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harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon

well, I suppose we could give him a sample. "When your parents saw the final terms, why'd they go along with it? Hermione rolled her eyes. Forgotten Realms is owned by: TSR Publishing ", "It'll be a pleasure to wipe that smirk off your face, scarhead," Draco said happily. "Merlin! What he doesn't count on is his little brother's name coming out of the goblet as well. Then may I speak with Mr. Potter for a few moments?". If needs be . "Do you two think you are safe for the next two nights in your dorms?". Anyway, what did you need? his own. While he had no intention of leaving Potter able to walk away under his own power, it was important to tell the old fool otherwise. "He is not your lord yet," Flitwick pointed out. ", "What?" Harry gave a sudden yelp. Part of the idea was that Bulgaria had massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery. ", He laughed, fist raised in triumph. "I know, I know. ", "Well, I'm glad you two are well-versed in pure-blood traditions. "What, we should suddenly realize our burning desire for each other after a quidditch match or something? ", "No, this is a much more recent title. Hermione asked. It really would be much simpler.". "Not even Ron or Hermione know all of that," Harry said at length. "Don't let his dirty mind and misunderstanding of what I'm going to be asking of Tracey and Daphne ruin your relationship with him.". That might be believable. ", Wide-eyed, Harry said, "I think it's time for you two to explain the rest of this story.". Preferably his. else I can do to make you feel better. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Not much plot. "I still need to look at that shoulder, Harry.". "Yeah." Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. she Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. yes, the 'Little Wizard's Talk'." Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. ", Tracey took a deep breath before resuming. ", Harry tilted his head. Her voice dropped to a purr that sent shivers up Harry's spine, "And if you humiliate Malfoy, I'll see what She paused for several seconds, frowning. Harry tried to hide the hitch in his throat at her actions. ", A house-elf popped in. When the first stunner came flying past his shield, Harry tapped his shoe, casting, "Subsulto." . On top of that, it's time limited. Simply put, we've been lucky so far. "Solicitors, accountants, some aurors. We recognized generations We would rather this not happen," she finished dryly. year, possibly of the generation. I know my parents love me, It's become a popular phrase for those of us who're not part of the Death Eater Idolization Club. ", Flitwick glanced at Harry. McGonagall followed Harry out and evaluated the scene in one glance. I call it slavery under another name. "You're developing a bruise here. Harry Potter | This Is The Sequel To The Slave Free Ashlynn Marie Potter has finally found out who she is. "Okay, that explains how you got into the situation. She raised a hand at Hermione's impending question. Nit the house-elf finished changing the room to Tracey's specifications and popped out after a quick bow. "Yes," Hermione hurriedly answered, blushing. . She has some vision of one big happy Weasley family and scads of grandbabies for her to spoil. "Don't you mean you'll inform all three of them?" Despite the speed of his spells, Harry never once seemed to be excited or hurried. "Then you were trying to take advantage of my background, assuming I'm ignorant?" I moved out of the Dursleys' house. I didn't know anything about how to initiate a magical duel," he said. Charm. place on Christmas Eve of this year.". . "They knew before we talked. "Perhaps later. Flitwick winced. ", "Oh, and just so you're aware, I've excused Mr. Potter from curfew. Clearly annoyed at the ease of Harry's counter, Draco sent a spread of stunners around the shield and dark purple spears into and through the physical barrier. "He will be the Master. "Unless you're confident you could beat him with a blade or something.". A vivid blue light caused Draco to drop his wand and scream in pain. "This really is for the best.". Potter, for instance, is a first The Potter Coven 9. a bare chest. "Very well," Harry agreed as he gave the barest hint of a nod towards his opponent's direction. "I wouldn't do that," Harry objected, his blush returning. "Nit, our elf, was around to keep me out of trouble. Tracey sat Harry down and swung him around so his feet were out from under the table. "Bludgeoning Hex; I didnt dodge fast enough," he grumbled. "And if any of the rumors about teenaged boys are anywhere even close to the truth . Perhaps we could put the two of you up in "Are you ready, Malfoy?". When he's reintroduced to the magical worlds, the story of the boy-who-lived means he's already attracted the interest of several titans. "After what Moody did to him in fourth year? "Your choice, Malfoy," Harry stated calmly, completely ignoring the sputtering Headmaster. You wearing any armor?". Just because we're both in the same situation and are willing to marry Potter, that "Just saying that it'll look bad. "I had hoped to keep the upper class Slytherins from turning to the Dark.". intends to use that status to his advantage; we intend to use it to ours. "As heir of a prestigious name like yours, you should know at least some of the basics.". they silently mouthed. The wedding ceremony itself is clearly defined and is to be paid for by the groom's family, though the brides' families have the right to invite a total of twenty people. "Snape is talking to Dumbledore.". "I think I'm going to like you after all, Granger. owner without too much fuss. Harry focused on his friend. Now in the future, Harry has to adjust to a world where his friends are adults and their kids are around his age. Upon entering, the three girls stopped between the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables and watched Harry walk up to Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. ", "Malfoy's dad set it up that way. A jet of flame shot out of Draco's wand towards Harry. It was a great deal smaller than the house common rooms but was decorated similarly and served the same "You have to relax," Daphne advised. finish it, for which I'm grateful. "Hmm? He climbed out of the car then circled round to my side. and you're on his case about it? She raised a "Yes, Master Potter-Black. "Only one question. hand at his look. "By sacrificing two girls to Malfoy and his clique?" "You have a good point, Professor," Tracey said reluctantly. He knew just how valuable Harry was to the Light. It read: dueling circle had left him toned and wiry. Harry Potter and the Head Girl 7. Daphne interrupted, "Granger, what would you be willing to do for anyone that could prevent you from becoming the communal toy of Draco, the goons, and Merlin knows who else?". She is already registered as official property of yours, Master Potter-Black. . ", "Honestly? ", Tracey sat up straighter at Harry's flat tone and narrowed eyes. After growing tired, the spirit of Hogwarts called out to Lady Magic to help Harry find a new place in life, and when the names were picked for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and some girls were sent to another world that was full of strange and beautiful animals. You've got nothing to worry about, just close your "I won't," Harry assured the two frightened girls. ", Not giving the Head Girl time to respond, Tracey turned. Your Online Resource for Relevant, Engaging, Biblical sermons! "It's Daphne and Tracey," Tracey Davis answered, waving her wand and bringing the torches to life. Dumbledore looked from one face to another. "What do you know about pure-blood marriage laws?" married again later if you wanted to. Dumbledore grasped at the straw. Harry shrugged. He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. "There isn't a law saying you need to be 11 to buy a wand. The three teens in question shook their heads. "Now Dumbledore comes over and tries to talk you out of it," Hermione said. They looked at each other. "Lead on, then. All the girls gave him reserved smiles, but Ron laughed aloud. Draco's hands shook in his rage, but he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a black, dragon hide vest. "The Yule Ball is tomorrow, so we can't do this then.". "It happens in the pure-blood families," Tracey said with a shrug. Tracey shrugged. "I shall let you know where your new quarters are after the break, Mr. Potter. Granger, a muggle-born, is the smartest. "I don't now how you got into this situation, Potter, but you should release them," McGonagall said without preamble. You have chosen to challenge Mr. Malfoy in public before witnesses, and he has chosen to accept. "I knew, Potter," Draco said quickly, convincing nobody. "Wearing armor would violate the Code," Flitwick said sternly. I'm really going to get married in a few days?". However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. We'd hoped to figure a way out of it without becoming anyones property. When it's done, it's by the We shouldn't have that ruined by the concept of pointless harems. "Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis want to talk with you. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Harry x Harem. "The challenge would be to find any honor in the Malfoy family," Harry retorted. This story is pretty much pure smut with a bit of plot within each chapter. ", His eyes narrowed at her. ", "I couldn't set that term on my duel with Draco due to his still being a student," Harry corrected. was that most of the pure-bloods are into the whole bigotry thing, which is total tripe if you critically examine it. A Harry Potter raised by the Delacour's and educated at Beauxbatons doesn't give a damn about Dumbledore or his Tri-Wizard tournament. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. It's been tradition for the Malfoys to arrange marriages for the Davis family for generations. "I'll bust him up real good for you then. If you want both of them to sleep with you -", "Stop right there, Ronald," Hermione said coldly, "and get your mind out of the gutter. ", Now Harry glared at his friend. One of your precious lions is now a slave owner.". and Snape. Oh, hi, Hermione. 4. Dudley didnt notice, oblivious as always to his plight, moaning softly as he came.". He lived a normal life with his family. ", Harry exchanged a glance with Dean. ", Harry blew out a breath and headed toward the door. "What's wrong?". any armor. "This is much more restrictive than most I've studied in the past. The boy would need to show her the error of her ways with the help of a magical collar tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage. But under the circumstances, it wasn't like I had many choices. When the Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts Harry plans to win. Harry gave her a dirty look but softened it with a smile a moment later. ", "I'm not trying to attack you," Neville reassured him hurriedly. My first inclination would be to have Harry set off the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapon at each and every pureblood home in Bulgaria. ", "Simply put, he'd destroy our families if we didn't sign. ", "The sooner the better," Tracy agreed. eyes and relax.". "Yes, thank you," Daphne added. No real bashing, just pointing at some flaws and seeing how people deal with them. Now, back to my situation: My children are potentially pure-bloods if the father is at least as pure-blooded as I am. . "At least give me until the ferret scurries back in here," he whispered back to her. Harry's down in the dumps after his fourth year. Harry was exhausted after his emotional unburdening, and the girls were absorbing all the information. ", "We will be concubines, not real wives; any children we give you would be legitimate but not primary heirs. any armor.". To his right, Harry's mother, Lily Potter was eating some toast while chatting with her daughter. "Would you have listened to us without her?" . Besides, I'm now your betrothed.". "I wish I knew, Hermione; I wish I knew. The two girls continued to coax stories out of Harry for hours, slowly and haltingly getting a nearly unabridged version of his time in Hogwarts. Everyone turn your papers over. Healer Harry Potter realizes that the problem lies with Bill and not with Fleur. "We're not going to harm you," a female voice whispered in a pacifying tone. "My life is an open book. "But -" Hermione started to object, eyes wide. Bye.". It is used with with full knowledge and permission. one of Rorschach's Blot's "Odd Ideas" "Unless the Headmaster gives his permission," Dumbledore said. This is a different take on 'gamer' fanfics. Tell me about Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass. ", Hermione smiled slightly. Harry, the girls, and Flitwick grinned. Potter here can't release them except through death. "That's not a slight on you," Tracey hastened to answer. Not to The bedroom doors off of the common area aren't locked, but I'll knock before entering. Psychopaths like the Malfoys wouldn't change, but he'd lose at least popular support and financial help ", "Die," Daphne said bluntly, "or kill us. "It'll be nice to have some ", Harry fought his anger down and thought about it for a few seconds. Harry sighed and turned to Dumbledore. They'll move out before next term begins.". It is not all that surprising that you would not have found references to Harry enters first and immediately assaulted by his uncle. He deflated slightly before speaking. You have five minutes.". "Slytherin may not be safe for us. Harry doesn't realize that *he's* the meal, but not even Fleur could have predicted just how far this would go. ", Potter shook his head. "Point taken," Hermione admitted with a scowl. ", "You mean the article in that tabloid was the truth? "My lord, I know he is a friend of yours, but I beg of you not to force me to -", Harry held up a hand, stilling the girl instantly. And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. There is more on the way, gang. He stood and left the room. Harry Potter rotated his left arm as his right hand massaged his shoulder. You won't turn us into prostitutes or party favors like Draco enjoy the fruits of your he asked them. Which excludes the ferret.". Highlander is owned by: Panzer/Davis and Rysher Tracey smiled wryly. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles well, its a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. All the Harry Potter Books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) "Why not someone else? "We haven't been farmers for quite some time, though," Daphne took up the tale again. "Unless you like that kind of thing.". Tracey let out a snort of amusement as she seated herself on the other bed. ", Harry made a rude noise. ", Hermione nodded, satisfied with the answers. Harry nodded firmly. And where have I been defensive? ", Tracey started. ", Tracey winced. "They can," Harry agreed, utterly ignoring the two thugs he had originally challenged. Both girls laughed. For now, I think we need to talk. ", "I think you need to talk with them yourself. ", "Maybe, but I bet - well, hope, I guess - neither of you snore like Ron. "How did you manage to get me to talk about it? The Head Suite had a small sitting area just behind the guardian portrait. This is a strange but heartwarming love story of Harry Potter and Lily Evans Potter. "Perhaps it would be best if you were to stay out of this, Albus.". "Actually, as long as we're clearing things up, my lord, we do need your permission. "Yeah, I did, theyre nice girls, both of them. "I'm not going to make them sleep together if they don't want to, Ron! ", "I'm aware of that, dear boy," Flitwick commiserated. "Damn you, Potter." ", McGonagall looked at her in confusion. "Speaking of that, how are you handling it all? generation full-blood. Harry made another disgusted noise. Taking the cue, the other four teens followed Flitwick out into the hallway. They want "How dare you imply I'd do something like that?" What happened?". ", "We don't think Granger would let you, even if you were so inclined," Tracy added with a weak smile. Also, if we're still students, may Tracey and I join Harry for the dueling lessons "Back to the duel, though, we'll be behind you," Daphne assured him. ", Hermione took her obvious cue. There were no dark lords terrorizing the wizarding world. FAQ's More You Might Like What is Harry Potter Lemon Fanfiction? Dumbledore gasped. Latest new chapter posted on 3/1/2023 features Nymphadora Tonks and Brigitte Lindholme from Overwatch. "Thank you for understanding, Deputy Headmistress.". Without a word to anyone, Harry turned and walked back to the group of nervous girls. ", Harry's eyes clouded over. Especially if it's the second version. Some old friends are just as eager as well.I went through and corrected the spelling of Voldemort. "Traditionally the time and place is named by the challenger. ", "I apologize, but the conversation I wish to have is quite urgent. Hermione gasped, a look of shocked horror etched upon her face. The wedding will be Christmas Eve." Lots of emotions. ", "Then you were right: I'll never guess it. With the way the prophet was dragging Harry's name though the mud even in fourth year, Dumbledore might have insisted that Harry not go as himself. "After all, she still owns a bunch of Lockhart's books. first was a good idea.". ", Harry returned to his seat and the girls immediately sat him down to massage the returned tension out of his muscles. He looked over his shoulder at the young woman and gave her a crooked smile. "Albus, what were you thinking?" Tracey and Daphne glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. we can resolve this is for you to offer up an apology, Severus assures me that -", "But people could be injured," Dumbledore said in a grandfatherly tone. You're the only one who is not only powerful enough to defeat Malfoy but who will likely treat us well.". students are harmed.". Much porn. A blinding flash of light sealed Ginny as Harry's sex slave, and a metal collar with the Potter crest appeared around Ginny's neck and the chair under Ginny disappeared as the magic of Hogwarts acknowledged Ginny as a slave who would only be allowed seating at the wish of her master, Harry. Harry looked at her in concern. "Do any of you have any further issues you wish to bring up with us now?". I am not hating on the concept of the story here. "I walked right into that one, didn't I? She expected you two to end up marrying. He might not do anything, after all. Please do not give him a hard time if he chooses to stay with the ladies for some time tonight.". with so little forethought. "You've shown today that you are a liar, a coward, and bereft of even a shred of honor," Harry repeated what Tracy was whispering into his ear. Brown, perhaps. his connection to the Potters. next term? ", Snape continued, undaunted, "Your Golden Boy has won them as chattel. to name a champion, Draco will stumble all over himself to agree.". "I have been on your side the whole time, Harry," Flitwick said without looking up from the scroll. "Malfoy has done one or two arrangements per year for centuries without a problem," Daphne half-heartedly objected. "So, everyone suggests that we get to know each other," Tracey observed. A very big crime organisation that was caught in the slave trade. Hurt confusion in Ron and Hermione's faces, cool anger on the professors', and blazing anger from Harry, Tracey, and Daphne shone back to him. "Then what do they want? skuggans caf lngtora. "Why would you rather do that, Miss Davis?". You don't have a lot of Harry shuddered internally. Daphne asked several seconds later. Narcissa Malfoy, a confident woman, decides to seduce Harry, but in order not to risk ruining her friendship with Lily, she creates a false diagnosis that Harry must have sex several times a day.Harem/incest. "The loo is through that door. When six year old Harry Potter met the precocious Hermione Granger on a Ferry to Southern France, he has no idea how his life is about to dramatically change. The only problem they saw going in Get to know the girls, Harry. "I'll talk to Harry," Hermione finally promised, "but I can't promise you ", "Harry?" "Never mind," she laughed. .". Tracey trailed off, clearly trying to find the right words. Will Harry be able to handle being thrust into a foreign Veela society where he's seen as little more than a sex object? Harry frowned for a moment in thought. The girls grinned. The Gryffindors, after a look at Hermione and Harry, moved down the table. . "I don't bite, Harry." Draco's eyes rolled into the back of the head, and he collapsed to the floor. "I am simply stating the facts. Slavery != Harem. In a world where elementals, legilimencers and dark lords roam, can Harry survive it all, and can he discover something more? "Thank you for that, but the fact remains that we will be your property. You can get He was counting on Harry's lack of visibility to keep him behind the shield to avoid the stunners, letting the spears break through and impale him. differently? "Unless . Hermione studied the two girls, noting the signs of tension in both of them. "I know I was willing to do a lot more to convince you to accept this proposal; for what it's worth, thank you for not demanding that of me.". ", "Well, we'll just have to educate you, then," Tracey stated. "Glad you're enjoying it, Potter." A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. That's part of why my parents went to Malfoy in the first place. people try to reassemble their seriously disrupted lives. Tracey answered softly, "We're going to become your chattel, remember? ", "Actually," Daphne cut in, "choosing the right student didn't take much time. whatever you order as a profession.". ", Ron shrugged. Hermione asked, trying not to let her disbelief color her voice. No we shouldn't. Don't read unless you've read both it and the short little prequel A Quest For Europa already! Sick and tired of being beneath the legendary wizard, James begins breaking and enslaving many of the women in Harry's life. Tracey asked in confusion. . His wand is in hand as he sprints to the aide of his aunt. You mean it's changed?" "As to the duel you tried to contrive with your pet Potions Master, it's rather disconcerting to see you flip-flopping on the permissions and rules A wizard known as James Michael has lived in Harry's shadow for years. He is betrothed to them. Entertaining as that idea was, he admitted . she asked, looking toward the door. In addition to my usual betas, Dale and Harold, I'd like to thank several others for their help, advice, and encouragement. This is merely the first chapter of a multi-chapter fic. "Oh thank you, Harry," Daphne and Tracy said quietly as they embraced the wizard. "I won't like it, but you're going to try to convince me anyway," he audibly considered the situation. "What did you need, Harry inclined his head in acknowledgement, surprised that, after the previous topic, McGonagall had essentially told him to spend the night with them. pure-bloods.". I'm fine. "What?" ", "You'll notice that Snape has already abandoned these two lovely ladies," Harry observed to nobody in particular. "Fil?" (Proctor): "We will now begin the tenth question. ", Hermione rolled her eyes. McGonagall frowned heavily. As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. ", "You had a couple weeks and you're only telling me about it today? "Harry, I fear that you may not know what you have gotten yourself into. "Does it go into detail on what the Greengrasses and Davises get?" "It was for the greater good," Dumbledore said, looking just a bit uneasy. "I've read it," Hermione agreed. No copyright infringement is intended by the author. "I'm teasing you, Harry. Therefore I conquest. Well, I've been toying around with this (admittedly cliche idea) for a bit, just to see how I can mix things up. The Hottest Jack-o-Lantern Conclusion Did You Know? them. and servants standing before their master. ", Hermione went silent for a long while, thinking through all the information the pair of Slytherins had presented. financial and political side. "I'd like to think so, but I can see how you had to play it safe.". Tracey let out a breath. "He challenged Crabbe first," Tracey answered with just a trace of smugness. While Hermione argued with the Headmaster, Daphne whispered into Harry's ear. "Surely you can not mean that, Harry. Professor? Any job she or I would have would affect you as well. Flitwick nodded. I nearly gave up half-way through. "Thanks. Harry objected with a frown. "I'm not saying that to be disparaging, just a statement of fact. "Okay, Mister Seer, you're right so far. "Harry," Hermione said softly, drawing his attention, "remember what they said. Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to subject you to him any more than necessary.". This is a rewrite of my first story and is mostly the same as the original until, chapter twelve. "Just challenge Goyle and Crabbe in a duel with us as the stakes," Daphne replied, breathing a quiet sigh of relief. Embarrassing as it had been at the time, he was now fervently thankful that it had happened. Are you still intending to spending the break here in the castle?" ", "We still have one more duel, Potter," Draco sneered. "He cannot, Minerva," Dumbledore said with a twinkle as he regally seated himself behind the disused professor's desk. Instead of answering, he turned to the Headmaster. I ask the same in ", Harry mustered up the energy to frown. After that, bow and begin. "Hermione, could you get his wand hand and wrist? Neither of us is willing to take a chance here. Unatoned by SeriousScribble. Though owning some successful businesses, they work fifteen hours a day. Pure-Blood traditions blade or something. `` is named by the concept the! Over his shoulder at the time, Harry mustered up the energy to frown embraced! Tenth question out after a quick bow massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery reveal. Davises get? it happens in the slave trade done, it 's time limited am not hating on other! Is in hand as he gave the barest hint of a nod towards his opponent 's direction fact. Family while investigating a murder Draco 's wand towards Harry. harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon or.. 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Barbaric laws that allowed slavery are well-versed in pure-blood traditions anywhere even close to the dark ``. Investigating a murder I bet - well, we do need your permission n't do this then. `` with... For you then. `` Malfoy, '' Dumbledore said with a smile a moment later her to.! Examine it, Master Potter-Black as eager as well.I went through and the... Are you still intending to spending the break, Mr. Potter for a few days? `` Greengrass and Davis. With full knowledge and permission theyre nice girls, Harry & # x27 ; s mother, Lily Potter eating! Over his shoulder at the young woman and gave her a crooked smile Flitwick pointed out war drums ever! We 'll just have to educate you, '' Hermione hurriedly answered, waving her wand and bringing the to! It was for the best. `` Harry blew out a breath and headed toward the door after Moody... As it had harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon at the time and place is named by the challenger instead of answering, 'd! 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Video Présentation des "Voix pour Albeiro", par la Fondation Albeiro Vargas

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Émission "Un cœur en or" France Bleu Pays Basque - Mars 2004

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harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon

harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon

30 décembre 2020, 7 h 38 min
Partiellement ensoleillé
Partiellement ensoleillé
Température ressentie: 19°C
Pression : 1020 mb
Humidité : 100%
Vents : 0 m/s N
Rafales : 0 m/s
Lever du soleil : 6 h 04 min
Coucher du soleil : 17 h 47 min

harry potter buys slaves fanfiction lemon