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meps psych consult process

Thanks a lot! Questions lead to answers which lead to other questions which lead to other answers. MEPS includes pre-screening, ASVAB testing, (if you do not take it previously), medical evaluations and enlistment activities. !, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Optometrist so expensive! Your email address will not be published. Waiver Process for Prior Drug and/or Alcohol Dependency. So I went to meps the other day and I want to tell you my list of issues I had.. From lots of research that all pointed to me probably needing three or four waivers and possibly PDQ with no waiver.. and maybe even a psych eval for Alcohol, I want to show you that you can't always beleive what you hear or expect everything to be black and white. You can find the polarity of a compound by finding electronegativities (an atoms desire for an electron) of the atoms; Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.5, compared to Fluorines A) Enter the the Ksp expression for the solid AB2 in terms of the molar solubility x. People are hospitalized for many reasons, including trauma, heart attacks, and stroke. This taster session is based in the textile workshop- do please arrive in good time to get the maximum from it. He was very adamant about it. Each record represents one medical condition reported If it is ordered by the MEPS doctor then it is no cost to you. Daughter blew out her MPFL (ligament) on her knee. Any. now makes the medical recommendations to the Admiral in a fraction of the time. Acceptable Forms of Identification for Biometric Enrollment 9-4 55 . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Tsylor The role of the C-L psychiatrist is to help the primary team organize their . Answer (1 of 5): I can't say. Any thoughts on the Doctors comments in the report below? Great question. Yes, there are special tests and considerations for females. If you require a waiver, your recruiter will help facilitate the process . At this time you have signed your contract and agreed to serve your country. Opto recs and primary care recs, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, 27 replies Going to MEPS a 3rd time for psych consult, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Also, I have lots of visible incision scars there so I feel like the docs at MEPS will make a big deal about it. After performing medical testing you will work with a counselor to select a job in the field you would like to join. I recently had surgery to get a plate removed from my wrist and had a tendon transferred from my right ring finger to my right thumb FPL tendon, due to it rupturing and the muscle not being in good shape. The applicant is considered a good . A permanent medical condition that does not pass qualification standards will result in a 3P disqualification. I have a temporary VA rating for service-connected depression as the result of a Military Sexual Trauma, and a rating for spondylolisthesis (now asymptomatic). I understand the USMC age cut off is 27 so that may complicate things since I have to wait 19 months. The MEPS is a national household survey that generates sampling weights to obtain nationally representative estimates on health care use and expenditures in the United States. Do not wear any jewelry, hats or other unnecessary items. What type of drug test do they do at MEPS? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Recruits will also receive thorough examinations of the heart, spine, and urinary . said it's keratosis pilaris and won't affect my military service but meps still wanted me to come back for a consult so, I went to there dermatologist. These disqualification use code 3T- temporary medical condition. Requested DD 2808, hope to have it soon. What you say influences what else they ask and what the ultimate disposition of your case is. They will ask what they need to ask to form a complete evaluation. I have recommended that he discontinue his thyroid pills, and return to be rechecked in 2 months. I have a history of thyroid nodules and wanted to run a recent thyroid ultrasound from the past year by you since thyroid nodules can medically disqualify an individual. People with ADD and ADHD have difficulties entering the military depending on the severity of the disorder. My son had ashma as a kid . This will require you to be viewed in your under garments. Females are also required to take a pregnancy test at MEPS. How this issue was brought about was when I went back up to MEPS for my second time to ship for the Marine Corps. Talking about joining navy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Address: 9241 13th Ave SW Physical declined by MEPS (this will happen almost 100% of the time because of the PDQs). Once the final results of the MEPS physical and consultations are complete (including blood work), those results will be sent to N3M for review. meps navy waiver waiver process waivers Replies: 6; Forum: . Now it is going to sergeant general for final approval. It was explained to me that due to the nature of the scars, the fact that they are horizontal, parallel, and there are four of them on the non dominant side of my body, and there is no explanation or story for them, this typically is an indicator of self harm. Its a psychiatric evaluation. I went through MEPS and passed my physical. But, the truth is being honest is the only way to pass MEPS and having an understanding on what to expect will help you be successful. We will make further recommendations at that point. Doc, It's very difficult to get into the military with mental health issues, especially Suicidal thoughts/ideation. I am a prior-service Marine (honorable discharge in 2014) interested in joining the Army. Thats a little like asking: How does a cardiologist evaluate you? What YOU see and hear and what they see and hear are worlds apart even though youre seeing and hearing the same things. If you wear contacts or glasses, bring them with you as well as a copy of your prescription. Don't be an oversharer when you talk to a security clearance investigator and monitor your disclosures when you go for a mental health evaluation too. This is a process a person goes through after they have gone through the medical screening to join the army. Due to what appears to me extreme fading of the scars and the fact that my shoulders are covered in acne my view was obstructed from seeing them before that moment, not only that but I dont stare at my shoulders, that would be odd. I, And I started jumpin up and down, yellin KILL! During said physical, if the MEPS doctor disqualified you for having major depression, then the service (Navy) pays for the psych consult. For example: 7*x^2. Sara, I spoke with my recruiter, have drawn up my waiver consisting of my level of activity statement, 10 point personal statement, and I was advised to and did throw in a personal statement from my parents seconding that I would never self harm and have never for any reason sought or needed to seek treatment for any mental health related issues, and all of those documents have now been submitted. Anyways i am 25 now and if I have no relapses in 19 months I will have been out of treatment for the 36 months required for that diagnosis to no longer be an issue. I dont want to fail the test. That is the only way to get medically cleared by MEPS to enlist. I have a spinal simulator implanted in my back. For more information about higher level courses currently available, please speak to your tutor or the Curriculum Leader. I think Im capable of functioning totally normal haha. Grades are always important. Taylor, These tests are conducted to ensure you meet the qualifications for the branch you wish to join, the position you are aiming for and that you meet any Department of Defense regulations. Hello sir, I was born with a heart defect called tetralogy of fallot (tet) and i had corrected surgery when i was 2. The MEPS doctor is asking for all of my past medical records and I am complying with this request. Just so you are aware when I went to MEPS I had a male MD with a female assistant during the physical exam. Underwear is required during your physical. If you feel like you need to hide anything, I would seriously ask yourself if this is the right decision at this point in your life. First of all, the approval of a medical waiver is the responsibility of the Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC). Each individual branch has standards to which individuals must meet. If you want to be in the military, its definitely worth trying!! When I initially went to MEPS I filled out the questionnaire; the question I think was the problem was the alcohol question. This is one of those things you have to weigh. Thyroid isthmus is normal in size, contour, and echogenicity with normal vascularity. Would that be PQD? If you require a psych consult, MEPS will schedule and pay for it. I went to meps and everything. MEPS begins with pre-screening at your recruiters office and ends with taking the Oath of Enlistment. #3. Does anyone know what to expect in this consult or how I should dress since it is an outside sourced doctor that MEPS scheduled me with? Medical history, answers on forms and a discussion will all be used to ensure applicants meet those standards. Dont smoke again, and go through the process in a few months. As always, feel free to email your questions! You must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for examination. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hasnt used an inhaler in years. Thank you, sir! All applicants will be questioned on their medical history. You can't BS a BS-er. Cookie Notice All applicants will go through a Applicant Behavioral Health interview. This supposedly takes between six weeks and three months mine took a full three months. KILL! and the sergeant came over, pinned a medal on me. I have a college degree and no moral issues. After you have signed your enlistment contract you will participate in the Oath of Enlistment Ceremony. A medical brief will be conducted after the basic testing. Temporary disqualifications are not reviewed for medical waivers. You have every right to try. "Knowing the psychiatric history, screening for mental and substance use disorders, According to the U.S. Army/ National Institute of Mental Health's "The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)", the largest study of mental health risk and resilience ever conducted among U.S. military personnel: My MEPS does not accept letters in lieu of medical records. I had severe high blood pressure at MEPS (141/90, 145/88, 156/95, etc) and was sent to my doctor for a full week each morning and afternoon, where I was found to have normal blood pressure (118/78 to 120/80 all ten times) and given a waiver. Best for anxiety and depression: Brightside. KILL! Guidence is greatly appriciated! I have no issue with paying for a private appointment but I just want to make sure Im going to the right person and getting the right paperwork/eval from them. This is a facility that is staffed by service members from all branches as well as civilians. Nothing anywhere in his medical record all the way back to birth but once issued Albuterol while sick. During the body recheck, some scarring was found on my shoulder. Although medical waivers are very rare for previous drug or alcohol dependency, you may be considered a good risk for entry into the Navy if: Note 1: Where corrected in the post, the comments may still refer to CNRC 00M, 00M is now known as CNRC N3M the function is still the same. If you are overweight you will be required to lose the weight before returning to MEPS. If you dont try then you wont go anywhere. You have successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years, b. It is in a month and I just want to be prepared. It disqualifies mood conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, paranoia, and other unidentified depressive problems. He told me that on the day they (the recruiting office) had sent waiver requests for a few other people, somehow my paperwork had not been sent until the Friday of that week. And what happens if he "forgot" to list half or all of the miniscule issues, and then it's discovered down the road? Try to be professional and keep in mind this is your interview before you sign your contract. Preparing for MEPS should be like preparing for a job interview. Yes, you can have your phone with you at MEPS. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine. When I asked my recruiter, what does it say on my MEPS papers, if I was considered disqualified temp or permanent, he said I wasnt disqualified at all. HCUP is a family of health care databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership. Blood pressure tests will be taken using a standard cuff with the applicant in the seated position, with both feet flat on the ground. While neither waiver in my case is a big deal, it sucks because they are holding up the process for me and I cannot get a FS until they go through. Thank you. the MEPS Examination Process Completed by applicant prior to their physical examination at MEPS; questions focus on contact with mental health clinician; alcohol use/abuse evaluation and treatment; and current and previous primary care physicians, insurance, and/or pharmacy benefit manager. Im really nervous about the pending results of my waiver, and would just like to know a general idea of what to expect as far as how long it may take for a decision to be made, and in your opinion what the results will most likely be coming back on that waiver. Apparently its rare for someone to even be brought back after self harming and they usually just get PDQd right there. Im in no rush, but I just want some data to define my decision and not be in guess land. Just putting this out there because MEPS giving the okay does not mean absolutely you will have no issues because the final determination is left up to the Navy (IIRC my OR and processor called it the Officer of Medicine). a. In short, it really depends on the reasoning that you fail MEPS. Some conditions that may require supporting documentation or waivers include asthma, ADHD, autism and flat feet, (click on each condition for more information). Corneal topography is not a normal part of an eye exam, unless you are being evaluated for surgery or have known keratoconus. I got results back from BUMED and they are not going to deny the waiver, howevever they have requested I have a psych consult done showing I am of sound mind, and once that document is submitted my waiver approved. Seattle, Washington(WA), 98106. However, they are only generally allowed in the waiting area and are not allowed in any testing area. But, also implies that there is some sort of tension between him and the superior officer at the recruiting office. The Oath of Enlistment Ceremony, or Swearing In Ceremony, takes place at the MEPS office. I was then further questioned about these markings, which i unfortunately could give no answer to the story behind them and was redirected to the doctor who then took a look at them. Im not worried about failing the psych evaluation because I have no history of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, etc. This process is done by visiting various stations in which you will perform medical and physical testing as well as completing questionnaires. Each branch has certain requirements regarding medical history, height and weight and physical requirements. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. NavyDoc, I was on house arrest and just released from jail and visited the Dr. for dealing with anxiety/panic attacks. Feb 21, 2020. Their MEPS physical must include a psychiatric consultation. Thanks, DD Form 93 e-Signature Process 9-10 60 Sometimes because of to much paperwork the military misses on great people. The Mental Health Intake & Evaluation Forms describe background information, basic medical history and current functioning (such as mood and thought processes) needed for the intake process. Not sure what else they could want to prove he doesnt have ashma and was misdiagnosed as a kid. On examination, they thyroid has decreased minimally and is now 1-1/2 times normal size. 2. I am not sure how it works with MEPS vs the physical I had at the branch clinic at NASP, but they said I was good to go and given PQ (by a NAMI flight surgeon no less), but after my processor uploaded my physical to whoever gives final approval on that stuff, they came back a couple days later saying I needed a waiver for retained hardware (which was being recommended and not an issue) as well as one for PRK which also should not be a problem but was held up because I had to wait a week before my 6 month wait was up to get my last followup. You will be asked on items such as previous medical history, procedures and drug use. All individuals looking to join the Armed Forces will be required to attend a Military Entrance Processing Station. Once you arrive at MEPS you will receive identification tags and complete identification processing. If you have been psychologically or physically dependent upon drugs or alcohol, recruiting personnel may request a Commander, Navy Recruiting Command eligibility determination when the pre-service dependency has been resolved in such a way that there is little likelihood that such behavior will recur. I've never lied about any medical issues, because I've never had any. They've discharged pilots for less, and at a time like this with the economy and government shakedown that's happening, I wouldn't be jeopardizing a potential career (and a freaking awesome one that others would kill for, mind you) over putting details on paper that likely have no affect on the overall outcome. Specifically someone who has self harmed. I will request those immediately and let you know what the papers say. Early in the day you will be asked to take the ASVAB test. If youre motivated, try it! What they ask depends on what you say. They are broken into Western Sector and Eastern Sector Battalions. Its the only advice i have left. For some tests, such as blood pressure, you could be asked to see a private health care professional to get separate readings and potential evaluation on why it is high. My situation was a little different. MEPS forwarded my physical and all documentation to the Surgeon General's Office for a waiver. Son recently PDQd for allergies and Athsma. Guess your location is less "fail" happy than mine, seems this one has their main priority at finding something to fail you on. Although I agree, this does sound odd, I truly was never aware of these marks or the circumstances of which I recieved them, and have no story to them, and was completely unaware of their existence until the woman in the exam room pointed them out and had me squish up my arm to be able to view them. I am currently 16 years old and i want to join out of high school. Military Selection and Psychological Testing Today - Military psychology can be described as the study of behavior of people working within the Armed Forces' context. I am more confused now. Over the past couple of years, I have received a large number of emails asking me about the waiver process for medical issues. Recent thyroid labs were drawn and came back normal as they have been for years now. Not meeting height requirements for your branch of service will result in a permanent disqualification. If your recruiter doesnt think its worth it, get a new recruiter. First off, I have some suggestions for what to bring to a Consult, regardless of what type. There is a stable subcentimeter cyst in inferior pole. But what about the other branches? Your weight will be measured in underwear, rounded to the nearest pound. As a reminder Tyler has been on the same dose of levoxyl for last 9 years. Your email address will not be published. I touch a bit more on the MEPS Eye Consult Process in depth, and . The response I received back was vague and the recruiter said he actually never looked at it He went on to say that it wasnt something I should concern myself with; that my paperwork requesting a waiver (for aforementioned issue) was sent. We were sent to our own doctor for a Pft which came back cleared. Just be honest and up front. How a psych eval works, and lastly being in the Delayed Entry Program. When your job has been chosen, you have completed your Pre-Enlistment Interview and signed your contract, you will take your Oath of Enlistment. My recruiter has never heard of such a thing, and is debating if its worth trying to pass. Which I did and the liaison explained to me the paperwork that I have to give to my recruiter who is supposed to then send it in as a request for the waiver. How long does it take? Is this PDQ? Pre-screening at MEPS. Im just worried about them not accepting me. We are also not the ones deciding if you will be disqualified from service for a condition, or if you can get a waiver for it. To me a waste of resources are the recruiters that dont want to try. If they do give them, it will be entirely based on what the story is. He has remained on thyroid pills, he is currently on Levoxyl 50 ug daily. And I walked in, I sat down, they gave me a piece of paper that said: Kid, I went up there, I said, Shrink, I want to kill. My ASVAB score is in the 80s and I went to MEPS. applicant for further psychological evaluation. Specializes in military nursing. This test is sometimes taken in High Schools or prior to attending MEPS. Who do I speak with if I believe my recruiter and the recruiter office isnt taking this as seriously as I am? If you do not meet certain qualifications such as weight or body fat you will be given a date to return to MEPS and must meet the qualification at that point. I can make a fist, grab a pin, and lift weights all the time so my grip strength is generally pretty good. A complete physical will be done on all individuals. As suggested, I asked my recruiter for a copy of my 2808. Military selection is a branch of military psychology. Learn more about MEPS. Its been about 9 months with waiting and records and all the paperwork that has needed to be done. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Any help or advice is appreciated, I haven't found much about this online. Your recruiter will ask you roughly 75 questions regarding previous medical conditions and injuries. How can I get my recruiter and the recruiter office to be moreproactive about this? Welcome to the Northern Ireland Assembly web site, which was set up to inform interested viewers of the day-to-day business and historical background of devolved Government in Northern Ireland. Didnt feel too good about it. Check-In/Out (Applicant Tracking) Process 9-7 57 . To dispel a myth, Navy Recruiting does not use the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) to make recommendations for an individuals physical/psychological condition to enter enlisted Naval service. I have no pain whatsoever and I have no physical limitations. I want to see, Blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! This is not their first go-around with an applicant with a mental health history. Perhaps, a person needs intensive treatment for cancer or elective surgery to . What does someone like me do in a situation like this? to the empployees was very informative. Tests are considered abnormal if the Systolic measurement is above 140mmHg and the Diastolic measurement greater than 90mmHg. My recruiters boss doesnt think its worth the resources. This does not mean that you will or will not get a waiver. I wanted to give you an update. Es ridculo que t ______ (tener) un resfriado en verano. Each branch has a minimum score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). Applicants are tested on depth perception and will be required to complete further testing if you fail portions of the test or any other test covered in this section. Upon arrival at MEPS, candidates complete an aptitude and physical exam to determine military readiness. I want to serve for my country. I have no other medical problems and never have, not so much as a broken bone in my past. Applicants are encouraged to make use of AHRQ'S Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) or the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). My recruiter wants that in for but hospital disposed of that info. So regardless of what they ask you, be honest. Its been about a month since my most recent surgery, and the thumb does not seem to bend that well. It also depends on how prepared you are and if you have taken your ASVAB test prior to attending MEPS. 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meps psych consult process

meps psych consult process

meps psych consult process

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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meps psych consult process