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how to worship quetzalcoatl

That is, according to the Aztecs. In one version of this story, he and his brother Tezcatlipota warred over the earth, destroying it four times before ending their feud. How should one worship the sun? It is believed that the Feathered Serpent was responsible for all of it. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. This idea of return stemmed from a supposed speech given by Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, to Corts when the Spanish arrived at Tenochtitlan. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. When he started to pay attention to what he was watering, Tlaloc saw a cave full of snakes that were eagerly sipping on his water. The worship of a feathered serpent deity is first document in Teotihuacan in the first century BCE or first century CE. [24] A fourth story narrates that Quetzalcoatl was born from Coatlicue, who already had four hundred children who formed the stars of the Milky Way. You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth. They inhabited the top of the Great Pyramid dedicated to Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc. In fact, he wanted to tempt him to come out into the light. Others said that he had invented the calendar and books. Aztec God Quetzalcoatl According to Aztec mythology, Earth had been through four cycles of Sun, each of which resulted in the destruction of mankind. In the Maya area he was approximately equivalent to Kukulkan and Gukumatz, names that also roughly translate as "feathered serpent" in different Mayan languages. Feathered serpents appear as early as 900 BC in parts of Mexico. His appearance can change drastically, however, depending on the region, era, and context. He drove the winds that brought rain and allowed plants to grow. The city was known as the center of Quetzalcoatls worship. Followers of the war god rebelled, however, forcing Topiltzin and his fol-lowers into exile on the Yucatn peninsula. This is evident in the iconography recovered from these sites. Quetzalcoatl wasnt all that happy with it, however. [40] However, a majority of Mesoamericanist scholars, such as Matthew Restall (2003, 2018[37]), James Lockhart (1994), Susan D. Gillespie (1989), Camilla Townsend (2003a, 2003b), Louise Burkhart, Michel Graulich and Michael E. Smith (2003), among others, consider the "Quetzalcoatl/Corts myth" as one of many myths about the Spanish conquest which have risen in the early post-conquest period. Whether Quetzalcoatl would return was out of the question. In mythology, he is a gentle god who loves peace, and it is said that he bestowed many blessings to the humans. In the era following the 16th-century Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, a number of records conflated Quetzalcoatl with Ce Acatl Topiltzin, a ruler of the mythico-historic city of Tollan. It really elevated the status of the Feathered Serpent to the protector of the people, which is also affirmed by his role as patron god. In sculptures adorning temples throughout ancient Mexico, he generally appeared as a plumed serpent, although sometimes he had human features as well. Franciscans such as Toribio de Benavente "Motolinia" saw elements of Christianity in the pre-Columbian religions and therefore believed that Mesoamerica had been evangelized before, possibly by Thomas the Apostle, who, according to legend, had "gone to preach beyond the Ganges". When Corts arrived, these factions had been in a state of nearly continuous warfare for seventy-five years. But still, how could that ever be the case? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Similarly, various other birth stories are also associated with Quetzalcoatl. ; (2) a god of the winds, the sun, and the planet Venus; (3) the cultural hero and expected "messiah" of the pre-Columbian Mexicans; and (4) a god-hero who served as patron of the arts . Where once feathered snakes were worshiped all over, after the Spanish conquest the locals were forced into worshiping Jesus Christ. After Topiltzin's exile, Toltec power began to decline. The Spanish helped non-Aztec groups reclaim territory that included a massive pyramid dedicated to Quetzalcoatl. He transformed himself into a small black ant, taking a red ant with him for a little company during his journey. Standing over ten feet tall, the statue towers over onlookers as she leans toward them. Its still in line with the ubiquity of the plumed serpent, but the Aztec religion probably saw Quetzalcoatl as a more important deity in the creation of the world when compared to the civilizations that came before them. At one hand, Mayans considered a snake as the embodiment of the cosmos. Known as the Ehecailacozcatl, its swirling design represents the wind. In these instances, he is often seen wearing a lot of jewelry and some form of a hat. Manage Settings Residing in the darkness felt safe to him, so he decided to stay far away from the life-giving water. This is largely due to the story that the Aztec king welcomed Hernn Corts, the Spanish conquistador, as the reincarnation of the god. After all, thats the process that he himself went through: from darkness to light. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice. This didnt help a lot to overcome their cruel intentions, however. Each of these four sons presides over one of the four cardinal directions. Quetzalcoatl drank it, became intoxicated and committed incest with his sister, Quetzalptatl. Quetzalcoatl was so closely linked to fertility and creation that many groups held him to be the creator of mankind. Also, the Quetzalcoatl mural had quite a bit to do with internal peace in society. [15] In the 17th century, Ixtlilxchitl, a descendant of Aztec royalty and historian of the Nahua people, wrote, "Quetzalcoatl, in its literal sense, means 'serpent of precious feathers' but in the allegorical sense, 'wisest of men'."[16]. Quetzalcoatl wears a tall conical hat with a fan of black and yellow feathers. Most Mesoamerican beliefs included cycles of suns. Carrasco's work was revised in 2000, and the new edition provides a valuable overview of the controversy about Cortes and Quetzalcoatl. A young woman would be dressed as Xochiquetzal before being beheaded and flayed. This strongly suggests that these deities were Mayan equivalents of Quetzalcoatl. Well, in fact, the Feathered Serpent is deemed to be the god who has helped Mesoamerican cultures start their corn crops. This betterment meant something different with every new installment, which explains why many Aztec deities are related to different realms. The pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus was named after the deity. There was one way that would certainly work, namely by letting it rain so abundantly that the snake simply drifted out of the cave. In his form as Ehecatl he is the wind, and is represented by spider monkeys, ducks, and the wind itself. A Walking Tour of the Maya Capital of Chichn Itz, The Chac Mool Sculptures of Ancient Mexico, Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica. Its more likely that Montezuma saw the Spanish not as enemies but as possible allies in his ongoing campaign to enlarge his empire. In some traditions, he was considered to be the creator of mankind. The worlds largest pyramid, Tlachihualtepetl, was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl and was built up at the site over a period of a thousand years. "9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl." [25] Quetzalcoatl was often considered the god of the morning star, and his twin brother Xolotl was the evening star (Venus). In an example from Yaxchilan, the Vision Serpent has the human face of the young maize-god, further suggesting a connection to fertility and vegetational renewal; the Maya Young Maize god was also connected to Venus. This would oppose the other serpent rising in the exact opposite direction, namely outwards. Rather than the conquistador himself being the wind god, however, it was that his army allowed the Puebla and their allies to reclaim the pyramid of Tlachihualtepetl, the center of Quezalcoatls cult. During the Post-Classic Period (900AD-1519AD), the main center of Quetzalcoatls worship was Cholula. Colonial documentary sources from the Maya area frequently speak of the arrival of foreigners from the central Mexican plateau, often led by a man whose name translates as "Feathered Serpent". My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) However, independent historical sources do not substantiate this claim and later historians have disputed it as well. Some said that before this he had helped to create the world itself. Quetzalcoatlhe was the wind, the guide and road sweeper of the rain gods, of the masters of the water, of those who brought rain. In the codices, he was generally more human-like. The eclipse that was caused by the birth of Quetzalcoatl is believed to be the fifth eclipse to ever happen. Well, if you go to central Mexico you wouldnt have a very hard time finding some. A feathered serpent deity, therefore, synthesizes opposites, melting together the destructive and developing character of the earth, represented by the snake, with the fertile and rendering forces of the heavens, represented by the bird. Today he is known best as Quetzalcoatl, the name he was worshipped by in the Aztec culture. Ruler of the, Nicholson 2001, Carrasco 1982, Gillespie 1989, Florescano 2002, Lafaye 1987, Townsend 2003, Martnez 1980, Phelan 1970. Over time, Quetzalcoatl's appearance, clothing, malevolent nature, and status among the gods were reshaped to fit a more Christian framework. This, too, was a prophecy about what his next reincarnation would look like. Mictlanteuctli and Mictlancihuatl, the two gods that ruled that realm, gave him a puzzle he was expected to complete before he could take the bones. Well, look no further, because Quetzalcoatl is your guy. To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: Maup van de Kerkhof, "Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent Deity of Ancient Mesoamerica", History Cooperative, February 13, 2023, [30], He is also attributed with having brought the cacao plant from a sacred mountain to the Toltec people, teaching the women how to make traditional drinking chocolate.[31]. On the basis of the iconography of the feathered-serpent deity at sites such as Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, Chichn Itz, Tula and Tenochtitlan combined with certain ethnohistorical sources, historian David Carrasco has argued that the preeminent function of the feathered-serpent deity throughout Mesoamerican history was as the patron deity of the urban center - a god of culture and civilization. [23], The exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl varied somewhat between civilizations and through history. Based on this narrative, Quetzalcoatl is often cited as the Creator in the Aztec mythology. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Quetzalcoatl, or "Feathered Serpent," was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. . This, too, meant the end of the god Quetzalcoatl. Finally, the north is represented by the god who is only known as Tezcatlipoca or the Black Tezcatlipoca. This is also evident in the duality of serpent figures throughout Mesopotamian history. The spelling of the name is rooted in Nahuatl, a language that has been spoken since at least the seventh century CE.The first part comes from the Nahuatl word quetzalli, meaning precious green feather. The second part of his name, coatl, means serpent. Quetzalcoatl (pronounced Keh-tzal-coh-AH-tl) is the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs and Toltecs. In this period the deity is known to have been named Quetzalchutl by his Nahua followers. Quetzalcoatl was variously assigned the role of a creator, of the patron deity of the priests as in the Aztec culture, of the embodiment of the cosmos as in the Mayan culture and generally as a god of fertility. Toltec religion. Because the Feathered Serpent himself was the one responsible for the eclipse, he is often referred to as the Fifth Sun. It shows the first signs of a feathered serpent cult amongst ancient civilizations of the region. They therefore claimed that Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec name for Thomas the Apostle and that the naive natives believed that he, like Christ, would one day return to finish converting them to Christianity. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. According to a Toltec legend, their civilization (which dominated Central Mexico from approximately 900-1150 A.D.) was founded by a great hero, Ce Acatl Topiltzn Quetzalcoatl. For example, the Aztecs revered him as the god of the priesthood, knowledge, and trade. Kukulkan In the Mayan culture, this name was used by the Yucatec people of southern Mexico and Belize. In another, they worked together to tear apart a monster called Tlaltcuhtli and create the land and its features from her body. Quetzalcoatl was a deity which was a part of the pantheon of most Mesoamerican civilisations. Quetzalcoatl is one of the most well-known Mesoamerican gods, but how much do you actually know about the feathered serpent of pre-Columbian Mexico? Corts himself claimed in a letter that the gullibility of the Aztec people helped him to conquer them. Minster, Christopher. Indeed, Tlaloc can be traced back to the earliest myths of the civilization of Teotihuacan. Quetzalcoatl was not only one of the most important deities in pre-Columbian Mexico, he was also one of the oldest. He used his own blood from wounds he inflicted on himself to give life to the bones and create mankind. Different Mesoamerican groups had their own legends about Quetzalcoatl and placed emphasis on different domains. For more details, Wikipedia is a good resource. The Myth of Quetzalcoatl: Religion, Rulership, And History In The Nahua World Paperback November 7, 2015, Learn more about Quetzalcoatl at WikiPedia, Copyright - 2023 - Aztecs and Tenochtitlan, The Myth of Quetzalcoatl: Religion, Rulership, And History In The Nahua World. The Toltecs and Nahuas worshiped the god before he was eventually adopted by the Aztecs. Worship of Quetzalcoatl can be traced back to as early as the Teotihuacan civilization, a prominent urban center that peaked between the 3rd to 8th centuries CE. On the basis of the different symbolic systems used in portrayals of the feathered-serpent deity in different cultures and periods, scholars have interpreted the religious and symbolic meaning of the feathered-serpent deity in Mesoamerican cultures. The cult even spread down into the Maya lands. Historians debate to what degree, or whether at all, these narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical events. This made it an important sign of fertility because it brought with it the rains that renewed the earth. The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being. Similar gods would be used to represent the balance of two opposite powers. He also encouraged them to worship a different god, Quetzalcoatl (kehtsahlkoh AHT uhl), or the Feathered Serpent. He was so important that the worlds largest pyramid was just one of many places dedicated to his cult. The shift in perception had to do with a bigger emphasis on war and human sacrifice in these empires. Mexico's flagship airline Aeromxico has a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner painted in a special Quetzalcoatl livery. Quetzalcoatl stole the bones from the Underworld, taking great risks and evading many traps to bring them to the surface. Or rather, arrived again. He was known as the inventor of books and the calendar, the giver of maize (corn) to mankind, and sometimes as a symbol of death and resurrection. Quetzalcoatl's link to erudition and religious dedication ensured his worship across Mesoamerica, and some priests of high rank were anointed with his name. Quetzalcoatls quarrels with his brother Tezcatlipoca sometimes brought about these destructions of the world. They kept the same gods but believed in a new story. And when the wind rose, when the dust rumbled, and it crack and there was a great din, became it became dark and the wind blew in many directions, and it thundered; then it was said: [Quetzalcoatl] is wrathful., -Bernadino de Sahagn, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain. In the Mesoamerican Epiclassic Period (900-1200 A.D.), worship of Quetzalcoatl took off. From here, he would be seen as the morning star, while his twin brother would be seen as the evening star; planet Venus. Like most Mesoamerican gods, he was shown with a standard set of attributes. Quetzalcoatl stands out from the Mesoamerican pantheon as being relatively less bloodthirsty than others like Huitzilopochtli or Tezcatlipoca, making him as good a candidate as any for Jesus visiting the New World. Ququmatz Also written as Gukumatz, this name belonged to the Kiche Maya. Are you still looking for a being that caused a solar eclipse? There are three different ways you can cite this article. Eventually, this led to the fact that the four brothers became the creators of the universe, together referred to as the Tezcatlipocas. In fact, the Feathered Serpent was the patron deity of the priests, meaning that he was supporting and protecting them. He was worshiped among all the major cultures of the Mesoamerican region through history. In his aspect of Quetzalcoatl-Ehcatl, he wore a duckbill mask with fangs and shell jewelry. A famous Olmec stone carving, La Venta Monument 19, clearly shows a man seated in front of a feathered serpent. The temple of Quetzalcatl at Tenochtitln, the Aztec capital, was a round building, a shape that fitted the god's personality as Ehcatl. Xochiquetzal and the Moon To both Teotihuacan and Maya cultures, Venus was in turn also symbolically connected with warfare.[21]. After the first sun, Quetzalcoatl attacked his brother with a stone club, which caused Tezcatlipoca to command that his jaguars eat all of the people. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Because there were so many languages and ethnic groups in Mesoamerica, their gods went by many names. READ MORE: Water Gods and Sea Gods From Around the World. Chichen Itza is famous for its Temple of Kukulcn, which was their name for Quetzalcoatl. Of course, he was an ant, so moving from one side of the mountain to the other was a bit tougher than just flying there like a bird or slide-dancing there like a snake. Members of this confederacy from Tlaxcala, Puebla, and Oaxaca provided the Spaniards with the army that first reclaimed the city of Cholula from its pro-Aztec ruling faction, and ultimately defeated the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). Mason-Dixon Line As an Aztec deity, he was one of four sons of the creator god Ometeotl, associated with the wind god, and the patron god of arts and knowledge. He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god. Well, not all of them, but some do. Subtleties in, and an imperfect scholarly understanding of, high Nahuatl rhetorical style make the exact intent of these comments tricky to ascertain, but Restall argues that Moctezuma's politely offering his throne to Corts (if indeed he did ever give the speech as reported) may well have been meant as the exact opposite of what it was taken to mean: politeness in Aztec culture was a way to assert dominance and show superiority. It has been suggested that these stories recall the spread of the feathered-serpent cult in the epi-classic and early post-classic periods.[12]. Like most of their gods, the Aztecs shared him with both allies and foes throughout Mexico and Central America. The Nahua largely spoke dialects of the same language, Nahuatl, which helped to unify their culture. Because of this, the ways in which he was worshipped varied widely. He appears in Post-classic tales from the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec cultures. Each age of the world was given a new sun, and the world was on its Fifth Sun, having been destroyed four times previously. They maintained a major pilgrimage and commercial center at Cholula, Puebla which the Spaniards compared to both Rome and Mecca because the cult of the god united its constituents through a field of common social, political, and religious values without dominating them militarily. . For the ancient and contemporary people of Mexico, corn is not just your average crop. Getting the snake out of the cave had been Tlalocs only objective for months on end. He is usually called one of the Aztec gods, but even this identification only reveals a partial truth. , if you go to central Mexico you wouldnt have a very time! Of Mexico in time magazine 2000, and the new edition provides a overview... Of our partners may process your data as a part of their gods, how to worship quetzalcoatl! 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how to worship quetzalcoatl

how to worship quetzalcoatl

how to worship quetzalcoatl

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how to worship quetzalcoatl