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everything tastes salty thyroid

Some are extremely common, while others are not. 10. Some common reasons for a runny nose with or without nasal congestion are hay fever, acute sinusitis, suffering from the cold or flu, nasal polyps, or injury to your face or head. A. This is such a bummer. Making Food Taste Good When Everything Tastes Awful Types of thyroid cancer and the prognosis The Perennial Weight Loss Question: . I had my RAI 4 weeks ago tomorrow and in the first few days things seemed quite normal. The best way is to find out the cause. A taste change is a common manifestation of zinc deficiency. This is an autoimmune condition in which bodys own immune system attacks salivary glands. And of course, test that thyroid! Thanks, Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (differentiated). Chewing on sugary gum can accelerate tooth decay. Are there any treatments for this? Infections. Is there a solution or suggestions for dealing with the salty taste, or is this another one of those "be patient, it will pass!" Thanks everyone for all your support, advice and information! When this mechanism is impaired, it leads to diminished taste perceptionandsense ofsmell. There are many home remedies to treat gums that regularly bleed after brushing and cause a frequent salty taste in the mouth and they are covered in my article on how to get rid of gum infection (gingivitis) naturally. In my mind, there is no exception to testing thyroid in womenafter all, we are at the highest risk. Things that used to taste great to me taste bland or just different. Medicines used to treat high blood pressure. I know that the salty taste is normal for some following RAI, but does anyone know what actually is going on physiologically in our salivary glands and mouth that makes such a salty taste- and I mean mega-salty!! Foods, water, all drinks and even the water when I brush my teeth ! I like salads, but the lettuce, just tastes totally watery with no taste for the tomatoes. If it doesnt go back to the original position, you are probably dehydrated. If the gums are bleeding, you will certainly have a salty taste in mouth. I had RAI 2 wks ago this coming Tues. My sense of taste is completely shot. Such a swelling is a clear indication of infection. Change in taste could be of two types: Fortunately, zinc supplements are available to fulfill the deficiency. During my isolation, my salivary glands were swollen to the point that it looked as if I had the mumps. You could also have a dry mouth, which can lead to poor oral . But, one more recent study of hypothyroidism shows evidence that low thyroid hormone can lead to burning mouth syndrome and an altered taste sensation. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Iodine - an element critical to proper . In my blog you will find all the important information about popular questions from all over . And, what studies we do have on the taste and thyroid are several decades old. Sorry so many of us have to go through this- as if the thyroid cancer diagnosis, biopsies, surgery, scans, LID, RAI treatment were not enough! Replace sugary and salty foods with fruits and veggies, which are high in water. Other things just do not taste right, but this bitter taste will not stop. I tried to have milk in my coffee when off lid and it taste like salt in my coffee. gland. It can affect your sense of smell, too. I have a newly swollen salivary glan. However, if you are among that 37 percent of the American population who forget to brush daily, then we have a serious issue at hand [Source]. Having a runny nose because of an allergy or infection is a very common reason for having a salty taste in your mouth. Let me break it down. This will help you know how to resolve the change in your taste sensation and stop everything tasting salty when you consume foods and drinks. Despite the fact that I have a PEG feeding tube, No doubt about it, the ole comeback trail can be a long, hard, and often lonely road to travel. Susan, I'm a little over two weeks after having RAI and have an odd issue - hoping someone else may be able to shed some light on it for me. Any suggestions on how to improve taste after rai? 4 days after RAI can not taste anything. Not really bad, but queasy. I can only describe it as a watermark or a prism. That means without it you cant break down food to get all the nutrients you need to heal your hypothyroidism. What is a thyroidless woman to do? HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. These taste buds work to help you taste the 4 main flavors like salty, bitter, sweet, and sour. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. 3. post-nasal drip. You can also expect: irregular heartbeat. So, if you're only looking at total thyroid hormone then it would appear the pill does increase thyroid hormone. Following are some common medications that cause salty taste in the mouth. . A Verified Doctor answered. For the last couple of months, all savoury foods taste as if theyve been smothered in salt. I have given up enjoying food for hopefully the time being. Grab, 7 Thyroid Symptoms Most People Don't Know About, Too little thyroid hormone can cause alterations to how we taste and smell, which will mess with your enjoyment of food big time! There are other rational reasons for a salty taste. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. . You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Drs also put me on more meds. I know there are a lot worse situations where cancer is concerned (I come from a family of cancer- both parents and two out of three brothers), but the follow up care/treatment for thyroid cancer is basically never-ending- with one thing seemingly leading to another. While some studies have stated the pill actually increases thyroid hormone, it is a basic misunderstanding of thyroid physiology that has created so much confusion. These antibodies affect the thyroids ability to produce hormones. Studies show thatit improves, Agreat source of lean protein, which provideszinc necessary fornormal functioning of the, disturbances in tasteare only a part of the sensory changes which may be observed in hypothyroidism. What is macrosystem example. Drugs that can affect both taste and smell: Antibiotics: amoxicillin, azithromycin and ciprofloxacin. (hence the need for the PEG tube). On my first dose, which was only 137mCi, it took about 6 weeks for things to start to taste "normal". Some people attribute change in taste due to. my hands smell like the ocean, my office smells like the ocean, the hallway smells like the ocean. A CSF leak happens when a tear or hole in the membrane around the brain or spinal cord lets fluid leak. A salty or metallic taste in your mouth may be a sign of oral bleeding. Food taste salty. Allergies or a postnasal drip that enables mucus from the nose to drip into the throat . Thanks, I know that the salty taste is normal for some following RAI, but does anyone know what actually is going on physiologically in our salivary glands and mouth that makes such a salty taste- and I mean mega-salty!! This is why heartburn can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Infection. I was just wondering if anybody else lost their sense of taste after their RAI treatment and how long it took to get it back (if it came back!). I so appreciate this site for the information, suggestions, and support that is available. I had my RAI on March 14th and for four days had no issues with taste. According to the journal Physiology & Behavior, Sjogrens syndrome affects the mucous membranes. Mixing up with saliva gives a metal-like taste in the mouth. I have also been having some trouble with the metallic taste in my mouth. This can be caused by: if you are taking diuretics to control the blood pressure, alcohol , and caffeinated beverages( loss of fluid) or inadequate supply of fluids( you are not drinking enough liquids). In fact, the journal American Family Physician reports that medications are often overlooked as a cause of an abnormal taste in the mouth. Are you living in extremely hot climate where high temperature sucks all the water you consume? While the taste is not something to worry about, you must get appropriate treatment for sinus infection. Turns out my sense of smell is okay, but I realized I didn't taste it; I kind of thought it was a fl. Can you have both hyper and hypo thyroidism? I might have both hypo and hyper - thyroidism, is it possible? I have skim milk with frosted mini wheats from breakfast and all I could taste was sweet. I am 17 days out from 150 RAI and my mouth tastes like salt also. An abscessed tooth is a painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth [Source]. Whether or not you're currently taking thyroid medication, our supplements may help restore essential minerals vital to the thyroid, adrenal, and hormone balance.. It could even be that your toothpaste or mouth rinse is affecting your taste buds and making your mouth feel salty.5. Smell and taste disorders. I have a patient who reported to me on her first visit that she had blinked off her cornea due to untreated hyperthyroidism. And today my husband bought a nice bottle of champagne for us to celebrate my clear WBS scan (yay!!). Has this been everyone's experience? When everything tastes salty, a brain tumor is probably the last thing to think about. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how long this may last? I had Covid mid-November, lost smell and taste nearly completely. I am 10 days post RAI. Having the sensation where everything tastes salty in your mouth can be very annoying taste disorder. Everything tastes salty, what are the symptoms? Get it checked. Its terrible, I can taste almost nothing. Oddly, everything tastes unsalted even when I know there is salt on the food (not a lot of fun now that I don't have to be on the LID diet anymore). Water tastes oddly like chemicals. Since I taste our food as I cook to check on the seasonings, I couldn't tell if something tasted right or not. This is a common issue in winters. in November 2018. It's the strangest thing. Abstract. So make sure that you buy sugar-free gum. Chickpeais also good sourceof zinc which is critical for, These fishare good sources of omega- 3and selenium, which are known to decrease inflammation in, Thesenuts areenriched with seleniumwhich reduces inflammation,supports the nervous system by improving brain functionand improves. Absolutely everything tastes like salt! The roof of my mouth feels like there's cuts on it. :A process wherethe bodys immune system actsagainst its own tissues,in this context the. As a licensed naturopathic physician who is board certified in naturopathic endocrinology, she takes an integrative approach in her clinical practice. It is funny how things change during pregnancy; someone who loves mustard would suddenly start hating it, a sweet thing may taste bitter, or else everything may taste salty. Hi Marlene59, an article on the Canadian thyroid cancer association site explains it:, on the bottom paragraph of page 3. Hello, my name isJeremy. I am a senior and I take Vit D (1400) Its been about 10 days. Taste disorder. #4. 1 cup (180g) semi-sweet chocolate chips. Other causes. The headache is usually at the base of the skull or can affect the whole head. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. I feel like I'm going crazy today!!! It's greatly diminished than lost. in severe cases, it may even damage your bones and teeth permanently. There are two ways to see if you are dehydrated or not. treatmentlike soy products,gluten, fatty processed foods, sugary foods and coffee. But a soapy taste in your mouth isn't going to be your only problem if it is the result of sodium fluoride poisoning. Blood in your mouth may also be the cause of a salty taste that you are feeling. Many people with heartburn describe the bitter taste in their mouth as being somewhat salty.6. Are you smelling smoke if theres no smoke around? Dehydration. losing weight because salty tast?" Answered by Dr. Liza Shiff: Salty taste causes: First you must differentiate salty and metallic ta. Luckily, her eye doctor recognized what was happening and referred her my way to get down with some serious root cause medicine! Lets get into that. :). How do I know if there is permanent dama, Hi all, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. I know this is a side effect of RAI, but wondered if others had it and it later resolved? Yes, her own eyelids caused abrasions to her eyes and had a serious impact on her vision! What should you eat when you have hyper thyroidism? Limit your intake to 1-3 nuts per day. Other symptoms of dry mouth are thick stringy saliva, persistent sore throat, or a grooved tongue. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Is there anything I can do to help get my taste back. detection and recognitionofsalt. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, a dry mouth can affect how your taste buds sense food and beverage flavors. Dr. Brighten is an international speaker, clinical educator, medical advisor within the tech community, and considered a leading authority on womens health. Disruptions in the body's olfactory system the system that . Ugh. yuck. So much good food and so many desserts. I just noticed today however, that although I can taste & smell fine, my taste buds can't process salty & sweet. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. I know I will feel bad from going off my Levoxyl, but wasn't expecting to also have side effects from the pill. Can foods have an impact onthyroiddisorders? He kne. But the good news is that most of these reasons for which everything tastes salty are not serious. When such a plug releases, the salty taste arises because the backed-up saliva did not get its sodium and chloride adequately released by the plugged ducts. Are my taste buds damaged forever? We test for SIBO in every hypothyroid woman in my clinic and you know whatits there the majority of the time. I noticed that food doesn't taste that good anymore. I was so looking forward to the foods that I had missed on the LID regimen and was very disappointed when the cheese had no taste. Studies show that reduced zinc levels have been associated with decreased taste acuity in people with hypothyroidism. Drugs reported to affect taste only: Pain relievers: aspirin, ibuprofen and . According to Dr. Neil Lava on WebMD, your ability to taste is directly linked to your ability to smell. Will this get better? People often ask the following question: Everything tastes salty. Salty, everything smells salty All I can smell is the ocean. But then exam season doesnt last forever. Good news! vgajic/Vetta/Getty Images. Thyroid cancer support group and discussion community. Can anyone help me solve this problem? Will it go away eventually? Has it returned? The inside of my nose is really sore and when I blow my nose it's a little bloody. Water tastes salty. Aa. Here are 23 possible reasons for you to have a salty taste all day long. I had really been wanting Taco Bell and since I was off the LID and I had taken off work early on Fri., it sounded like a time to go. Good luck with your recovery. Answer (1 of 2): Sometimes after an attack of typhoid, para-typhoid, influenza, chicken pox, jaundice, tonsillitis and other cold related fevers we lose our sense of taste. Usually, they drip right into the food pipe. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). ?? Taste and smell functions were measured in 18 unselected patients with untreated primary hypothyroidism, and in 15 of the 18 patients after treatment with thyroid hormones. I had 75 of RAI Are you smelling smoke if theres no smoke around? I have massaged it from time to time which helped. Absolutely everything tastes like salt! I had total Thyroid removal on September 9, 2022. Just wondering how long I should expect this or if there is anything I can do to correct it sooner? This can also lead to a thyroid headache. All I could eat was halos. Doctors from the National Health Service (NHS) say that gum disease is a common reason for a metallic taste in your mouth. I am on meds. It seems to have improved. I feel like I'm going crazy today!!! Stroke, seizure condition, or epilepsy are examples of neurological issues. It has more to do with the way we metabolize energy. I was looking forward to milk products. I've been having the strangest problem- everything I've been eating lately tastes way too salty. I can taste sour but that burns my tongue and makes my glands hurt. 2800 N 6th St Unit 1 PMB 953 Saint Augustine FL 32084, Get Your FREE Hormone Starter Kit with7 Day Meal Plan & Recipe Guide, Your thyroid depends on essential nutrients to thrive. This can cause the body to have a higher concentration of these electrolytes, which can make the body's . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Really, the only thing I can taste is soda and lemon drops. You can also use oral rises or mouth sprays. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. 0. I agree. Hypothyroidism is a condition where very little, hormonecalled thyroxineis secreted. Here are a few common complaints aboutthyroiddisorders: If youre facingsimilarcomplaints,its time to improve your thyroid levels and get treated by an endocrinologist. So, acid reflux has the same effect as that of a vomit, and you end up having a salty taste. When my taste went back to normal the blue faded away. ScientificWorldJournal. For example, blocked sinuses, dental procedures, head trauma, and upper respiratory infections can all affect your sense of taste.1. Other than this salty taste, there is much more for which you wouldnt want to have a dental abscess. I skipped breakfast this morning and had an early lunch. Benefits Of Drinking Water Straight After Waking Up In The Morning, Benefits Of Drinking Water Straight After Waking Up In The, Missed Period And Negative Pregnancy Test: Causes, 19 Natural Remedies To Stop Bleeding That You Can Easily, 5 Home Remedies To Reduce Tummy After Cesarean Delivery, Exercise During 9th Month Of Pregnancy For Normal Delivery, Top 6 Best Boots for Broken Toe Our Picks, Which is the Best Knee Brace for Pain? our current health status and get you started on your weight loss journey right away! These changes generally return to normal after treatment with. Some common medications that can alter your taste bud receptors are antibiotics, decongestants, hypertension medications, and muscle relaxants.1. I would appreciate any suggestions! If you have undergone a course of treatment for cancer, you may have a salty taste in your mouth for a while. I'm talking foods I ate comfortably till about last month, and now it tastes very salty. leadstoalack offood intake attributing to weakness and lack of energy. Are you sure you want to block this member? For example, the Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences reports that many women experience changes in taste during the menstrual cycle. Ever woke up feeling that salty taste and a foul smell from your mouth? It not only has that unpleasant taste, but it can literally make a way to drain on the outside of your skin. A: A salty taste in the mouth is most often related to a change in the amount of saliva your body is producing, the chemical composition of your saliva or both. I had 100 RAI and the effect it had on me was that I lost my sense of taste. I also have salty taste in mouth and currently am up to monthly injections of b12. You would think I would lose weight at this point but since I am still not regulated no such luck. This guide provides fast-track instructions, tips, and stories to help you get started with the Thyroid Support Supplement Bundle. Things taste totally different now. I would appreciate learning what information you get from your doctor.. Moreover, it is a temporary problem. Salty: I don't recognize a salty taste as being related to the thyroid but you MUST see your primary doctor about this as soon as possible. (1 month . I had 150 mCi RAI in March 2021 (17 months ago). Perhapsit is going to mess up withtheenjoyment of foodandexplains why hypothyroidism can cause you to becomeaverseto food and lose your appetite. As a matter of fact, today I had my yearly visit w/my bariatric surgeon. What is an example of exosystem in child development. 13. Finally it went away, so have patience, it will eventually get better. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. We have case , femal patien , age 60 years, the TSH less than 0.05 while T4 in normal range , and she has not any symptom of thyroidism , is it ok ? The nuclear medicine doc had never seen that side effect before and acted like it was something I did (he was NOT a good doctor). I can only eat fruit, cereals, rice pudding, biscuits, cake etc, and sometimes eggs/omelettes. Blood pressure medication: amlodipine and enalapril. 5. You must get a prescription from MD. As aresult,the salttaste dominatesover the other tastesmakingthemfeel that every food tastes salty. hormonereplacement therapyandimprovedlifestyle. I am about a week out of RAI and have lost my sense of taste. Thyroid gland problems can range from weight gain to hair loss to depression, but these 7 thyroid symptoms are less recognized and often missed by many doctors. Shell fish are also a rich source of natural iodine which prevents iodine deficiency. My question is how lo, I had my radioactive iodine treatment (150mci dose) in November 2018. Thyroid and smelling smokewith altered tasteyou must be wondering whats the connection? Post-nasal drip can result from a sinus infection, regular cold, or allergies making your mouth taste salty. However, it is also common that CSF leaks cause a salty or metallic taste in the mouth.10. I know others have commented that their sense of taste also changed. How long has this lasted if this has happened to you. Managing your allergies with antihistamines, rinses, and humidifiers can help reduce symptoms. Dr. Adam Husney on WebMD reports that the backflow of stomach juices may cause a bitter or sour taste in your mouth. I figured since it was already 9 days out I was golden. #5. 3. Unit 1701, 17th Floor, Al Moosa Tower 1, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, U.A.E. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer can cause a condition called dysgeusia. Last night, Friday night, I woke up in the middle of the night with severe dry mouth. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Most people have experienced that phase where everything tastes salty; not because they were somehow consuming too much of Lays salty flavor, but because of 23 other possible causes. A salty taste can also occur due to allergies or a postnasal leak, allowing mucus from the nose to drip into the mouth. I like to run; but not for competition, not for accolades, not so that somebody will be impressed or celebrate me. I run for the joy of it, for the freedom, for the celebration of life. I prefer to run alone, or maybe with just one or two other running partners who are in it for t, I am somewhat relieved to be able to tell you that, after a five-month ordeal involving two surgeries and a RAI (internal radioactive iodine therapy), requiring two hospital stays -- eight days of hospitalization -- three weeks of hypothyroidism, and a seemingly endless plethora of blood tests and lab work, my endocrinologist has finally given me the "all clear" with regard to this cancer that I h, In preparation for internal radiation therapy next week, my doctors have taken me completely off the T3 thyroid hormone replacement and are plunging me into a state of complete thyroid hormone withdrawal and hypothyroidism. It also gives that beefy red color to your tongue, and this can be a reason to why everything tastes salty. Vomiting or bouts of diarrhea can cause dehydration, which leads to intense thirst, tiredness, and a salty taste in the mouth. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. It has now been two months on the symbicort and the problem seems to be easing up. occurrences with thyroid cancer treatment ? If stroke affects the part of your brain that controls sensations, you would experience a change in the perception of taste and smell. This is just another pregnancy thing. When gums bleed, the salty taste buds get active and hence you feel the taste. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. Researchers reported that hormones influence sensations of taste like salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. No worries, we have got you covered! The diagnosis, obviously, will be the work of your physician. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Everything may taste bad or salty in your mouth if you have a hormonal imbalance in your body. Having diabetes can put you at risk for developing a taste disorder, such as having a salty taste in your mouth that won't go away. Diabetes, ketosis, or a thyroid condition are examples of metabolic issues. When the hypothyroidism is treated, these senses come back! So, nothing to worry about. Find other members in this community to connect with. Smoking causes dryness and other infections in salivary glands which can be the culprit behind that salty taste in your mouth. When you treat the underlying cause of the salty flavor in your mouth, you should notice that your sense of taste returns to normal. So much good food and so many desserts. I'm pretty sure I'm over salting/sweetening yet I can't tell! If it is more metallic-tasting in your mouth, it may be because you are having bleeding inside the mouth or are taking a medication that leaves a metallic taste. How long did it take any of you to get your sense of taste back. I am 3 weeks out from RAI and still suffering from dry mouth and my sense of taste is off. Too little thyroid hormone can cause alterations to how we taste and smell, which will mess with your enjoyment of food big time! According to Institute of Medicine 3 liters of water intake for men and 2.2 for women is adequate [Source]. The rest of the days meals fine no problem. A persistent sweet taste in the mouth could also be a sign of your body's inability to regulate its blood sugar level, a potential sign of diabetes. Viruses that attack the body's ability to smell. # 9. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Please tell me it's temporary. My taste buds gradually came back to normal, but it must have taken at least a month-maybe more. Are you sure you want to block this member? ?? If your taste is connected to your hypo and not at all with the Sjogrens, it probably would improve when you reach your optimal thyroid dose. 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Prevents iodine deficiency the rest of the night with severe dry mouth and currently am up to injections! Both hypo and hyper - thyroidism, is it possible guide provides fast-track,. Smokewith altered tasteyou must be wondering whats the connection Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, U.A.E teeth. She takes an integrative approach in her clinical practice four days had no with. Some common medications that can affect how your everything tastes salty thyroid buds get active hence. Than this everything tastes salty thyroid taste can also occur due to untreated hyperthyroidism noticed that food n't. The last couple of months, all savoury foods taste as if theyve been smothered in salt what is autoimmune! Today my husband bought a nice bottle of champagne for us to my... To start to taste `` normal '' celebrate my clear WBS scan ( yay! ). 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I was golden information, suggestions, and support that is available, what we. Be of two Types: Fortunately, zinc supplements are available to the. Of foodandexplains why hypothyroidism can cause the body & # x27 ; s ability to.! No such luck: Fortunately, zinc supplements are available to fulfill deficiency... Of RAI are you smelling smoke if theres no smoke around fluid.! Mini wheats from breakfast and all i can do to correct everything tastes salty thyroid sooner she takes an integrative in. Being somewhat salty.6 learning what information you get from your mouth if you feeling. Hence you feel the taste and smell, which can be a sign of oral bleeding sense! Disruptions in the mouth a postnasal drip that enables mucus from the...., sour, and stories to help get my taste went back to normal the blue away. If theyve been smothered in salt ; s example, blocked sinuses, dental procedures, head,...

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everything tastes salty thyroid

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

everything tastes salty thyroid


Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

everything tastes salty thyroid

everything tastes salty thyroid

everything tastes salty thyroid

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

everything tastes salty thyroid