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udorn air base thailand photos

and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. Note: As many of you probably know many of the guys that were there with us are no longer with us. However, I am now trying to pursue some legal assistance. Still fighting agentorange heart surgery 2007. Contributor: U.S. Air Force - 432nd Tactical Reconaissance Wing - Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base - Thailand Date: 1971-09-10; Manuscript/Mixed Material BIOGRAPHIC/SITE REPORT AS OF 9 OCTOBER 1990 Laos / Refno 1771-0-01 . Based on reading other comments on this blog, the VA may say why have you waited so long to disclose this to our attention!!! I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. Through 1975 and Stationed at Ramasun Station I continued to monitor the Khmer Rouge and the Slaughter of innocence.The Genocide.From Ramasun we continued to monitor the events that happened, the Fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident. I could sure use a map showing the location of the MARS shack. Please note that there are various VA Websites that discuss the numerous side effects of being exposed to Agent Orang, one of which is: As part of a Military Assistance Program (MAP) funded project, the Secretary of Defense authorized construction of an airfield in Nakhon Phanom to improve logistic . Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. We served our country; they subjected us to bad toxins; then they reject our claims! (Both are doing fine now after surgeries) If you or anyone else here served as an air police augmentee for guard duty while in Thailand you will probably be covered. I served at Ubon, 72-73 on the line in security forces. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Comment and Posting Policy. warin thailand east of the ubon air base. I worked our normal 7 day 12hour shift. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. Better known as the Rose Garden. What was the # of your B. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. After fighting the VA for 7 years I finally received 100% disability. Dedicated to sharing memories of our time in Udorn, Thailand. I am 73 years old now and need to file for disability. Its sad! I am receiving 40% disability for prostate cancer and diabetes type II from Agent Orange exposure. He recovered from bladder cancer 15 yrs ago, but it recurred in Nov & he died in Dec. If it wasnt for that letter I think I would still be waiting for the VA to approve my claim. I was stationed at RTAFB Nam Phong from June or July, 1972-April 1973. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I think I have identified the building on a map of the base but the building is only labelled 1665. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. Nevertheless, the Library of Congress may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to remove content for any reason whatever, I would like to get in touch with you both. Branch working with F-105 and EB-66 aircraft. Was load crew chief and my crew worked many sorty missions on the perimeter. Thanks. Our mission was Air Rescue and Recovery. I knew where our fighters Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. Udorn RTAFB is still there I believe and an active Thai base. Hart trouble,strange skin disorders, fainting falls, the best of times the worst of times. Nor can I prove that 42 months of continual sunburn was the trigger that caused the outbreak of Vitiligo. Stationed at Udorn 11/69 9/70. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. Our shop truck would pull up to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded to the well-guarded shop. I am fully disabled now to due my back injuries. our K9 dogs, who were left,,, cause of agent orange,, They would have been a good indicator,as what was used, in the name of war!! I was stationed at Korat from Oct72 to Oct73. We were housed in the old Army compound, Camp Friendship where they used Chemicals to eliminate all the weeds around the Hooches and perimeter. He passed away several years ago from heart disease and kidney failure associated with diabetes but now Im trying to help my mom obtain VA benefits for assisted living. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. My additional duties was to go into the community and help to vaccinate people in the community.A lived of posts very new to the base. . 1.Board of Veteran Appeals ruled flight line is an extension of the perimeter. I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. RM 2DDW263 - Korat RTAFB - 42d Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron - HQ - Group. were classified (?). I was with the 355TFS at Takhli AFB 68-69 as an instrument -autopilot tech. I was stationed at U-Tapao AFB in 1971-1972, spending one month also at UBON AFB in January 1972. b. I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. I was stationed at Udorn (USAF)in 1967-68. He passed away in 2020 of lung cancer. Was stationed at Takhli and Korat from Feb, 1970 to April 1972. I also was a staff sergeant and we lived in the airmen barracks at the front of the base. Im a diabetic, have thyroid issues. More information on this topic can be found in a book series titled Veterans and Agent Orange. He never talked about it much but I know he was there when the base was attacked. I was a North Vietnamese interpreter with USAF/NSA. I remember the U-2 flying out of U-Tapao while we were there. Am 6 foot 3 inch Af American. God bless. My family and I would greatly appreciate any information you would be willing to share. The 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. Luckily I actually had a hard copy of my travel pay ticket showing the transit route and signed by some ops Officer so I could collect my transit pay. F-4D fighter aircraft #66-0267 at Homestead Air Force Base, Fla., circa 1989. OSI Command Historian. My next to last post was the Fuel Depot on the far side of the base. KEEP THE CLAIM GOING SO IT WILL BE RETROACTIVE BACK TO THE POINT OF YOUR FILING. Nickname Burned out Bob. I was stationed at Ubon Aug 64 to Aug 65. I have no idea if I was exposed to Agent Orange during that time. Looking for anyone who was there because you walk out revetment and the perimeter fence was across the street and had a bunker on the corner of the road going to the bomb dump. Its nasty with blisters and incurable. A 3 body with a 3 tail. I remember coming in from post, and shining,in the moon light, coated with the shit, we use a pesticide, to dip our dogs in (malathion), now that also is a big health issues. Did not happen. Most discouraging was when I attempted to locate Veterans who served with me, the first five I researched had all died of otherwise presumption-of-service-connection diseases and illnesses before the VA ever conceded that toxic herbicides WERE used in Thailand. Since I was originally TDY and then loaned out to the 123 my records dont show me as having served around AO. I felt fine for years. 2. I say plus regarding all of the Air Force locations because they we were plush compared to Nam Phong. These problems didnt occur until years later after I got out of the Air Force in 1980. I was stationed at Udorn March 1970 -March 1971 working on RF4Cs with the 14th TFS. I have heard of other guys having missing records from military. Library of Congress. Udorn RTAFB, Perimeter Tower. I have Coronary Artery Disease, COPD and Psoriasis on my right hand. My only AO disability is diabetes. I Visited sites at Khon Kaen, Korat and Bangkok. I need photos showing proximity of engine shop at Ubon. Anyone willing to share photos or maps, etc? If anyone has information on Agent Orange that proves that AO was there during that time frame, that information would be greatly appreciated. The VA has classified me under the Blue Water Navy Act of Vietnam (2019) as being exposed and I have be advised Ill receive 30% disability. They will guide you on the process. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be Korat RTAFB, Thailand: Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base was a base of the Royal Thai Air Force in northeast Thailand, approximately 157 mi northeast of Bangkok and about 5 mi south of the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the second largest city in Thailand. I remember the smell of insecticide or some chemical. Korat Sept 72 to March 73 working on the Wild Weasels. Trying to get help for my x-husband.Thanks. One of the men survived but was severely injured and the other man was killed. I have had much trouble with skin cancer that I believe is a result of exposure to AO. I have been fighting with the VA over the Agent orange issue and other illness associated with Agent Orange since 2017 when I first became aware of the exposure. we lived in the contonment area which is where i got bladder cancer from AO. I have filed with the VAMC, had an interview, and was told my squamous cell carcinoma was not on the list. Im discouraged by the treatment of VA claims. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. The way my research has shown, all servicemen that flew out of Travis AFB by commerical travel stopped in Viet Nam and had to get off plane for refueling, my case I switched planes to military aircraft. need to look that up, here in CA we have County Veterans Services Officers, some are Very Good about telling you what to do, and filling out some paperwork, one I know, here in CA to fill out the form for CA DMV to have Vets added to your CA drivers license to prove you are a Vet for Vet Discounts !!! Some eyewitness accounts have suggested the AF soldiers were flown by commercial jet from Travis AFB to a base in Saigon. Read this exciting story from Scale Aircraft Modelling November 2019. Couldnt talk of it. I have a picture of him in front of Jet with four other men, i I have there names and would like to find them also! I think we all be assured that herbicides were used to kill foliage all throughout that base. I was also told if I get cancer I qualify anyone have any information please contact me. Red Horse hooches were no more than 10-15 yards from the perimeter road at NKP. You might want to check with the Recce group located at Beale AFB, Ca where the Deuce is currently located. We walked the perimeter with no knowledge of the contamination in our mist. My DD214 shows SEA duty time and other overseas time but when (after 3 years waiting) I finally got my full records set I could not find orders for several such trips, and I dont recall if I ever got any officially. The PACT passed late last year by Congress should make it much easier to get claims adjudicated faster with less bullshit from the VA. Best of luck to all Vets who are suffering the ravages of AO. I served @ HHD 9th Logistical Command, in Korat, Thailand Jul 1964-1965. I have not approached the VA about Agent Orange (A O ) and its relationship to my medical history. Prostate cancer, ishemic heart disease, hypothyroidism. Started at UTapao in73. That should show my exposure but there were no written orders for that assignment. QUANTICO, Va. --. Other branches of the U.S. military also made their way to Thailand, which the map indicates. The set, however,has a significant limitation: It was printed in 1960 and thus predates the arrival of most American military personnel to Thailand. Returned on a 30-year non-disclosure for witness to Genocide. 2) You served as a security policeman, patrol dog handler, security police . If your work area, was in the outer perimeter you may get approved. He was 72, far too young to die! I was at Takhli in 1965-1966 working at a munitions storage area. Worked on the flight line as a Crew Chief on EB-66s tail# 424 I was looking for anyone assigned to Udorn 432nd, 14th TRS between 1/1971-1/1972. From there we went on missions taking supplies, to where we were told, Cambodia. Was a cook during my time there and was told that Agent Orange was in the drinking water but they were trying to get it out. Also a problem with AFIB. I was with the 7th RRFS, 05H, from June 71 to June 73. Needs help please. He says they were near the perimeter where AO was sprayed. That was a small air Base. Charles B. DeBellevue, with the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing at Udorn Air Base, Thailand deployed for the Vietnam War. I worked with linguists and morse intercept operators. I just filed a claim for hypothyroidism due to agent orange. was in use. By the time I left in 1970 the vegetation was gone. Then at Camp Vayama and Camp Samae San, Sattahip, until I left Thailand in April, 1970. Be patient however the system is much better now but dont be afraid to contact your Congressman as it really speeds up the process. I worked for the USAFSS in 1975 at Utapao; my little group serviced U-2 aircraft (ECM and encrypted radios) based there which intercepted radio communications while soaring at high altitude over Laos and Cambodia. Coming on base from the main gate, traveling past hooches and Thai O-club on the right, eventually crossing a bridge over the klong (near the chapel). Lm now 70 and am getting medical care for the disorders and cancers resulting from all the spraying of chemicals while I was stationed there. Those of us that lived in the hooches while there we were in the AO drift zone. ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. Couldnt talk about the kid I left on a Thai flight line. Yeah -Right! My father SMSGT Gene Rocheleau was stationed at Korat AFB from June 1967 to April 1968. Response to Bob Morgan: But I found it. The Aviation Heritage Center's North American T-28 aircraft was actually used to train Hmong pilots to fly at Udorn RTAFB (Royal Thai Air Force Base) Thailand, as part of Operation Waterpump. Runways and roads. Youll want to look way down at the bottom of the file to see what the final decision was. I lost my husband, also a Vietnam vet, who served in Saigon and in Thailand, who for years ignored symptoms, playing ostrichwhen he felt lousy, which was about most of the time, hed say, its just my allergies. It seems absurd they expect us to find someone we served with 50 years ago and their insistence only those who worked on base perimeters are considered. Thanks for any info. . He stayed at the hooches where he spent 10 hours a day. With H.R. I served in Ubon Air force base late 70-71 as a mechanic. I was stationed at the hospital at both bases. After the AF, he was a Physicians Assistant for over 27 years. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB Thaiand, early 70s during the Vietnam war. Photo Details / Download Hi -Res. Bud Snyder: Any info/maps showing the location/flightline of the US NAVY P3 patrol squadron detachment I worked the avionics ECM shop and flight line on B66, F105, F4,& EC121 Any help would be appreciated. I lost the hair on most of my arms, especially on my wrists for several years. Doug. The base was surrounded by jungle. When we arrived at UDORN we were told that we would probably be sent to AUGMENTEE duty for 30 days to help the SECURITY POLICE to help guard the base PERIMETER. all statements are helpful. Ive taken the AO physical in Houston to get documented, but have not put in any claims yet. from oct, 1967 to jan. I was in the 1890 Comm. On at least one occasion we Tell an interesting story or get a smile from someone else's memories. We were not MPs. Do ever give up, keep fighting, Good Luck, i was tdy between jan to mar from cck to takhli 374th supply sq trying to find a way to prove my presence because tdy records arent kept i was told. Glenn, ? My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. I moved from the storage section over to the motor pool in the bomb dump. I was in the 417TFS. I have had Diabetes for years and diagnosed with Gleason 6 Prostrate Cancer. Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. The VA is a waste of time. I went TDY to Sattihip and other places. During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. Also the fact that the Crash Fire Station my work location was classified in the outer perimeter. Udorn Air Base was located in Thailand. as an Agent Orange servive connected disability. I cannot prove to the VA that the Vitiligo was a result of exposure to Dioxin causing my auto-immune system to fail. Read his blog and hopefully he can provide some information I am looking for . I was in the airforce 1971 to 1975. Im looking for information (maps, what was sprayed, etc.) No place to stay at that time at Takhli. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB 71-72, and was a flight facilities officer in the GCA. Better known as the Rose Garden. From 1976 to 1 May 1979 I served at Fairchild AFB, Washington, and retired from the USAF. We both had prostate cancer at the same time. They made short order in turning that sh-t hole into livable for us Marines. I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. I was assigned to the 355th Security Police. I was at Udorn in 67. It also is listed on the maps index under Army bases, which appears in red. I do know I am Filing again. I contacted my Congresswoman, who unfortunately did not change the outcome of my claim. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Made 100% disabled in 36 days. Nuhs pulled guard on ground with. What is odd I met a widow who lost her Husband to Agent Orange. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) I came down with large cell B cell non hodgkins lymphoma and it damned near killed me. If you belong to any FB groups like the ones I mentioned, please check for my name and contact me. They just do not want to part with the money. The 83rd eventually transferred to Udorn, where it morphed into the 7th RRFS. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. I had bladder cancer, filed a claim, was turned down because I did not known where I was on the base at the time I filed. Water had to be trucked in. {Response to: Post No# 8 D lashay I have several of the illnesses associated with AO. For those in the same situation, I will provide three words. I was an E-4 Air Force (then Sgt) and was responsible for a squad of airman during that period. Those were the timeswhen you were living life to the max. Our barracks were right on the perimeter. Neuropathy sever. Served at Korat RTAFB from late January 68 til 17 November 68 . I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy. I was sent to Camp Samae San from MACV HQ in 73, worked Logistical services at the Deep Water Port until the end of 74. First trip to SE Asia was Oct/Nov 1968 in the Coast Guards EC130E CGNR 1414 to survey and monitor LORAN signals transmitted from various USCG sites in Thailand and Vietnam. I served at Udon, Thailand from 1967 to 1968 in the engine shop. My late husband was in Udorn Thailand in1968-1969. I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. I want this information for a family history that I am writng. IWCS TERMINAL , JOINTLY MANNED BY US ARMY AND PHILCO FORD CONTRACTORS . Have a successful claim? Since then, Ive had problems with sun exposure and blistering skin reaction to most metals. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB IN 1971/72 as a B57G maintenance crew chief. They were always spraying something. Spent 9/68 to 9/69 at U-Tapao and was assigned to MMS fixing jammers and trailers on far side of base. My husband was stationed at Udorn AFB from 1972-1973. This is a very sad state of affairs!!!! All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? I was born after he came home to Tallahassee, FL so never knew him before his deployment obviously but apparently he came back with some issues that he didnt have before. I think the same thing goes for Korat and the other bases in TAILAND. plus he would fly in to Vietnam but the VA couldnt find any thing about that plus they were shot down over Laos and was on the ground hiding for 12 hours. Itincludes, on its reverse,amap of American installations within the Thai capital of Bangkok. The other was a distance from the pooches within feet of the fence. Both the 13th Fighter Squadron, known as the "Panther Pack," and the 421st Fighter Squadron, known as the "Black . He worked as a computer repairman for a large computer which he has said for many years was within feet of the boundary. Soaked many times due to failing couplings from trucks to tanks at this backward RTAFB. Do any of you (besides Gary) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as MCAS Rose Graden? Its a declassified document on how every base in Thailand was established from a security perspective. Colonel John Markle (one MiG kill) of the 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron out of Udorn Air Base, Thailand, in 1972 and share their experiences flying the F-4 in aerial combat over North Vietnam. Only proof required was any document putting you their. Required fields are indicated with an * asterisk. Im looking for any info about the men he served with, they may have been engineers Im not sure but they did alot of nuclear testing. He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. Heart and Arterial disease, A-fib to the point where i now have a Watchman device implanted in my heart. Not much help I realize, but wanted to add my .02 cents along with offering my greetings to all you comrade Thai Vets. Was stationed at Takhli from 7/67-7/68. The DVA has been tone deaf because I wasnt an SP or CE. I was deployed to NKP Thailand August 1962 with USN MCB3 to construct the battalion base camp and later to defoliage the jungle and underbrush to construct the airbase 8 miles inland from the Mekong River, out of mortar range. They show their contempt for those of us who Served this country during a time of a very unpopular war. I went through the DAV and they were exceptionally good at helping me get what I deserve. You are fully Working thru a law firm for relief..the military guide says, among other things must prove exposedor other credible evidence. Other credible evidence might include not an MOS along perimeter fence,but assigned a barracks approx. I was with the 49 tfw,New Mex, Da Nang, places in Thailand, left with the 366 tfw, discharged in Mt. This area I have now learned was also sprayed. Claim sat dormant for 7 months. Suffered from horrible neuropathy in legs since 1990s but civilian doctors not I ever considered AO. Like to hear from anyone from CAFB, New Mexico , if you see this. we also mantained communications contact with lima 11 in paske laos, which was rocket attacked the time i was there. Sawadee!! But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! Every base was sprayed. I want to file for agent orange exposure. Houston to get documented, but assigned a barracks approx O ) and was a flight facilities in. 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udorn air base thailand photos

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

udorn air base thailand photos

udorn air base thailand photos

udorn air base thailand photos

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

udorn air base thailand photos