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principal message for newsletter

School also initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively to sustainability and conservation of our environment. franais The Zoom link for the PAC and PTT events will be announced via Parent Link in early September. Our continued partnership will ensure that our pupils continue to learn, progress and reach their potential holistically! "With a plan in place, you won't end up kicking yourself for forgetting something important," said Mink. Please save this link in your favorites for easy access. We earned the distinction of being rated as the top performing elementary school and now we need to open our doors and share how we earned that grade. Academic learning and growth are our bottom line, yet we also understand that educating students means being attentive to the whole child and caring about their social and emotional well-being.Our teachers and staff love middle school-age students, and we love to be a part of their learning and growth during these crucial years of development. Message from the Principal's Desk. BPWS will surely give much importance to imaginative and play way methods, especially in Kindergarten. Welcome to my principal weekly message. We also welcome Fraser who is excited to be joining the Toorak Primary School community! endobj We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff. <> 2022-2023 WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook (Spanish Version), Internet /Social Media Safety Presentation, Farmington Woods Magnet Elementary School, Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School Center for the Digital Sciences, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences, Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet Elementary School, Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies, Website Feedback and Accessibility Issues, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Please visit our school website during the week of August 31stin order to review a complete staff listing. Counseling Newsletter Course Selection Financial Aid Grades Internships & Volunteering PE 2 Waiver Information Scholarships Seniors Summer Assignments 2022 . (Washington Student Achievement Council) Mr. Bonney Lake (Super Fun Event) Key Club's Valentine's Day Fundraiser. -Appreciate their hard work on this beautiful day dedicated to the school Principals of the world. Newsletter - Apr to Jun 2022; Newsletter - Jan to Mar 2022; Newsletter - Oct to Dec 2021; Newsletter - Jul to . This calls for the integration of students in the qualitative processes of the college. UK : +44-750-888 0877 PRINCIPAL NEWSLETTERS Principal Newsetters Important for the Weeks of February 6th and 13th, 2023 Important for the Weeks of January 30th and February 6th, 2023 Important for the Weeks of January 23rd and 30th, 2023 Catholic Schools Week 2023 Program Important for the Weeks of January 17th and 23rd, 2023 / Happy Feast Day of Sto. Nino. Newsletters are sent out to families via school messages. endobj Attendance and accuracy of attendance is extremely important in school. We are a place of learning, belonging, growth, and support for students, families, and the community. 2 0 obj Principal Principal Message Principal Message Dear Parents and Caregivers, The past week has been one of shock and deep sadness as the impact of the devastating earthquake in Trkiye and Syria becomes clear and as further tremors and quakes occur in the disaster area. Christina Adult Education & Literacy Program, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Establish a quiet place designated for the school day, Gather supplies such as paper and pencils that are easily accessible to the workspace. It is important to us to connect with our students and families. Junior: Myles Geraghty PP2 As a result, we have developed a comprehensive remote learning schedule that includes a blend of daily live and pre-recorded lessons, with a mix of whole group and small group opportunities, social/emotional learning, and morning and afternoon office hours with extra support and coaching for students as needed. c -f2j1h);JFE!klVi.JHo-v*J #io-sd1Gsi & m,xZsB:fwH8 >&\b,[f!dHrh4o$0{ICrU_W#3t$x+.3t;SWWcI4V^dMQ Vit Nam To ensure the health and safety of all, we will not be posting homeroom assignments on the caf windows this year. Principal Message Principal Message Dear Parents and Caregivers, As we say hello to a bright new, exciting school year we see old friendships rekindled and new ones blossom. It was an exciting end of term with many fantastic activities which brought the NAISAK community together. You can email me anytime at or call our office at 360-458-1100.Visit our RMS Twitter page and Follow our school account @Ridgeline_MS if you have your own Twitter account. December 2019 Principal's Newsletter. We call our community the Storm Family because we want our school family to be an extension of your family. to spread the word online. We are in the watershed moment in our school life, This Story of Disruption, that unfolds each day, a new chapter of complex . *fZ7=3*JO\n~Gy?~_>~%Yp/b!?~o>~v[b{:xsj_;Pq@s\PaK8t{v0q,LAt@@0=MEz @.h}Md__f;NoT\q BPP/7anZI=I~5M;)[5p,dGb|G|As`|!Sp#L1W~p#7w0fwcki;=?lhT>IMSD5}KidIcEm4} We update this page regularly with insights into whats going on schoolwide and in our classrooms.Our website is also a valuable source of information. Fraser's interests include drumming, football (soccer), basketball, AFL, shoes, writing and movies. Teresian College is an amalgamation of competent teachers, state of the art infrastructure and an experienced and efficient Management, safe and supportive environment for its students to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities. "Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations". August 25, 2022 Volume 1 Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to a new school year! -William Butler Yeats, Substitute Clerk, Maria Zuniga: 512-414-5103, Registrar, Blanca Garcia: 512-414-2392 or email her at or fax paperwork to 512-892-7206, Administrative Assistant, Gina Molina: 512-414-5101 or email PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE - August 2022 Hello Storm Family! We love having parents in our school and contributing to our positive school culture, whether that is mostly online or in-building this year. As we move steadily to close the first Term of this academic session, there is a sense of disbelief that we have reached a milestone in online teaching with half a term underway. At CSI, we have three priorities: to provide children with modern educational facilities, to devise an imaginative but intellectually challenging curriculum which will make the students want to learn irrespective of tests and exams, and to employ staff who are knowledgeable about their areas of specialisation and skilled in the art of getting children to develop both curiosity and understanding, the main branches of human enquiry. Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year! No: 537, Sriram Towers, Amarjyoti Layout, Domlur, Next to Shell Petrol Pump, Bangalore- 560071, Global Enquiries : We want to establish and maintain positive relationships with our community, as family and community support makes our schools even stronger.We call our community the Storm Family because we want our school family to be an extension of your family. Full Calendar Close. Striving for a vibrant and dynamic academic atmosphere is a wholesome and holistic exercise. "I am concerned that some kids are taking their parent's pills.". As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions you may have about our school, our . winners from last fortnight as the wrong. As communicated recently within our districts reopening plan, we will be launching the new school year with asix-week period offull remote instruction,(through October 16th). Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support towards the school. Ridgeline Middle School is a community school. I would like to congratulate the students whose papers are published in this issue of the journal and simultaneously encourage all the students to contribute their research papers and articles for the successive issues of the Journal. Principal Message. Click here for your Principal's Video Message. Principal's Message - Mid-Term 1, 2018. Prof. Simrit Kaur Principal Mme Gaudreault and Mme Decaudin will be on a sabbatical for one year. Our website is also a valuable source of information. Note: Grade level supply lists were published earlier this summer and are posted on our website. GPS webinar - Jimmy Casas - Live Your Excellence: March 3. My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals. Like The Cannon Connection 2022-2023 Newsletter for Cannon Elementary Families February 19-25, 2023 Good morning Cannon families, First, let me remind everyone that this Monday, February 20th is a Staff Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS! I am really honoured and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School (BPWS), Al Ain. Principal's Message. Same ages as Dillard! MONTHLY PARENT NEWSLETTERS. Parents and the community are a big part of who we are, and we want you to help us tell our story, Please share with us your perspectives and let us know how things are going for you and your child at Ridgeline. Let us work together to make BPWS as the best school, it can be. Principal's Message Newsletters are sent out to families via school messages. It may be 5 degrees and windy in Harlem, however we have the comfort of watching snowflakes falling while sipping on a delicious marshmallow filled cup of hot chocolate. October 2022. We are very sure that with the help of all the stakeholders and with their continuous support, we will be able to take our school to the next highest level of excellence. Gosnells PS is over 110 years old and has a proud tradition of being inclusive, supportive and providing students with a high quality education from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our task is to make it possible and our mission is to provide a platform for the same. Our students will be enjoying nature walks and they will work on seasonal curriculum activities. Opportunity to take up journalistic assignments in school through ones involvement with school journals excites students who have a view on matters and like to share it. calendar for all our monthly school events. The start of the school year is always a joyful time as we look ahead and imagine all that we will achieve together this year. We mainly focus on empowering our students and highlighting their leadership skills by providing them a platform to enhance different attributes like communication skill, team building & collaborative work, planning & strategy building, vision, persistence and determination. Aussie of the Month is a WA primary school based award program that recognises. Parents and Friends, Read more; Jesuit Email November 15, 2019. We are so excited to begin the 2022-2023 school year with whole-school assemblies and a reboot and build-up of our school culture! It is hard to believe that we are already in the latter part of term 1 2018. Please visit the district website at to review the full reopening plan. Principal's Message. We built this into our summer plans and managed to set aside a dedicated library space on our first floor and appoint a qualified Librarian, Ms Tania Islam October 2021 Newsletter A Message From The Principal: Dear Merryhill families, Fall is in full swing we are planning fun fall-themed activities for our students this month and we will be excited to share photos with you all through Links 2 Home. We here at IMASA are working hard every day to give our students a top of the line education. Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of an enriching, child centred, balanced and structured curriculum and a whole school focus on student welfare that focuses on the positive recognition of student achievements. Open House Presentations for Grades 2ndthrough 5thwill be held virtually from 6:00-7:30 pm on Thursday, October 8th. BLHS Info Night - Feb.23. Messages Principal's Message Words of Wisdom by Principal In the words of APJ Abdul Kalam, "Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. Let noble thoughts come to us from every side, Copyright 2020 Bhavans Pearl Al Ain, All Rights Reserved. Home. Opportunity to take up journalistic assignments in school through one's involvement with . Principal's Message / Newsletter Principals believes in keeping student and parents up-to-date on the happenings at Sisters Middle School. Many principal messages start with the words, 'It is a deep privilege,' or 'I am so proud!'. Principal's Year End Letter. MESSAGE FROM DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Dear parents and guardians, As we come to the end of our academic year, it is a good time to reflect on what we have achieved, update upon on some important changes and look forward to an even more successful 2021-2022. You might want to start the conversation by talking about teens other than your child. The presentation times have been staggered to accommodate families with students in each grade. 1 0 obj espaol In this issue: Message from the Principal. Parents & Students. September 2: School begins for students 1-5 (9:15 log on) September 8: September 1: K-5 "Open House" Zoom sessions with your teacher, please refer to Zoom times listed above. Our best wishes go out to all our students who will be receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Sunday! In a couple of weekly updates in the latter part of last . Jan. 15, 2018 2nd Quarter Parent Voice Meeting **New Date** Wed., Jan. 31, 2018 9am-10am, 12pm-1pm, or 5:30pm-6:30pm 2nd Quarter Report ards Ends Fri. Jan. 19, 2018 Early Dismissal at 12:10pm. Principal's Message. Academic learning and growth are our bottom line, yet we also understand that educating students means being attentive to the whole child and caring about their social and emotional well-being. 3 0 obj Welcome to Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain! We are always grateful to our Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. Upcoming P & F Meeting. I wish that the educational journey of our children is happy with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories to cherish. We will hold an admin presentation first at 6:00 pm, followed by presentations from Expressive Arts (6:15), Kindergarten (6:30) and First Grade (7:00). I, personally believe that an education system that develops the imagination of the child is richer than the one that does not. Principal's Message. We, at Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society. Use the top section of the newsletter for whatever is the most essential item of the week. stream I would like to wish all our NAIS Manila parents, students, and friends a safe, happy, and holy Christmas and holiday season. Use "I" messages. Principal's Message From the Principal's Desk "While educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their heart" - Dalai Lama Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don't rest on past laurels. Hard to believe they have been in Raleigh for 25 years! We are excited to welcome your students back tomorrow, January 5, 2023. Students benefit from well-resourced classrooms . Thank you for being a part of our community and school! We happily welcome all our parents to take an active role in theeducation of their children and to be the active participants in our school life. We start this week on Tuesday, May 30, 2022 (B-DAY) . I ask that you refer to our. Please note that the link to this Smore will contain information for school year 2020-2021 through July 2nd. Build on your achievements and put away your past disappointments. Providing our students equitable access to high quality learning remains a high priority to us. personal endeavour, achievement, contribution to the community and concern for the. Dear Parents and Carers, Our students have been engaged in another great week of learning at AIS Bali. March 7. 1014 S Main St, Principal's Message January 2023- March 2023. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. Powered by. (The deadline to apply for Kindergarten is January 12, 2018.) It is packed to the rafters with amazing kids, terrific teachers and the community is caring, brimming with . Our apologies to the Aussie of The Month. Let us know how we can help make your RMS experience even better!We look forward to hearing from you!Sincerely, Craig CurryRidgeline Principal, 10605 Carter St SEPO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597. November 2022. It is my pleasure to welcome you to R.V. Marizza is using Smore newsletters Our teachers and staff love middle school-age students, and we love to be a part of their learning and growth during these crucial years of development. . endobj We hope that you will consider joining our school created Parent-Teacher Team (PTT) so that you can share your ideas and support the mission of our school. We know the stronger the partnership is the more your child will benefit. Designers, photographers, computer wizards all get together in a collaborative spirit. I hope it will remind you of good times with friends, the new people you met, our diverse cultures, sports, cultural, performing arts events, your year of learning . Then in July, 2021, I became the proud Principal of Anza. 19 Pins 7y S Collection by Academy Publishing, Inc. Having survived the first term, we stand ready to finish the school year with confidence. Allen School in Aurora, Illinois, also advised planning ahead. How time flies when we're having fun.Thank you for making alternative childcare arrangements for this afternoon's early closure (due to teacher's union meeting) and for our Teacher Only day this Friday. Email: [emailprotected] We are a place of learning, belonging, growth, and support for students, families, and the community. Vit Nam Best wishes for their future endeavors. I will host my Coffee with the Principal on Friday, November 6 th from 5:00 to 6:00. p.m. We suggest that parents/caregivers call first to schedule appointments before coming in so that you will not experience any delays. Principal Message - Motivating and empowering students for lifelong learning PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Welcome to Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain! Please refer to the Parent Link information for respective Zoom Links. Comments (-1) Principal Message February 12, 2023. We update this page regularly with insights into whats going on schoolwide and in our classrooms. Since its inception, Paul George Global School has endeavoured to transcend learning beyond boundaries. Ensure your technology device is fully charged and that you have the charger available, Make sure that your child gets enough sleep each night, Assist your child with selecting school clothes from the night before to help prepare them for the school day. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. In last year's Parent Satisfaction Survey, we received many comments about our library facilities being inadequate, which was also a concern of mine. The purpose of the PAC meeting is to review Title I information with our families. We are committed to providing the same level of connectivity and care, along with the academic rigor that is necessary for our students to achieve at high levels this school year. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - PTT/PAC: We strive to uphold a school environment that is collaborative in nature and draws on the strengths of all stakeholders. We had a great spirit week and the Winter Dance was a hit. <>>> All rights reserved. Thank you for visiting our website, and welcome to Ridgeline Middle School in the 2022-2023 school year! Inquiries regarding compliance with the above may be directed to the Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator, Christina School District, 1899 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19702; (302) 552-2600. E-Newsletter Sep, Oct & Nov 2022; E-BROCHURE; E-MAGAZINE; 360 Virtual Tour ; . We want to extend our sincere thanks and best wishes to staff members who will be leaving us for different assignments and other leaves. Message from the Principal - Newsletter 23. Smore empowers educators to connect with their community, streamline school communications, and increase engagement. n783g>*X=@:ho=K\=T`0J0,v"^;1C1hkiNav@W]UW8((=Oq$g(s#G`a-eUkZj-L(l brx{ABH)w( Q,3. P A G E 2 / Aussie Of The Month. DOWNLOAD DECEMBER NEWSLETTER Please wait while flipbook is loading. September 30thOpen House: Expressive Arts, Kindergarten and First Grade: We look forward to seeing our families on Zoom tonight for Virtual Open House. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Management, Bhavans group of institutions -Middle East for giving me the opportunity to serve the community here in Al Ain. Exciting end of term with many fantastic activities which brought the NAISAK community together vibrant... 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Lawson Employee Self Service Prime Healthcare, Grigio Grey Porcelain Paving, Albert Lea Police Reports, Ida B Wells The Light Of Truth Sparknotes, Mlp A New Generation Fanfiction, Articles P

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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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principal message for newsletter

principal message for newsletter

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

principal message for newsletter