlando, FL: 605 E. Robinson Street Suite 635, Orlando, FL 32801 If your service-connected condition is disabling, you may be entitled to VA disability compensation. These Veterans do not need to show that they were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides in order to get disability compensation for diseases related to Agent Orange exposure. One surgery already, more to come. I am 36 years old and my father served in vietnam. My father died from amlyodosis. The damn carrier was on watch in theater & his DD 214 clearly states he was honorably discharged from his first & last ultimate duty station USS KITTY HAWK. These include slow movements, trouble speaking, stiff muscles, or tremors. WebBurning pain, redness, and blisters on the skin if exposed to gas. Absorbing it through your skin from physical contact with the herbicide. However, the Veterans Administration (VA) has an Agent Orange Registry health exam that alerts veterans of possible long-term "presumptive" health issues that are linked to Agent Orange exposure during someone's military service. Navigating the Veterans Affairs bureaucracy is notoriously difficult. The U.S. military used over 20 million gallons of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam in order to strip the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army of cover and concealment and to kill off crops they depended on to feed their fighters. VA and other Federal government Departments and agencies have conducted, and continue to conduct, extensive research evaluating the health effects of Agent Orange exposure on U.S. Veterans. Tim Discher, Served in Marine Corps, 1967-1970 Vietnam. I know Agent Orange was tested there in the 50s. When I told the VA Agent Orange representative from the Hampton Virginia VA Hospital about my exposure and that I had pictures to prove my claim he replied I dont care if you have pictures of you drinking Agent Orange, if you werent assigned to a Vietnam APO you have NO CLAIM! If you served in the military in Vietnam or on the Korean DMZ between specific dates of Vietnam Era, or you are otherwise known to have been exposed to thedefoliantduring your military service,andyou are diagnosed with certain health problems, the VA will presume that your condition has service connection due to exposure to the Agent Orange contaminant. WebThe following is a list of reported Agent Orange symptoms and effects: 1. Just like those Draft letters you sent us you should be giving us special treatment and 100% Disability with no questing ask you no what you did I service in Korea not fore from the DMZ from 1967 thru 1968, I Was ex pose to this agent orage but Im a post vet I Was bleding true my rectal and the urulogist told me to claim on Va the star to ad same thing on my live and star to claim but VA hospital dosent give a dam of the veterans here on puerto rico what I have to do go over the state. I feel sorry for returning veterans these days because they are in for a shock when they try to get help. Dont do it alone! Want to be upgraded to 100%. Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy. What about us? USS Boston. There is DoD evidence that there are residuals in the soil yet The govt denies it was ever tested there. People were exposed to the chemicals in Agent Orange by: Treatment for Agent Orange effects varies based on how the herbicide interacted with your body. We did the process ourselves as when we met the VA rep he was very negative and discouraging (almost purposely to frustrate us to give up). Los Angeles, CA: 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1101, Los Angeles, CA 90025 WebLeft untreated, the COPD sufferer finds that breathing becomes increasingly labored and experiences symptoms such as wheezing, constant coughing and recurring upper respiratory infections. These days because they are in for a shock when they try to get VA for... Orange herbicides used in Vietnam even today get help NJ, and Palo,! Effects: 1 was tested there in the immediate vicinity of areas that were with... Eyes, mouth or breaks in your skin while the chemicals in the herbicide caused Agent upon... For children of women Vietnam veterans that suffer from similar diseases passed on their. ) TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Least 11 million gallons of Agent Orange was tested there US government in the Arkansas Army National Guard at Chaffee... Arkansas Army National Guard at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas from around 1970 to 2004 when they try get. 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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?


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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?