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supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

A camera on a tripod sits in front of her, trained on her face. We can take on the supersoldiers as long as we have the right tools.. She focuses, straightening it out to create an image of the bottom of a table, a couch, slick leather shoes. He smiles, a tear slipping down his cheek. Then, just outside the door, she hears shouts from the hallway. Risk our lives saving her, or defeat Leviathan first and rescue her after?, Alex continues her pacing, thinking. But it wasnt her who killed them. It was not the end of the world. She was pale and bleeding, unconscious and hardly breathing. Their fighting ground becomes textured with support beams and rubble, dust mixing with the orange haze and causing her eyes to water. And you can imagine my surprise when I unearthed documents of your little experiment downstairs., He leans forward, brow raised. Kara! she greets, wrapping arms around the hero. Her fingers fly through the list of names she has no memory of. Its about putting yourself first sometimes, making sure youre not wounded or too hurt to help. He sighs. And why are you here? Lena looks up at Alex, a tear running down the sisters cheek as she grinds her teeth. Shes still bandaged, scraped and cut from the limited exposure to the yellow sun lamps that didnt fully heal her wounds. Meredith, Cristina y Alex tienen una muy necesaria conversacin luego del accidente de avin. She doesnt remember, Alex. Her skin has turned blue, not only because of the cold but because of the force of water from the ceiling. Ill be fine. But putting her in pain will only scare her more. She turns to the monitors, breaking down Cadmuss security system. Human. But now, with no suit or clothing to protect her, she is forced to live in the cold. Please, dont. Follow me.. For both of you. She lives on in their hearts and their minds. Flew, Luke whispers, not understanding. The team watches after her, fending off as many soldiers as they can. Kara swallows, nodding. She stares at the little image of herself. He made supersoldiers for the sole purpose of taking down her team. Whats the problem? Rama Khan! she shouts, voice echoing. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. Youre wrong! But they dont exist anymore, Alex says. Ive just been feeling kinda lonely after the crisis. Your own brother., Lying, not telling me, same difference. He stands, and its then she notices the gleam of the massive syringe he has stolen from her lab. Kara was taken, Alex says slowly, turning to her. Im actually doing an article on your dad. The water never stopped falling. Supergirl (TV 2015) (31) The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (24) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. With no way of telling the day or time, she couldnt calculate how many days, or weeks, or months it had been. The Supergirl they are with now is not the same one the started with. She was right. Luke, this is Kara Danvers. Her face is a mess of concern, and Barry stands over her shoulder watching the door to the infirmary open and close. She lays on the stiff medical bed, sheets pulled to her stomach and surgical gown dressing her. If Leviathan could do that to an invincable Kryptonian, what could happen to them? Dont worry. Only if you count me killing a man and acquiring the wonderful illness of PTSD and guilt. We were afraid you might hurt yourself or others. And finally, he gives in to what he has done. She grabs Alexs wrist and takes her to the conference room. Maybe, Kate echoes, following her to the infirmary. She doesnt want Lenas memories to return. I would have expected a much different style of retaliation for the poster-child of hope.. Become best friends again. Alex immediately begins shooting beams of electricty from her gun, stunning them into unconsiousness. Brown hair, the same color as the mans beard, and green eyes. Theres other papers that promotehim as the hero, trying to revive his worst enemy and everything, Nia grumbles, downing her drink. We were. Mon-El had to take a moment away from the group. What now?, Alex swallows. Until she saw the condition of her sister. She didnt want to kill those men. Her eyes land on each of her friends, but the recognition is not there. She had given him purpose. No. 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. So far, it hasnt been working. In the center are three large cement blocks stacked on top of one another. There is a lulling ache that washes over her body, and it takes her a moment to locate a brick of Kryptonite planted beneath her chair. A zip-up jacket and a pair of leggings, along with some sneakers. She steps onto the ledge and gently drops over the side of the building before bursting into the air above Kate. Im sorry.. Groggy eyes try to open, but eyelids are heavy. If not for me you would have never gone into hiding. Youre right. She looks around the office, eyes falling on a purse that has dropped to the floor. He needed to get into the DEO because he wanted Kryptonite, and now Leviathan has the one thing that can kill Kara because she doesnt have a kryptosuit., Lena hesitates before answering, taking in all of Alexs words. Kara greeted her kindly, regarding her as a stranger. Rama Khan grabs hold of her and waves a Kryptonite blade in front of her. I came to aid Supergirl with an enemy. The cauterized wound on her stomach was massive, her skin had scarred over and shriveled from the burn. We do, Ms. Luthor. I think its time we meet face to face after all this time, dont you?, The next day, she gathered the team and told them the plan. Nia notices his stressed state and heads over, sitting down beside him. Kara? Alex asks, nodding her head toward the conference room. He smashes down on her symbol once, twice, three times but to no avail. You can be someone different. You didnt know what was going to happen, so you couldnt have known to make a suit. Kate looks at her, sees the self blame and feels sorry for her. They want to follow the orders of the Supergirl they know and love. Please tell me that isnt the only thing you took away from that., Lena shakes her head, putting a hand up to her face. Jonn, Nia, and Brainy are with her now, showing her some news coverage from the crisis, trying to bring back some events. Torn, ripped, shredded, burned, bloodied. It seemed like an entire lifetime had passed since Alex and Kelly exchanged vows. I do not give anyone the right to repost this work in part or in its entirety without my consent first. 23 notes. Lena! Blood covers her face and red tears run down from her damaged eye. Its not. So Jonn steps forward. Kara had been pacing outside of the infirmary for that last hour. As a reporter she can paint quite the picture-, Shes not just a reporter, Kate says flatly. Ill check in on you later, all right?, Lena nods, and just as Kara is about to walk away she calls out to her. Alex shakes her head. Nothings changed since your arrest. To Alex, and Jonn, and Nia, and Lena. I know I shouldve asked first-, No, no. Joe and Wally have a few tears as well. A rival of your race, actually, but we dont need to get into that. A man named John. She had moved back to Seattle to continue her pervious career as a doctor. I would like to know. But right now, we need to think of a plan to get into Cadmus without being detected, Jonn says. She still cuts down soldiers that get too close to them with her heat-vision. He sighs, closing his eyes and rubbing his hand over his head. It seems to have been cauterized, her skin and flesh seeping together to form a shriveled seal. He appears behind the camera, smiling softly. If anyone can trigger a memory, its him. A reminder of someone she once was and would never be again. I should get going. Another video?, More information, Jonn says. The sooner we find a way to stop them, the sooner we get to Kara.. The blonde then leans over one hand covering one side of her mouth as if anyone around is close enough to hear her Dont worry I wont tell. she replies with a wink. Kara brings her back to the DEO, setting her in the infirmary before alerting Alex. When she killed the three soldiers that caught them stealing, burning holes through their hearts, each one of them froze in horror. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Kara D./Supergirl, Alex D., Eliza D., Lena L. - Chapters: 410 - Words: 737,423 - Reviews: 2,209 - Favs: 78 - Follows: 78 . If we lose, he still has an army! she yells over the fight. Im surprised you didnt call sooner., Wanted to give you the chance to play with them.. Like someone cut it off her., Brainy nods thoughtfully, hands hovering over the burned hole in the abdomen. Alex lets herself smile, kissing her girlfriend before bringing her back into the team to tell them the plan. She sets her feet in a horrible stance for balance, rocking back and lashing an arm out. Kara! her sister screams, desperate to rein her in but to no avail. You dont have to be the Kara Danvers they know. With a mighty yank, he strips her off her hero identity, leaving behind the alien within. Her nose is crooked and black, both nostrils spilling crimson. He hadnt seen the video, however, and the team plays it once more, forcing themselves to watch their loved one beg. Kara, its me. Im not going to stop you from doing your job. He wants to check on her, make sure shes alright, but Kara is looking at him like hes about to reveal something extraordinary. He didnt feel bad about not attending Karas funeral. I didnt see you come up.. Ill tell him I sent you.. Don't like it then don't read it. When shes in scenarios that dont go her way, that dont have a good outcome, something goes terribly wrong, her thought process was always simple. Hes a massive threat. Always thrown into the side of a building, crushing through to the interior and making the entire structure crumble. She coughs, spitting a clot of blood. No longer AC. Do you remember me? Alex tries desperately, not touching her but laying a hand on the bed. The Tower was getting the most traffic it had ever seen. A life for a life., Still. No, but I feel that Im getting close. Her gaze finds Jonn and Nia holding her hands and rips them from their grasp, clasping them together over her chest tightly. She got into counting to help with her sanity. How could I be so selfish?, Hey, dont beat yourself up, Kate consoles, knowing what this woman means to Kara. Lena, Alex glances to Kara. Cadmus? So, why are you here?, Well, after what happened today I think that you should go dark. Qu pasar entre Kara y Lena? Maybe seeing you in the flesh will help her.. Just why bother now? They need to hear from me.. Is she injured?. A small vent near the ceiling clicks on, and the faint whirring of a ventilation unit envelopes the room. Slowly, the table murmurs their agreement. Kara lied to protect you. And you will wake, and I will be waiting, and you will look at me, and I will tell youTold you so.. Alex are you alright? Theyve never seen her bleed. Call Brainy.. Someone whod know her. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. And I have a feeling anything that I ask you is not going to jog a specific memory. The Return By: LMXB. Alex rushes after her calling her name. Are we allowed to see her, or?, Yes. One day. I know how to stop them!. She found out the truth about her brother, and she wants to right some wrongs, Alex answers. Her foster mother. Kate brings a hand to her mouth, thinking. What about him? Nia asks, the thrill of finally getting some action overcoming her. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. Punch the block.. The woman checks her over for injuries, but Lena is too busy staring at her curiously to tell her shes fine. Ms. Kara leans against the wall of the room, huddled in the corner. I cant do this alone, he whispers, lowering his neck till their foreheads touch in a sticky kiss. I agree. Let her answer. Now, an orange haze falls around them and their city. Does she tell her what happened between them? Not the same kind. He smiles softly, looking away from her gaze. It takes several hours before Kara makes it to the DEO. Her suit is torn and tattered, ripped stitches flaming with spots of blood. They need to be here., Brainy nods hesitantly, growing cautious. Okay, youre alright. About that, She didnt really give a name. She squeezed her tightly and roughly, shaking her so she would wake up. If shes in two places at once, we know somethings up., Alex nods slowly, sliding the flash drive to Brainy. (I thought this was going to be shorter but then I had unexpected amounts of Winn Schott Feelings? Starting with the DEO. She sighs, relieved, and stands to open it. His smile fades slowly, his arms coming down to his sides in confusion. In the middle ofSingin in the Rain, a news alert interrupts Gene Kellys performance. Yes, but for now lets work with your strength. Immediately he feels his body weaken. They ask for space, and Alex orders everyone looking on through the windows to back up and pushes non-essential personnel out of the room, including herself. Again. I couldnt have paid for it out of my own pocket and even if we all pitched in it wouldnt have been as nice as it was.. It worked. I dont Kara mumbles, her other hand coming to the side of her head. I would never be able to just leave someone I cared about in the hands of the enemy. Tomorrow. I never expected you to lie to me. I dont know why we dont just go. She noticed Kara stalking outside the doors the first twenty minutes in, and she knew enough from the womans body language that she was fearful for the condition she was in. Supergirl is right, a measured voice from the doorway says. Maybe youre right. I cant believe he paid for the service, Alex says. She rises, taking flight and launching herself straight toward him. She barely nods, her mind racing to figure out a way out of this. On the other hand, if we go in and save her we could get killed and there would be no one to stop them. She never meant for this to happenshe actually admires Supergirl a great deal. Each time one broke he jumped, the shock of how fragile he made her terrifying him. Which makes her weak, weaker than a regular human being, even. Sit down, Kara tells her sister. This plays out for almost an hour, her charging and desperately attempting to grow close enough to land a punch but always failing. The thrill you get from finally being able to kill. Cadmus, she whimpers, fighting harder against him. And before she can pick her up and whisk her to safety, the water turns on. What do you want from me? She is met with silence. There doesnt seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel. Alex nods, reaching up and beginning to turn off all the lamps above her bed. Tell her a story, she offers, shrugging and ducking into the hallway. Not without me looking., Well, do you have a better idea? Alex leads her to the infirmary, allowing Lena to enter alone. Lena got rid of the recipe! Brainy continued his work as an analyst at the new DEO, keeping his head down and digging up any dirt he could find on Lex with his job permitting. Alex crouches down next to her sister, not able to touch her. The team hadnt received any word from Leviathan or Kara, but the tracker was always on screen of her location. Alex watches her a moment, gauging her sincerity, then nods, raising her beer to her. Hes starting with Canada and Mexico, and from there hell move on to South America and overseas.. Your results stated you had already tried it on subjects. He snaps his fingers in front of her face. Ten minutes of brutal water, an hour of either AC or heat. Oh, my God, Lena whispers, covering her mouth with her hand. That without memories, the world could start over. So out of place in the sterile bed and white gown. You have to kill them! Kara can handle herself. The others arent so sure. Um, L-Corp? I failed you. I I dont even know if I should bother staying here., Where would you go? Only when Brainy came up beside her with a medical team did she release her into their hands, ordering them with a directors tone. She can hardly call herself a hero., Youre wrong about that, Lex. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. Restore it to its rightousness., Of course not. Mon-El tilts his head in agreement, but he wears a mask of stone. Alex, Kara snips, jogging up to her sister at the roundtable. And the freeze-breath?, Kara nods and Luke gapes at her. Alex slides down the wall of the hallway, taking out her phone and beginning to dial. Alex started her wedding planning with two bridesmaids. Kara had lost consciousness while Rama Khan was hurdling through the earth. One business woman to another., Kate smirks at her, crossing her arms. I was in my lab at L-Corp all day with Lex. Im sorry, excuse me, she breathes, slipping out of the room in a gasp. A white room, tile on the floor and a drain in the center. Not yet. Her eyes open in narrow slits as she squints at him. Nia works her dreams to send them into a peaceful sleep. How can you prove it? Alex asks, crossing her arms. Jumping in head first has taken its toll. They know my favorite food, what shoe size I am, who my celebrity crush is. New. Thou shall not kill has dropped the not, and she will do everything in her power to get her city back. They all marvel at the Towers technology, how it is hidden in plain sight in the middle of the city. They move to National City. This work could have adult content. Who are you?. Lifeless. The door slides closed behind him. My name is Mon-El.. She cant face hearing bad news right now, cant face the hard truth of what is going on, why shes not waking up, how this happened to her. How fragile he made her terrifying him, burned, bloodied come up.. Ill tell him I you., crushing through to the infirmary open and close downing her drink if we lose, he whispers, his. Down her team nodding her head toward the conference room her weak, weaker than a regular human being even. Always failing girlfriend before bringing her back to supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury DEO the office, eyes on... 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supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
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Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury