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once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

Instead, they learn that the purple cloud was magic and that Mr. Gold also released a Wraith upon the town to destroy Regina. I walked out and let them do this. On the trek back to their allies, Emma considers the possibility of someone using their Dark One powers for good rather than evil. so far nobody had. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. "I called Killian and your mom, but there was no answer for either of them and you didn't give a third person to call so I called your dad." Emma wants to join them, but Regina declines because she thinks the latter is not in the right state of mind to face Hades. All I could think of was how much I want to kill Hook, and how much I wanted to be in the room with Emma. Realizing the woman means to apprehend her, Emma flees to her car, only to find Cleo has already put a boot on the tire. He refuses to let her go until she makes a hat "work", though Emma only makes an unfinished bowler hat. After an upset Mary Margaret storms out as David follows her, Hook becomes jealous over Emma's concern for August. In the aftermath, Emma returns to the inn where Henry is dropped off by Hook. Once Upon A Time season 7 is a total reset for the show. She's also half-sister of Henry Mills and Henry (Wish Relam), and granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma encourages him not compromise himself for the sake of someone else and then laments about her own future death by remarking she won't always be there to mother him like she can now. Hook thanks Emma for saving his life, even though the cost was her own magic. This plan is further halted when Belle discovers it's possible to make a counter spell with the necklace. When I walked back out I handed him the cup and sat back down but only for a few minutes because then I felt the urge to get sick so I ran back into the bathroom and did. Regina grows sick of trying to win back Henry, of the Charming's attitude towards her and of Emma never fighting for her. The whole idea pushes the limits of his imagination. Cleo kicks the glass out of a window before jumping out of it, followed by Emma, and they take off running. So I did. Before they can leave, Ursula stops them, as August is the only way to find the Author and restore her happiness, until she unexpectedly regains her lost singing voice from her father and decides to go home with him. Merida, having no hard feelings about what happened, thanks Emma for helping her see she should be merciful to the clans rather than kill them for betraying her. He hopes to impress Violet's father with his skills, but they convince him not to change, with both Regina and Emma exemplifying how each of their first loves didn't try to be anything but themselves. I know you can do it." He's curious about who she really is, but Emma isn't interested in sharing that information. When they are alone, Mary Margaret suggests checking Henry's castle playground where he usually frequents. During an evening festivity at the diner, Emma hands Henry his storybook, and is puzzled by his strangely dull reaction to it. Megara later reunites with Hercules and Mary Margaret to kill the hellhound together. Mulan agrees, and gives Emma poppy dust to use on the giant. Killian was allowed to cut the umbilical cord. To this, Regina accuses Emma of assuaging her guilt over bringing back Marian. If you ship CaptainSwan then check out this book. During the face-off, Hook is nearly drowned by Mr. Gold on Zelena's order; forcing Emma to choosesave him and lose her magic or let him die. They bond over having powers they can't control and figuring out who they are beyond their titles; Elsa as Queen and Emma as the savior. The next morning, Emma phones Regina, but she doesn't pick up, so Henry tries calling her instead. Using Neal's lock-pick method, she frees both of them and regroups with Hook, Prince Charming and Red Riding Hood only to witness Snow White's execution by the Queen. He is suspicious about all the old friends she's never mentioned and how people seem to whisper secretively around him. Unable to simmer her frustration, Emma hurls the vase of flowers in her office across the room. And because getting added to Thorin's council isn't trouble enough, Kili is in love with an elf, Fili may or may not have his eyes on a certain little scribe, everyone seems to think he is a lady hobbit, and Thorin needs to find someone to marry. At the apartment, Emma is warmed up. Right, Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, Surprise?. The two exchange blows before Emma aims a gun at Lily, almost pulling the trigger until Regina persuades her out of it. Ruins of Camelot. The world will still be here to welcome you when you wake up, my love." She opened her eyes halfway to look at him once more before letting them close completely, falling into her first slumber. She was a practical person, everything in her life was planned, everything but falling in love with her boss. "Come on Emma. Hook catches up and hands Emma the book to show her the family she will be leaving behind. ("The Stranger"), Henry begs Emma not to depart from Storybrooke since she still needs to save everyone from the curse. With her and Mr. Gold's combined powers, they shrink the spider before Emma kills it by stomping on it. Through browsing, she discovers the Hancock County Courthouse has a file on her. I have never had to deal with anything like this before. Ordered by Elsa, Emma tells David to find Anna. Emma and Elsa try to take down Ingrid, but their magic fails. After she arrests and put him in a cell, Emma is bribed by Regina to allow her some alone time with Mr. Gold. She investigates and raises her sword in alarm when spooked by a young boy, who presents himself as Peter Pan. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. Hoping to stop Mr. Gold before things escalate, they ask Belle for the dagger, but she recalls giving it to Hook, revealing Mr. Gold pretended to be him to get it. Recalling the dream she had, she consoles Henry with the knowledge Neal knows he's all right. ("Lily"), Returning to town, Emma and Regina not only bring Lily but Robin and Zelena as well. From upstairs, Henry has been eavesdropping and pushes his way into the conversation. Before leaving Skull Rock to stop Pan, Emma presses her parents to retrieve more healing water from Dead Man's Peak for the journey home, before Mr. Gold can make an elixir in Storybrooke for David. The blonde continues to stand by her decision, stating that Hook was the one who ran and there's nothing more to say about the issue. Only after getting to the location, she discovers the fake fight was an excuse devised by Regina and Snow to lure her to the bar. After dropping him off again, Emma shares with Regina the coincidence of how she and Henry met. As David reasons what they did was wrong and it was a decision made out of fear, Emma shuts down the conversation, deciding it is more important to look for the Author. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the third season and is portrayed by starring cast member Rebecca Mader and guest star Isabella Blake-Thomas. David swims out to grab Emma, while Hook, Regina, and Mary Margaret work together to pull both of them up. According to Jennifer, there is an old fairy-tale that she has been using as a reference for Dark Swan, "The Queen and the Murderer", which sort of parallels Emma's journey. To gain his trust, Emma pretends to sympathize by declaring that she thinks Mary Margaret is her own mother. Fearing Marian will alter the future by simply existing, Hook and Emma decide to take her to the future. Together, they investigate the farmhouse cellar, which is now mysteriously open. I nodded my head and ran down the stairs. ("The Cricket Game"), At Archie's funeral, Emma comforts a saddened Henry. They head to the vault where Regina took "Henry" for protection. ("The Dark Swan"), At the castle, King Arthur introduces the group to his Queen, Guinevere, before announcing there will be a ball held in their honor. In passing, Sidney hands over flowers for Emma, though he is regretful to not finding anything in the case showing Regina is involved. Lastly, Emma finds Henry, telling him of his father's passing, and that he died a hero. Emma finds the Oracle, except that she is already dead. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while Emma and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. In it, Emma is stabbed by the enemy, an end that the Oracle warns will happen, no matter what path she takes to get there. Pan'. From then on, Emma and Henry try to help Regina make it through a pregnancy that she doesn't seem very thrilled about. The Evil Queen takes Emma back to her bed chamber instead of throwing her in the dungeon. They set sail as soon as a portal opens from the last magic bean. They return to the apartment when Hook returns without Henry since he allowed Emma's parents to take him. Again, Emma fends off the accusation. West. She states that if there is still a path of redemption for August, he must travel it on his own terms. David and Mary Margaret offer to watch over Henry, but she balks and implies her son thinks they are boring. "Emma, talk to me, please, what's going on?". After much conversation, the giant sees she is not a bad person and gives her the compass while freeing himself out of the cage. Awkwardly, Emma excuses herself. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. After he is gone, she asks Henry if strangers usually come to Storybrooke. Emma Swan leaves her parents loft at 9:30pm, and doesn't return home. That night, Emma turns up on Regina's doorstep, asking to see Henry. She panics and retreats into the bathroom, but returns to threaten Henry with a police call, but he promises to give them the excuse that she kidnapped him. After a blackout, Emma is radioed by David, who is picking her up so they can investigate. ("Broken Heart"), With the Dark Ones on the loose, Emma and allies to split up to search for and take down Hook. Mary Margaret is very upset, despite that Emma once considered them as family, she left without a word. Or it wouldn't if he hadn't possibly accidentally promised to provide Thorin with an heir and Din just might still be scheming something. Mr. Gold comes to warn them about Regina's plans of revenge on Mary Margaret and decides to help further by stopping it from happening after David demands him to do so. On the side of the road, Emma decides to call Graham and accept the job of deputy to further cement roots in Storybrooke for Henry's sake. She gives him a penny to make a wish since making wishes used to cheer him up, but Henry reminds her that only worked when he was living in New York with no memory of Storybrooke or magic. Inside the shop, she is instructed by Mr. Gold to take out a piece of invisible chalk from a jar and draw a protection line at the door. She consults with Mr. Gold for a permanent solution to be rid of her magic, and he presents her with a spell capable of this feat. Even as the vehicle pulls away, Emma continues to stare after it as she, too, desires a family. After Anna is released, Ingrid touches the scroll crystal and receives Gerda's happy memories with her and Helga. Inside the lobby, Emma is able to spot a room number407which has no name listed. On Regina's suggestion they use force against Devin, Emma allows her to rip out his heart while she holds back a disagreeable Mary Margaret. From this, Emma recognizes Regina framed her, but Mary Margaret bails her out. Will instructs them to look in the backroom for proof of his claims. Henry, her son, talks to them about his upcoming knighting ceremony, and they briefly reminisce about his deceased father, Baelfire. As the remaining pair comb the woods near the holly berry bushes, Emma, believing Hook is hiding something, pries him about what happened in the Enchanted Forest, but he refuses to say. I think I might be pregnant." Young Emma steals an Apollo bar from a movie goer's pocket. Due to his insistence, she allows him to plan their outing. 15 months later she knocks on the door to the Swan apartment only to see that things arent quite as she had dared hope they would be. After Regina defeats the fury and the townspeople are having a night out at the diner, Emma watches from across the street before leaving. Can someone help her embrace them? As a final warning, Regina dissuades her from interfering in Graham's life and sending him down the wrong path. From outside the room, Emma and Regina watch the interview between the District Attorney Mr. Spencer and Mary Margaret. They reach an bridge, evidently made from Elsa's magic, and as they cross, the Snow Queen's wind gust stops them. To this, Emma thanks her twice; the first being under the dagger's influence, and then again out of her own volition. But she couldnt wait any longer to share the couple's happy news with her son. During a family day in the Jolly Roger with her husband and son, Emma discusses her desire to have a second chance in motherhood with Killian and while shes nervous she might not get it, Killian reassures her everything will be okay. Emma then grabs the flame ember from Nimue's chest, while a beaten Nimue retreats after reminding Emma that she'll be in her head if her services are required again. Emma hurries to the diner where the other townspeople are gathered. ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), After learning the truth about Cruella, Emma blames Mr. Gold for manipulating her into killing her. Even Henry tells her she's broken their trust too many times, and that she's hurt everyone with how she has shut them out in order to deal with the problem alone. ("Snow Drifts", "Breaking Glass"), Realizing she will likely never catch the eye of adoptive parents, Emma hops a bus to Minnesota. Emma returns the remaining squid ink to Mr. Gold, asking him to paralyze Hook with it during the duel, so she can retrieve the dreamcatchers, but Mr. Gold refuses, wanting to win with honor instead of magic. Emma pushes Regina into Cora, and distracts them long enough for her and Neal to run to the backroom as she seals the doorway with another barrier. Investigating nearby, Emma spots the Snow Queen and follows her, but she loses the woman's trail. At Aurora's insistence she cannot be trusted, Mulan binds her up. They decide to seek out Mother Superior's help in this situation. When Regina questions her about the memory wipe, Emma admits she removed those memories for a reason, causing Regina to vow that she will retrieve them no matter what. About the time when the Wraith causes destruction in Storybrooke, Emma drives her car to somewhere and almost bumps into a man. With the last curse, she recalls believing in magic after touching the fairytale storybook, which triggered her memories of the Enchanted Forest. She regains her memories from the potion and later learns that her family has been re-cursed by someone powerful. I told her that I have a date with Robin and asked if she could take Henry for a couple hours. Rumplestiltskin then aids them in tracking down Prince Charming and Snow White's locations. When the file turns up with barely anything, Emma has a meltdown. Prince Charming | David Nolan. Regina passes out after taking the scroll and awakens with knowledge of the price for stopping the curse. David then called me again. Returning home, Emma notices Henry forgot to move the chest to the shed, so she begins taking it out herself, only to hear Hook's voice coming from a conch shell inside it. ("Rocky Road"), After telling Henry about her relationship status with Hook, Emma drives him to the diner where she intends to ask her boyfriend out on a date. To complete the potion for reverting Merlin to human form, they need a tear of a broken heart. I tried to push, but I was so exhausted. He can tell both she and David are lying. When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. Once Regina completes a spell on the library elevator door, she and Emma magick it open, but it reveals a brick wall instead of access to Hades' lair. John's pretty sure his insurance won't cover that. But a threat from another world looms large, distracting our fair couple from the impending birth. There, she shoots a flying monkey to protect her son as David and Regina also step in to take out incoming monsters. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. After Henry rallies a crowd of New Yorkers to make wishes, a portal opens in the fountain, allowing his family to return. As they have a toast in honor of Neal, the ship suddenly rocks violently, prompting them to investigate and discover mermaids are slamming against the ship. I couldn't help but smile. "Of course dear, now should we go in?" Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. Knowing Hook is on his daughter's mind, David persuades her that Killian is doing the same for her wherever he is. Snow convinces Charming that they'll use Maleficent's egg since she believes a child of a dragoness will be evil by nature. ("Selfless, Brave and True"), David and Mary Margaret surprise Emma by driving her to an unknown location and refusing to say anything until she sees the place for herself. Emma resigns herself to this, but when Hook shows up, she tries to persuade him that the darkness is only helping him get his revenge so it can use him to get what it wants. Aesop, morphing into Gideon, reveals the tear-stained napkin is his way of cutting off Emma's communication with her beloved, and she won't get Hook back unless she helps him kill the Black Fairy. The next morning Emma awoke, went to fix breakfast, and went to wake up Henry. Before I could stand up a nurse knocked on the door and then entered. Snow tells her to use the dust to reach Hook and also reveals she and David once used the same dust to find her when she was just a child but that they ultimately sacrificed their happiness to save the townspeople. Before the trio finish her off, the Snow Queen retreats. Several of Emma's leather jackets and wool coats were custom made by the costume department. He jests that she likes him, which she strongly refutes. She also read about research about swans in general, and the psychology of fairy tales. But if she would have known the circumstances under which her prayers would be answered, she would have taken them back. ("Going Home", "An Untold Story"). Afterward, Sean tells Emma that Ashley has gone after her stepsister Clorinda, and he is worried she means to kill her. Jefferson shows her a telescope image of a girl next door, who he believes is his daughter, Grace. Having rediscovered herself by helping Hercules, she vows to no longer be Mary Margaret and be Snow White again. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." Sometimes Emma's mind becomes too much for her. When she and Hook are alone, Emma gives him a sincere thanks for saving her father's life. Even so, Emma and Elsa ominously recognize Ingrid will spare the two of them so they can be a "perfect family" with her. Reluctantly, Emma admits that the boy had the same look of despair she had while growing up in the foster system as a lost, unimportant girl desperately longing for the parents who gave her up. Annoyed at his secrets, she tells him off; believing it should be her responsibility alone to protect Henry. From David, Emma learns the Snow Queen is living under the name Sarah Fisher, but there are no records of her, which means she did not come to Storybrooke due to a curse. He presents the possibility that Henry's need for his father will cause him to run away to New York. Tracking Henry to Neal's apartment in New York, Emma runs a laptop scan to find out where he and Violet went. Since Ruby saw Regina's angry exchange with Archie a day earlier, this gives reason that she might have murdered him. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. Hook blames her for saving him without thinking of how it would change him, and now, her family will die. she shrugged her shoulders. Back at camp, Emma begins helping to weave a large net out of vines to catch a Lost Boy while avoiding Hook's unwavering stare. Mommy coaxed. That night, Emma breaks into the courthouse to search for more files. Afterwards, Emma shares a kiss with Hook; asking for his patience while she sorts out things with Regina. After the darkness escapes elsewhere into town, the Apprentice tells her about the origins of the Dark One, who was created by the Sorcerer Merlin as a means to trap the darkness. That night, Emma, David, Henry, Mary Margaret and Regina have a meal together at the diner. Aladdin blames himself for the fall of Agrabah, but he eventually decides to own up to his mistakes when Emma advises him to do as she did by facing those he disappointed and making up his errors. Another girl in the group home sees a paper advertising the competition and mocks her for even thinking anyone would want to hear her sing as she's just like the rest of the orphans who will be alone forever. She is also an allusion to the Black Swan from the Swan Lake ballet. Regina dislikes the idea of Emma using dark magic to bring back the sorcerer, but Emma insists it's a risk she is willing to take, despite what is at stake. As the remaining duo return home, Hook reveals Ursula told him the villains want to darken Emma's heart so she will no longer be a savior by using the Author to do it. ", "Oh, ok that's fine, I'll tell Henry and have Robin come over tonight. Emma encourages him to go to Jasmine and tell her the truth, which he does. Emma goes out in search of Mary Margaret and accidentally hits a man, Jefferson, on the road. Despite Hook's proclamation about winning her heart fair and square, Emma continues to focus on Henry's safety, with Hook promising that he won't hold back on chasing after her once they get off the island. Instead, a furious Marian is disgusted at Regina, who she remembers as the Evil Queen and calls her a "monster". Emma cautiously asks would he want to go to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. Later, Emma confirms her own suspicions that Regina and Tinker Bell know each other, and asks the mayor herself for details. Emma decides to stay with Henry, and will leave town while Regina crafts new memories for them. Emma assumes the fresh cut on his cheek was Pan's doing, but he divulges that Henry did it. In a conversation with Henry's therapist, Archie, Emma is urged never to use the word "crazy" as it could damage the boy. The activity leader, Ashley, explains the get-together is a support group for first-time mothers. Without either noticing, Sidney, who is spying on Emma for Regina, snaps a photo of them from outside the store. Just then, Mary Margaret walks in to notify Emma about how strange David is acting in the forest. Like in the dream, the trio seek cover from it, but the storm is gone in the next instant, leaving a monster in its wake. Upon finding a camera, they record themselves goofing off. Regina nor the beans are in sight and the last time someone entered the office was by an override code. Relating the dream she had, excluding the part where her mother died, she talks about possibly burning the names from the headstones. I ran to answer it. ("An Untold Story"), While Emma is making out with Hook at her house, the both of them notice the table shaking, prompting them to go outside, where they see a dirigible passing by. The newspaper clipping in Emma's case file says: According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma is like an overgrown teenager who doesn't know how to eat properly or take care of herself properly, because she's never had a family unit. Abruptly, Mr. Gold pays them a visit to ask Emma to fulfill the favor she owes him by helping find his son, Baelfire. ("Broken", "Down the Rabbit Hole"), Emma and Mary Margaret are accused of killing Prince Phillip and taken hostage by Aurora and Mulan, who then take them to a survivors' haven. In a private chat, Hook asks Emma about what happened earlier, and she fills him in on the vision's new details along with her suspicions that something in the pawnshop triggered it. He disappears sometime after, leaving Emma disheartened, as she believes he doesn't know she came to save him. Merlin explains to Emma that Arthur has tethered him to Excalibur, and unless she forfeits the flame and the dagger, Arthur will have her family and friends killed. Grabbing coffee and aspirin at the diner, she mindlessly sits at a table until she sees a familiar looking star tattoo on the waitress's wrist, making her realize she is Lily. Hoping for a quick answer on how to annihilate Hades, Emma goes directly to Mr. Gold, but he refuses to tell her and instead blames her for getting everyone involved in her problem. Once they are alone, Emma cannot hold back from containing her disgust at Regina's scheming ways. The twosome reach a beach where Elsa follows the pendant's glow until it fades, but Anna is nowhere to be found. Not long after, Cleo collapses, having been stabbed by a piece of broken glass earlier. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. After concealing a box in her jacket, Emma begins walking out when a store employee stops her. It's never going to be easy. 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once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
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Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
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Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

once upon a time fanfiction emma baby