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ellen degeneres here and now transcript

There are a lot of children that it would impact a lot of kids would be helped by that, you know, and [crowd cheers and clap] Its not just actorsand actresses. We need smart people. Because looking back on it, I was the only dude and I was a senior in high school trying to try out for an all-girl dance team. [crowd laughs] [claps] Where do you get your riboflavin? Its hard to be vegan. But I think that one thing that we all do, that Ive noticed that is We all have our song, right. It was really, really special. Sidewalks have cracks, and if you step on a crack, you break your mother's back. Im And Im kind, Im a good person. [background song in the video] And then I sent her this. Only when you hit the dance floor, will you dance. [crowd laughs] How did you get in here, anyway?" Yeah . I roll it real tight. -Yes one in the hand is worth two in the bush. Why do you call it the hand? Im sweatin in the drawers, yeah, hard and long, yeah. Some of the nicer restaurants have the bathroom attendants in there which is aI dont understand how that job gotstarted. And I'm like "I'm getting a mammogram. You know, like, were gonna go home later that night lying in bed talking: I still cant get over that waiter. There was a woman trying to get on theplane with a peacock the other day. Yeah, I really do. She established The Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund to save the mountain gorillas. You buy a ladder when youre an adult. He had only a dollar. Yeah. I journaled and I wrote poetry. I did not. I know you dont think thats as important but it really is. Ellen Degeneres: (02:02) It was filmed at the Beacon Theatre on Broadway in New York City, New York on May 2, 2003. With Ellen DeGeneres. with the money, yeah, dont act funny, yeah I was talking to this woman and shewas telling me about her kids recital orsomething. Oh my God, youre so happy Im not vegan. Does that cancel it out in any way or What if I had two cats, does that make mequestioning or am I not quite gay at that point? And then I stopped and I was like: Oh myGod this is relatable., People do the bathmat scoot when thebutler forgets to put the towel next to the tub. Make a n i g g a want to grab that, autograph that [crowd claps] But I do love these expressions. Ellen Degeneres: (05:14) [ Gillian comes out ] Gillian: I can't believe I have to come on a talk show to see you anymore. Through her show, she brings her humor and talent for tackling topical issues into viewers' lives with her distinctive style . As a film actress, DeGeneres starred in Mr. Wrong (1996), EDtv (1999), and The Love Letter (1999), and provided the voice of Dory in the Pixar animated films Finding Nemo (2003) and Finding Dory (2016); for Nemo, she was awarded the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress, the first time an actress won a Saturn Award for a voice performance. Girl, you looks good, wont you back that ass up I literally wrote without stopping, I finished writing it and I read it and Isaid to myself: Im gonna do this on Johnny Carson and Ill be the first woman in thehistory of the show to be called over tosit down to talk to Johnny Carson. And, I mean, Im in a basementon a mattress with fleas, never done comedy. We didnt have a six but we hada nine and a half. And [crowd laughs and claps] We try on everything that were gonnaput on our body except for socks, I realize. Ellen was introduced by Tulane president Scott Cowen. Hi, everyone and welcome. Ellen: I know! As she told Parade, her parents were devout Christian Scientists, explaining she "grew up in a very conservative home." Her childhood, she admitted, wasn't easy, especially after her parents divorced when she was 13. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Like: What was my choice? I just danced as a joke. Just draw the bath. So Im sitting in the tub and Im lookingout of the window at the rose garden and Tatiana was tending to the roses and I knocked. Like, if someone cuts me off in a dangerous way if I honk, they are like: Ellen? [crowd laughs] [crowd laughs and claps] Yeah, that and the dancing. Like he was probably at a party in the 20s. I swore I'd never used them again, but desperate times calls for desperate jokes. Negotiations breaking down Section 107, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Heres a little bit of what I know. Hoe, who is you playin wit? Complete biography of Ellen DeGeneres . 4. Dave Chappelle delivers a speech at his prestigious alma mater that reflects on his comedy roots, his rise to fame and why artists should never behave.. And youre watching them slowly creep up in your rearview mirror, and youre just: Please, change. -Are you in any pain? Shes actually She is my friend and shehid that from me. Please, change. And the light doesnt change so theyjust creep up alongside of you. Because the birds in the jungle have never heard Kendrick Lamar. There was this one station manager, and this is a quote: No ones gonna watch it. Do you want them? [crowd laughs] Shoe salesmen are like no other salesmen for any other thing you buy. Deathly allergic. But I didnt realize that until I had this dream. if you lookback at the first season. Theyre still listing the side effects. The sentence repeats I to emphasize We should be on our own path. I just started eating a piece of fish once in a while and Ill eat eggs from chickens that I know. Yeah, they really made it known that celebrities wear something and I remember, Charlton Heston came to town and I was four years old and everybody was crowdingaround trying to get a good look at Charlton Heston. Im the manager. 00:25. They were vaping and And they were like: Its Ellen,oh my God, its Ellen. And Im like [crowd laughs] and then I realized I pulled up, and the gaspump was over here and my tank was back here, on this side ofthe car. DeGeneres says allegations of a toxic work environment on . Because players are gonna to play, play, play, play, play. Calculate how much it costs to transcribe, caption, or subtitle your content. DeGeneres became my favorite comic within one hour of Back that ass up And if youdont know Christian Science, it is areligion that does not believe in doctors or medicine. But if thats your song when youre 30, its still your song when youre 85. I pulled a muscle putting on a sports bra and Those are too tight, they are too tight. Ellen Degeneres: (05:38) Help me. And then I passed out. Mazel tov. Jesus broke bread. Oh my God, I have so much anxiety. Everything changed. DeGeneres sent an email to staffers at "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on. I was so angry atfleas and I was like And I just thoughtthey must do something because I do trulybelieve that everything in nature works together. I really dont like to judge, except forpeople who say libary. You know I mean, the ladder, we take that for granted. And for me it was a dead battery, but, We all have people, that we know, that look into signs way too much. All rights reserved. I That could be right for you. And now, I saw an advertisementfor a pill that stops headaches andmigraines before they start. The Best Speech-to-Text Solution for Your Business Learn how Rev fits into your businesses workflow. The place with all the words? FOX Image Collection via Getty Images. Just Is Ellen wearing a necklace? Andy Lassner: (06:21) I had to wear necklaces, crazy things, really. "Ellen DeGeneres" Yeah. And I thought: Oh my God, I am gonna godownstairs Im gonna write the most relatable special that anybody has ever seen. So after Lupita got me dressed and combedmy hair I just couldnt wait, I was just the whole way down the escalator, Im like, this is gonna be so good. Andy, do you want to add anything? This is my second month of quarantine shows. After nearly two decades The Ellen DeGeneres Show is coming to an end. There were fleas everywhere. [crowd claps] If I have a gold bar laying around Ill takethe gold bar. Yep, the green beans. Because I feel like animals should be in their natural environment. The performance is in English, with no multiple language options included. [claps] And then when youre sweaty, trying totake them off Its like Ive never taken one off. [crowd laughs] [claps] If I have to do that, thats good. Theres a key and you dont know what its to. They So, now everybodys pretty cool with thefact Im gay. Are there ten I just guessed. Does she still have the cats? I should leave him., I think were all looking for signs because were all looking for validation that were on the right path. Ellen DeGeneres: Here and Now YouTube Movies & TV Comedy 2003 Buy TV-PG Ellen - Here and Now - Go-gurt redsoxfanification 16K views 10 years ago Ellen - walks into sliding glass. So, now, that particular look, the mullet,the outfit, everything is on the internet forever and ever andever. Girl, you looks good, wont you back that ass up Did someone have a bird in the hand and said: Theres two in the bush. The comedian muses on stoned koalas, his dads vasectomy confusion, choosing between his hair and his sex drive and more. Trulicity? I swore Id never used them again, but desperate times calls for desperate jokes. But [crowd claps] -But Im not in any pain -And you wontbe. I think thats why I dont wannahave to take any of these things I see advertised on I just I wanna eat right, I wanna take care of myself, I wanna work out. Im going down back in stay there for a little while.. But now Im countin this Just Hows this gonna go? Yeah, but heres the thing. This is ridiculous. And hum So Im sitting in the solarium eating mybreakfast and I was on my third or fourth bite of cutepineapple that Batu was feeding me and I said: Batu, Im not hungry, Ive lost my appetite. And [crowd laughs] So I was excited by celebrities. He was like the Harry Styles of 1979. Its actually one of my first dance teachers and also the dance team coach. Before I make a decision I wanna see how this is. You dont buy a ladder when youre a teenager. Ive decided, its the best. Im trying to do What he do, with raise the roof? You know. This hour-long special focused on everyday situations, as DeGeneres put it: modern life and other inconveniences. -Yes, but I got one in the hand and thats worth two in the bush. Was there a problem with the meal, everything OK? Youse a fine motherfucker, wont you back that ass up The backlash against Ellen DeGeneres has been brewing for some time. -Fine. [crowd laughs] They try to be so fancy when you go intothe fine dining. She And she has no memory either. No, but Ive dined in other places before. I did not graduate college. Jim Jefferies is back and no topic is off limits. Nearly a decade later in 1994, DeGeneres was still very much in the closet when her sitcom Ellen went on air. 2 Mar. Like Oprah, Ellen, which premiered on Sept. 8, 2003, was a solid hit.With a mix of DeGeneres's witty banter and dance moves, which she showed off daily at the top of the show, celebrity interviews . Yeah, but I got one in the hand so -But theres two in the bush. Ellen Degeneres: (02:17) I am not gonna continue to do this the whole time.. Update this biography Maam. And anyway. And when I married Portia, she had a little ladder. And you know, I went through a depression and people made fun of me and people were writingarticles about me, dissecting the wholeprocess and why I did it and that Ishouldnt have done it and you know, it was just a really tough thing. Hes got dandruff. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 05:07. Do you know what Im saying? Youse a fine motherfucker, wont you back that ass up The most accurate AI-powered transcription on the market. Ladies and gentelmen please welcome ellen degeneres All right thanks aww thank you very much thank you thank you thank you very much well..thanks what a lovely way to start work.thank you very much I.. Is she gonna be OK? I dont deserve it, give it to thelady there. 2021 Scraps from the Loft. Ellen Degeneres: (00:00) They are. Thats good good advice. And I can only imagine the fires that she mightve had to put out to put parents at ease and also know that I didnt have any training coming into it, but I appreciate whatever the potential this she saw in me was. It took three years for me to get back ontelevision. In the end, everything will be all right. That Im not a dancer. It wastwo rooms and I had a mattress on thefloor and the entire basement was infested withfleas. We all have our things that we do, that kind of doesnt make sense. Speech-to-Text live streaming for live captions, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition API. What is happening? Oh my God, it was just like I mean, wed be in the car, driving past the drugstore and Id be like: Im gonna get Aspirin someday. My parents divorced when I was 13. It was my senior year of high school. Is he here? I mean, it should be like best thing since fire, or the wheel, or the ladder. Youre vegan? Oh. Id like to give a shout out to the Funky Chicken. The important thing is that youve studied incredibly hard to get to this day. ELLEN DEGENERES: THE BEGINNING (2000) - Full Transcript January 10, 2018 talks about everything from the world of insects to mundane shampoo bottle directions to being caught by the highway patrol wearing nothing but a leather harness, captain's hat & paddle on the road. In 2016, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The thing is, I didnt pack correctly. "What a beautiful, beautiful journey that we have been on together," DeGeneres told the crowd. Its like [crowd laughs] Doing the bathmat scoot. I mean social media is I think theres good things about it obviously and we canreach a lot of people and the world is more connected now but we dont talkanymore, our phones never if our cell phone rings Whos calling me, who would? You know, I found, Portia and I, on a Sunday afternoon. The next year she received two Emmy Award nominations for her stand-up comedy special Ellen DeGeneres: Here and Now. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Ellen Degeneres: (04:32) Its the news, without the news. Some of these restaurants they have thewaiters that I get so much anxiety from the waiters that refuse to take yourorders and write it down. I dont need anything. This show features Ellen doing the brand of comedy which made her famous, as she focuses on the sort of everyday problems and quirks to which we can all relate. It is." 06 of 10. Andy Lassner: (08:16) With tear-stained cheeks, Ellen DeGeneres signed off her chatshow for the final time on Thursday, ending a daytime TV juggernaut that had lasted 19 years. She starred in two television sitcoms, Ellen from 1994 to 1998, and The Ellen Show from 2001 to 2002. Good afternoon, students. I mean all throughout history, no one sliced it? -It is? I mean, whenever youre closeted, youre always thinking about it. Actress Lea Thompson supported Garrett's claims by tweeting, "True story. I dont know Theres a red ink pen in there just in case you have to grade papers or something. First one is from 1984 jazzercise class I took. Call me Big Daddy when you back that ass up I was hoping for more of a really. But it was really. Why do you say that to her?. We wanna grow, we wanna feel good about ourselves we wanna feel proud of who we are Were all the same. Ellen DeGeneres : "I'll have a couple of soft pretzels, a hot dog, Milk Duds, Snocaps. Bread has been around forever. Ellen DeGeneres was born in 1958 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and grew up in the Big Easy suburb of Metarie. Comedian/actress Ellen DeGeneres brings her honesty and off-the-wall wit to this stand-up special taped live at NYC's Beacon Theater. I dont wanna stop you. If youre in your forties and youre still living in your parents house, maybe then find another dream. Required fields are marked *. I want to make you feel good for an hour, at least an hour really. That is definitely I lost my sitcom whenI came out and Its not like nobodywarned me. Youse a fine motherfucker, wont you back that ass up I dont like to waste food. I love being vegan. [crowd laughs] No, I dont like to judge cause I do stupid things, we all do Everyone does stupid things. DeGeneres starred in the popular sitcom Ellen from 1994 to 1998 and has hosted her syndicated TV talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, since 2003. Start your free trial to watch Ellen DeGeneres: Here and Now and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. Put that in perspective. Why does a chicken coop only have two doors? Do you have anything to say to the Did you graduate college? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Ellen DeGeneres: ( 04:48) All I've ever wanted to do is make people feel good and laugh, and there is no greater feeling than when someone tells me that I've made their day better with my show, or that I've helped them get through a sickness or a hard time in their lives. And So, I had to do that bathmat scoot all theway across the bathroom to get to the towel. If you put your money where your mouth is, you might end up swallowing a penny. She has authored four books and started her own record company, Eleveneleven, as well as a production company, A Very Good Production. Again! People see me, whenever they see me anywhere, theyre like: Dance Ellen, dance. And Im like Im getting a mammogram. Finesse and nanno with some counterfeits Like, I mean Baryshnikov doesnt get askedto dance as much as I get asked to dance. Going out with a bang: 'Ellen DeGeneres Show' final guests include Michelle Obama. Andy Lassner: (07:48) These are good if I have to do this. The Suspiria actor made that much very clear in her Nov. 27 appearance on The Ellen Show. I have 15 on right now. In November 2019,. In fact, Im downin this OK. That was I wish that was a joke, but its not. Write your screenplay and focus on the story with many helpful features. Like, soldiers with swords, theyre putting their swords down so they could grab bread and gnaw on it, like They probably took a stab at it which is where that expression came from. Transcripts & captions for a better media workflow. Girl, who is you playin wit? But its not until youve faced that fear head-on that you realized your power. Goodbye. [claps] So I had to go buy new shoes with hardersoles and when I was trying on shoes, I realized, when we try on shoes we do things were never gonna do in them. Oh yeah! Makes sense now. She took a chance on me. Ellen Lee DeGeneres ( d-JEN-r-s; born January 26, 1958) is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, producer, and LGBT activist. DeGeneres later returned to the Nemo franchise with the 2016 sequel, Finding Dory. And in the bad times, remember, they wont last forever. But the job of graduation speaker is to give you some wisdom that I have acquired over the years, so thats what I am going to do. And I also want to say how sorry I am that youre not going to be able to have a graduation ceremony. And my dad put me onhis shoulders to get a better look at him cause you know how four-year-olds loveCharlton Heston. I have a lot of ladders I have a six-foot, I have an eight-foot I have the extension, the 20-foot aluminum. Tight, they are too tight, they are too tight, they are like: its,. ; True story for desperate jokes youre closeted, youre so happy Im not vegan am youre... Is off limits have the extension, the outfit, everything will be all right to thelady there know mean! Thefact Im gay crazy things, really modern life and other inconveniences an eight-foot I have a six-foot, saw... 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ellen degeneres here and now transcript

ellen degeneres here and now transcript

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

ellen degeneres here and now transcript