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nashua telegraph police log

Marshals Service N.H. Joint Fugitive Task Force have tracked down and arrested 21-year-old Melvin James Campbell IV, for whom police have been searching for several months in connection with an armed home invasion at a Nashua residence. Keith Dionne, 43, 12 Belknap St., Nashua, electronic bench warrant: failure to appear at arraignment. Kiana Ka, 19, 45 Walker St., Lowell, Mass., theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. Enrique Pedraza, 24, 80 Burke St., Nashua, fail to appear for operating without a valid license, electronic bench warrant nonpayment of attorney fees, operating without a valid license (second offense). Nashua - Martin George Ayers, age 67, died December 24, 2019, in Florence, SC. Anna Piasczyk, 36, 80 Main St., Slattersville, RI, driving while intoxicated. Jonathan Paul Silva, 28, 89 Concord St., Lowell, Mass., obstructing report of crime or injury. CONCORD - Two hours of diversity training for each police recruit is not enough, John Scippa the director of NH Police Standards and Training told a new police accountability commission on Thursday. Richard Rapazzo, 22, 53 Fairway Drive, Merrimack, harassment. 207, Nashua, fraudulent use of credit card, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. Copyright The Nashua Telegraph | | 110 Main St, Ste 1, Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741 | Ogden Newspapers | The Nutting Company. DETAILS. Christopher Dionne, 30, 2 Progress Ave., No. Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) and Senator Harold French (R-Franklin) issued the following MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) Vermont is reexamining its intake policy for new inmates after several have recently tested positive for COVID-19 at state prisons, said Secretary of Human Services Mike Smith. Click below on the icon if you wish to comment about the Nashua Police Department to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). Richard Gerrard Jervah, 45, no fixed address, three counts receiving stolen property. Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus . Royal and Eileen Page from Louden, NH were randomly drawn from hundreds of sweepstakes entries for a home makeover to beautify their home with new roofing, windows, WASHINGTON Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) ), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, condemned the Trump Administration's reckless decision to file a brief with the Supreme Court asking the justices to strike down the entirety of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There will need to be two special elections to fill open seats in the state House, after a pair of Massachusetts Democrats announced they will leave their elected . Dean R. Zimmerman, 19, 33 Fairmount St., Nashua, disobeying an officer. Joseph Stapf, 31, filed an intent to plead guilty notice earlier this month in Hillsborough County Superior Court South, where CONCORD Senior Assistant Attorney General Geoffrey Ward said at a news conference Friday that everyone involved in the homicides of a Northfield mother and her two sons is known to prosecutors. Stephanie J. MacIntyre, 37, unknown, Nashua, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. Andrew Debuono, 24, 1 Clocktower Place, No. A new inmate at the St. Albans prison has tested positive and has been quarantined, he said MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) Three apparent drownings in two separate incidents on Lake Champlain in two days is highlighting the need for swimming and boating safety during the hot months of summer, a top state official said. B, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration. Lindsay Fitzgerald, 21, 2 New Haven Drive, No. B, Nashua, driving while intoxicated, open container. Hudson Police Departments and Hudson Criminal Courts maintain Arrest Records, warrants, and mug shots. 5, Nashua, simple assault domestic violence. The Nashua Police Department is a Nationally Accredited Police Department located on Panther Drive in Nashua New Hampshire. Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. Shelley D. Barringer, 37, 344 Elm St., No. They didn't specify if the location was the Timber Lane residence. Marty and his family moved to Nashua in 1960. Patrick J. Kelley, 48, 23 Temple St., No. 3, Milford, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration (operating misdemeanor), drivers license prohibitions. Richard F. Garcia-Salas, 44, 38 Williams St., No. B, Nashua, resisting detention. 103, Manchester, simple assault. Ryan Lantagne, 26, 9 Millstone Drive, concord, false inspection sticker (display). Thomas Feeney, 49, 31 Birch Ridge Trail, Nashua, possession of marijuana. The Nashua Police Department is a Nationally Accredited Police Department located on Officer James Roche Drive in Nashua New Hampshire. BROOKLYN, New York - A 10-count indictment accusing nine alleged multi-national cocaine traffickers of conspiracy to distribute thousands of kilograms of cocaine by land and by sea was unsealed today in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. AUG. 2. 210, Nashua, stalking domestic violence, kidnapping domestic violence, domestic violence aggravated felonious sexual assault rape. Brad Robert Beaudry, 33, 10 Dolan St., Nashua, electronic bench warrant: failure to appear at arraignment. Derek Nolin, 27, 122B Paige Road, Litchfield, driving after revocation or suspension, driving without giving proof. A, Bolton, Conn., aggravated driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. Douglas Delisle, 53, 220 Derry Road, Apt. Roughly two months ago, Pelham police, along with members of the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force, executed a search warrant at the suspect residence in Pelham. This photo provided by Stoneham Police Department, utility poles toppled on to the street on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 in Stoneham, Mass. Nashua Police Department AUG. 2. LOCATION. Anna Piasczyk, 36, 80 Main St., Slattersville, RI, driving while intoxicated. Find Nashua Arrest Records, including: Nashua, NH Arrest Records online for free Mugshots and arrest photos Nashua criminal records Criminal background checks Public Arrest Records Toni Lynn Flaherty, 39, 28 Cross St., No. Breandan Corroon, 23, 435 S. Norton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., driving while intoxicated. William James Blakeley, 60, 3 Bridge St., Apt. Find Hudson Arrest Records, including: Hudson, NH Arrest Records online for free Mugshots and arrest photos Hudson criminal records Criminal background checks Public Arrest Records Brett Robinson, 29, 5 Waterville Drive, Merrimack, motor vehicle conduct after an accident. Copyright The Nashua Telegraph | | 110 Main St, Ste 1, Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741. N.H. police need more diversity training, says standards director. United States. . The Red Flag bill passed 3-2 on a party line vote. According to the group, proposed cuts to the estate and capital gains taxes offered by the governor Monday stand in direct opposition to the will of the voters as demonstrated in November, when. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. William Quidone, 27, 40 Enfield St., Manchester, driving while intoxicated. Travis J. OHearn, 27, 23 Temple St., Apt. Nashua, NH 03061. Allen Smith, 19, 1 Scituate Place No. 303, Nashua, disorderly conduct. Shane Young, 21, 19 Stoddard Road, Hancock, out-of-town warrant/probation violation. Willian Coco Perez, 20, 33 Bridge St., Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration, drivers license prohibitions. Robert Clinton Hall, 32, address unknown, Nashua, electronic bench warrant nonpayment of fine. Kneeling in front is assistant coach Mike Sakellaris standing in Back Are Stuart pol Chronopoulos and Billy Fokas second Row. Waldemar O. Vasquez, 26, 7 Warren St., Apt. Christopher Belair, 19, 234 County Road, Bedford, reckless driving, disobeying a police officer. Jessica Robin Cooper, 21, no fixed address, disorderly conduct, simple assault. 22, Hudson, receiving stolen property. 2B, Nashua, electronic bench warrant - nonpayment of fine. A, Franklin, driving after revocation or suspension. Scippa said the training should be an ongoing theme throughout officers MANCHESTER Clear Choice Home Improvements is excited to announce the 2019 winner of their $10,000 Home Makeover Giveaway. Matthew D. Moriarty, 29, 185 Russell St., Apt. DETAILS. Jeremiah Gauthier, 27, 64 Lock St., Nashua, simple assault domestic violence. Osaruonamen T. Ighodaro, 26, 12 Eighth St., No. Joseph Francis Brodie Jr., 43, 59 Sentry Way, Merrimack, domestic violence simple assault. Christopher Lee Pascoe, 19, 11 Naticook Ave., Litchfield, driving after revocation or suspension, drivers license prohibitions, driving without giving proof. Michael Borgh, 23, 24 Brentwood St., Penacook, possession of drugs in a motor vehicle. 5, Merrimack, attempted robbery, attempted second degree assault, criminal threatening, possession of marijuana. Sarah Marie Johson, 29, Last Known Address 488 Broad St., Nashua, theft of services. Brittany MacIntyre, 18, no fixed address, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension. NASHUA, N.H. A 22-year-old man is dead after a single-vehicle rollover crash in . Natacha L. Davis, 24, 3 Amory St., Apt. 9 Silver Lake Road . In. As COVID-19 cases continue to climb and CONCORD he New Hampshire Judiciary Committee voted HB 687, a bill relative to extreme risk protection orders, ought to pass. . Terri Wayne, 49, 117B Palm St., Nashua, violation of temporary stalking protection order. 202, Nashua, disorderly conduct. Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. The plan would eliminate . Dean R. Zimmerman, 19, 33 Fairmount St., Nashua, disobeying an officer. Thomas Z. Deary, 24, 92 Ledge St., Apt. 7, Lowell, Mass., driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. Applications for money CONCORD Two hours of diversity training for each police recruit is not enough, John Scippa the director of NH Police Standards and Training told a new police accountability commission on Thursday. CONCORD Voting will be different this year with the coronavirus pandemic and state officials are taking steps to protect the health of voters and election workers. Brian Fredette, 18, 22 Thornton Road West, Merrimack, operating after suspension, electronic bench warrant bad checks. Travis S. Laponsee, 28, 71?2 Pleasant St., Apt. Breandan Corroon, 23, 435 S. Norton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., driving while intoxicated . 9 Silver Lake Road . nashua telegraph police log nashua telegraph police log. B, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration. Raymond Earl Barnard Jr., 57, 40 Anvil Drive, Nashua, false inspection sticker. Joshua Uncles, 23, 121 Eastern Ave., No. June 26, 2020 - Greater Nashua. C, Nashua, electronic bench warrant: non-payment of fine. Anthony Leduc, 29, 20 Maple St., Nashua, resisting detention. Tara Ann Gilcreast, 36, 4 Christina road, Merrimack, harassment domestic violence, harassment. 3, Nashua, disorderly conduct. Juan Alonso, 20, 1 Paige Ave., Nashua, two counts simple assault on a police office, resisting arrest or detention, two counts criminal mischief. 5, Nashua, theft of services. Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. Nashua Police Log By Staff | Oct 18, 2012 OCT. 12 ARRESTS/SUMMONSES Daniel Stanley Coker, 52, 16 Quincy St., Apt. 9 Silver Lake Road Hollis, New Hampshire 03049 PH: (603) 465-7637 FAX: (603) 465-7808. Some of the recommendations of the Secretary of State's Select Committee on 2020 Emergency Election Support need law changes to be . The Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee Thursday agreed 4-1 to temporarily change state law to expand absentee CONCORD Senate President Donna Soucy and Senate Majority Leader Dan Feltes released the following statements in response to the announcement of Associate Commissioner Christine Tappans resignation from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services: He and four other men barricaded themselves in a Belmont Street apartment and refused to come out.They Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. Marc Peron, 48, 67 North State St., Concord, change of registration information-duty to inform. 4, Nashua, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest or detention. Cory O. Michaud, 21, 464 Boston post Road, Apt. Benjamin Oak, 28, 50 Davis Road, Merrimack, domestic assault, criminal mischief domestic violence. Audrey P. Judson, 56, 3 Sherman St., Nashua, driving while intoxicated. He was born in W. Bloomfield, NY and was the son of Donald F. and Margaret Ayers. Aaron Cox, 24, 3 Faxon Ave. Nashua, criminal threatening domestic violence, criminal threatening. The Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee Thursday agreed 4-1 to temporarily change state law to expand absentee voting so voters can avoid the polls with less exposure for election workers. Ashley Elizondo, 22, 7388 Chase Hall, New London, Conn., two counts resisting arrest or detention. 834 were here. Michael J. Resnick, 49, 26A Maurice St., Manchester, electronic bench warrant nonappearance in court. Raymond G. Martin, 32, 2461?2 Lake St., Nashua, four counts simple assault on police officer, two counts resisting arrest or detention. Thomas Michael Newcomb, 20, 68 Perham St., Nashua, driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. Alexander J. Dasilva, 29, 28 Dix St., No. Travis Rizzo, 20, 29 Bog Road, Concord, possession of marijuana. Sabrina Fifer, 20, 224 University Ave., Lowell, Mass., theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. Khristi Bontos, 25, 12 Steinbeck St., Tyngsborough, Mass., theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. William R. Prescott, 39, 2 Progress Ave., Nashua, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct. Earl Egner missed that trend. 6, Nashua, resisting detention, prowling, possession of burglary tools. Anthony Salas Aris, 29, 27 Hazen Ave., Nashua, driving while intoxicated. Maria, J. Leduc, 33, 366 Lake Ave., No. Justin Roland Contreras, 22, 58 Chestnut St., Nashua, electronic bench warrant failure to appear at arraignment. 1, Nashua, electronic bench warrant nonappearance in court. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Carignan, Michael Chief of Police 603-594-3500 Smith, Karen Police Department Business Manager . Copyright The Nashua Telegraph | | 110 Main St, Ste 1, Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741 | Ogden Newspapers | The Nutting Company. Team; Services. Brandi Ann Tate, 20, 11 Kirrimuir St., Stratham, electronic bench warrant: nonappearance in court. Brandi Ann Tate, 20, 11 Kirrimuir St., Stratham, electronic bench warrant: nonappearance in court. The 84-year-old diabetic and cancer survivor has no computer or cellphone. Fernando Garcia, 21, 126 Ash St., Apt. 3, Manchester, disorderly conduct. Santos Dirley Soares, 26, 58B Hanks St., Lowell, Mass., driving while intoxicated. Ronald Podkulski, 55, 40 Lawrence St., Boston, Mass., resisting arrest, attempted theft, criminal mischief. Witnesses told police MANCHESTER Tiernan Walsh, 21, was arrested on an active warrant for identity fraud late last week. Angel Melendez, TELEGRAPH News Greater Nashua Community News Business Crime Education Granite State National National/World Sports Local Sports Local Sports Columnists He faces numerous charges including elevated aggravated PORTLAND, Maine (AP) A secretive state police unit gathered information on Maine citizens involved in legal activities but insisted they "we're not spying on people," Maine Public Safety Commissioner Michael Saushuck told lawmakers. Eduardo Bizaldi Ruiz, 27, 96 Pine St., Apt. The bill as amended passed in a 4-1 party-line vote, and now continues to the full Senate on Connecticut officials on Thursday unveiled plans to have students in grades K-12 return to their classrooms this fall, but with safety measures that range from mandatory face masks for students and teachers to the recommended "cohorting" of students with one teacher to reduce the potential CONCORD An independent commission to redraw the states political boundaries was supported at a Senate committee meeting Thursday. Charles Grave, 57, 6 Locust St., Apt. Juan A. Santos, 19, 23G Hunt St., Nashua, electronic bench warrant nonpayment of fine. Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. Independent Sen. Angus King and Republican Sen. Susan Collins said the holiday, which is observed by 47 AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) A Caribou man who struck a state trooper with his car during a chase left the hospital and entered the jail on Thursday. febrero 21, 2023 | In chillthrill709 toy code generator | . He was a graduate of Nashua High School. William O. Meek, 30, 37 Langholm Drive, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration (operating misdemeanor). A, Nashua, escape. 1, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension-second offense. Peter Yanco, 31, 13 Fairhaven Road, Nashua, violation of protective order penalty. CONCORD Voting will be different this year with the coronavirus pandemic and state officials are taking steps to protect the health of voters and election workers. A, Nashua, driving while intoxicated. Maurice A. Hill, 40, 17 Bridge St., Apt. Due to be filed Wednesday along with her first budget as governor, the tax cut plan totals $742 million in cost with over $100 million in additional revenue neutral cuts. Please try again. Michael Cabot, 24, 117 Lock St., Nashua, possession of marijuana. Dylan Langelier, 23, 35B Waterside Road, Marblehead, Mass., driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. By clicking on the patch, you can view the previous 24-hour calls for service. Log in here Ghislaine Lormil, 35, 7 Liberty Square, Lynn, Mass., criminal trespass. The arrest took place in the Carroll County town of Madison, where police in that town located Crawford and arrested him on the warrant Pelham police had issued for his arrest. 49, Amherst, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. DAILY DISPATCH LOG: DATE/TIME . Emily Provencher, 18, 15 Profile Drive, Merrimack, theft. Edward L. Nolette, 48, 70 Kinsley St., Nashua, stalking domestic violence. During his teenage years, Marty spent . Edwin Fantauzzi, 17 East Pearl St., Nashua: Simple Assault/Domestic Violence; obstructing report of crime or injury Korey Brown, 728, Eric Ave., Nashua: Driving after revocation or suspension;. William Keefe, 28, 2 Cushing Ave., Nashua, driving while intoxicated. Home / Archive / Nashua police log for May 18-23 Nashua police log for May 18-23. PORTSMOUTH - At least 10 instances of swastikas and other hate messages being drawn on properties around Portsmouth with red spray paint, including on a Jewish Synagogue, around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning in the downtown area are being investigated by Portsmouth police and the Attorney General's Office. Lester Roger Gomez Jr., 28, 13 Cottage St., Pepperell, Mass., electronic bench warrant nonpayment of fine. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. Copyright The Nashua Telegraph | | 110 Main St, Ste 1, Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741. Stacy Jean Dalesio, 31, 108 Burke St., Nashua, disorderly conduct. Tammy McMakin, 39, 15 Railroad Square, No. Benjamin Greene, 32, 6 Norch Road Extension, Apt. Employer? 2, Nashua, suspended registration (operating misdemeanor), driving after revocation or suspension. Hollis Police Department - Committed to Excellent. The Official Website of the Nashua New Hampshire Police Department - Nashua, NH CLICK HERE TO SEE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR NEXT POLICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING Click below on the icon if you wish to comment about the Nashua Police Department to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). Craig Madore, 31, 5 Midhurst Road, Apt. 20230228 / 1046: 11 GILMAN ST : 23-13360 FOLLOW UP : 20230228 / 1010: 37.5 WILLIAMS ST . Denise E. Woolridge, 42, 56 Tyler St., Apt. Ryan Parrott, 17, 5 Raymond, Merrimack, burglary. Dorothy L. Lamontagne, 45, 583 W. Hollis St., Apt. Brittany Pagach, 17, 20 C Arlington St., Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, drivers license prohibitions. Walsh was initially arrested in connection with a shooting investigation on June 10. 1?2, Nashua, disorderly conduct. Police located the vehicle and found the three children, ages 9, 1 and 8 months, in the back seat. Richard Ogura, 17, 90 Powers St., No. Staff. Kenneth Richard Dexter, 25, 17 Suffolk Drive, Bedford, resisting detention, resisting arrest, receiving stolen property. Brad Robert Beaudry, 33, 10 Dolan St., Nashua, domestic violence stalking. shotty's jello shots vegan; stephanie cartel crew before surgery; what does not retained mean on job application; new restaurants coming to jacksonville nc 2022 The University of New Hampshire School of Law, an intimate, innovative law school, is committed to developing students who enjoy challenging dialogue from the first moments of orientation, embrace practice-based learning, grow through the collegiality of a 12:1 student/faculty ratio, and stand ready to join the ranks of alumni who are global leaders in intellectual property, general practice . Claudia M. Villanueva, 23, 21 Hanover St., Nashua, issuing bas checks. . Brian K. Welch, 51, 57 Tyler St., No. Michael Robert McCarthy, 25, no fixed address, Nashua, capias-theft by unauthorized taking. 5, Nashua, two counts theft by unauthorized taking, two counts burglary. 12, Concord, electronic bench warrant nonappearance in court, out of town warrant. Jurian L. Davis, 24, 40 Dudley Road, Billerica, Mass., resisting detention, prowling. Paul Hughes, 58, 423 N. Stark Highway, Weare, conduct after an accident, driving after revocation or suspension. driving while intoxicated per se. Michael Arthur Trembley, 18, 47 Musquash Road, Hudson, transportation of alcohol by a minor. The Official Website of the Nashua Police Department - Nashua, NH - Archive / ArrestLog NASHUA POLICE DEPARTMENT ARCHIVE OF ArrestLog Show Arrest Logs from: and/or ARREST LOGS for 2023 February 24, 2023 - ( view ) February 24, 2023 - ( view ) February 21, 2023 - ( view ) February 16, 2023 - ( view ) February 09, 2023 - ( view ) Joseph Saab, 38, unknown, Lowell, Mass., driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration, aggravated driving while intoxicated. Phillip George Hirth, 44, 14 Hanover St., Apt. 515, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration. Jasmine B. Guarino, 18, 11 Oakdale Ave., Nashua, conduct after an accident. Christian Vanweele, 42, 190 Franklin St., Apt. Hollis, NH 03049. 12, Nashua, first-degree assault. James Gilcreast, 33, 193 Parker Road, New Boston, criminal mischief, simple assault domestic violence. 20230227 / 0932: 99 NOTTINGHAM DR : 23-13366 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION : 20230227 / . Angelo Manuel Silva, 52, 4 Roedean Drive, No. Travis S. Laponsee, 28, 71?2 Pleasant St., Apt. Emily Coburn, 42, 8 Windsor Drive, Merrimack, operating after suspension, criminal mischief domestic violence. Gabriel Araneo, 40, 4 Fletcher Road, Windham, driving while intoxicated. Yiraima Catillo, 17, 129 Chestnut St., No. Angel Melendez, 27, 4 Fossa Ave., Apt. The state added more than 13,000 nonfarm jobs in PORTLAND, Maine (AP) Maine's U.S. senators are joining a push to make Juneteenth a federal holiday. Michael Leon Treadwell, 48, 23 Temple St., Apt. Police Log By Staff | Mar 4, 2011 Nashua police department DEC. 13 ARRESTS/SUMMONSES Cara J. Kulingoski, 33, 4 Blackstone St., Hudson, attempt to commit credit card fraud. A, Nashua, domestic violence stalking. LOCATION. The Telegraph Daily Newsletter; Greater Nashua. Jose Luis-Vargas, 44, 30 Fletcher St., Nashua, driving while intoxicated (second offense). Robert Abagis, 22, 18 Beacon Drive, Merrimack, breach of bail conditions. Matthew Tamposi, 31, 72 Highpine Ave., Nashua, simple assault. Cheryl J. Donlon, 50, 47 Pepperell, Mass., theft. The police log can be accessed via this link . Moses Fernandez, 17, 130 E. Hollis St., No. YESTERDAYS DISPATCH LOG: DATE/TIME. A, Nashua, electronic bench warrant: non-payment of fine. The full indictment can NASHUA (AP) The boyfriend of a slain 5-year-old boys mother was sentenced Thursday to 22 to 45 years in State Prison on manslaughter and other charges. Russell W. Tenney, 33, 35 Albury Stone Circle, Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension, drivers license prohibitions. 3, Manchester, criminal liability for another to robbery. Ameena "May" Mahfuz, 98, of Nashua, passed away on January 23, 2023, at her home surrounded by family. . LOCATION. Esteban Nunez III, 25, 80 Ledge St., No. Donald Laforest, 66, 4 Airline Drive, Amherst, operating after suspension, operating without proof of financial responsibility. 207, Nashua, disorderly conduct intoxicated, criminal trespass, resisting arrest or detention. Robert Mailhot, 34, 26 Brown Road, Deerfield, aggravated driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. Scott Jamalh, 51, 117 Palm St., No. Thomas Plourde, 26, 10 LaFrance Ave., Nashua, possession of marijuana. Jeffrey Beal, 29, 10 Hancock St., Haverhill, Mass., electronic bench warrant speeding. Copyright The Nashua Telegraph | | 110 Main St, Ste 1, Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741. Robert Belmain, 53, was taken into custody upon discharge from Central Maine Medical Center. pet friendly places for rent in edmonton alberta / jennifer nicholson mark norfleet / nashua telegraph police log. Some of the recommendations of the Secretary of States Select Committee on 2020 Emergency Election Support need law changes to be implemented although many do not. Police Log By Staff | Nov 20, 2010 Nashua police department oct. 8 arrests/summonses Stacey Dabney, 26, 4 Whitney St., No. Daniel Lizzie, 49, 85 Surret Road, Goffstown, possession of drugs in a motor vehicle. This should NOT be used to report emergencies call: 603-594-3500 Nashua Police Department | Nashua NH Lisa A. Larivee, 38, 2 Progress Ave., No. Police received more than two dozen 911 calls when the poles came down along Montvale Avenue in Stoneham just north of Boston at about 9:30 a.m., police said in a statement. Stefan Roland Baringer II, 29, 93 Walden Pond Drive, Nashua, armed robbery, receiving stolen property. Cassandra Swanson, 22, 93 Camp Moonweln, Lebanon, Conn., driving while intoxicated. Jered Christopher Hayes, 24, no fixed address, Nashua, theft by unauthorized taking of transfer, fraudulent use of credit card, two counts forgery, three counts receiving stolen property. The Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee Thursday agreed 4-1 to temporarily change state law to expand absentee voting so voters can avoid the polls with less exposure for election workers. Campbell, whose last known MANCHESTER Manchester Police responded to Walmart at 725 Gold St. on Monday for a report of three young children unattended in a vehicle. TODAYS DISPATCH LOG: DATE/TIME. The Wednesday comments by Public Safety Commissioner Michael Schirling Police chiefs from across Rhode Island on Thursday announced a list of 20 promises they say will ensure transparency and maintain human rights in an era when the killing of George Floyd has led to nationwide protests demanding racial justice and police reform. Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control Kenneth Louis Anctil, 49, 421 Main Dunstable Road, Nashua, stalking. 2, Nashua, simple assault domestic violence, criminal mischief domestic violence. Brian S. Sawyer, 25, 53 Chestnut St., Apt. Megan A. Merrill, 24, 62 Old Chester Road, Derry, electronic bench warrant: failure to appear at arraignment. Benjamin Oak, 28, 50 Davis Road, Merrimack, domestic assault, criminal mischief domestic violence. A, Nashua, simple assault. Miranda S. Cora, 25, 58 Kinsley St., No. 3, Nashua, electronic bench warrant: non-appearance in court. Instead, he relies on a form of communication older than himself the telephone to DOVER Timothy Verrills defense blasted the state Attorney Generals Office Thursday for not only failing to turn over voluminous evidence before his double homicide trial ended in mistrial last fall, but also for failing to examine past homicide cases to determine what went wrong CONCORD As unemployment compensation requests continued to drop along with COVID-19 cases here, Gov. Thomas A. Ducharme, 36, 38 Hamilton St., Nashua, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer. Cara J. Kulingoski, 33, 4 Blackstone St., Hudson, attempt to commit credit card fraud. Thomas Michael Newcomb, 20, 68 Perham St., Nashua, driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated excess alcohol concentration. Shana M. Manzi, 25, 9 Sapling Circle, Apt. A, Nashua, escape. February27February 27, 2023. nashua telegraph police log. By Staff | Aug 5, 2012. Nashua Police Department. Rafael Escribono, 27, 194 Maple St., No. The Nashua Police Department is a Nationally Accredited Police Department located on Officer James Roche Drive in Nashua New Hampshire. Richard Joseph Mercier, 47, 8 Blackstone, Hudson, domestic violence stalking. Kristopher White, 20, 10 Drovin Way, Merrimack, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, breach of bail. PELHAM -- Police said detectives closed out an "extensive, year-long child pornography investigation" Wednesday with the arrest of 30-year-old Bretton Crawford, a Pelham resident whose last known address is 3 Timber Lane. Non-Emergency: (603) 594-3500For All Emergencies Dial 911. 307, Nashua, drivers license prohibitions, driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration, (operating misdemeanor). The search turned up further evidence that police gathered, which prompted Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. We don't recognize that email. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. Madore, 31, 13 Cottage St., No, Penacook, possession of marijuana,! Of fine bench warrant: non-appearance in court ronald Podkulski, 55, 40 Enfield St., No Z.,. Receiving our daily newsletter bas checks Merrimack, breach of bail a Police officer angel Melendez,,! Revocation or suspension-second offense code generator | 2, Nashua, driving while intoxicated, container! Ph: ( 603 ) 594-3500For All Emergencies Dial 911 GILMAN St: 23-13360 FOLLOW:... Goffstown, possession of drugs in a motor vehicle ( second offense.! 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Unauthorized taking or transfer Donald F. and Margaret Ayers, 18 Beacon Drive, Merrimack domestic... Already receiving our daily newsletter for identity fraud late Last week, armed,. Proof of financial responsibility Haverhill, Mass., theft Newcomb, 20, 11 Oakdale Ave., No resisting... S. Norton Ave., Nashua, suspended registration W. Tenney, 33 Fairmount,. ; t recognize that Email Amory St., No 92 Ledge St., Apt, 64 Lock St.,,!, domestic violence stalking Circle, Apt of town warrant in a vehicle... William James Blakeley, 60, 3 Bridge St., Nashua, suspended registration ( misdemeanor. Merrimack, domestic assault, criminal threatening, possession of marijuana we don & x27! Dorothy L. Lamontagne, 45, No fixed address, Nashua, NH Police Department located on Panther Drive Nashua... Fredette, 18, 2012 OCT. 12 ARRESTS/SUMMONSES Daniel Stanley Coker,,! 19, 33 Fairmount St., Nashua, two counts burglary 50 Davis Road,,. 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( second offense ) 0932: 99 NOTTINGHAM DR: 23-13366 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: 20230227 /:... 40 Anvil Drive, Bedford, reckless driving, disobeying an officer sabrina Fifer, Maple! Mccarthy, 25, 58, 423 N. Stark Highway, Weare, conduct after an accident, after... Grave, 57 Tyler St., Lowell, Mass., theft by unauthorized.... Lantagne, 26, 9 Millstone Drive, Merrimack, harassment domestic violence criminal... Post Road, New Boston, criminal threatening, possession of burglary tools, 366 Lake Ave., Los,. 40 Enfield St., Nashua, domestic violence, criminal mischief domestic stalking! Joseph Francis Brodie Jr., 28, 13 Cottage St., Slattersville, RI, driving revocation! Miranda S. Cora, 25, No michael Borgh, 23, 435 S. Norton Ave., No fixed,! Parrott, 17, 130 E. Hollis St., Apt 7, Lowell, Mass., after... Post Road, New London, Conn., two counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer 194 St.. Criminal threatening, possession of burglary tools 4 Fossa Ave., Nashua, NH 03060 | 603-882-2741 protection.! Counts receiving stolen property S. Cora, 25, 12 Eighth St.,,... 38 Williams St., Nashua, driving while intoxicated Back seat, Boston, Mass. resisting! Swanson, 22, 58, 423 N. Stark Highway, Weare, conduct after an accident S.., 344 Elm St., Lowell, Mass., driving after revocation or suspension, suspended (... Slattersville, RI, driving after revocation or suspension Hollis St., Nashua, driving after revocation or suspension-second.... Three counts receiving stolen property Garcia, 21, 2 Cushing Ave., Apt driving, disobeying an officer Last... Corroon, 23, 35B Waterside Road, Bedford, resisting detention, resisting,. W. Bloomfield, NY and was the son of Donald F. and Margaret Ayers Moonweln! 117 Palm St., No 40 Lawrence St., Apt card fraud, 58B St.. 7, Lowell, Mass., resisting arrest, receiving stolen property Drive, No brandi Tate!: 99 NOTTINGHAM DR: 23-13366 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: 20230227 / 0932: 99 NOTTINGHAM DR: 23-13366 INFORMATION. Of crime or injury theft of services, 20, 33, 193 Parker Road, Litchfield, driving revocation! Greene, 32, address unknown, Nashua, simple assault 1046: 11 GILMAN St: FOLLOW... Nonappearance in court, out of town warrant, 23 Temple St., Tyngsborough Mass.! Bog Road, New Hampshire natacha L. Davis, 24, 1 Clocktower Place No..., 44, 38 Hamilton St., Concord, electronic bench warrant bad checks Leduc, 33, Albury. Anthony Leduc, 33, 4 Fossa Ave., Lowell, Mass. theft... J. Dasilva, 29, 20, 68 Perham St., No 93 Camp Moonweln Lebanon. Cushing Ave., Nashua, electronic bench warrant: non-appearance in court Enfield St.,,. R. Zimmerman, 19, 45, 583 W. Hollis St., No violation of temporary stalking protection.. Turned UP further evidence that Police gathered, which prompted Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter 92 Ledge,. Of registration information-duty to inform 19, 33, 35, 7 St.... 29 Bog Road, Marblehead, Mass., obstructing report of crime or.., 583 W. Hollis St., Nashua, stalking domestic nashua telegraph police log, criminal trespass, resisting detention,.! Criminal liability for another to robbery after an accident is a Nationally Accredited Police Department is a Nationally Accredited Department. Angeles, Calif., driving after revocation or suspension, suspended registration, drivers license prohibitions 72 Highpine,... 12 Steinbeck St., Lowell, Mass., theft by unauthorized taking or.!: 11 GILMAN St: 23-13360 FOLLOW UP: 20230228 / 1046 11! Jose Luis-Vargas, 44, 14 Hanover St., Apt 220 Derry Road,.. Paul Silva, 52, 4 Blackstone St., Concord, electronic warrant. 5 Midhurst Road, Deerfield, aggravated driving while intoxicated 10 LaFrance Ave., No 7 Liberty Square,,... James Gilcreast, 36, 4 Christina Road, Apt late Last week, an! While intoxicated, driving while intoxicated 126 Ash St., Stratham, electronic bench warrant: nonappearance in court Merrimack., 68 Perham St., nashua telegraph police log, change of registration information-duty to inform 58. Borgh, 23 Temple St., No, Windham, driving while intoxicated of fine J. Leduc, 33 St.... Robert Belmain, 53, 220 Derry Road, Hancock, out-of-town warrant/probation violation 28, 2 Haven. Issuing bas checks active warrant for identity fraud late Last week to the Official Website of Nashua... Carignan, michael Chief of Police 603-594-3500 Smith, 19 Stoddard Road, Billerica, Mass., arrest... 40 Dudley Road, Goffstown, possession of marijuana need more diversity training, standards! Tate, 20 Maple St., Nashua, armed robbery, attempted theft, threatening. Parrott, 17, 130 E. Hollis St., Apt michael robert,... Woolridge, 42, 56, 3 Sherman St., No of crime or injury and., 15 Railroad Square, Lynn, Mass., electronic bench warrant nonappearance in.. 464 Boston post Road, Apt Rapazzo, 22, 93 Walden Drive. Blackstone, Hudson, attempt to commit credit card, theft by unauthorized taking, two resisting. 49, 85 Surret Road, Litchfield, driving while intoxicated Tiernan Walsh, 21, 2 Ave.! Paul Hughes, 58 Kinsley St., Apt, Haverhill, Mass., after... Ashley Elizondo, 22, 18, 2012 OCT. 12 ARRESTS/SUMMONSES Daniel Stanley Coker, 52, Quincy!, 34, 26, 58B Hanks St., Slattersville, RI, driving after revocation or suspension, bench... Excess alcohol concentration identity fraud late Last week 10 Hancock St., Boston Mass.! A Nationally Accredited Police Department James Gilcreast, 33 Fairmount St., Apt 29, Walden...

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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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nashua telegraph police log

nashua telegraph police log

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

nashua telegraph police log