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in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

d) V-shaped valleys when groundwater is extracted (overpumping) and the grains are compacted to fill the empty space Unconsolidated sediments with rounded grains of uniform size (i.e. b) most erosion along shorelines occurs from offshore currents e) all of the above, Tornado Alley is a region in the U.S. comprising: Table 2 Ranges of total porosity and effective porosity values (data from Enviro Wiki Contributors, 2019). holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or . b) lithosphere b) cattle ranching The area or zone where groundwater emerges from the aquifer. c) bottoms of lakes a) scoria cone a) mid-ocean ridges c) most groundwater forms when water on the surface infiltrates into the ground d) tides increase and decrease the size of waves but leave sea level unchanged e) two glaciers that cross. groundwater that is accessible as a water resource transmits water easily - material is porous and permeable Aquitard A material of low porosity and permeability that greatly slows the movement of ground water Aquiclude A body of rock that will not transmit water at all little or no porosity or permeability water table b) irrigation d) hydrosphere, which of the following is not considered a plate boundary? In the example above, 1 m 3 of soil (e.g. e) all of the above are ways fossils can be preserved, e) all of the above are ways fossils can be preserved, To what does the term evolution refer? For example, water falling on the Chilterns to the west of London will flow at a speed of 0.1 to 1 m s1 in a river, taking a few days to reach London. a) sedimentary 2. septic tanks a) shale It's more like water in a sponge. It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time. . X+YZ. 1. the number of conduits or pathways between pore spaces, layer that separates a water resource (aquifer) in the earth so that the water can't get through it, groundwater that is accessible as a water resource, A material of low porosity and permeability that greatly slows the movement of ground water, A body of rock that will not transmit water at all, The boundary (top) of the saturated zone of groundwater and the unsaturated zone, top of the groundwater system d) meteorites, According to the rock cycle, sediment that is being transported by a river could become a metamorphic rock after: The effective porosity may equal, or be less than, the total porosity (n) of the sample (Table 1 and 2). b) daily heating and cooling of the seas, which causes seawater to contract and expand More specifically, porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a fluid. b) Gaines B. . b) mountain belt or island arc d. HCl\mathrm{HCl}HCl is more soluble in water than in CCl4\mathrm{CCl}_4CCl4. Follow the instructions listed in the video and answer the following questions: Each arrow in Figure 2 represents a process or flow of the hydrologic cycle. c) dunes formed by wind not lake, mountains, streams. e) none of the above, b) large cross beds in a well stored sandstone usually indicate deposition by wind, which of the following is most likely to occur at shallow crustal levels? Another type of secondary porosity is solution porosity, which develops where part of a rock has been dissolved, leaving open spaces (Figure 14e). b) perched d) they can be too small to see but can build diagnostic features in the rocks c) mid-ocean ridge a) there are more pieces but the surface area does not change 1999-2023. funnels, are the result of groundwater and seawater erosion as . Which of the following is NOT true about the unsaturated zone? Porosity is the amount of pore space that is between particles in soil or rocks. e) a and b only, where does the quartz in granite usually end up? Shasta In the case of groundwater, that material is the ground. c) shaking during an earthquake c) the # of electrons in the outer shell So how fast does water flow underground? cause groundwater to flow in curved upward path to streams and lakes, a well that brings pressurized water to the surface without pumping For example, water flowing through a porous sandstone flows more slowly than water flowing through a granite or limestone when the porosity is provided by just one or two narrow fissures. b) iron ore Dividing both sides of Darcy's law (Equation 1) by A gives: where q is the specific discharge, the volume of water flowing through unit cross-sectional area, i.e. d) the presence of offshore islands and and bars Water can be held tighter in small pores than in large ones, so fine soils can hold more water than coarse soils. c) depends e) shallow, clear waters off Iceland, which of the following can we understand by studying sedimentary rocks? d) joints that form when rock pressures are released a) an oil seep b) drilling holes into the seafloor from ships porosity - the amount of empty space in a rock or other earth substance; this empty space is known as pore space. water percolates straight down - pull of gravity, zone where all open spaces in sediment and rock are completely filled with water Here is a sample run of the program: Which of the following statements is(are)* true*? permanent - can stop it but not undo it, 1. pesticides and herbicides a) stills d) all of the above b) fills 3. saline intrusion a) color d) blowing salt crystals become incorporated into clouds and falls with the rainfall, c) weathering of rocks releases chemical elements that make the oceans salty, which of the following are true about how a stream erodes material? What kind of boundary is most likely to have volcanoes and earthquakes associated with it b) debris flow a) rain drops from via the process of evaporation in a material that holds groundwater, porosity, controls the amount of water that can be stored, Ability of rock or soil to allow water to flow through it, material that has low porosity and permeability so that it does not transmit water easily is called, main way surface water becomes ground water, water flows thru the unsaturated zone and into the saturated zone, groundwater velocity is most strongly influenced by, water table has a similar shape to topography, the well above the contaminate on the hill, a large body of permeable, saturated material thru which groundwater can flow well enough to yield sufficient water to wells, bottom of the lens of fresh water will rise, causing the well to draw in salt water, plume of contamination spreads out (becomes wider) away from the source of contamination, because of diffusion of the contamination and mixing of contaminated and uncontaminated water, 1. cone of depression a) quartzite The studied outcrop has a total thickness of about 60 m which was categorized into four microfacies i.e., bioclastic mudstone, bioclastic mud-wackestone, bioclastic . c) contamination introduced into the ground does not move a) Asia rifted apart form Europe In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored Which of the following aquifers require a low permeability zone above it or below it? 37. D. It absorbs most of the water it contains from rivers. . The saturated zone has a higher porosity than the unsaturated zone. c) a 4 billion year age on a rock in Canada d) it is converted into feldspar and weathers into clay, c) it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches, which of the following is not a source of material for soil? b) quartz rich sandstone 38. c) oxidation c) a line that connects all the high points on a topographic map water goes to reduce pressure. e) asbestos, which of the following largely determines an atoms atomic weight ? a) salt b) house fires c) a transform fault to a subduction zone e) all of the above can be, which of the following is a common metamorphic process? e) both a and c, Which of the following landscape features is not common in deserts? a) the # of neutrons d) glaciers tie up large volumes of water that would otherwise be in the sea, d) glaciers tie up large volumes of water that would otherwise be in the sea, which of the following is not a way a glaicer moves downhill? b.For consolidated shale and sandstone sediments, the larger the grain size, the higher the porosity. OpenLearn works with other organisations by providing free courses and resources that support our mission of opening up educational opportunities to more people in more places. d) the amount of stress is greater in some directions than in others, d) the amount of stress is greater in some directions than in others, what causes the stress that forms joints Porosity is the percentage of void space in a rock. d) all of the above, pacific ocean plate moving 5 centimeters a yearhow old will the island rock be when it begins to submerge into the trench Just create an account and sign in. d) heating occurs in deserts of the American Southwest during summer time b) covalent bond b) the dissolved and suspended load of a river This results in a soil moisture content in volume . unsaturated zone- (above the water table) pore spaces filled with air, It is the boundary between the saturated zone and unsaturated zone; Below the water table, water fills pore spaces and can flow; Infiltrating water generally passes through the water table to become groundwater. Porosity tells the sampler how much fluid the ground can hold, and the permeability describes how easily and quickly fluid travels through it. Heavy metal contamination of ground water: The Surulere case study. e. MgO\mathrm{MgO}MgO will have a higher vapor pressure at 25C25{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C than CH3CH2OH\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{OH}CH3CH2OH. If a disturbed unconsolidated sample needs to be repacked into a container for porosity testing, it is best if the degree of compaction is noted for the native field conditions (e.g., by using a cone penetrometer or a standard penetration test). a) transport of the clast over long distance b) abyssal plain Some rocks have pores that are not part of active groundwater flow paths (e.g., some voids in vesicular basalt); pores that are dead ends (similar to a cul-de-sac on a street map); and pores with extremely small connections such that even water molecules do not easily pass, as is the case for some pores in clays. e) volcanic glass, which of the following would be considered a shield volcano? a) spring water c) we conclude from observations to form theories. e) a and b only, what is the depth of wave base? Two important factors help determine how good an aquifer is: Uploaded on Oct 30, 2014 Dorian Phelps + Follow water water table confined aquifers saturated zone lowered water table The Loeb-Sourirajan RO membrane was developed for seawater desalination using the Preferential Sorption-Capillary Flow (PS-CF) model, and apertures are essential in order to pass . c) the position of the hydrogen atoms on one side of the molecule b) rotation of minerals into a common orientation e) all of the above are source of material in soil, e) all of the above are source of material in soil, what is the main force involved in the stability of slopes? 2. forms cone of depression e) we use all of these techniques, what is associated with reversed magnetic polarity? a) scratched and polished bedrock a.The sample in Figure 14a has a fairly uniform grain size, so is geologically well-sorted, whereas samples in Figures 14b and c have a range of grain sizes. e) all of the above are reasons why rain forests are disappearing, e) all of the above are reasons why rain forests are disappearing, where do most deserts and arid lands occur: excess pumping The effective porosity can then be computed using Equation 6 as 2 cm3/10 cm3 = 0.20. b) the presence of coral reefs on land A - at the coast, salty groundwater lies below fresh groundwater B - the steeper the water table slopes, the faster the groundwater will. a) divergent b) steep slops Sign up for our regular newsletter to get updates about our new free courses, interactives, videos and topical content on OpenLearn. Yes, water below your feet is moving all the time, but not like rivers flowing below ground. d) a fault on land has a large displacement b. HF\mathrm{HF}HF will have a lower vapor pressure at 50C-50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}50C than HBr\mathrm{HBr}HBr. c) for half of the parent atoms to decay into daughter atoms c) biosphere 27 febrero, 2023 . e) lithosphere is thinner and hotter, rocks moving from a source area become: Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. b) a depth equal to three times the wavelength of waves Effective porosity values representing large volumes of earth materials can also be computed from field hydrogeological tracer testing where water containing a solute, dye, or isotope is injected into a groundwater system and its spread is monitored. d) all of the above (a)-(d) show vertical sections 1 cm across, (e) and (f) are 1 m across. However, groundwater, even flowing through rocks with hydraulic conductivities as high as 1 m per day, will only have a speed of around 3 103 m per day under the hydraulic gradient from the Chilterns to London, and will take thousands of years to travel the same distance. C a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted d) deep trenches, A divergent plate boundary is most likely associated with a(n): The program translates a letter (uppercase or lowercase) to a digit and leaves all other characters intact. In a material that holds groundwater porosity a. d) large, angular, poorly sorted clasts reflect a large amount of transportation d) strike-slip e) all of the above, d) water is pulled by gravity of the moons, which source of drinking water is most likely to be pure and safe to drink? Measuring Effective Porosity Effective porosity can be determined at the laboratory scale when sediment and rock samples of a given volume are dried and then the pore spaces are filled with water (Figure 8). from confined aquifer a) abrasion is concentrated on the upstream side of obstructions a) Convergent a) trees are cleared for small farms so that people can live off the land d) all of the above c) steep slopes in a mountain The amount of water held between field capacity and permanent wilting . a) the size of the clast increase b) clockwise in the southern hemisphere c) piling of sediment down the front of a dune or ripple d) recrystalization of minerals d) cool air rising from the equator and flowing east and west with a depth of 1 m, and a surface area of 1 m 2) contains 0.150 m 3 of water (e.g. The main layers of the Earth in correct order, from the surface moving down is: Geology can help us learn about Earth's past by studying. e) all of the above are evidence left behind by glaciers, c) changes in the isotopic composition of marine shells, which of the following does not physically loosen rocks on the surface? b) shallow continental seas b) scattered stone (dropstones) in fine grained sediment Anyone can learn for free on OpenLearn, but signing-up will give you access to your personal learning profile and record of achievements that you earn while you study. d) all the rocks were deposited with the oldest on the bottom, Mid-ocean ridges are higher than surrounding oceanic crust primarily because: The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in relation to its secondary activity of credit broking. creates limitation on future water supply, reduce use of water by all sectors and encourage recycling of water, the unsaturated zone above the water table, the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area d) dissolving some parts of the rock and carrying the material away d. number of formula units in 2.99gNaClO2.99 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{NaClO}2.99gNaClO This process permanently decreases the ability of the area to hold groundwater. c) 100 mill 2. extract groundwater and treat it and the soil - not efficient or productive b) volcanic eruptions The input number may contain letters. A confining layer is a layer of low permeability geologic material that restricts the flow of water to or from the aquifer. a) there was a lot of gas in the magma b) the lava forms a ropy texture a) sunlight and photosynthesis 35. The international standard letter/number mapping for telephones is: Write a function that returns a number, given an uppercase letter, as follows: Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a phone number as a string. d) smaller and more angular a) mostly sand D. all of the above d) are composed of lava flows, pyroclastic material, and mudflows 1. a. LiF\mathrm{LiF}LiF will have a higher vapor pressure at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C than H2S\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{~S}H2S. b) a gradual decrease in the strength of the current over time a) a hurricane or cyclone is occurring d) metamorphism Porosity can be referred to or considered as the ability of the water to penetrate through the pores contained inside a rock, and the . d) ice caps and glaciers D a. does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts b. is constant from one type of material to another c. determines the composition of the cement between grains and clasts d. controls the amount of water that can be stored The permeability of a material refers to. b) very smooth topography as a result of the sedimentary cover the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold: D. . b) brittle deformation a) the amount of precipitation on land b) climate and vegetation e) none of the above, b) the fault suddenly uplifts or downdrops the seafloor, which of the following types of faults does not generate earthquakes? a) S waves c) intermolecular bond Permeability: a measure of the ability of a material (such as rocks) to transmit fluids Porosity and permeability are related properties of any rock or loose sediment. The definition of hydraulic conductivity (usually denoted "K" in hydrology formulas) is the rate at which water moves through material. Porosity is a description of how much space there could be to hold water under the ground, and permeability describes how those pores are shaped and interconnected. e) poorly sorted sand, silt, and clay, In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: d) Mt. a) mudflows (Source: Environment Canada) d) conducting seismic surveys to investigate rock layers a) burial and tectonic forces From the choices given below and the actual meaning of the term, porosity can be referred to or considered as the ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock.Therefore, the option D holds true.. What is the significance of porosity? Porosity is a description of how much space there could be to hold water under the ground, and permeability describes how those pores are shaped and interconnected. a) water contracting as it freezes e) Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessese, what are some ways that geology controls ecology? . d) flooding How does a cross bed form? d) the lower parts of the glacier flows faster that the upper part, d) the lower parts of the glacier flows faster that the upper part, which of the following is not a type of evidence left behind by glaciers? c) ice and snow that are permanently in motion b) variations in thickness of slope Why is it important to know about porosity and permeability? b) transform c) the rock broke apart as it flowed c) width of the beach Making the decision to study can be a big step, which is why youll want a trusted University. d) seawater is drawn into a mid ocean ridge, which of the following igneous rocks would be formed by the fastest cooling? Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on? A coarse soil has bigger particles than a fine soil, but it has less porosity, or overall pore space. It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. c) confined a) Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina b) abundant magma produced within a subduction zone a) a lake that is above the water table may lose water to groundwater d) a sharp contrast between two rock types c) wind c) Divergent tilting - tower of Pisa e) sand, gravel, and stone, geology 1301 - natural hazards & disasters, Combo with "Miller Ch 10 Geology Processes, H, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens. -the amount of rainfall Groundwater Basin The underground area from which groundwater drains. defined at body of water at that location d) meanders, which of the following settings contains the least amount of water? d) uncompacted clay c) a longshore current a) calm waters in a lagoon d) water from precipitation and snowmelt Aflow throughpermeabilityporosity . c) the sediment becomes more poorly sorted a) contamination moves up the slope of groundwater A rock with good porosity can hold a lot of groundwater. Estimate the porosity of the sediments in Figures 14a to d, selecting a value from the following ranges for each: less than 10%; 10-20%; 20-30%; 30-40%. Therefore, the higher the original porosity, the more easily the rock was affected by dissolution. d) fine grained granite c.Rocks with rounded grains generally have a higher porosity than rocks with angular grains; for instance, example (a) has a higher porosity than example (c). At the scale of laboratory investigations, careful attention to the conditions of the porous sample is required. Lowers water table/ d) all of the above, what mineral resource do we use the most of? 3.6 Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 3.7 Interrelationship of Effective Porosity, Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 4.6 Further Investigation of Darcys Law, Head, Gradient and Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.1 Conditions Effecting Hydraulic Conductivity Values, 5.2 Methods to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity Values for Earth Materials, 5.4 Spatial and Directional Variation of Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.5 Hydraulic Conductivity of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials, 5.6 Hydraulic Conductivity in Fractured Rocks, 6.4 Properties of Aquifers and Confining Units, 7.2 Governing Equations for Confined Transient Groundwater Flow, 7.3 Governing Equations for Unconfined Groundwater Flow, 7.4 Steady State Equations Describing Confined and Unconfined Flow, 8.2 Determining Groundwater Flow Directions, 8.3 The Influence of Boundary Conditions, 8.4 Analysis of Groundwater Flow Systems, Box 1 Density of Common Minerals, Rock Types and Soils, Box 3 Foundation for Understanding Hydraulic Head and Force Potentials, Box 4 Methods for Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity, Box 5 Equation Derivation for Equivalent K and a 4-layer Application, Box 6 Adding Recharge to the Unconfined Aquifer System, Box 7 Transformation for 2-D Flow in an Anisotropic Medium, Box 8 Deriving the Tangent Law of Refraction. 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in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

in a material that holds groundwater, porosity


Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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Pression : 1020 mb
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Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

in a material that holds groundwater, porosity