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santa cruz judge marigonda

| Paul Mario Marigonda passed away on December 10th in the comfort of his home surrounded by his family and his beloved canine companion Duke. Send e-mail to this poster Department of Child Support Services Cases, Public Access to Judicial Administrative Records. font-size: .9em; 8/19/2019 5:03:30 PM, View Detail Get your political butts out of the clouds, your hands out of each others pockets and do something worth while to effectively clean up our city and clean up the streets- Its not the police who arent doing there job, it is the brownnosers pretending to be important while they sit on their ass doing nothing-, Thats because their little Boys Club isnt working. Civil, LPS, Unlawful Detainer cases, CEQA, Writ of Mandates, and Complex Litigation, Judge Stephen Siegel Judge Paul Marigonda, superior court Creator: Squires, Jennifer Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel Date: 2007-01-09 Type: NEWS; DOCUMENT Coverage: 2000s Identifier: CF-39363 Collection Local News Index Tags Clipping branch location: Downtown; Clipping filed under: Courts Courts Citation Squires, Jennifer. [3][4], See also: California judicial elections, 2014 Your email address will not be published. width: 250px; font-weight: bold; Their decisions touch our basic fabric family structure and the protection of our children when parents are in conflict. Department B. Judge Paul Marigonda does not seem to be having a good day. During his three-year tenure the board, Paul was very active and served as vice president and chair of both board membership and CJP work groups. The two parents also often present very different pictures of the same circumstance. Northern California. The courts and the probation department are failing the citizens of Santa Cruz in favor of the criminal. Paul was the son of Laura and Cesare Marigonda of. The highlight of Paul's life would be raising his two sons and enjoying his family. Send e-mail to this poster Related Articles Paul never lacked supportive friends or wonderful relationships, and he was blessed to have these friends carry him through this challenging illness. All Rights Reserved. Its easy to say the judges let people out of the door, but there are a lot more pieces to the puzzle, Marigonda says.

Not a fan. CriminalDomestic Violence, Felony and Misdemeanor, Judge Timothy Volkmann How about Bleeding Heart Agenda? Known to friends and colleagues for his physical enthusiasm from bear hugs to dramatically gesturing hands Paulie to some will be remembered for his extensive vocabulary, playful smile and loud, robust, joyful, and contagious laugh, among other attributes, as described in a collaboratively written letter from the California Judges Association. 2/7/2020 1:13:17 AM, View Detail The former prosecutor served two one-year terms as presiding judge, in 2014 and 2015. Dec. 12SANTA CRUZ Some 15 months after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, sitting Santa Cruz Judge and past Scotts Valley Mayor Paul Marigonda succumbed to his illness Saturday. Elections in 2023 | Send e-mail to this poster | Giraldo is also working hands-on with the effects of AB 109, the realignment bill to reduce prison overcrowdinga law Marigonda notes is changing how long criminals stay off the streets. He was passionate about his work as a judge, presiding over many different types of cases including criminal, civil, probate, and family law. } Alt-country Outfit the Sadies Return to the Crepe Place, Opinion: The 11th Watsonville Film Festival, Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Paul Marigonda. margin-bottom: 0; He received his juris doctorate from Golden Gate University in 1986, then started his legal work at New and Kay in San Francisco. Send e-mail to this poster If the junkie that steals my and my neighbors bike is not going to rehab after 10 trips to court then send them to jail to get clean. ADVERTISING AdvertiseAd Planner/Issue ScheduleElectronic Ad GuidelinesSubmit an ObituaryWriting an Obituary, COMPANY INFO Job Opportunities Privacy Policy Terms of Service. Watsonville Department A. display: inline-block; He also was tasked with sentencing in a 2011 drug case of former professional surfer Anthony Ruffo, a longtime Santa Cruz surfer who won the 1985 Coldwater Classic. Santa Cruzs problem is weather. .widget-row.heading { How to run for office | Worse the Santa Cruz Police Department and the Santa Cruz City Council KNOW that Section 8 management companies they conduct business with aid and abet these criminals, cheating taxpayers who subsidize their criminal careers while these (violent) criminals terrorize decent, law abiding Section 8 residents. Department of Child Support Services Cases, Public Access to Judicial Administrative Records. I didnt think Judge Moriganda was a fair and prepared judge. California to review cases for possible wrongful convictions Last summer, county judge Ariadne Symons spoke at a public safety task force to share what shes seen as a judge and a lawyer. Sirhan's . Many of them serve part of their sentences on probation instead of in county jail. Storm Brings Challenges Sooner Than Expected, Scotts Valley & San Lorenzo Valley Business Directory, Business Locator & Tourism Maps: Aptos Capitola Soquel Pleasure Point, Pajaro Valley Business Locator and Area Map, Firefighter Recruit Daniel Lamothe Dies at 38, Evacuations Orders Given Along San Lorenzo River, Farewell 2022! Even when Paul was ill and undergoing treatment, he found the courage and the energy to hear cases whenever he could. .widget-row.Democratic { Paul M. Marigonda: See Rating Details: Judge Superior Court: Santa Cruz County: See Comments: Attorney Average Rating: 3.2 - 8 rating(s) Non-Attorney Average Rating: 1.0 - 18 rating(s) Please send me alerts on this judge E-mail Address: Add your own rating E . Paul M. Marigonda, presiding judge for Santa Cruz Superior Court, has heard what people say about him and his colleagues. They are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and sons and daughters themselves. How ludicrous. 399 reviews .06 miles away . 12/12/2022 8:32:40 PM, View Detail SANTA CRUZ Some 15 months after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, sitting Santa Cruz Judge and past Scotts Valley Mayor Paul Marigonda succumbed to his illness Saturday. He was so full of joy and had an incredible love of life. Syda Cogliati 9/24/2019 2:11:11 PM, View Detail Perhaps he cleared your table at his parents Italian restaurant while he was in high school. Counties | .widget-value { He served as presiding judge in 2014 and 2015. background-color: grey; Santa Elena. .widget-row.value-only { But aside from being judges, who are these individuals? display: inline-block; color: white; 4/25/2021 2:35:14 AM, View Detail The extraordinary privilege of Sam Bankman-Frieds Stanford setup not lost on judge who could revoke bail. Marigonda earned his law degree in 1986 from Golden Gate University School of Law and went on to work at private Santa Cruz law firm New & Kay for two years. Send e-mail to this poster This judge is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. 9/17/2021 8:00:31 PM, View Detail Paul is survived by his wife of 31 years Margaret (Baker), his sons Peter and Patrick, daughter in-law Brittney, and grandson Ryan. And before he became a judge, he served us as a team-member of the Santa Cruz District Attorneys Office for years. In 2018, he accepted a nomination to serve on the executive board of the California Judges Association. Challenges are rising for an embattled Santa Cruz judge reassigned to dependency court after she disrupted a homicide trial with an emotional confession of misconduct as a slew of attorneys reveale font-weight: bold; He passed away Dec. 10 at home surrounded by his family and his beloved canine companion, Duke. May your legacy carry on in the work so vital to helping others. Paul never lacked supportive friends or wonderful relationships, and he was blessed to have these friends carry him through this challenging illness. Why are crime rates so high in Santa Cruz, if what our local criminal justice system is doing is working? Assistant Presiding Judge, Judge Jerry Bustos Vinluan 8/4/2022 3:13:36 PM, View Detail Paul Marigonda was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 15 months ago. Send e-mail to this poster 2/8/2020 11:36:24 PM, View Detail background-color: green; Read more on The Court is down two judges: Judge Marigonda and Judge Gallagher's positions need to be filled. Weve just had the biggest wave of imprisonment in American history. Both judges are now at or over 60 years of age and have a bundle of life-experiences that can help you understand where they are coming from. Troquet des Kneckes. width: 57%; Department 11. Directory / 5/15/2020 10:57:30 PM, View Detail La Petite France. Giveaways / LA judge sentences Harvey Weinstein to 16 years for rape, sexual assault Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. On February 23, 2005 a case was filed by Rose, Constance Hanna, against Ketner, Stanley C, in the jurisdiction of Santa Cruz County. Paul was passionate about his work in the community as a judge and presided over many different types of cases including criminal, civil, probate, and family law. font-weight: bold; I can personally attest both judges are extraordinary legal scholars and bring significant professional skills to the bench. So how is this group doing? Known to friends and colleagues for his physical enthusiasm from bear hugs to dramatically gesturing hands "Paulie" to some will be remembered for his extensive vocabulary, playful smile and "loud, robust . Courts | 10/11/2020 6:05:01 PM, View Detail He also was a sitting Scotts Valley City Council member until resigning the position shortly before his judicial swearing-in. Statewide, the rate among those offenders went down from 59 percent to 56 over that same span. Alleged gang member pleads not guilty in California killings This photo provided by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office in Nogales, Arizona, shows rancher . He spoke with his relatives in Italy on a daily basis. Rather than flowers, please consider a donation in Paul's name be sent to a charity of your choice. 10,457 reviews .12 miles away . All these responsible county agencies who we depend upon to make us safe and all they do is dance around the real issue. Felonies/Veterans Court, Vacant-Assigned Judge They are judges Paul Marigonda and Kim Baskett. Your email address will not be published. 4/24/2021 12:20:33 PM, View Detail CURRENT ISSUE & ARCHIVES. After stints with other courthouses outside of Santa Cruz, Calvo returned to the area as top executive in 2005. He was enthusiastic about everything presented to him. If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. In addition, he supported implementation of the courts Behavioral Health Court. Golden Gate University School of Law, 1986, .infobox { Send e-mail to this poster background-color: white; This is what the right-wing agenda has always said: Its liberal judges letting them go, Reinarman says. He passed away Dec. 10 at home surrounded by his family and his beloved canine companion, Duke. Marigonda also was an early champion of collaborative courts, launching the Family Preservation Court for parents with addiction problems from the dependency court system, according to the release. Italian was his first language; Paul was extremely proud of his Italian heritage. Right Wing agenda???? Most divorcing parents dont hire attorneys, and they often appear before these judges to make a call when they cannot agree upon a matter. He was a proud Cal Bear and rarely missed a home football game. Man gets prison for plot to bomb California Democratic HQ He was 62. .top_disclaimer { In 1989, he started a long career at the Santa Cruz County District Attorneys Office, where many treasured lifelong friendships were born. In 1989 he started a long career at the Santa Cruz County district attorney's office where many treasured lifelong friendships were born. Find contact information, experience, peer reviews, directions, and more at An unusual class in judging, in which local judges asked the audience what they would do to sentence certain offenders. I especially just love Judge Salazars nose-thumbing, saying, There will be no oversight as to the activity of judges. Working with his Superior Court family was one of the biggest joys in his life. .widget-row.Green { He was appointed in 2006 to the Santa Cruz County Superior Court bench by Gov. Send e-mail to this poster Restaurants / The probation department nearly doubled its probation officers to accommodate the 8 percent increase in its population. Marigonda is survived by his wife of 31 years, Margaret, their sons Patrick of Santa Cruz and Peter of San Francisco and his beloved dog, Duke. That inspired the court to rethink its entire system, adopting all its electronic case files and shifting to electronic filing of all documents, thus improving public access to court services and information, Calvo says. He felt he had more to give to his community and decided to run for a seat on the Scotts Valley City Council in 2000, serving as mayor in 2005. Paul was a truly humble servant whose legacy for enthusiastic devotion to his colleagues, the Branch and the justice system will remain alive in everyone he touched, colleagues, court staff and litigants alike, the association letter reads, in part. #RacingMutestAcadmie | ' Racing 0-2 Biesheim 32e de finale Coupe Grand Est La feuille de match, la rac' de Guillaume Lacour et la galerie photos Watsonville Courthouse 1 Second St. Watsonville, CA 95076. . width: 250px; If Marigonda has any thoughts about broke people who move to Santa Cruz, he isnt interested in sharing them. padding-left: 10px; Paul Mario Marigonda passed away on December 10th in the comfort of his home surrounded by his family and his beloved canine companion Duke. } Send e-mail to this poster But, more than that, he was a source of knowledge and advice to his fellow Judicial Officers and an absolute pleasure to be with. I cant pick and choose.. color: white; Paul Marigonda. } .widget-row.value-only.white { He spoke with his relatives in Italy on a daily basis. and AB109 really does not sound that effective if it only has a 3-4% change, why waste funding on another program that doesnt work? In 2018 Paul accepted a nomination to serve on the executive board of the California judges Association. Juvenile Justice, Misdemeanors/Traffic, Judge Jordan Sheinbaum We have a system that doesnt accommodate people. Paul felt he had more to give to his community and decided to run for a seat on the Scotts Valley city council in 2000 where he sat for several years and in 2005 served as the mayor of Scotts Valley. [1] [2] He was re-elected in 2014 for a term that expires in January of 2021. Neighborhoods / Paul Marigonda: First Appointed: 12/21/2006 (Schwarzenegger) Next Election: Primary 2026: John Gallagher: For example, I know someone who was arrested for being drunk. Status. Paul was the son of Laura and Cesare Marigonda of Trieste, Italy. .widget-row { On 11/30/2022 City of Santa Cruz filed an Other lawsuit against Superior Court. We have people who come to Santa Cruz with the intent of leading a criminal lifestyle on our streets, she said. Send e-mail to this poster Not all judges have stayed as far from the political frays as Marigonda when it comes to public safety. Courts | He died 15 months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. From a political and law enforcement perspective, if one must dump recalcitrant criminals somewhere, then Section 8 apartment complexes inhabited by poor people who nobody cares about is preferable to dumping them into (upper) middle-class neighborhoods where the inhabitants would march to City Hall with camera crews and hordes of reporters following them. All the while, his shepherded with his wife their two boys through the Scotts Valley schools. Santa Cruz Judge Paul Marigonda, 62, dies of, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Santa Cruz Judge Paul Marigonda, 62, dies of pancreatic cancer, Man gets prison for plot to bomb California Democratic HQ, LA judge sentences Harvey Weinstein to 16 years for rape, sexual assault, Alleged gang member pleads not guilty in California killings, California to review cases for possible wrongful convictions, The extraordinary privilege of Sam Bankman-Frieds Stanford setup not lost on judge who could revoke bail, voted to approve Cal Ams final application, ID released of Santa Cruz man killed in Bonny Doon solo crash, Capitola officials share wharf rebuild plans, Santa Cruz County supervisors reject Andy Schiffrin Planning Commission nomination, Driver suffers major injuries in Scotts Valley highway crash, Weekend solo crash claims life in Pleasure Point, Newsom rescinds Californias COVID-19 state of emergency, marking an end to the pandemic era, Former Santa Cruz man victim of fatal Kansas shooting, Cabrillo College appoints Martha Victoria Vega to Area 5 trustee seat, Watsonville Film Festival kicks off 11th edition Friday, Going with flow: How the Santa Cruz water treatment plant took on Januarys storms, Denver gang member gave 14-year-old permission to open fire on woman with AR-15 after fender-bender, DA alleges, In 4 years, Lori Lightfoot went from breakout political star to divisive mayor of a Chicago beset by pandemic and crime, Florida lawmakers to consider expansion of so-called dont say gay law, Drone crashes at Disneyland after hovering over visitors heads See video, Rapper Travis Scott wanted for assaulting Manhattan club sound engineer, destroying $12K in equipment, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Times Publishing Group, Inc. has been serving our community for 31 years. Visiting Judge Carter has also been a great help to the Court. Craig Reinarman, a UC Santa Cruz sociology professor, says the rhetoric around recidivism is nothing new. Hon. Yes, of course we need to keep violent offenders in jail. Judge Denine Guy Behavioral Health Court. People knew Paul as an incredibly fun and warm person. PHOENIX (AP) An Arizona rancher accused of shooting at a group of migrants on his property near the U.S.-Mexico border, killing one man, will face trial on charges including second-degree murder and aggravated assault, a judge ruled Friday. 1/16/2020 6:29:15 PM, View Detail 10/5/2020 3:52:00 PM, View Detail We are fortunate. Send e-mail to this poster Our Court will miss him terribly, and we extend our condolences to his family.. Arnold Schwarzenegger. color: black; Syda Cogliati .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { A memorial service to celebrate the life of Paul Mario Marigonda will take place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 7, at Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz. border:1px solid #FFB81F; Paul M. Marigonda is a judge for the Superior Court of Santa Cruz County in California. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. .infobox p { Department 10. Sitting in his office, Marigonda, who has a close-cropped haircut, is sympathetic to community concerns. Come on! Like us, they navigated their own children throughour Santa Cruz school system and dealt in their homes the same issues that we face. I think it's essential to note he had experience with Judge Marigonda for many years before Judge Marigonda took over for Judge Almquist. The 62-year-old Scotts Valley resident was appointed in 2006 to the Santa Cruz County Superior Court bench by Gov. 380 reviews .clearfix { Judge Stephen Siegel Felonies/Veterans Court. Judge Denine Guy Behavioral Health Court. We are located on the Central Coast of California, a Multi-media News, and information source. And I was found guilty because I wasnt allowed to testify on my own behalf. [3], Marigonda received a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982 and a J.D. Someone is going to come before me, who may be a transient, and I have to be impartial to everyone, he says. Our Family Court judges are parents themselves. ?-I mean our judicial system must be handing out open invitations to commit crimes here in Santa Cruz as our recidivism rate is 10% higher than other cities State wide!! .widget-img { SANTA CRUZ Some 15 months after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, sitting Santa Cruz Judge and past Scotts Valley Mayor Paul Marigonda succumbed to his illness Saturday. What they are doing is NOT working! Send e-mail to this poster Part one.html ran last week.]. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. 2/25/2021 3:36:14 PM, View Detail Why does Santa Cruz have a 10% higher recidivism rate than the state? Prior to his judicial.

} Disposition (Conversion) Case # CV150972. Filed. } Respect to his family. You often would hear Paul coming before you ever saw him with his loud voice and huge, booming laugh. Known to friends and colleagues for his physical enthusiasm from bear hugs to dramatically gesturing hands "Paulie" to some will be remembered for his extensive vocabulary, playful smile and . PUBLISHED: March 1, 2023 at 2:24 p.m. | UPDATED: March 1, 2023 at 2:35 p.m. SAN DIEGO A California panel on Wednesday denied parole for Robert F. Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan. Do you recall Pacific Pack and Pants on the Mall in Santa Cruz. 4/7/2022 8:05:40 PM, View Detail Yes we can crackdown, but it fills and overloads our system. Department 11. We who do not frequent the Judicial system would not otherwise know about such a wonderful soul. 782 reviews .04 miles away . Paul Mario Marigonda passed away on December 10th in the comfort of his home surrounded by his family and his beloved canine companion Duke. But, more than that, he was a source of knowledge and advice to his fellow judicial officers and an absolute pleasure to be with, Volkmann said. background-color: grey; SANTA CRUZ Some 15 months after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, sitting Santa Cruz Judge and past Scotts Valley Mayor Paul Marigonda succumbed to . Alex Hubner , Neighbor Posted Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 5:36 pm PT | Updated Fri . 8,878 Followers Follow. Commissioner Katherine Hansen Traffic. U.S. Congress | } padding-left: 10px; December 12, 2022. color: white; Public policy. - Jessica A. York 4h. County. Paul was born in Oakland, California on May 9, 1960. font-weight: bold; Send e-mail to this poster Family Law, Family Preservation Court, Domestic Violence Restraining and Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, Commissioner Katherine Hansen Send e-mail to this poster He was a proud Cal Bear and rarely missed a home football game. View Detail Paul M. Marigonda, presiding judge for Santa Cruz Superior Court, has heard what people say about him and his colleagues. vertical-align: top; Copyright Weeklys All rights reserved. Misdemeanor/Traffic/Pact Court/Re-Entry Court, Judge Nancy A. de la Pea Marigonda earned a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982. clear: both; He also served as presiding judge of our Superior Court in 2014 and 2015. } Firstly, both judges are parents themselves. L'Atelier 116. Hotels / Countywide, recidivism among the types of criminals relocated under AB109 fell from 70 percent to 66 percent one year following release, which is still high. Presiding Judge Timothy Volkmann said that Marigonda respected the people who appeared before him and was always prepared for his cases. The plaintiff didnt even have to show up to testify. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in this book. 11/23/2021 11:39:57 PM, View Detail Italian was his first language; Paul was extremely proud of his Italian heritage. } Symons, who was out of the office and unavailable for comment last week, cited several criminal cases with transplants and transients over the past 15 years at the August meeting. He was appointed by former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in December 2006 to succeed Thomas Edward Kelly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But the countys probation department, under new chief probation officer Fernando Giraldo, is currently trying to secure funding for treatment through the newly implemented Affordable Care Act. font-size: 1.2em; margin: auto; State legislature | 2/18/2020 7:42:28 PM, View Detail They know Santa Cruz and have faced many of the parental challenges we have. And while she ran the business, she was raising three children, attending night school and carried the worries of a mother whose husband, as a Santa Cruz Sheriff, faced danger daily. He loved his daily walks, usually with his best friend Duke at his side. Eglise Saint-Thomas. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge loses life to pancreatic cancer. I want to keep the separate branches of government, separate. Kinda convenient pronouncement, huh? 8/26/2021 12:04:59 AM, View Detail Subscribe and get full access to Ground News. District Attorney Jeff Rosell said he first met Marigonda after joining the office in the mid-1990s. In a January GUiSC article, Judges Matter, author Annrae Angel was spot on: our Family Court judges impact Santa Cruz every day and in significant ways. Santa Cruz Countys new chief probation officer Fernando Giraldo is trying to secure funding for treatment of criminals who get rehab instead of jail time under Prop. display: inline-block; Vacant. Jessica A. York covers Santa Cruz County public safety, courts and homelessness for the Sentinel. Advertise with us | Contact us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Site Map, Why Cliff Caf is a Breakfast Favorite in Pleasure Point, Volkswagen Presents Warren Millers Timeless, Back to School: How I found new purpose at Cabrillo College, The untold story of the UCSC Trailer Park, High Time: A guide to Santa Cruz cannabis dispensaries, After The Fall: One Boomers Tale of Reckoning, A Sleep Doctors Advice for Quality Shut-Eye, Secrets of a Serial Santa Cruz Movie Extra, Summer Soaking in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Doobie Brothers Guitarist Pat Simmons Recalls His Santa Cruz Days. Instead, addicts can go through the motions and end up back in the community. background-color: #f9f9f9; "Marigonda joins judicial ranks." Judge Paul Marigonda Dead at 62. He was an early champion of the collaborative courts, where he helped stabilize people with substance use disorders and mental illness. Send e-mail to this poster Arnold Schwarzenegger. So all this liberal bleeding heart talk is a load. However, it took ten months to replace Judge Salazar after he retired. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Paul Marigonda, whose 16 years on the bench followed a stint as a county prosecutor and Scotts Valley Mayor, died Dec. 10 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Ballotpedia does not currently cover this office or maintain this page. He graduated from Skyline high school in Oakland in 1978 and the University of California at Berkeley in 1982 where he studied political science, which became a lifelong passion. } Most divorcing parents don't hire attorneys, and they often appear before these judges to 'make a call' when they cannot agree upon a matter.

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santa cruz judge marigonda

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

santa cruz judge marigonda

santa cruz judge marigonda

santa cruz judge marigonda

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

santa cruz judge marigonda