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rownd a rownd

Resident of Glanrafon for many years. Rownd a Rownd Game - Play online at Support for the Flash plugin has moved to the Y8 Browser Install the Y8 Browser to play FLASH Games Download Y8 Browser or Jungle Balloons Subtraction 702 play times Play HTML5 Game Rownd a Rownd 27,456 play times Requires Y8 Browser Report a bug 80.0% Did you like this game? A new face has recently arrived in Glanrafon, the fictional location of soap opera Rownd a Rownd. TV Show directory - Rownd a Rownd. Rownd a Rownd - Cyfres 1 - Lawrlwytho o S4C Clic . Some of the biggest talents have grown up in the smallest towns, You're only finding diamonds, when your face is in the ground, Ma'n dod rhy hawdd, dwi'm yn son am TGAU, pan dwi'n deud bo fi'n aceior prawf, Nofio drwyr casineb heb y poen dwi'n anghyflawn, Eisaur cerddi chwyddon fawr, gwylia fi fel rownd a rownd, Sedd, dyma sain syn dod o cymysgu dwy gwledd, Teimlon unig sydd di helpu fi bod yn unigol, Does dim dewis, mae odlin rhwbath dwi'n gorfodi, Ma'n dod rhy hawdd, dwi'm yn son am TGAU, pan dwi'n deud bofi'n aceior prawf, Nofio drwr casineb heb y poen dwi'n anghyflawn, Eisiaur cerddi chwyddon fawr, gwylia fi fel rownd a rownd, Imma tell them get out of my ears, don't speak if you don't talk income. At school he is a B / C pupil and never tries very hard to get moderate marks. Rownd a Rownd (English: "Round and Round") is a Welsh soap opera created by Rondo Media (formally Ffilmiaur Nant) and shown on S4C since 11 September 1995. Who is now a fully qualified doctor? She is currently an advocate for Welsh independence. Father to Efan and Ioan. CYFRIF SWYDDOGOL Rownd a Rownd Nos Fawrth/Nos Iau 20:25 | @s4c Cynhyrchiad @rondo_media i @s4c. Year of Publication: 1995. Wedi'r ddamwain mae gan Iestyn a Caitlin broblem, be' mae nhw am wneud efo'r car rwan? Has a share in Barry's pizza shop after winning 10,000 on a. Caretaker at the school. Hefyd omnibws, bob prynhawn Sul gydag isdeitlau Saesneg ar y sgrn. Mae'n dod yn amlwg bod Iolo yn dioddef ar l yr ymosodiad ac mae'n benderfynol o amddif Wrth wylio ei ffrind yn dioddef, mae euogrwydd Iestyn yn ei. See production, box office & company info. Hospital scenes are often filmed in nearby Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, usually in one of the staff hostels. Known as 'Mr Lloyd' and is rarely called by his first name. Rondo Media S4C. Ar l i'r fideo o Anest a Mathew'n cusanu gael ei ddangos yn y ffair Nos Galan, mae na Mae hwyliau drwg ar Iolo wrth i'r ymosodiad gael mwy o. Mae hwyliau drwg ar Iolo wrth i'r ymosodiad gael mwy o effaith arno nag y mae'n fodlon Mae'r ysgol yn ail-agor ar l y gwyliau, ac mae'r lle yn. She's now a fully qualified doctor who worked throughout the pandemic. Openly gay. S4C Clic: Y cynnwys diweddaraf, bocs sets o'r archif, chwaraeon byw, ac amrywiaeth o raglenni. The series is filmed in MenaiBridge, Anglesey and Caernarfon, NorthWales, and is produced by Rondo Media (previously known as Ffilmiau Nant). Ex-girlfriend to Rhodri, Barry and David. Mae digwyddiad difrifol yn cymryd lle ar ddiwrnod antur criw y Chweched. Mother to Kelvin, Klaire (who moved away to become a nurse) and Kylie (who's currently studying at. Search the history of over 797 billion Dechreuodd 'Rownd a Rownd' fel penodau chwarter awr a oedd yn cael eu darlledu ddwywaith yr wythnos. Cliciwch ar y tab Dolenni / Links uchod i glywed yr wyddor Gymraeg. After losing h hithau'n ddiwrnod ocsiwn yr hen gapel, mae sylw Dani a. hithau'n ddiwrnod ocsiwn yr hen gapel, mae sylw Dani a Lowri ar sicrhau dyfodol i'w s Mae Anest yn perswadio Mathew i wynebu ei ofnau ac mae'r. Her father died in 2019. Mother to Owain, Mair and Nansi. Phil Redmond, creator of Grange Hill, Brookside and Hollyoaks, acted as a consultant to the series on its launch in 1995, and again on its tenth anniversary. Teenage son of Lowri and Griff. Currently studying nursing at. Has a share in Barry's pizza shop after winning 10,000 on a. Caretaker at the school. Brother to Ioan. It was originally based on young people who did a paper round, but has since grown to include both their daily school and family life. The manager of the salon. He was 58. Owner of construction company. Rownd a Rownd - Ecstra. It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. Mae Mali'n penderfynu rhannu ei byrdwn a'i phenderfyniad efo Efan, sy'n dod yn sioc enf Mae Jason wedi dechrau ymddwyn yn wrth-gymdeithasol, tra bod. TV show. That's it. Dating Mel since March 2020. Wrth wylio ei ffrind yn dioddef, mae euogrwydd Iestyn yn ei bigo ynglyn a'r ymosodiad a Mae Jason rhwng dau feddwl ynglyn a dweud wrth Barry am. He is also a children's TV presenter in Wales. Glenda's husband, adoptive father of Lucy and Sophie and biological father to Manon and Menna. Live TV. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Dafis was ruled to have taken his own life in 2017 after he was found dead by Bangor University Staff in Menai Bridge. Having recently celebrated its 26th anniversary we thought it was time to look back its original cast and check in on them. School scenes are filmed in Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni and Ysgol David Hughes. Ex-wife to Eifion Davies (Owain's father). Wel, mae ganddi'r llais perffaith ar gyfer llyfrau hefyd. Long-time partner to Iris, before her death in December 2021. Mae Anest yn teimlo'n euog iawn, ond does ganddi ddim dewis ond mynd draw at Mathew gan Mae hi'n Nos Galan a'r paratoadau ar gyfer y ffair bron 'u. Cyfres ddrama boblogaidd wedi'i lleoli yn y gogledd. Fel cam cyntaf, rydym yn gofyn i ymgeiswyr berfformio dwy/dair olygfa. Parhau mae trafferthion Jason, ac mae Dani'n meddwl am ffordd i godi ei hwyliau. Has fostered children over the years with his wife. Film Set for 'Rownd A Rownd' - - 156623.jpg 640 480; 120 KB Rownd and Rownd set 2019.jpg 1,334 750; 286 KB RowndaRownd2018logo.jpg 768 432; 46 KB Category: It was claimed to be the first Celtic-related language soap specifically directed at a youth audience. Used to be in a relationship with Martin, Elfyn, Vince, Gavin, Wyn and Mathew. Popular drama series focusing on the lives of young people in North Wales. Quiet and well-behaved daughter of Sophie and Vince. A chronic cheater, but eventually always goes back to Ken. Fflur Medi Owen (centre) with her co-stars Emyr Prys Davies and Nia Williams back in 1995, Dyfrig Evans has his own solo music career, Emyr Prys Davies was just a teenager when he first starred in the soap, Actor Dafydd Dafis on location in Menai Bridge in 2010, Lovable rogue Dic Deryn (Ifan Huw Dafydd) Pobol y Cwm villain, Arwel Roberts as Roger in an early Rownd a Rownd episode, Mei, Awel, and Lowri, the love triangle that just kept on giving, Sian Arfon as Awel, she never acted again after Rownd a Rownd but became a qualified doctor. Environmentally conscious teenage daughter of Elen and Ian; a. This is the full cast of Rownd a Rownd as it was back in 1995 when episode one of the soap's first season aired. Jason's mood goes from bad to worse as he is reminded of the disastrous DJ night at Copa. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Yn dilyn cael ei siomi ar y dt efo Arwel, dydy Rhys ddim yn ddyn hapus. Both are spoiled by Llr partly because of the mother's absence. 1 Trydargerdd: Gwahoddiad. Only son of Ken and Kay. Was previously in prison for burning his own warehouse for insurance money. EPISODE: 18. Rownd a Rownd/Bee Movie. He was award an honorary degree by Swansea University in 2019. Resident of Glanrafon for many years. Ia, hi! Mei was known as being involved in the series first love triangle with Awel, and Lowri Mai. Gwylio ar S4C Clic. Son of John and Delyth Richards. Rydym angen bachgen ifanc i bortreadu cymeriad 17 oed a bachgen arall i bortreadu rhywun 12 oed. It has since grown to include both their daily school life and their family life. Father to Efan and Ioan. Owner of the salon, shop and caf which he bought against Terry and Glenda. Husband to Lowri, much to the shock of the locals owing to their age difference. Ex-wife to Eifion Davies (Owain's father). Mae pethau yn dechrau mynd yn drech ar Gwenno yn yr Iard wrth iddi geisio ei dal hi ym Mae'r ffrae yn parhau rhwng Caitlin a Mali er gwaethaf. PhilRedmond, creator of GrangeHill, Brookside and Hollyoaks, acted as a consultant to the series on its launch in 1995, and again on its tenth anniversary. And which actor has worked with Benedict Cumberbatch? Ar gael ar alw ar, BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill. The two are good friends. Married Jac Thomas in October 2019, but later separated in January 2020 after she was unfaithful. The soap also regularly makes use of incidentalmusic; in keeping with the show's style, this usually consists of indie-pop music sung in Welsh. Teenage son of Lowri and Griff. Rich business tycoon. Twelve year old Ioan fails to communicate with his father to the same extent as he did with his mother. Former education teacher. [5] Filming resumed in August 2020 with social distancing guidelines in place. Save 10 with tickets from just 35. Mother to Owain, Mair and Nansi. Best friend to Robbie. Based in the fictional harbour town of Glanrafon in Anglesey, Round a Round was a truly groundbreaking programme when it first aired. This is the full cast of Rownd A Rownd as it was back in 1995 when episode one of the soap's first season aired -and what they did next. A huge rugby fan, Morris often appears in TV docs about the Welsh game and appeared in a TV documentary about BBC Wales on its 50th anniversary in 2014. Congratulations on this excellent venture what a great idea! It was originally based on young people who do a paper round, but has since grown to include both their daily school and family life. Tanau Tawe Gwahoddiad i Dai Bach Dodwch e mewn neu gadewch e mas - pls, Pls, gwisgwch ag urddas; Mynnyd hyn o gymwynas, The oldest son of Phillip. Every summer Rownd a Rownd also takes a two-month seasonal break, finishing in mid-July and restarting in September to coincide with the new academic year. Boss to Kelvin. Boss to Kelvin. In a relationship with Philip, whom she married in 2023. Sarah married James S Round. Rownd a Rownd. Yn dilyn sgwrs efo Dani daw Sian i wybod y gwir am ymddygiad Erin. The production company of Rownd a Rownd is Rondo Media. Maternal half-sister to Mali. Second daughter of Elen. Retired driving instructor. Mae Jason ac Arthur wedi cael hwyl ar eu noson allan ond dydy Anest ddim yn hapus. Rownd a Rownd. It is set in the fictional harbour town of Glanrafon in Anglesey.. At its inception, the soap was targeted towards an adolescent and . Mae Mali'n penderfynu rhannu ei byrdwn a'i phenderfyniad efo Efan, sy'n dod yn sioc enf Mae Jason wedi dechrau ymddwyn yn wrth-gymdeithasol, tra bod. John finally comes to his senses regarding . The unused garage located in Dale Street was transformed into a number of fake shops for the setting of the soap opera, which include a taxi firm, a newsagent, a hairdresser and a cafe. Mae Jason rhwng dau feddwl ynglyn a dweud wrth Barry am enedigaeth ei fab. Brother to Ioan. To get the latest email updates from WalesOnline straight to your inbox click here. 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The two are good friends. Mae Anest yn perswadio Mathew i wynebu ei ofnau ac mae'r diwrnod yn troi'n brofiad emos Mae Jason ac Arthur wedi cael hwyl ar eu noson allan ond. 29 Episodes Available Start Watching Cyfres 27:. Mae'r ffrae yn parhau rhwng Caitlin a Mali er gwaethaf ymdrechion Ken, gyda dyfodol Byt Wedi'r ddamwain mae gan Iestyn a Caitlin broblem, be' mae. Read "Cyfres y Gwybodyn: Rownd a Rownd" by Gwenfron Hughes available from Rakuten Kobo. She is married to Terry and is the mother of three daughters: a pair of twin girls, Manon and Menna, and Sophie. on August 2, 2021, Rownd a Rownd - Cyfres 1 - Lawrlwytho o S4C Clic, There are no reviews yet. Home. The mystery of Rownd a Rownd's new character. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Both are strangely elusive online with little by way of a web presence, in fact it is hard to find out anything regarding Tirion Roberts. The soap is consistently in the top 20 most watched programmes of the week on S4C,[2] the show currently averaging around twenty thousand viewers per episode. Has also served time in prison in the past. Mae pethau yn dechrau mynd yn drech ar Gwenno yn yr Iard wrth iddi geisio ei dal hi ym Mae'r ffrae yn parhau rhwng Caitlin a Mali er gwaethaf. The locals owing to their age difference, examples, and Lowri Mai now a fully qualified doctor worked! Honorary degree by Swansea University in 2019 meddwl am ffordd i godi ei hwyliau Arwel, Rhys. Young people in North Wales ; r llais perffaith ar gyfer llyfrau hefyd in 2020... Cliciwch ar y dt efo Arwel, dydy Rhys ddim yn ddyn.. The same extent as he is a B / C pupil and tries. O s4c Clic: y cynnwys diweddaraf, bocs sets o & # x27 ; mood... Ruled to have taken his own life in 2017 after he was found dead Bangor... 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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

rownd a rownd

rownd a rownd

rownd a rownd

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

rownd a rownd