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romans 10:8 17 commentary

(b) It is the normal title of the Roman Emperors. Faith in God means believing in and trusting in the greatest hopethat God became man, lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death for your sins, and rose again to glory so that you could have. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; But the righteousness which is of faith: In contrast to the righteousness that is based on the law is the righteousness that results from faith. i. Pauls hearts desire also translated into concrete action: prayer to God for Israel. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. As I said the other day, Do not behave like a rat behind the wainscot, only daring to come out in the dark. I mean to let it stand out simply before you, that the incarnation, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ are the one foundation upon which we must depend for eternal salvation, and upon that alone; and if we do so depend we shall most assuredly be saved. Next, this precious gospel translates these questions, and then answers them. For Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, [he said,] That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. So one of the first works of the gospel is silencing the questions of our unbelief. It is our duty truly and earnestly to desire the salvation of our own. Accordingly, in chapter 2 the Holy Spirit shows us man satisfying himself with pronouncing on what is right and wrong moralizing for others, but nothing more. Has He mercy only for guilty Israel? God has given us His word. 7). So also the gospel by no means involves itself in obscurity, but says, Believe and live, quite as distinctly as Moses said, "Do and live." Have not submitted. The condition of the Roman saints called for a setting forth of the gospel of God; but this object, in order to be rightly understood and appreciated, leads the apostle into a display of the condition of man. We have God and man in presence, so to speak. That is the first necessity for the sinner with God. Hence the faithful derive from this passage remarkable consolation with regard to the certainty of the word; for they may no less safely rest on it, than on what is actually present. Well, I am sorry. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. His death is instead of the death of our souls: his life is the life of our spirits. (b.) No fresh revelations from God can nullify those which preceded them; but as the prophets looked onward to what was coming, so is the gospel already come, supported by the past. Therefore, Christians must be sent to proclaim it (14-15). What about His word passed and sworn to the fathers? He still loves the Jews, independent as far as God's way of righteousness and all, but God still loves them, and thus, He blesses you, and says, "Oh, come and receive the kingdom and into the joys and the blessings and all." If a Jew is wealthy enough he will sometimes install a time switch to switch on the lights at dusk on Sabbath without his doing so himself. The expression means that righteousness which God can afford to display because of Christ's atonement. Consequently all turned, not on what man should be for God, but what God can be and is, as revealed in the gospel, to man. The old man refused. No, they cry, it is in Isaac's seed that the Jew was called. 3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. It is the product of many graces, evinces a great deal of self-denial, love to Christ, contempt of the world, a mighty courage and resolution. ( Romans 10:15 ). There is sure ground here. It might be more or less any man's lot to learn. Listen. Outside Revelation, it only occurs here and Luke 8:31. That there is none righteous, none that doeth good, none that understandeth. (2.) The excellency of the gospel above the law. For they do not realize that a man can only achieve the status of righteousness by God's gift, and they seek to establish their own status, and so they have not submitted themselves to that power of God which alone can make them righteous in his sight. "No, I am not." Paul has been saying some hard things about the Jews. They get so extreme in the election predestination and all, they get so extreme that there are some churches that will not put a scripture on the board out in front, lest some sinner who has not been elected might walk by and believe in Jesus Christ and get saved when he wasn't predestined to do so.Don't get extreme. Two things are required as conditions of salvation:-- (a.) They tried him many ways with their blessed experience, of which you and I have got cart-loads, perhaps waggon-loads; but he could not be drawn out of his one firm position. Did they fall back on Abraham? And as that little remnant is ever sustained by the grace of God, it is the standing pledge of their final blessedness through His mercy, whereon the apostle breaks out into raptures of thanksgiving to God. There never was an hour since Israel's existence as a nation that God has not had His remnant of them. (That is, to bring Christ up from the dead.) Now there is a tremendous failure some place of getting the message out.For how can they call on Him who they don't believe in? For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved ( Romans 10:12-13 ). Jesus had come and died; Jesus had been a propitiatory sacrifice; Jesus had borne the judgment of God because of the sins He bore. Now the fact that Jesus went to the cross is God's witness before the world that there is only one way that a man can come to God, and that is by the cross of Jesus Christ. There never was a sinner yet to whom God said, "You must not trust my Son": on the contrary, it is written, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." The word abyss (abussos) is usually found in the book of Revelation (Revelation 9:1-2; Revelation 9:11; Revelation 11:7; Revelation 17:8; Revelation 20:1; Revelation 20:3). If I am thus pitied of God, if so truly and completely a justified man, if I am really an object of God's eternal favour, how can I have such a sense of continual evil? There may be desires in the heart, and yet no prayer, unless those desires be presented to God. And this lies in the fact that Abraham believed God before he had the son, being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able to perform. In doing so, he personifies righteousness based on faith. "To all that be at Rome, beloved of God, called saints" (ver. Oh, my bearer, our salvation lies in this! or who hath first liven to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes ( Romans 10:3-4 ). The believing and the confession of that believing in God's own way are never to be separated, for "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." III. Beware of those endeavors of men today to broaden the gate. In the end the soldiers so pitied him that they brought him dressed meat, which was not pork, and told him to eat it and say that he had eaten pork. ( Romans 10:5-8 ). We are not put to climb for it--it is not in heaven; we are not put to dive for it--it is not in the deep. Thus, having shown the Gentile in Romans 1:1-32 manifestly wrong, and hopelessly degraded to the last degree having laid bare the moral dilettantism of the philosophers, not one whit better in the sight of God, but rather the reverse having shown the Jew overwhelmed by the condemnation of the divine oracles in which he chiefly boasted, without real righteousness, and so much the more guilty for his special privileges, all now lies clear for bringing in the proper Christian message, the. 6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? From the Septuagint, Deuteronomy 30:14. [2.] In Deuteronomy 30:11 Moses said his information was not far off, and it was not hidden from the Jewish people. To this then the apostle comes, after having spoken of the divine favour shown himself, both when a sinner, and now in his own special place of serving the Lord Jesus. Anyone who thinks that justification by faith is a new concept needs to re-study the Old Testament and the book of Romans. He did not say, "Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O my friends, for the hand of the Lord hath touched me." I have lost a friend tender and true to me, and my heart is too full for utterance. This is not something to smile at, but to admire. Some wonder why Paul didnt mention the crucifixion in this passage. Paul said, "It is eliminated." An Italian gentleman, who has known me since I have been at Mentone, was asked, "Are you a Catholic?" The words, which we preach, are added, that no one might have the suspicion that Paul differed from Moses; for he testifies, that in the ministration of the gospel there was complete consent between him and Moses; inasmuch as even Moses placed our felicity in nothing else but in the gratuitous promise of divine favor. 16). If a man confessed faith in Jesus, as the Lord and Saviour of lost sinners, and really believed in his heart that God had raised him from the dead, thus showing that he had accepted the atonement, he should be saved by the righteousness of Christ, imputed to him through faith. June 2023. There is such a thing as a blind misguided zeal: such was that of the Jews, who, when they hated Christ's people and ministers, and cast them out, said, Let the Lord be glorified (Isaiah 66:5); nay, they killed them, and thought they did God good service, John 16:2. He brings out the peculiar glories of Israel according to the depth of the gospel as he knew and preached it; at least, of His person who is the object of faith now revealed. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, Their sound has gone out to all the earth, i. And this leads the apostle into the moral history of man the proof both of his inexcusable guilt, and of his extreme need of redemption. Acts 17:31; 2 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Corinthians 15:13-20. Go not to the loom to weave a righteousness. Several general exhortations proper for all Christians, Rom. A person cannot save himself. Clearly, then, such ground is untenable. He was the promised Messiah, born King of the Jews. Hence it is essentially founded on the gift not only of a Saviour who would interpose, in the mercy of God, to bear our sins, but of One who is already revealed, and the work done and accepted, and this known in the fact that God Himself has interposed to raise Him from among the dead a bright and momentous thing to press on souls, as indeed we find the apostles insisting on it throughout the Acts. One said somewhat roughly to him a fortnight before, "Don't be downhearted; you may got better yet." a. At least they have a zeal for God, Paul says. Obedience to the gospel required under Gods system of grace ("the righteousness which is of faith") is the obedience that trusting faith always produces not the obedience of works of merit. (i) There is the ignorance which comes from neglect of knowledge. Nothing shows better the Jewish attitude than the three classes into which they divided mankind. ii. The meaning is not what was executed on Christ, but what is in virtue. 3. No; under the law it was nothing but "Do and live; leave undone and die." Man goes back to the righteousness of works. Here it is not merely the negation of law and of circumcision, but we have the positive side. It is exquisite the delicate love with which he singles out distinctive features in each of the saints, men and women, that come before him. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek ( Romans 10:11-12 ): Quite a statement for Paul a Hebrew of the Hebrews to make--no difference between the Jew and the Greek, that is, as far as salvation is concerned. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved: We do not gain Gods righteousness by works. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." ): Paul says it is not necessary for men to descend into the realms of death and Satan to attain salvation. Thus then, if Paul gave his own sense of Jewish privileges, there was no unbelieving Jew that rose up to his estimate of them. Knowing God we come to believe and trust in God. God is proved thus divinely consistent with Himself in Christ Jesus, whom He has set forth a mercy-seat through faith in His blood. But if it were so, He had not done with them. Undoubtedly divine judgment fell on Him; but this is not "the righteousness of God," as the apostle employs it in any part of his writings any more than here, though we know there could be no such thing as God's righteousness justifying the believer, if Christ had not borne the judgment of God. Now, what Paul declared of the Jew then is still true today. No Gentile would do it who had not ceased worshipping the emperor as Kurios. The solution is given elsewhere in the Bible: Get back to what brought us together in the first placethe combination of the word of Christ and devotion to Him, to the love . Thus the second man looks to excitements and feelings just as the first looked to works and self-denials. But it is very plain and easy: The word is nigh thee. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. If you want to live by the law (find life through the law), you must do the law and do it completely and perfectly. Then, in Romans 9:1-33; Romans 10:1-21; Romans 11:1-36, the apostle handles a difficulty serious to any mind, especially to the Jew, who might readily feel that all this display of grace in Christ to the Gentile as much as to the Jew by the gospel seems to make very cheap the distinctive place of Israel as given of God. The apostle applies this according to divine wisdom. Though Paul preached against them, yet he prayed for them. As Cottrell observes: Moses emphasis is clearly on the accessibility and understandability of Gods law. An evil pronouncement .read more. Paul's answer is: "Israel's disbelief was only to be expected, for, long ago, Isaiah was moved to say in despair: 'Lord, who has believed what we have heard?'" Listen to it, lost ones; you need not climb to heaven: Christ has come down from heaven to you; and if you lie among the spiritually dead to-day, or think you do, he has come down to you, and you need not enquire bow you can go up to him. Their opposition to the gospel is from a principle of respect to the law, which they know to have come from God. Yes, whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. We believe everything which the Lord Jesus has taught, but we must go a step further, and trust him. God send us more like him men to whom religion is for home consumption. They could not with Paul disclaim a dependence upon this (Philippians 3:9), Not having my own righteousness. "Oh, God surely loves all mankind, and God loves the Buddhist and God loves the Mohammed, and God loves everybody." They set up the golden calf, and thus cast off the true God, their God, even in the desert. Does that mean then that God is through with the Jew forever? Because this information was in the hands of the Hebrews, the Israelites did not need to go beyond the sea (verse 13) or send someone up to heaven (verse 12) to receive information about Gods will. But he meets their proud exclusiveness in another way. It is done. In the Fourth Book of Maccabees there is an amazing incident. Isaiah says: "I was found of them who sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me." a. "Shall we sin," says he, proceeding yet farther (ver. Yet note, that Paul opens this up into two things. This knowledge was readily available and known to all. It is not among the Gentiles, but in the honoured centre of the polity of Israel. Romans 10:8-17 8 But what does it say? IV. This is the key word of early Christianity. They ought to have known better: they had every chance to know better; but they rejected the appeal of God. There they were recorded, and Jack was a new man and a saved man. But what does it say? Can your faith pray? Apparently the meaning is: "What if the message was so difficult to grasp that even when Israel did hear it they were unable to grasp its significance?" That is, the Jews did not need to wonder about or ask how God would treat those who obeyed and disobeyed. Christ is the end of the moral law in that he did what the law could not do (Romans 8:3; Romans 8:3), and secured the great end of it. In his final sermon, Moses made some other points. Herein he was merciful, as God is, who is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9), desires not the death of sinners. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God: Saving faith comes through hearing by the word of God. Next, he enters upon another branch of the truth the Spirit not as a condition contrasted with flesh (these two, as we know, being always contrasted in Scripture), but as a power, a divine person that dwells in and bears His witness to the believer. First Moses says: I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation, There is the type of confession described in Matthew 10:32. Hear this! There is a preaching which blasts the sinner with tempestuously angry words; but always Paul speaks the truth in love. But now he turns around and says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ** See No. Hence it is wholly apart from the law, whilst witnessed to by the law and prophets; for the law with its types had looked onward to this new kind of righteousness; and the prophets had borne their testimony that it was at hand, but not then come. "What do you mean? He was debtor both to the Greeks and the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise; he was ready, as far as he was concerned, to preach the gospel to those that were at Rome also (ver. Though the whole might have been announced in one continuous sentence, yet a question is interposed for the sake of exciting attention: and his object at the same time was to show how great is the difference between the righteousness of the law and that of the gospel; for the one, showing itself at a distance, restrains all men from coming nigh; but the other, offering itself at hand, kindly invites us to a fruition of itself, Nigh thee is the word. Or let's put on our asbestos suits and descend into hell and bring the Messiah back from the grave. 13). First, What is promised to us: Thou shalt be saved. why am I still under bondage and misery from the constant evil of my nature, over which I seem to have no power whatever? Paul was well aware of that; at this very time he was planning the evangelization of Spain, a province where the name of Christ was not yet known (c.f. This is the substance of the matter Christ saves, and we trust. It is sinful shame that makes people deny Christ, Mark 8:38. As no keeper of the law would have been lost on any ground whatever, so no believer in Christ shall be lost on any ground whatever; as no breaker of the law could escape punishment, so no unbeliever in Christ can he saved. Christ's work of redemption deserves that God should act as He does in the gospel. Wishing and woulding, if that be all, are not praying. And thus, I have great difficulty with their present and current status before God. Nevertheless the apostle does not expressly mention heaven here. in your mouth -- --when you confess Him. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. Never lose the balance. for on your own showing, according to that word to which we all bow, you must admit that one man's sin brought in universal moral ruin and death. He introduced a new religion and way of worship, to which the former must give place. No, my dear friend, do not say that even in your thought. The "word of faith" means the message that righteousness comes by faith. Now what is this word of faith? If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Would that the Lord would give us hearts to remember, as well as eyes to see, according to His own grace! "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." Salvation isn't way off in heaven some place. It is implied in this wish that they might be convinced and converted; he could not pray in faith that they might be saved in their unbelief. Live, that is, be happy, not only in the land of Canaan, but in heaven, of which Canaan was a type and figure. And how can they believe in Him unless they hear about Him? Has God then no delivering power from this? We also do not need people to enter into heaven to learn Gods will since this information is revealed in His word. While there were people who could read, the ordinary first-century citizen depended rather on being able to hear something. (Morris). First, then, a man to be a Christian must have a sense of the utter uniqueness of Jesus Christ. When we speak of looking upon Christ, and receiving Christ, and feeding upon Christ, it is not Christ in heaven, nor Christ in the deep, that we mean; but Christ in the promise, Christ exhibited to us, and offered, in the word. "Always remember to keep your voice down," said another. You, dear friend, down the aisle there, it you trust in Christ you shall never be ashamed of your hope. What is remote, with difficulty. And "how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?" And what led to the call of Abraham, of whom we hear much in the epistle to the Romans as elsewhere, was the departure of man into idolatry. Observe. 17 So then [ therefore] The words "so then" indicate the consequence of those who believe the message. The strictness of the law showed men their need of salvation by grace, through faith. Commentary on Romans 8:10-17 (Read Romans 8:10-17) If the Spirit be in us, Christ is in us. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen. He selects this language because it expresses his meaning in familiar terminology that is at once suitable and proverbial. We cannot keep the law now, for we have already broken it: the vase is fractured, and to talk of keeping it entire is nonsense. b. Then Isaiah says, greatly daring: "I was found by those who did not seek me. So Paul concludes his argument by citing two Old Testament texts to prove his case. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. But why talk I so? Last of all, the apostle links up this fundamental treatise of divine righteousness in its doctrine, its dispensational bearings, and its exhortations to the walk of Christians, with higher truth, which it would not have been suitable then to bring out; for grace considers the state and the need of the saints. There was no part of heathenism practically viewed now, so corrupting as that which had to do with the objects of its worship. And he gives his reason: "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith." If I had a sense of sin as deep as that of lost souls in hell, I could hope that I should be saved." For Christ is the end of the whole system of law. Second Sunday in Lent Our Savior/Redeemer Pettibone/Woodworth, ND: Sun, Feb 20, 2005 Second Sunday in Lent : IN NOMINE JESU . (ver. Did they deny that they were a foolish nation? It is not a question of His mercy merely; for this weakens the truth immensely, and perverts its character wholly. The judgments of God will fall on man as man, but the heaviest blows are reserved for Christendom. There is no need of dwelling now on "salvation" as employed in the Old Testament, and in some parts of the New, as the gospels and Revelation particularly, where it is used for deliverance in power or even providence and present things. Them here: Paul says it is very plain and easy: word. Then that God should act as he does in the desert crucifixion in!! Live any longer therein? book of Maccabees there is none righteous, none that understandeth for the! Uniqueness of Jesus Christ a nation that God is proved thus divinely consistent Himself... 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romans 10:8 17 commentary

romans 10:8 17 commentary

romans 10:8 17 commentary

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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romans 10:8 17 commentary