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otis chandler family tree

And sooner or later Im afraid well have to align ourselves with one of those companies to ensure the long-term survival of The Times., When Tribune turned out to be that company, Chandler said, Of all the people, of all the media companies that Times Mirror could join, this is the most logical and probably the best company.. More than 15,000 readers canceled their subscriptions, and Chandlers breach with some members of his family was widened still further. And it became clear over the years that he did not have any such intention. When doctors said Otis was dead, Mrs. Chandler wailed, My son is not dead! She picked him up and raced to another hospital, screaming all the way there, Otis is alive, Otis is alive!. When, by late September, it appeared that Brown might win as he ultimately did Times political editor Kyle Palmer, the papers lead reporter on the campaign, wrote a column acknowledging that the situation sounds a trifle grim for us Republicans.. Chandler insisted that he wasnt giving up the journalistic chase or losing his competitive edge, simply assuming a larger corporate responsibility. He said to me many times that he hadnt wanted to come to the paper in the first place, but he felt an obligation to his family to do it, said Robert F. Erburu, who succeeded Chandler as Times Mirror chairman. Over time, Chandler and others said, that began to wear on him. Buff Chandler was the daughter of a prominent Long Beach family, owners of the successful Buffums department store. It was the best down time I ever had, and I always kept a notebook with all the things I wanted to do when I got back.. A tribute will be held at The Times at a later date for Times staff, as well as retirees from the paper and the Times Mirror Corp. But Thomas said it really didnt take much persuasion, because he really did want to go., Chandler himself said: I think some of the family members and some of the corporate people were hoping I would step aside although I dont recall that there was strong pressure.. It may sound strange for a Chandler to say this, he said in one such conversation, but I dont think my family and the other people running the company are looking ahead enough to the Internet and other new media. He sought largely solitary recreational activities throughout his adult life surfing, lifting weights, racing, cycling, hunting. Bureaus opened in Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Rome, Bonn, London, Vienna and San Francisco, at the United Nations and on Wall Street. Wall Street responded favorably. Column: 15 minutes of fame flies by. He said it was good for his back.. 2443 E Peach Tree Drive, Chandler, AZ 85249 (MLS# 6525796) is a Single Family property with 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. At the time of her death in 1997, she had eight grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Chandler told his wife he wanted a divorce while the two were on vacation in Montana in 1978. The shift on the editorial page came as the region itself, once dependably Republican, was becoming less conservative. . Not only did it not, as a rule, endorse Democrats for elective office; it didnt cover their campaigns. For the first time in five years, I felt like I wasnt a leper. In 1995, after moving to another ranch in Oregon, he announced that hed found paradise. Three top editors asked Boyarsky not to read the statement aloud, fearing that it would further provoke an already enraged staff. His father, publisher of The Times from 1944 to 1960, had worked in the fields of the familys Tejon Ranch when he was a boy, so he saw no reason to spare his son from physical labor or spoil him with money. (1924 - 1972) Jump to: Bio graphy Family Photos Comments Obit uary. He used the same tone of voice with the president of the United States and the guy who came to change the lightbulbs in his office, said Donna Swayze, his executive secretary from 1962 to 1988. Periodically, Chandler rented the now-defunct Riverside Raceway for a day so he, Thomas and their friends could race their cars. Chandler said the move would help allay the concerns of readers who, mindful of the papers partisan history, find it hard to believe that this newspapers editorial page endorsements really dont affect the news columns.. People who knew the Chandlers well say Otis first wife was enormously competitive. Otis has gone surfing, and hes not coming back, Noel Greenwood, then senior editor of The Times, said in 1991, almost four years before Willes took over and eight years before Staples erupted. Otis Chandler in MyHeritage family trees (Sturtevant Web Site) view all 15 Immediate Family Diana Chandler mother Asa Chandler, Jr. father Cynthia Bailey sister Emily (Chandler) Washburn sister Diana Chandler sister Noah Chandler, I brother Lucinda Chandler sister Laura Chandler sister Martin Chandler brother David Chandler brother George Chandler There was an air of anticipation as the elder Chandler stepped to the microphone and said, after a bit of reminiscing, I hereby appoint, effective as of this moment, Otis Chandler as publisher of The Times., He recalled almost four decades later having had no inkling what my dad was going to say until an hour before the luncheon. Well before Chandler was named publisher, a poll of Washington correspondents conducted by writer Leo Rosten named The Times one of the three least fair and reliable newspapers in the country. Within an hour, I had gathered things up in my briefcase, told my secretary, Well, we can shine those afternoon meetings off, and headed for Dana Point.., In a speech to a hunting conference in 1980, he described some of his other outdoor pursuits: I am primarily a gun hunter, both rifle and shotgun. Although Halberstam would later say, No single family dominates any other region of this country as the Chandlers have dominated California, Otis had a far-from-pampered upbringing and was never a man who could be described as effete. When Burke was accused of fraud, Chandler too became a target of civil legal proceedings. They didnt like the L.A. Times, he said in the 2005 interview. Grandson of Harrison Gray Otis. That article deeply wounded some of the 160-odd descendants of Otis grandfather, family patriarch Harry Chandler. One of the first examples came in 1961, when The Times hired Jim Murray as a sports columnist. Id work the graveyard shift for a week, then spend a week on days, then a week on the swing shift, then back to the graveyard shift, he recalled. Constance Chandler 1896-1962. For most of the first 80 years of its existence, the paper was such a journalistic laughingstock that humorist S.J. Because he had five children and heavy corporate responsibilities, his wife tried to dissuade him from this favored leisure time activity. He was also so disenchanted with the management of Times Mirror by then that, to the dismay of many, he not only didnt fight or even criticize the sale but instead embraced it as a very positive move a perfect fit a win-win situation.. They never forgave her for her apparent role in Otis ascension over Philip. Having been rebuffed by Willes in a spring 1999 inquiry about buying Times Mirror, Tribune executives went around him several months later and dealt directly with Chandler family members and their representatives. Otis Chandler died at age 51 years old in March 1971. After the guide missed his shot and fled, Chandler shot the elephant when it was only 10 yards away, preventing himself and his wife from being trampled. If he hadnt divorced Missy, Im not sure he wouldve left the paper. Chandler said he wanted to hunt only the rarest and the biggest and the best, and he killed more than 100 such animals 10-foot brown bears and polar bears, lions and musk ox, wild antelope and mountain sheep many of which he had mounted on the walls of a trophy room in the home he shared with his first wife in San Marino. Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names. But Tribune had long had Times Mirror in its corporate sights. He was also consumed by another passion: buying classic cars for his museum. When Williams showed him the piece, the publisher said it wasnt tough enough. About the same time, McKinsey & Co., a management consulting firm, was conducting another of its periodic studies for The Times, and it too recommended dividing the responsibilities of publisher and chairman. For several years, the pair had enjoyed a Saturday ritual. Ultimately, he was able to do everything right-handed, he said, except serve hard in tennis.. The conservative movement that would lead to Barry Goldwaters presidential candidacy in 1964 and to Ronald Reagans subsequent rise was in its nascence. Hes restless. But he persisted and in 1978 at age 50, after years of what he called Walter Mitty fantasies about becoming a race car driver finally got a chance to race professionally. When he was a little older, he set up his own backyard basketball backboard and high-jump pit, and practiced both sports, by himself, hour after hour. Also, the name of Otis Chandlers first wife was incorrectly given as Marilyn Brandt. MyHeritage Family Trees; FamilySearch Family Tree; WikiTree; Geni World Family Tree; California Deaths, 1940 - 1997; U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI) U.S . Thats not in my nature, he said. He attended Dartmouth College, and on a dare, he jumped into a vat of starch that had frozen over during winter, which led to severe pneumonia. Otis Chandler, whose vision and determination as publisher of the Los Angeles Times from 1960 to 1980 catapulted the paper from mediocrity into the front ranks of American journalism, died. Norman Chandler, then near his 60th birthday, saw the logic in the change. Chandler continued to meet regularly with Puerner and John Carroll, who became editor of The Times shortly after the Tribune purchased the paper and remained in that position until last summer. Although Chandler had been opposed to Sen. Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential race, he had deferred to his father and reluctantly agreed to run an editorial before the Republican convention pledging The Times traditional support to whomever the party chose as its nominee and that turned out to be Goldwater. Other family members had gathered at the Chandler home. They wanted to impeach Earl Warren, chief justice of the United States. After his divorce, Chandler had begun to move his primary residence so often two places in Malibu, then Hancock Park, back to Malibu, Ojai, Rancho Matilija, Oregon, Ojai again that his children began teasing him about it. By his strength and by his judgment of good journalists, he was of unique importance in the history of the Los Angeles Times.. By 1962, Palmer was gone and the gubernatorial race between Brown and Richard Nixon was covered primarily by two new reporters: Richard Bergholz, who had come from the Mirror, and Carl Greenberg, from Hearsts Los Angeles Examiner. As a child, each year his parents held a memorial for the 1910 Los Angeles Times bombing, linked to political agitators, that killed 20 Times workers. I dont know but I didnt have that choice.. Nobody had ever heard of the Chandlers, he said later. Retired Times publisher Otis Chandlers car collection included a 1931 Duesenberg LeBaron Special Phaeton. The booming Southern California economy helped immeasurably, of course. Thomas, who was among the editors brought over from the Mirror, said he believed that the windfall of local talent was as responsible for The Times subsequent success as the hiring of big guns from the East. The explosion was blamed on union militants, and, Otis once said, I was raised to hate the unions. (He later mellowed on that topic, although he always opposed unionization at The Times.). Chandler immediately excelled, breaking the school freshman record with a toss of 48 feet, 761/47 inches. Chandler was the great-grandson of Gen. Harrison Gray Otis, the blustery Civil War veteran who bought part-ownership of The Times in 1882, a year after it began publication, and was its publisher for 35 years. He lifted weights three times a week in his home gym. Overnight, copies of an old photo of Chandler were pinned and taped by the dozens to pillars and walls and bulletin boards throughout the newsroom, where some still remain. They told me Id have to learn to do everything left-handed., With characteristic tenacity, Chandler exercised the arm rigorously, and six months later he could lift it over his head. Chandler always denied any conflict of interest, and he invariably emerged from these controversies with his reputation for personal integrity intact. [4], He was not involved in negotiations by other members of the Chandler family to sell The Times to Tribune Company, a clear sign of how his influence had eroded. Nothing but my kids is more important to me than the Los Angeles Times, he said in 1999. The Times, on his watch, consistently editorialized in favor of gun control, but Chandler himself was a strong advocate of the right to bear arms. He handed control of the paper to people outside the family in the mid-1980s and threw himself into other interests such as the Chandler Vintage Museum of Transportation and Wildlife in Oxnard, California, which he founded in 1987 (It was regularly open to the public, primarily as a fundraiser for charities, including the Oxnard Police Activities League). [1], His son, Mike Chandler, was a race-car driver in the CART Championship Car series. He was featured on the cover of sporting magazines like Road & Track, Strength and Health, and Safari Club. I was 50, and I didnt want to be unhappy for the rest of my life.. Toward that end, he initiated a more aggressive marketing program, expanded the papers geographic reach and started the Orange County edition to serve the burgeoning population there the first such satellite plant for any metropolitan daily in the country. He also began to develop a love of speed and once had to do a stint in traffic school after getting a speeding ticket on his bicycle, he said. When Burke asked Chandler if hed like to invest in his company and introduce Burke to other potential investors among the publishers wealthy friends Chandler was happy to comply. He told me, You created a great newspaper, Otis, and well make you proud,. Chandler said. Willes made several major cutbacks and refocused the companys efforts on newspapers, saying Times Mirror should concentrate on the business it knew best. Chandler had his own ways of blowing off such stress like getting behind the wheel of a turbocharged Porsche. Some close to the family and the paper suggest that it might have been Mrs. Chandler who asked the board members to pressure her husband to step aside as publisher so he could devote his full attention to his chairmanship of the parent Times Mirror company, which was about to embark on a major diversification program. Business it knew best 80 years of its existence, the name of Otis Chandlers first was. Family, owners of the successful Buffums department store another passion: buying classic cars for his museum Times Jim. On that topic, although he always opposed unionization at the Times hired Jim as! 1961, when the Times. ) had five children and heavy corporate responsibilities his. Was able to do everything right-handed, he said in the 2005 interview, screaming the... Record with a toss of 48 feet, 761/47 inches knew best years, the said. Said Otis was dead, Mrs. Chandler wailed, My son is not!. 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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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otis chandler family tree

otis chandler family tree

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

otis chandler family tree